Overcoming Evil with God's Truth [Featuring Dr. Neil Anderson]

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hey I'm Alan Jackson welcome to my culture and Christianity podcast my guest today is Dr Neil Anderson I believe you are going to enjoy getting to know him a great deal he has been such a strong voice in the body of Christ for a long season now he's the founder and president of freedom in Christ Ministries you probably know him if you know of him you know him through a couple of books he's written they've sold millions of copies the bondage breaker and victory over Darkness he has been a very helpful voice in helping God's people in fact people in general understanding how to find their freedom in Christ uh he's been a powerful voice in my life I have shared given away hundreds and hundreds of copies of these books I I'm excited that you'll get to know him and get to know his ministry and most importantly get to know some of the truth that he shared with the body of Christ uh he has been a treasure in this generation and I'm glad you'll get to meet him but before we get to that I just a reminder you can listen to of the culture and Christianity Allen Jackson podcast on Apple Spotify wherever you consume podcast please make sure to follow subscribe and like the podcast wherever you're listening we drop a new episode every Saturday one other thing we're hosting a conference here on our church campus in Murphreesboro culture and Christianity the last Friday and Saturday in April the whole list of guests they'll tell you more about it if your schedule permits make a visit to Middle Tennessee I think the conference and a weekend to the church would be a blessing to you we are Watchmen on the walls and if we see evil and we don't use our voice it says it's on us our exercise of our faith in America is at risk what are you going to do about it we are called to be advocates for Jesus of Nazareth in Nashville this April join us for the culture and Christianity conference Brandon Tatum Eric Maxis Kurt Cameron Ali B Stucky and more go to lead withth faith. Church to register my guest today is Dr Neil Anderson the founder and president of freedom in Christ Ministries but that's an inadequate introduction you have been such a steadfast consistent voice for freedom in the lives of people it is an honor to be with you today Dr Anderson thank you for being here well I'm honored to be here I'm so impressed with the work you're doing in your physical plan I've never been here before but wow God's really blessed you he's faith we started with a tent so it hadn't always looked like this so I'm very conscious of God's goodness and his Blessing U your your ministry intrigues me because um you occupy an area that is not a crowded field by people with an academic background you talk about spiritual things um trust me I'm very aware of that I mean I I tell you one of the years when I was teaching the telba School of Theology we would we had a kind of a staff Retreat up Palm Spring and and we ended up in this prayer group and see how could we pray for each other and I said what what could we pray for you I said well I think God wants me to write a book on this and I said but I really don't want to I had never written a book before and um and I thought I I wasn't afraid of the stupid demons or something like it there I said this could be academic suicide well you know that really set the for me I said whatever I wanted to share had to be absolutely true it had to be true for all people all times so it isn't some kind of Sean kind of a thing and uh but for some reason a serious study of this have been left off the grid in a lot of our Western World and uh having now traveled the world for 30 years with this message you know i' I've come to find out different parts of the world have different World Views considerably different uh how they perceive reality yes and uh and then you start opening your eyes to the fact that spiritism has been the global religion and and is the biggest today if you ask any my theologist they will tell you that is true that's how they perceive this world but Western rationalism and naturalism has basically guided the Western intellectual world for years and and it did me I mean this was something I was not born in into physically I can promise you that I was an aerospace engineer I was so left brain my head was tilted on one side that's the part I love I mean you started in the hard Sciences yeah I did and you wound up talking about spiritual things that makes me smile God has to have a sense of humor well it does and uh and and to be honest with you I've never had that kind of curiosity I don't know my astrological sign is to this day and some of my colleagues suggested that's probably why God chose you I said well maybe he did and uh but over the years I said the Paradigm shifts that I personally have gone through are just numerous I mean you know I was just the more I would study and understand scripture and just take it at his word the whole world lies in the power of the evil one he has deceived the whole world now really if you're an academic you would say okay let's start there and you start there you're going to start asking different questions down the paast some ways or you just kind of dismiss it it's um so it it is interesting and uh my last book is really kind of an evaluation of all of that as I've traveled the world and you know over these years half the churches that have invited me you would be considered Pentecostal charismatic the other half Evangelical very few liberal churches by the way they they don't deal with this they're not particularly open to spiritual things they've embraced a more rational view of faith is that fair yes it is fair it's uh and it was true for me I mean you know yeah the only difference was for Me Maybe was that when I was a pastor I was running across people who had problems I didn't have answers for and and I had this suspicion but I was always stuck in this kind of uh something else is going on here and then look at somebody all right I'm on to you and they would say who are you talking to I was just checking you know I mean you don't know what to deal with it you don't really know how to handle that and I didn't and and there wasn't any training no Zero from Seminary and you and to my surprise and the most mysterious part of my life to this day is I went through a very broken experience uh God just took me the end of my resources and so I could discover his to be honest with you but uh out of the blue I got called to teach a tble School of Theology and I went there as a learner I mean I knew it in my own heart I mean there was things I could teach people you know in terms of pastoral skills and that kind of stuff but I really went there as a learner and I started this Master's a theology class it's an elective basically on this issue I didn't even call it spiritual warfare I think I called it something else initially but uh I ended up with I think 15 or 18 students the first year which is good for a fourth year level in elective and then 23 and then 35 then 65 then 150 then 250 turned out to be kind of a phenomena and uh but I was starting to see the lives of our students literally change literally become a new creation in Christ and um if I had to say the sequence of this thing was really didn't start with spiritual warfare near so much as it did with my identity in Christ and uh I'm in my second year teaching there when scales came off my eyes and I started to realize what it meant to be in Christ to be alive in Christ to be a child of God and uh I said why did I see this before it's everywhere I'm in him I'm in Christ I'm the Beloved and it's like where's this teaching been I mean it was just like what to the point where I said is this something you grow into which seemed to be my experience or should it be foundational for the church to be firmly rooted in Christ to know who I am as a child of God every struggling Christian that I have helped over the years around the world had one thing in common none of them knew who they were in Christ so if the holy spirit is bearing witness of my spirit my child of God why weren't they sensing that and I mean so I struggled with that I said is it uh kind of came to two conclusions one is that well if you've never been taught that you don't know it that's part of it but the other part of it is uh once I helped them actually find resolution to their problems through genuine repentance suddenly that connection was there ABA father can't tell you how many people have come back and said how come I didn't see this before I said when you read Bible now what do you see I mean for instance in the book of Ephesians two chapters 40 prepositional phrases Sam in Christ in him or in the Beloved isn't it odd everybody's heard of the Millennium and you can divide the whole church up into premale postmill father you pan Mill whatever and uh it's got one chapter in the Bible talks about that here's 40 prepositional phrases in six chapters and we don't know who we are so you got to ask some questions that why in the world don't we know that why where is the connection how do we connect you know in a liberating way not in an in intellectual way which is satisfying for some people but it never was for me I said where's the reality of this and uh so I I would I may be known for some for spiritual warfare but I said where's my passion I want you to know who you are in Christ I want you to know what it means to be a child of God and I said if you've got that you've got it well as an outsider because this is the first time you and I have sat down I've spoken to you in some other settings but you wouldn't even remember I don't think but from my perspective the revelation God gave you was of who who we are in Christ because when I read your books or I listen to you lecture that's what's resonates and it's so encouraging your books are such helpful tools to people because you start with that positive premise of of that that fundamental foundational place we have in him and tragically in the church we've made it more about the tradition we belong to or the translation we read or whatever and when you help make that adjustment people begin to experience Freedom yeah yeah well it's refreshing to talk to a pastor of your stature who sees that because a lot of people just don't and uh you know I said when you think of a hurting person coming in to see a pastor or a counselor and that kind of stuff and you you pour out your problems all it do is is just telling you how bad you are and you know but when you start with beloved you're a child of God do you understand that you're forgiven and God loves you you're starting from a basis of Hope and and it's not a psychological hype is truth well how come it's not working then gotcha I I don't mean I got you in the bad way I mean now we can go you know so I'm not starting by tearing you down I'm starting by building you up and with the with the realization of a truth is Christ in you the hope of glory I'm connected with God how good is that well that is the good news and I I you know I spent a lot of years in that charismatic Pentecostal and and still am comfortable in that side of the church but there's a Temptation and often a practice when we talk about spiritual warfare it's almost um titilation you know they dram dram dramatize it and again I appreciate the way you when you present it it's about Authority and it's it's not a power struggle it's knowing who we are and um it it gives people such an accessible way to to get to a better place so let's talk about that for a minute you just gave me the copy of your new book thriving through the end times we want to do that you have been such a trusted voice in my life I'm curious because it it's a it is a it's a disheartening time for the church because there is a falling away tremendous compromise a lack of courage and unwillingness to take the simple truths and hold them out in our culture so I'm curious as to your perspective because you have a Global Perspective not just a US perspective well uh I I see Society in a lot of ways really turning on the church calling their you know commitment to scripture and Truth this hate speech and whatever they just passed a law in England that could really unsettle the church I mean it's uh it's scary times it's uh you you know the the most hated class of people in the United States right now are white male Christians that's true I mean honestly think about that you know and and this has come up honest so rapidly particularly if they're our age it's old white male Christians they really don't like oh my gosh I I said that's you know Nancy and I are going to be 82 this year and um and I'm saying Lord I'm ready to go home I mean I mean uh but I'm not going to compromise who I am I I said one of the most stable foundations in life is to be firmly rooted in Christ knowing who you are that God's going to supply your needs I it's not a fearful thing to me at all to be honest with you I said I don't mind even being a martyr for the Lord I said I I'm the fear of death has no power over me it's it's lost his thing and so I I am free to be the person God created me to be and that's God's will for my life and and I'm just trying to call the church not a time to compromise if there's ever a time to stand firm in your faith it's right now and um and and and to fear not I one of my bestselling books is is is overcoming fear I mean it's fear is actually paralyzing the world right now well then if victory over the darkness is true on a personal setting as you teach so beautifully it's got to be true on this larger stage you know the end of the age doesn't mean we're defeated it just means the evil is more prevalent yep but the light is still just as powerful we got to turn up the light seems to me yep we've been cowering too long oh we have and and all authority has been given me in heaven and upon Earth I said if the Christian really understood what it really means to be a child of God that you're alive and you're free in Christ you're connected to the authority of the universe and and the creator of all things visible and invisible and uh but just to tell the church open your eyes to the reality that is going on that's what I want to try to say in this last book I said you have a spiritual world all around you it's kind of lost in our translations but in five chapter or five there's or five verses in in the book of Ephesians it says we are in the heavenlies in the spiritual realm it's not out there someplace it's all around us so you have this reality of the spiritual world and the natural world and in it you got two players you got Spiritual Beings and humans and and I try to seek that balance I said in in the middle of that is the Christ man Fully Alive fully man fully God he has shown his superiority over the spiritual world and the natural world and if you got that proper balance you overemphasize the spiritual you're out the bance overemphasize and natural you're out of balance uh when you say the devil made me do it you're out of balance that's not true uh I said and so what I found over the years I said is this holy convergence of the old Mainline churches getting out of Western wrestles and naturalism and the Evangelical Church and the Pentecostal and the charismatic churches all converging together but when you get out of balance you you you become caricatures and you find people who are theologically arrogant scientifically arrogant personally arrogant and and spiritist you ever come across spiritists who say I'm enlightened and you're not I said it's you the further you move away from Christ is either marked by ignorance or arrogance I said I said you can know Theology and be arrogant but you can't know God and be arrogant you can know all things that being nois and gone clean and symbol I said but I said what marks the one closest to the center I said humility Freedom love you know somebody asked me in England last year I said what do you want your legacy to be I said I don't know if it's true or not but if I had a choice I said that he was the kind Man Who Loved God that's it that's a pretty good Legacy but I think if we could give the church the message you know I think of Jesus standing before Pilate and there was no comparison in the physical power they had or the political power they had or the but Jesus looks at pilate and said you'd have no authority over me yeah unless my dad gave you a little bit yeah yeah there was no fear in Jesus yeah and I think the church has got to arrive at some place because he's our Lord with that attitude yeah we may we may not be the majority we may not control the power structures yeah we may not control the Financial Centers or whatever but the one whom we represent is the ultimate power yeah and there's not there's no arrogance in that because on our best day we can't do anything no but Christ in US you you highlight this whole notion that we're seated with him in the heavenlies and that position of author Authority changes everything and the church has got to be awakened to that again you better I've had people come at me and threaten to come at me I said you can't touch me I'm a Child of God first John 5:18 you don't have to get bad you don't have to shout you just take your place in Christ and uh and with the confidence that goes with it not confidence in yourself put no confidence in the flesh right this is not a uh you know I'm stronger than you are kind of a thing going to outthink evil no no I agree no and you're up against a matter strategist I said do you want to do intellectual battles with uh Satan you're probably going to lose so you better get your your butt in Christ right away I mean he's the God of this world I said so don't don't underthink your enemy folks I mean you know he's he's he's controlling the world right now I see he's the Puppet Master you see all these people out here is you know lying with no sh and whatever else I said when Jesus looked at the Pharisees and you are like your father of the devil I don't think that's hyperbole no I I really don't he said he's a liar from the beginning and the truth will set you free and uh all of that's under assault but it's always been under assault there's never been a peaceful time in this earth since the fall no but don't you think the church has to speak to our culture we can't afford just to hide and do a polite Bible study you preci it brother I mean honestly if if we lose our voice what have we lost I said I I I I love the uh all of a sudden I'm struggling for his name right now but uh we will not be silenced and um um lucer wrote this book it's a good book really good book I thought uh just saying you know we can't be silent I mean we're we're supposed to be salt and light and so if if you snuff the light and take the flavor away why then then we're nothing and absolutely but it does take courage but courage you know enthusiastic about it enthous and God you know I mean there should be a part about it that in the midst of all of this there's the joy of the Lord which is your strength there's the peace of God you know I said right now I wouldn't do anything to compromise the peace that I have with God and one of the best ways that I will would sit down and help a person evaluate where they're at right now I said just close your eyes and just be alone for a moment can you tolerate Solitude can you be still and know that he is God when we help a person resolve their conflicts I always get done I said Just Close Your Eyes for a moment right now just be as quiet as you can and your mind is it quiet feel the peace yes I've had people say how' you know that would happen I I mean there is a piece there's a peace of God that passes all understanding and and um PE peace people there is no peace the world has no peace I mean this just more chaotic all the time I said can you absolutely imagine few years ago the two people we'd have be running for president right now I said come on Country can't you produce two better candidates than that just polarizes us just terrible and the sad part about it is you can't carry on a civil discourse about important issues my goob a warning you know we're supposed to be good stewards I'm not against you know that I'm for that you know but you can't have a civil discourse on it because we've lost the truth yeah I think we have people want to win a debate more than they want to tell the truth and to do good science you have to have the truth it has be reproducible measurable and we've lost that on almost any topic we pick up yeah it's a tragedy you I love you let's be practical for just a minute you mentioned fear there's lots of people listening to us that are frightened they're frightened of what's happening in the world there happened what's frightening economically the list is endless so coach us through what to do with that fear well it's first emotion expressed by Fallen humanity and fear not it's the number one commandment in scripture so ivly it's a big deal deal it uh when you go back and look at Adam when he had sinned and was separated from God and he came to him and says you know who told you that he said well he said I was afraid now think about that for a moment when the world is he afraid of he's still in the Garden of Eden he's in God's presence you know there's no neurological basis for his fear no medicine that he can take can't blame mom and dad you know so what is he afraid of and and I call it the primordial fear it is the holy underground basis for fear is is to be separated from God uh let me give you an illustration of that if I can for a second uh we're coming up to Easter in a couple weeks here and one of those mystery pass my God my God why hast Thou forsaken me and uh when God made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of Christ and God I believe what happened was the Apostles Creed said he descended into hell that's really kind of a misinterpretation Hebrew death and hell are the same word and um it wasn't the destiny it was the separation so when did God made him who knew no sin to be sin we he did it on that cross and uh and suddenly the God man fully God fully human fully God the humanity was separated from his divinity for the first time he experienced that primordial fear the abandonment the separation and um and and uh God allowed him to experience in that then that's why he cried out in agony suddenly that separation had taken place he went of the Cross fully God fully man and um he didn't descend into some place it was a des it wasn't a destiny it was a separation from God and fear has been the most motivating power in the world ever since to this day now when you look at at fear it's really fascinating how is the fear of God the beginning of wisdom anxiety and fear anxiety disorders anxiety is quite different from Fear cuz we're anxious because we don't know don't be anxious for tomorrow we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but fear has an object for the fear object to be legitimate it has to have two attributes it has to be somehow eminent and somehow potent choosing my words carefully here um uh fear is a god-given emotion anytime your physical psychological safety is threat and fear is what you're going to experience now which makes it normal those two attributes how some fear is normal and helpful oh absolutely even animals have it or they'd all be roadkill I mean so it it's a it's a god-given thing the ability to experience that I mean an so is anxiety uh anxiety is used 25 times in scripture but five of them are positive you know if your son's late you should be a little anxious about it you know what I mean you shouldn't cause you to pray you know or you're anxious about exam tomorrow study you know kind of a situation so it should drive you the right direction but often times becomes debilitating but um uh so right now I said sitting here I said I don't like rattlesnakes I lived in Arizona before I moved here and had six on my property I I don't like them but right now I have zero fear of rattlesnakes absolutely none why not CU there's none here but if you threw one of those babies on this table right now man it'd be exit days left and uh the point I'm making is is that the whatever the fear object is it has to have two attributes it has to be somehow potent do or en aminate here and um so if you threw a dead one in here provided I was sure it was dead I wouldn't be afraid of it I still kind of look at suspiciously but uh so the point is has to have two attributes now let's look at the biggies because you can put almost all fear under three categories death uh man and Satan and um so look at death for a moment he's removed one of the attributes it's pointed under every man that one day we shall die then comes the Judgment but where death is your sting for me to live as Christ to die is gain it's still eminent but it's no longer potent if you're free from the fear of death you're really free to live today uh look at man what Jesus very specifically pointed that one out don't be afraid of man who can take care your physical body but if fear me you can do that and your soul and so you know that leads some explanation but but that's the big one in a lot of I mean you control people through fear absolutely I you control your kids through fear which is wrong by the way but we still do it I'll beat you up if you do that you know kind of thing and uh and then look at Satan Runing around a hungry line seeking for someone to devour yeah but he doesn't have any teeth folks he's been disarmed so he is still roaring around but if you knew that he was disarmed that you had authority over him that he has no power in you you know you have all the power and authority you need over Satan right now to live your the life that God has called you to live and I said but in our churches even more people are far more afraid of Satan than they are of God so true and I said the moment you do that you have elevated him at his a greater object of worship and uh and that's how he's controlling you is through fear I said why then is the fear of God the beginning of wisdom I said he's omnipotent and he's omnipresent there was something in my room last night yes I know God was there no something else God was there if you knew that something was in your room last night which happens to a lot of kids and teenagers and people I said you knew you had authority over it you could stop it right there you know brother for the first four years that I went public with this ministry and I do a conference and uh the night before 4 this one on night before I'd be sharply awakened sometimes just fearful 3:00 in the morning and uh first time I really struggled with it whatever else and then I read Job chapter 4 for that exact experience if the hair in his head came up and whatever else and and I said over the years I've asked people how many have had that happened to them they woke up precisely at time in the morning like 3:00 in the morning third of the people raise their hand every time time let's go a step further you you were just overcome by fear Paralyzed by and you tried to say something and um you know there you were paralyzed can't say anything and I said how many you had that happen again about 30 people in our churches we raise your hand I said that is a direct spiritual attack I said scripture is clear submit to God resist the devil um you struggled with that I said but you can submit to God inwardly because God knows the thoughts and intentions of your heart and as soon as you turn to God and acknowledge that you'll be freed up all you'd have to say is Jesus and never end just like that I learned to process that in a matter minutes and go back to sleep it was more of a nuisance he said why do God allow that and he said well you can sit there and scor them if you want to or you can call upon the Lord and He will save you and uh but just the simple concept of submit to God first resist the devil is there's so many little idiosyncrasies about scripture on that that we just totally Miss for instance when the Lord was tempted and he quoted scripture everybody said what did he quote what I said what what's overlooked there more almost universally the fact that he said it Satan under no obligation to Bey your thoughts and uh that's why when you put on the there by God the sword of the spirit he would use uh there's two words for you know word for what not for just sword but word logos and Rama and Rama and um but it's here he would use Rama well logos the emphasis is on what the word is it's on the content of the word well so is R it's only one word but the implication is the speaking of it it's little nuances like that that uh you suddenly realize no you know he doesn't have that kind of omniscience in my life only God has that only God knows the thoughts of my heart so you can sit there and scre but if you learn to say it out loud then you can stop it just like that and uh you know you just struggle through that and you learn that after a while but I I'm telling you over all these years I said what's happened in dealing and working with people like I said to me the word of God has just verified as over and over again of its truth and and the complexity of it you explain it to people so beautifully you know to your point when I was at Vanderbilt in their School of Theology which is not a Godly place it's very liberal school I remember a professor saying one day who was not a Believer well educated but not a Believer you know said in the Hebrew Bible they acted like words have a tangible quality to them it's like they have a physical Force to them and they're describing it you know apart from it as if it has no Authority but I think that's what you're saying it's been my experience you know God created the world in Genesis with the spoken word brought cha order out of the chaos and when you're willing to say what God has said about you it has a spiritual impact on the world around us isn't that at the heart of your books absolutely it is I mean it can be used in you can take it contexts that aren't helpful but the truth of it doesn't is still there well it's there in ways that we don't much think about I said why in Proverbs when they talk about wisdom is a personified they use personal pronouns when he's talking about wisdom I said U they're darkened in their understanding because they're excluded from the life of God what Adam and Eve lost in the fall was life that's what Jesus came to give us all we see is is the sin that separated us I said but you have to realize what he lost was life not your physical life your spiritual life your soul in Union with God that's what he came to give us when you make progress in your own Christian Life after a while the word uh became flesh he is the word uh it's truth is a person it's not just a book you read and that's what I want to try to help people move towards that's so good when the word and the truth is personified and what we lost in the fall was that personification we lost uh truth and so truth now is just an collection of data and we've been warned about that knowledge makes arrogant but love edifies or those who love scripture you know and a lot of the old fundamentalist really kind of did you know that kind of thing I said but the word of God is profitable for teaching reproof correction training and righteousness that's not happening here's practically what's happened it's happened in our seminaries the word of God is profitable for teaching and training and competence so we're going to teach you how to teach and how to counsel and do these kind of things what' you just bypass reproof and correction what's missing all over the world in the church repentance genuine repentance I said if the truth has done its job right you know it'll bring about Repro it kind of knock you down and then pick you up and train you not in competence but in righteousness that's the conclusion is to you know to become like Christ or the word of God is sharper than two-edged sword what word are they talking about there my Ry Study Bible at the time had well he's talking about scripture of course my Orthodox Study Bible they're talking about Jesus that book didn't didn't uh do know the thoughts in to my heart God does and the whole argument of Hebrews is presting Jesus is greater than the angels and greater than Moses and so then all of a sudden he the word of God is sharper than the two it sword able to divide us under both Jo joint mer he's talking about Jesus and uh so all these 25 years of education I had in the pursuit of knowledge is uh wasn't the pursuit of knowledge it was The Pursuit Of God knowledge is part of it yes I said we're dealing in a case right now that artificial intelligence has far more knowledge than any human can even remotely comprehend but no wisdom and it's artificial and people are embracing it everywhere I said talk about mocking God you know that's what that is I'm frightened to death with AI I just think the end here is not going to be good folks it's not well it's programmed it's created by us it's a manipulative tool it can crunch a lot of data but it has no wisdom and no biblical worldview somebody sent me this clip most scariest thing I've ever seen in my life this guy standing at there just kind of smug and arrogant and happy about what he's going to present and he's got this little drone it's about it's really small and like it's here and he starts flying around him and he would grab it and course it run away he said he said this drone is has a thousand is connect with the ey say is a thousand times faster than your instinct so if you think you can SWAT it you can't and uh now here's what we've been able to do and they showed a clip of this drone that has the capacity connected to AI to go into a Target area and take out four Crooks and they just swed around went in the car bing bing shot right in the middle of the head and and people are clapping I thought we can we can just separate the good guy from the bad guy who's determining who the good guy is or the bad guy I couldn't believe that they didn't start crying do you realize the implications of this thing put that in the hands of the bad guy take out every Christian then they showed a plane dropping off a thousand of these things over some area brother I don't know what the future has but I said if there's ever a time that you need to clean house and get right with God and not compromise it is is right now absolutely Jesus said when the son of man returns will he find Faith Peter when he's talking about it he said knowing these things are going to come to pass what Manner man ought you to be that's the purpose of the book I want to help you become that man and uh and and make sure that when he comes back you're not having an affair you're not you're not living an ungodly life yeah imagining some perversion of Grace is going to protect you well my guest today is Dr Neil Anderson um you feel like you have been a friend of mine for many years because through your books I have taken your wise counsel if you did not know Dr Anderson before today you have been introduced and I would strongly encourage you to read his books the bondage breaker is the one we're focused on right now but any of his books that you pick up are enormously helpful you do not have to live subject to habits and bondage and unforgiveness and hatred you can be free amen that's what the Jesus story is about and Dr Anderson's material is is as accessible as anything I have ever read he will not get you lost in the weeds of theology he isn't hypers spiritual there's a humility and a practical common sense in what he shares and the part that makes me smile is he was trained as a science and for decades he's coached the body of Christ on spiritual things God has a sense of humor he does Dr Anderson thank you for taking a few minutes with us today I'm honored to be here God bless you read his books they'll help you you know one of my goals in doing this podcast with you is to be sure there's always takeaways and if I wanted to do academic theology I'd stay in the University not a bad thing there's an appropriate place for that but Ministry is about what do we do with the truth that we know how do we give application to it well Dr Anderson gave us some very rich ideas and backgrounds biblically grounded he talked about fear and I I'd like to take just a minute with that because he he talked about how he would wake up in the night really choked by fear and he recognized it as a spiritual conflict and he learned to say Jesus and the fear would leave I want to pick up on that make a suggestion that you treat fear like a person without a body and when you recognize that there's some fear that's an irrational fear that has put you in a place of really bondage it kind of freezes you you're afraid to go forward or move or change whatever that may be you can speak to it like you would a person say in Jesus name you have to go I have found that if you will do that with sincerity that you will find a freedom I believe spiritual things are as real as the physical Material World in which we live and we have since the enlightenment in the west tried to kind of live above that and it's been to our detriment so those places where you find fear is an impediment in you may be afraid to go to the doctor you may be afraid to fly there's a lot of fears in the world hundreds of phobias many of them have a spiritual connection so start to speak to that fear and say in Jesus name you will not dominate my life I'm Not Afraid of the Dark I'm not afraid of the future I'm Not Afraid in Jesus name I've been set free I believe you'll find a peace and a hope and a joy and a contentment that is almost unimaginable when you're still struggling with that paralysis of fear it works for Dr Anderson it's worked in my life I believe Jes Jesus will do it for you as well God bless you hey thanks for joining me today before you go please like the podcast and leave a comment so more people can hear about this topic too if you haven't yet be sure to subscribe to Allan Jackson Ministries YouTube channel and follow the culture and Christianity podcast on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast together let's learn how to lead with our faith and change our culture I'll see you next time
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 14,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, pastors, Overcoming Evil with God's Truth [Featuring Dr. Neil Anderson]
Id: Axjee0LG-BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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