OUTWORK EVERYONE - Motivational Speech Video (Featuring F1 Driver Valtteri Bottas)

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the line will come very races and 10 gr victories B is finally to dog team Bas retakes the lead in Formula 1 it's valter Bas when I look in the mirror I know that I've done everything that I could like I've given everything I've always tried to find something more and uh be the best version of myself press taken by I actually remember saying myself I'm I'm the best in the world like I I had that much confidence like straight away like I can do this B ret takes the lead wow you know to get to form one you had to be competitive to show to the outside world and potential sponsors manager that you have to talent and then in the junior categories basically you have to win all the important series otherwise you have a slim chance of making it unless you come from super wealthy background which I don't so I have to prove myself with with Talent vry botas wins the season opener for me basically is trying to work harder than anyone else we talk about fear is it a factor for you in the car never if I'm just about to crash let's say I lost the back end of the car and I know that okay I'm going to that wall fast that's that's uncomfortable and that could maybe a bit of fear in there like how much it going to hurt tou a bit of water he runs a bit wide and boom but for me while I'm in control no fear at all it's good times and that's bad times but um sure it's made me tougher it's been a challenge but what motivates me is the future because I still have my goals I know that there's always ups and downs and the main thing for me is for remind myself what I still want out of this Sport and that still eventually get back on the podium and and and even winning so that is my motivation when things are are tough I try to remind myself of both just like a switch I was like come on I I've still got so much more I want to achieved in sport and I don't want to give up now can never give up no never give up eventually when I finish my F1 career that I did everything that I could that I enjoyed it that I I can be proud of it you've had obviously like Elite Training for you know one of the highest intensity sports in the world most people won't have that in their life but what would you say that you've learned through all of that that would be applicable to the everyday person through the training training or just life like what do you think you've learned that would be really helpful for somebody who may not encounter again Elite stuff but just looking to make goals happen in their life uh I've definitely learned that um sometimes I've overdone things like I pushed myself too hard I've um in terms of my mental and physical capacity I found my limits earlier on in my career it was only 2014 um I managed to get myself into this like overtraining syndrome so just really the whole body was like tired stressed not not recovering anymore I was training too much eating too healthy or too little let's say um and I I found my limit and that as well that was pretty good eye opener mentally for me like maybe I need to have some something else sometimes than F1 if I want to have long career because yes you can have great career but a short one if you don't take care of yourself if you're burning the candle from both ends um it's not sustainable so that's something I've learned what does it take to be an F1 driver you need to be super patient because to get to the point get to become even a part of a form one team it takes long long time I I started racing when I was 6 years old so it's been a long long journey and you want things to happen quick you want to Career to progress quicker than it is always so patience is one big thing uh when it comes to your career when it comes to driving as well uh to control yourself your emotions but also all the other stuff that is involved like you need to be able to deal with so much of like sponsor commitments and media is very present in this boort right to the point of just before the race start you know so these kind of things you just need to kind of learn to handle with without compromising your performance in the car I think often times it comes back down to that are you willing to outwork other people it's pry power thing yeah and and even at this stage in your career do you feel like you still have that drive to outwork other people definitely like of course I um I've learned to work smarter which sometimes means um there are opportunities to save energy here and there uh just to be able to perform even better on track but um you need to be in this sport especially the way it's evolved in terms of technology and data you have to prioritize things and like it's quite easy sport to overdo it as well like you start overworking or overt trying it's a fine line so I think during my career I've definitely learned that right balance you know what it's been interesting it feels like in the last few years and I don't know if it's with IM alpha or or something else but it feels like your personality is really coming through um what do you think that is and I I've be curious you know what advice you have for others who feel like they're a bit trapped with their personality or feel like they can't really be themselves but yeah if you can describe maybe coming out a little bit with you or yourich a little bit it just happened I mean I think there was a quite a clear correlation as well like when I changed the teams I had different targets in terms of more like progress and development and and longer term goals for the first time I had actually stability in form one not just having one-year contracts uh it just felt like it was bit of weight of my shoulders okay I've got this project I'm motivated even though I know I'm not probably for a while I'm not going to win right but that was something new and exciting and yeah I think I just managed to not to take some things in life too seriously as well I learned that yeah you know yeah life is not that serious sometimes and also just not afraid to show my like who I am to the people more um instead of being in in a certain mold what perhaps people would expect from you being an airphone driver and trying to win the championship but I think it's just combination of Change of Atmosphere in terms of the team um working with new people um also I found a new life partner um and stuff like that it's just kind of I'm just so comfortable with myself now like yeah some people might say I look silly with my mustache and mallet but I'm happy you know when I look in mirror I'm like nice and that's all that matters right yeah yeah I I dream of hair like that I feel like yeah yeah so it's just much more comfortable with myself but I think it's combination of experience all these kind of things so yeah what about the skill set side like what are the actual skills that allow you to be so good what does the training look like it's a combination of skills strength and cardio really yeah I mean I would have guessed the core stuff but the cardio like I mean you're a Psy I know that you got your your fit and and even still you say cardio is a big part it's really important especially when the season goes longer and longer you know if your base Fitness level you're healthy towards the end of the year you might have an advantage and some extreme races like we had in Qatar extreme temperatures then you definitely have the upper hand if you have good cardio yeah that race I heard that race was it was pretty brutal was it yeah it was like being in working out in a SAA so yeah for that long wow so on the physical side I mean I've never been in a car that fast other than the fact I probably just couldn't control it but what would surprise me most physically they forces the amount of like example when you after a long straight in that speed you have so much downforce that you can break so hard the the car just stop so quickly I think that would shock most people that on braking or in some High Street Corners we have 5.5 g-forces that means 5 and half times your body weight that you would feel like moving around and that corner after Corner lap after lap plus the temperature um the mental focus it's it is training and it's I think that's best way to explain it it's always hard to explain because yeah to feeli GE forces not many people can do in their whole life you know yeah yeah I I honestly wouldn't I mean I can do the math in my head that must feel heavy you know really throw you around but I have no idea what that actually feel like and then I have no idea what that would feel like for a couple hours where it's like I don't I actually don't know if I've ever concentrated that hard for that long like where there's nothing else can there must be nothing else in your world with those couple hours is that true for sure you're in the you have to be in the moment and I think those are again the basic skills when you what you learn from go-karts from junior formula that focus is the key you know you you can't think of anything else and it's incredible like um nowadays it's actually not really allowed to measure your heart rate but in some testing and some Junior categories when you without being measuring my heart rate when it's that one qualifying lab even though you're working physically as hard as pretty much any other lab but your heart rate just goes through the roof because of the the mental strength and the focus like you're using your whole brain capacity for for that one lap and um that's yeah you need really strong head for this sport I've always love loved to challenge myself and you know have certain goal and push for it um of course by far form one is the number one thing and that's um I still have my all my number one goals is within formal one but when you have those you know your summer break or your weekends weeks off or weekends off it's nice thing to have you know something else and I just love sports I love the feeling it gives you and also mentally I found cycling is great way for me to disconnect from F1 again bit like going for a hike in a in a forest in Finland is a bit like yeah you get out on your bike the mountains or gravel roads and you can just really get a bit bigger view of the world of the life and um remind yourself of the simple things in life so successful F1 driver entrepreneur cycling business person it's a big question but what's next we in Mexico so tacos [Music] m [Music] n
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 35,089
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Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational video, motivational speech, best motivational speech, powerful motivational speech, motiversity, speech, success, never give up, never give up motivation, never give up motivational speech, valtteri bottas, bottas, valtteri bottas motivation, valtteri bottas motivational speech, valtteri bottas interview, valtteri bottas speech, Motiversity never give up, Motiversity valtteri bottas, F1, formula one, f1 motivation, f1 interview, f1 2024
Id: 2lvRmFB0UFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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