Outsiders Shoot Interview

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welcome to another edition of the RF video shoot interview series series they were doing by two huge superstars in the sport of professional wrestling you guys pretty much changed the business big-time and my very first question I don't know who wants to go first but uh what do you guys remember about meeting each other back in the day for the very first time I remember the first st. Pete you know India's because you're getting such a major CW style diversity - Oscar yeah yeah you know who was a genie with Dorothy Sullivan was dragging some among the other side of the five yeah but that was the first time we met been like he the next set of TVs he was at the we're going to make it and I said I gotta go by that pick you up because we drive us like a Cadillac all right um so we got in the car tuturro both of us lives - so we know we're gonna train so the way back I think we stopped got some beers no yeah has to be doing it was because I think what's your first appears about yeah and so he were sitting there there on these this old-school cars was back he had a mess of the radio of course not care what your candy was this was a memory now no kids 6-11 three where's socks right so even a caddy his knees are like way up people to see jack back dad I'm so sorry excuse switched with everything he messes with the radio and then goes like this across my leg you know probably nothing like I said you know two big guys in front of cars with a whole lot of room mess with the radio again three times and this blatant just then just on his leg just down his leg and even this is a big no see this is a big man I don't know this either this is gonna be funny we're gonna be buddies where y'all gonna get beat up and he just he just was staring straight ahead and I'm gonna go pull this car over I just don't like this again I figure out we're gonna be dating so that's I guess how quickly did you guys become friends right off the bat yeah I see some prick my prick so just think you know yeah we're gonna make it all the time yeah we weren't afraid of just watch people's matches this brutalizer yeah we always would monitor and curtaintime he's yeah I guess not but then you know it was at a situation where Scott and honest they were doing it was Scott and he even went to New York he got over huge and so it was like you know one of one of our guys made it you know cuz back then there was at center stage it was the star locker room and that was the the underneath guys Weesa city guys making three grand glass a week that was my next question actually how frustrated were you guys when you're an ECW early on I guess it does yeah WCW not getting pushing all that I was green I mean I knew I needed to get the ring with Scott could work on Skylar season and he could he could have got over they just wasn't she had heat with Magnus I tried to even though I felt I wasn't been paid like I was working with guys that made two three times as much right and kind of telling it like leading the match you know to a degree as much as I knew at that point but I tried to take the attitude of it still to said that point I'm still the most money I've ever made and it sucks that you know the fans don't know what I'm making something doesn't act like I'm a big deal I'm gonna try to get over because dub CW dozen really the only way they knew how to hold you down was just not put you on TV right cuz there they weren't slick enough like Vince's TV if they if you do something and you're not supposed to be up here and you do something that puts you up there you know they don't have a hold you down never ECW but I say he bailed it's got bail and surely after that I know I bailed and we both welcome to York together then when I got a feel I think the first road trip even Sean started traveling he came in as Sean's body go and we stood I'd don't Scott and Scott and Sean had already like built an alliance of yeah we had all the we had all their I'm gonna get my own actions we have I'm definitely talking about that coming up I guess can you guys talk about the pressures of being a tough guy in the business second anything analyst with you on the top I mean and it's just your targets that everybody that's below you it's when you when you're on your way up everybody loves included the fans you know you should be getting a bigger question as soon as you make it to the top and it's safe all of a sudden you know Smart's don't like anymore because they know you're the top and i said well we hate all top guys we're gonna hate him and and just I I tell you to look at it like it was a dream come true for me because I'd always been labeled you know it was down since I didn't give me the black hair and there's a stubble and you know Oh give me changed my look for me and because I've been around about five years and I thought God I'm pretty big a little bit but I had that label like something's missing he doesn't have it you don't you know so for me too I remember when I called Curt Hennig mr. perfect and said if I'm destined to be a job guy in wrestling I would rather do it in New York all right because Barry Horowitz has baseball cards dense points his camera at everybody and it's like to get you swing to the bat your swings you know maybe he just I got maybe get a single maybe hit out of park but at least you get a chance it definitely definitely Kevin talked him out and talked about before your position is determined before you ever have a match because he you're contacted as signed before you perform so if you make seven on a 59 year I make 75 million a year I'm never gonna beat you even if I get a better crowd response or something like that that's one of the people were making decisions are making them based on that right yeah it's almost like a higher but to the question about pressure of the on top we were selling the way I think we've all benefited from the way the instrument is company at that time it was kind of a shark tank about nerves real it was competitive and everybody wanted me on top and everybody watched all the matches and you know up there you're only as good as your last performance so and when you came back from the rain they had agents who you know when one agent was in charge Box Tops one agent was watching the managers and he was watching and when you came back if it wasn't up to your standards or their standards you didn't say something right what do you say [Music] that one over there they their music up in Tupelo and the agent that was side of that nights of fat guys so I'm not going out without her being sick yes I'm not gonna go out they were like look at me like as a prima donnas for three minutes duh I'm not gonna go out I guess when you get up to New York and Scott was already there did you guys start traveling together right off the bat yeah I mean the first road trip you know that was back when you still have it you know brother so so of course I'm riding with my friend who's riding in the door of the three of us are in the car together just me Scott and so we pull into some of the readers we all put towels over ahead yeah all three of us not just one guy all three of us would put on that's good what I thought was funny about our angle like with Shawn I mean when you and I wrestle against each other it wasn't it wasn't that hatred thing that's what I never understood about the other CW when he got there was like I'm gonna be sick which I'm Steve ledin he said you're a dead man to me man my son watch the show Stamos to kill his dad I can explain oh man like actually it's about winning losing family we got that the biggest thing of the head was Flair was with Miss Elizabeth spending macho's alimony right I went to Bishop said we're doing in divorce angle how negative can we beat what about winning and losing used to be speaking about Claire Scott on the debris that we did with you last month you called out Ric Flair on the last interview and pretty much that use untrustworthy for taking the WCW title within the WWE right when I told Vince I was leaving the building WCW I said I do some favors on the way out because those are my friends that I was leaving a locker room and he said I wants to pull over Sean I wants to put over Undertaker's and I want to put over warrior warrior just came in I said you know no man I put him over because he had been in the trenches with us but the other two guys have set up but I'm over done the middle with the finish not problem and I did I've never had a problem doing that but you know I don't know what Rick's situation was they did meet more it was a little bit of different care you got there and I was in it I was with Hina's good spot for me I was with Heenan perfect and flair and they were good I was helping I was gonna screw much he's gonna drop staff to flair and I need some heat with flair of WCW when he was burying me on TV even notice a book and so I'm saying there's a look we're in a little meeting with Vince and he's running about what's gonna happen he was anybody have any questions I was about to again he should want to give this guy a belt because he came to your company with the other companies bail right I was gonna say designing like Flair and he's not my boss oh well so forgive me off like just I feel like don't say it don't say it again do you guys think it's time to step aside because he still on TV and stuff or I think he's so good so good reaction if you they have they were different when he went down the aisle the fans cheered and you can't learn that you can't be taught that they didn't like baby but no they liked him he was real limited when he did but just booking with the right person he knew his limitations yeah and he that's I I like that because that you need guys who demanded money alright so guys was this had the strap and he was happy making a year as like just if you could win every nice like now oh brother Dexter doesn't have to raise that you gotta go in there playing you the man's business speaking above right you think that Vince do you guys know that was responsible for a lot of the keep tweet shaumbra well sure I mean it's it's just good for business but that they are stir the at the chance to get it just makes me better television to guys especially back then I mean the show now is so heavily scripted I mean there's just there's nothing organic that happens on the show got shot on interview this two pricks and receipts and when they went alive ever saw anything on this TV was on you know fifty matches in one day yeah it was all candid you know you did your interviews in the back everything was and did ten fifteen of do it over an hour okay now Albany market specifics so was it was a different business once it became like that all of a sudden you know Scott and I always have the yes it's easier ask for forgiveness than for permission so we just did it to come back I'm just sorry plus what what happened was when they went alive and my opinion then the guys are really over world or any guys who weren't so over weren't so over because if you like if you watched Smackdown you can see that it's produced post-produced you can hear it loud crowd reactions but when you look at the audience they're not reactive you know then when they have people who come out who are over then they take a pan - show like I'm on wrong it's live you're gonna hear the crowd yeah like when Triple H comes out they always Pantheon is Kasese over Rover yeah yeah that's the thing too is that mean I always kind of dictates who's on that roster yeah you can't have a guy that's not on over in Vienna robaron so just as other work so that's always gonna be their flagship shows this is a live show each other oh my god yeah that was the one building young studio something like that it was a small kid I took kid a little bet you guys didn't rest on you Ben sit back I like subscribe over met at a diner later then if it's a kid take the neck brace off the tiles all over but you watch that match oh I watched it mansion I know now that my brother's over Sean now in Russell Kevin Johnson coming outside but you know me and Sean had worked together almost two years a little more we've had a match you guys like dancing right chuckles still somehow but in stiff I got a 640 gets stiffed by gosh seven foot three twenties different in Kevin you know he was over stronger but he's been used limited as a bodyguard and then slowly became a wrestler and we did this thing where you guys got to me after that match and you drop the elbow on me while I was almost up you jumped up on me and you can't see my face but you can see if you look at Sean and Sean is just go I think the rib that I it wasn't intentional rear but let's not I got my boots would be soul that we used to start the match up I'd hit the rings you know these would screw rage around the belt so I hit the range slide and uglies clothesline rest our bang bang bang and I had my boots we sold one time and when result boots on the split can set up leg slit in punch up BAM this live round every day but you had this boots low but it was like we had like a 17-day run back then it took like about eight days I'd be pleased to go to part one what you came out what about the time pulling you back going back I got scared when I left hand come back paralyzed nowadays when I've been off for six months I just kept working on that to each of you guys will make your matches to get Sean so good what's the very was the same some is great yeah last my talking to quit working so hard I said why do you still take so many bombs because on the mark I just talked about five minutes ago that he's I know I remember when I first got to work with Sean was after he'd commend that rocker tacky thing and in that era of the guys who were considered big or working strong for this and he was a tag team guy so these response was like warlord a barbarian where they won got a job till he got there and he would go down he would go down and double God to keep go down so I remember Sean talk I mean I knew Sean from Kansas City in from Minneapolis and he said but that time razors getting kind of a big push and Sean was as well ready to get pushed in and when we talked to me like you know I'm in trouble you know you don't have to hit me with that suggested any he throws a good punch that's all thanks to be supposed to get punch it so we just selling right so I think if you just said well let's not chop seven foot and he's you've said so I saw a Rey Mysterio beat you but the thing is that I mean I really think was Sean though is I'm in the first a high Meadow you know I'd see him on TV and really never talked to him or anything else and the first time was in Albany New York was a person then I started and I walked into the locker he's like a lot bigger than I thought he'd be six six one and a half they turned I was very sure I'm John yeah he's a lot of guys you know Sean had a rule of teenybopper fan base like when he would go too many got a real right and then because he would go up every night before me I heard I missed a ball and that men like I'm in the back loosen up Tommy go to work like his music was cue me time there's my buddy yeah Michonne to see me he's a lot bigger than he looks on TV and I think because he's so athletic that people think well he's gotta be little teeny guy and his stuff looks good that he lays it in and has a you guys have any good click row stories and he told us about the diner we wanted we walked in and we walked in but we're all just absolutely fill out of our minds we look and there's like the cop convention that was wondering that games to give Charlie option either go to now there's a different time it was the one who was like I sent hunter out you know to get all the beer bottles I think either way the thing was you were pretty bad shape that kind of public to one window I don't know if I told the story remember the woman with a kid got all messed up and I was like 101st join us and he's like if we were smacking it was great to him your honor because the after scene before you got the Michonne with Joe I have no one I never drive unless it's with bottom of kid right it's me and kid that I have to drive these kids the only word wheelman worse than me all right but then the cab came be stumbling out of are you gonna drive why they're the biggest have more body weight so I had to go to the 50-mile wouldn't get a buzz on the 50 miles outside the town everybody else would be just out of their minds I just be driving at CSI date 52 miles the only time I got every time with you was on the way to Wrestlemania 18 from the border into Toronto across the border and like we've got like you know I guess you would call them pills Oz and we said there were scoops and prescription drugs we're drinking wine I'm doing he's not great for one i watch even drinking no you weren't drinking on that - I've had so wish we're getting there we realize like probably so we chose to drive instead of flockers we both had like we couldn't get us in but uh so it's just like we have a whole lot of bills with us so someone steals like we're kind of dipping them up to one language instead of just being like when we could thumb at the ones yeah you can throw about the window you can throw them down your throat we win so we throw them down the throat and we get to the place and I gotta tell us yes yes he's good the guidelines are good WrestleMania tickets and we're gonna Mike this is like the border beautiful yeah it's 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning and Scott's got a Halliburton is he's like it's like we got out we went to Tim Hortons and they doughnuts I think we just sat there for five minutes great coffee to saturate a fan yeah we have tickets with merchandise beat everything that everything to get that could say you think they were sure you can win a legal document sick and let us say charge what are your thoughts on how Lex Luger turned out today as compared to when you guys work with them I mean I mean I know I've seen them and I I know pretty mommy to me it's just like kind of like you know is equated to follow the Roman Empire like I would never thought that Lex was always you know I just really kept everything together and it just just goes to show me around even you know you you know caught up in an addiction matter how big and strong you are well will addiction addiction knows no boundaries anybody each of you guys have different versions of how you made the deal to get back into the WCW whoever wants to go first and you guys explain again how that all went down since you guys are both together now the one as far as yeah he started yeah I had a couple meetings with Vincent Astor more money I thought I had some creative solutions because at that time wasn't a public company as private so it's the way I believe instituted was if he made more money he made less so I went to my said well how about more merchandise you know could you move a decimal point you know it really helped the hall family man can be really missed it oh no I give you the same and I get diesel taker and uh Sean no no baby the future but not now so much Japan exactly ten weeks a year goes damage to one with you well I'm not gonna say no let back there go ahead you over there at need you here so no this was like ah and actually kid had been talking very blue and then said when you working for Vince you're so busy making towns you even think that anybody else isn't interested you was actually a world going on you know besides what you're doing I can remember one time in drive into town somewhere in in the car Sean cabin I'm basically that was maintenance in my main of whatever town we're going to we're driving on the way they're going I don't think a lot trying to eat yeah I'm thinking how ridiculous is that like we're gonna sort of being late for the bit of assistance of being late to the building we'll just pass on a meal and go to the meeting we said we was so like that what are the cod stockholm center over there yes he kidnapped me for the love of your captor was just like we were like you know I remember another time we were overseas and they're like do you think they'll hold the plane when you would try to get some McDonald's I can Frankfurt super much you guys went on I was yesterday when they won't leave but that was the same thing I was just saying but CMOS didn't know mas didn't know they wouldn't we know we had the coach coach him up because I I think I don't know if our mana company maybe I would do it that way too but the way I remember my first master master spur garden I was wrestling in March and I'm standing outside the curtain waiting to go out the time of music some get ready to go at the time when I was go out this goes away make them wait so then I said oh cool you know so then but then it starts just because now he's just making way down making him wait but he's you know he and I mean this negatively I think it was the way big business and then worked for him and worked for all of us and I was like so you come back there's 10 guys waiting and it will do it for less he kept on you he never said it was just kind of his way I felt yeah I got all the insecurities and issues analysis I always felt like - or I'm gonna have to gods pleased with us but I remember that one time we were over over seasons like a 22 23 day bus trip it's like they too into it and the heel bus air-conditioner bust just it's not working at all it's hot as it's humid and one of the agents a second eye their condition I busted like the refrigerator doesn't work I mean refrigeration it's now it's another dancer it's a father have you know we're at the back and all the guys are sitting in their underwear playing cards it's so hot on the bus and I was the champion at the time I decided that I didn't have to this I said yeah I told tiger is it I said you need to tell events that we're not a word for tomorrow that's this busted space that's from being the rest of the boys in the hey boss well behold but the next morning that bus was fixed there was a signal in such ways but when I said they went to bed that night I didn't sleep a wink because I don't want to have a ticket home in the morning because you know how dare you say the conditions aren't right you're lucky down a job but you know as time went on it's guys like yeah I know so there's two times when they have power when you don't have anything you don't care or when you're secure and right I don't care like because I'm sure water would have sat on that bus I mean this the wheel gets the grease you know like I remember it wasn't long after that one would start saying tell them to get Corona or soul beer the Mexican beer when I'm taking that fattening ass German beer have ten cases of beer on that bus iced down every night yeah cuz I mean they started you drive for five hours and they drink that damn German beer yeah that's one thing you need to drink one or two beers and I wouldn't you're like us a couple of common heads if you're drinking you know 24 tears until they're gone yeah but exactly stopping it more yes it's a completely different situation but it was well as if you then it becomes a situation where a second kidney cries you know it doesn't take me long to realize that the only the only way I'm going to get this people responded is the up you prick in the bench number one time me and Hunter who has the man you can write a new champ we have to do that of the boys and you're the one and there were champions being in front of us that didn't do that that just we'll worry about themselves but you didn't give a about what happened the guys that were underneath then and I remember one time me and Hunter we he drove with me and low on gas was a blizzard we left late was pretty no and we were going I think it was to Willis bear to do without television taking we're draggin our thing and we get to the back door and I said I said watch they're similar because they were furious because I have a ton of interviews I took my foot and kick that back door and wondering who the this hole and everybody just went from complete offensive willy oh and I just screamed all the way to the locker room just anybody that just went off this point Beca it was a okay but it was great because we were hot and they went on a killing out there than they should have liked nor focused this off recently said about Scott that you were a constant problem and one of the biggest heat seekers he ever worked with he criticized Kevin in this book as well are you guys surprised director you took WCW to number one how negative he has been I guess number one who country's cash Ericsson friend of mine there you know I just Eric made me rich Eric paid us with the Wednesday Maynard made us both words I'm not any problem there think about Agra you've said it a hundred times you can him and he'll you back and then 30 minutes later you walk in and you get the bargain you trick you wanna be like yeah you buy an shirt will you have a beer this over right you can go you you him and still do business right what I was like that about he's a guy he is a guy he's a guy whose idea was it to get Eric still involved in the angles I was talking before about Lehman leaving to go to CW I had asked for more money I didn't get it kid was talking to Barry bloom our agent I said am so finally not bad they want me I don't even know it they even any interested right I just were going to be late to a free autograph session yeah at the jiffy lube and for three hours at a stall with no no he so then when I found there's I said she I gave my notice since I get my notes I was dirty on the piss test that was six weeks old I don't feel good when he given as known as and is weird about me yeah at this point we were already like inseparable and I started wearing it sure every TV I kept going I've got one that purple racer shirt that he had so it's just like then then everybody was sorry I got confused a leopard was everywhere in his shirt I remember talking Kevin Kevin I'm leaving and he wouldn't up stand as before you had that magic bred of the cage when you take her came up yeah that's the whole thing I was gonna stay and then we had the match was like an in your house thing was in Louisville and I had at the Royal Rumble taking her head Brett beat and I him so then taker came back to the next one and I should have had what I want to do is have to go ahead and indicate yeah powerbomb Brett as I walked to go over the cage I've taken grabbed me pulled me in but he came underneath yes we're at became but but you know Brett wouldn't let me stick him with my finish to where it would have been clear win for me and because it would have it would have taken me in marks angle to the next level because I would cost him the championship if he would cost me the championship we were talking about doing business because we knew at this point we were going to be Co main event at WrestleMania 12 and Bret was already going to be in the main event and Bret noise I already had the angle with was shot because they were going 60 minutes and Brett's his boo-boo face booboo face were sitting in his room because Bret chemical what's in it for me what's in it for me if I can take her never really goes up was this isn't about you it's about being capped you make so much better I don't want to do it so I you know and we just went back and forth I walked right down he was standing by the Scottish standing by the apron just by my since our contracts ended within days so I think we're 13 days but I've been there a couple years before but I remember going and you have this contract OCW its private can't show it to me confidence I went well if you go and I had this favored nations clause where they said this is all we can afford this it was won't mind but then right in Italy so if anybody else comes in and gets paid more gets more perks you get a massive Friday so then they said listen I can't do anybody to listen ten guys talk together the business you think I can't was one of my guys so I said if you come in try to give me more work so we went in and then they had then it was a situation where then we we came in and got over and the refunding like we renegotiated on them I think twice the first six pots I think was three times altogether in 18 yeah cuz when they won that I regret became this again yeah that Brett want a big money was they had to pay as we call yeah it's the time he does yeah who's do it dude is we're gonna become richer I didn't when I took the deal with WCW I remember that last show propensity Madison Square Garden of famous who we got in trouble broke a peg I really felt like I was just getting the money I no idea that like it is I know they were even doing interview I haven't talked to this off at all at all but the lawyers and agency you know I met at me I drove to Macon from Atlanta in the car with when he pitched the idea to you guys did you guys think in the back your headset is gonna get over as well as it did he pitch to me and he can't came under the finish that bastard to be and I made it so we never got the yeah because because they didn't have a third man I pitched the idea I called him I said what if we did this that's my pitch to Eric all you said about Hoffman talking about that money try and leave without him back if I could see that so Eric came to my house and pitching me the NWO idea I saw that basketball was more of a twist he came to my career why not just strip club no the other Phoenix said it was the Bourbon Street circus out of Phoenix and he pitched the idea to me and I thought and I mind I thought like yeah that'll work is this gonna look like we came over from you know fences TV I mean that's gonna you know it's really gonna work what I'm thinking in my mind I'm thinking illegally this was just going to send me down the aisle let me go it was latest misko's idea to sent me through the crowd and interrupt a match but not interrupted by jumping the guys just walk in and start talking and have the two guys work and go well they just got what you don't man that knows it's more important and I know that they're not gonna jump me because they're not supposed to so I just go and start talking I'm gonna look at him and that's all so bisko's idea I think I thought that was crucial because that Harry Cruz I hadn't been done and they told I remember the only thing he told me to say well they told me if you think that they said you people know who I am but you don't know why because that was a big deal in the lawsuit that started that day yeah do you guys sense jealousy from WWE's when you guys went over there or not you got started getting really over yeah I mean it was a situation but it's the same thing that happened when we went back to events in 2002 or whatever was you want in some place and everybody's you know pissed in their little spot then you go in there and you get over because no matter what they want to say about Scott and I the reason it always works is because it's real and you can put two guys together but you know just like if two guys have that bond it's a second gun and they do I mean the reason NWO works is because people would watch the show go why would you do a like this all that but I'd the end of those guys those big guys that shit's real you can't tell me that's not real and that's all people want I mean it's easier to believe too big you know his works real snug at any minute he's I mean he's way more talented meaning the work any style of our work snug enough to where there's not holes in them where you go there would be damaged cement makes you before will miss ya maybe next time it did MGM and Disney when we did the thing they opened the show with us in the spiked Mysterio under the thing yeah that I heard The Associated Press called the office because they thought they thought we really were Vince's guys mega number people they just but they've kind of ran with the cops typo you know they ran with you camper wasn't in place that we're running as it came around was like you guys were just dropping something backing up remember they've been real specific because at that time - turns television still was he wasn't already like Vince where you know it was a did any the boys ever say anything is you guys about something you might have said about them during a match where you guys at commentary on where you guys just do like they are so much your comments I think we were kind of used to being hated if you're on top of it prevents your hate anyway how many guys are gonna hate sees you click the guy's name or maybe that guy that if he's working that angle with you you know for six months so he's on top within the didn't you because there's always that bond when you work with a guy in a long period of time does he got a trusted with the body every night but besides I always felt blessed that in New York I had four guys and I could count on and I just looked around that locker I mean like there ain't nobody else in this locker room you know that when push comes to shove it back these two guys might travel together but one of them said one of you gotta go you gotta tell me why you need to stay even kind of that guys for a minute and I always knew that I thought that was the power that we had is when it came down to it I can't remember sometimes like when he and I were working Survivor Series I mean he worked the whole match I worked like 85% of it then Sean was on the apron the whole match he came in and Scott did something I I hooked Scott Scott ducks Sean kicked me so we're on the phone that next week arm you know make this like come on Slater actually cuz used to takes about 90 days everything pointed Scott goes home she gets I got 35 years I got 50 there like excuse me somehow we did interview with Kemal and he said that he went ahead and saw the books of what he got paid when he worked with Hogan and the difference was ridiculous he said I was at the office and I mean I always try to look at the all sides of it you know the idea is if you the boss like even sometimes we knew we were getting screwed but Vince knew like you first got there you're making the best money you ever Mayne rested business you feel like you should be making more because you know allow your merchandise around you're getting it to get reaction from the fans and blah blah blah but it's hard to really too much when you're having to bestir if it's none of that so he can just play that for a couple of years and it was never a year through there that we did make more than the last year you know so it's like you never you never went backwards so it just like and same thing how much you want to bid you know then you're making eight hundred grands a show when you're bouncing making $75,000 a year gasp launches of guns everything else I'll tell you that's it we're gonna distribute or but I knew he was [Music] you know because that page the way for other guys to get it and we always said he he can do this part like when we talk about warrior earlier booking with the right guy man this part you know for most of his career he was a hero and he won and he was great at doing that even being a villain he was a little bit different it's different it's a little more difficult I think it would have our way to protected because we featured him where you don't get to all right in the main to make it even more like you never got to all right because it was a way it was the right thing to do and we do I felt yeah we looked at it into the dynamic at that time you know it was like for the younger demographic we kind of came across because there's not a lot of really like black characters on TV we almost had like that kind of a thug you know street cred type thing going on and then we gave that and we gave that rub to Hulk at the same time he gave us that incredible iconic light while Hogan's bad and all a master with him so I mean it gave us immediate I mean as far as with me if you look at mainstream you know it was such a so what ever the first time we went to Universal did a some promos of Hogan when I'm not gonna beat our ran we took a break and we went over the corner with Nick at the wolf Hollywood's Wolf Pack airbrushed t-shirt stuff away out cuz I will pack this cab myself and kid because we given up our identities basically when we let the fence that was what it was so sweet about sleeping together as we were the outsiders razor teeth really Outsiders and care what you call us you know the paychecks always said Scott Holden everybody but so I wanted a Wolfpack thing because I was ripped off the Freebirds as a huge be room are you talking about being late [Music] come objectives me the dis not you he's so laid up a fancy and don't be fondness they should kid don't be finest ladies screaming if you're gonna be late be an hour late then they're just happy you showed up and that's the truth that is true but anyway we were doing that there was one interview sacred thing going on where I hadn't thought that only fact like personal foul give it infringement hey you're the man all that stuff you know what no it's not how it was Wolf Pack you're not in the wolf the wolf pack and this is everything I felt like I learned so much about created from property intellectual property to that lawsuit deal yeah that any time we said anything like we started that for life we stole from the mac-10 from listening to and to sweet nan stuff and we've come to TV next we can be on a t-shirt but what I get when I get wrong so it's our catchphrases but they're taking it is there's a level of property on because we're seeing it not there on their show you know I didn't have you know years and years later in about $100,000 in legal fees on my behalf to go to go after them and get you know to get my money to get into merchandise money back I had to sue you know the DEF point was universal wrestling Holdings or whatever the it was but the main reason to to be 70s I think it was a cool name I chose the Wolfpack because because fact of a North Carolina state owns this they won't be able to rip this off yeah so they couldn't put a wolf pack on anything and we were Wolf pop so they came out these red shirts with the red with the wolf saw today so like crazy so now if you're gonna split up all a match and over to sappers you know who you put together what seems like the natural us against them two generations against each other blah blah blah oh no that's how sleek they were going bang I'm not even my creative property now I'm not even in the wolf pack I'm in Hollywood [Music] he was suspended for that for the longest time and he deftly tell me that glove Barry scott brown bears Scott I go on TV I bury a mercury at home because he was sniffing up Rodman's asked on another and fish number 129 you very much just an outside service deal but everyone else said let he who's out without sin cast the first step and then when they fired kid everybody wore the six ball everybody the kind of stuff means something bad does man I remember one other I did it I didn't he was he was at home and I did segments with a bus Calcutta you know I didn't do a number right at the same time though you know they tell me to go out there bear you know and I'd be like alright okay once I'm out there I forgot my throws nobody gonna do they can't do anything you give him you give me this cut up go out there getting nectar bomb Hogan to you guys get along with him where did you guys put heads a lot with news I think it took a while you know we traveled so much on those I don't know but I'm not going to speak for scattered that's what I'm sure you know that you're I agree that uh we spent so much time on those private planes back then they would go down to get Hogan and then come and get rani gonna come kids scott they come get me or actually no we'd have me in scotland that drives the place because they would yeah we're picking up both you you'd have to fly someplace but we'd spend a lot of time to send those leaders you know with drank apart even and it yeah they don't you know they wait for you you know there's no rushing through the air cool knowledge just thing you want to have it stop it strip club and have a couple of cocktails before you get on the plane tonight they got away yeah all the way to right and but the other said that became a situation where you know you look at a guy you're like well he's not one of the boys i Kobe's not one of the boys would be Marcus you know we're still driving around the tour's making times and then all the sudden you get thrilled in that and you realize it's like you know you're gonna become whatever your process is and you become accustomed to those things that yeah all of a sudden sick all said we weren't like the rest the boys in the locker room it wasn't that we had changed but it's like the mode of transportation had changed the viewpoint from other people the perception and other people had a looking headed us but he and I will say to prep jackass where you know and then when we bet and then shoots at 91 well you know if they say that just let me think of that old thing where they say you know this that's how other people see you I see stuff and I really so who knows I mean she's thinking about us is like we didn't care no like I just assumed you along with everybody but if I don't I don't care cuz I haven't a couple friends you know nothing if you come to me you got a couple close buddies through thick and thin like that's all that's all I need and I mean especially in a wrestling environment if you meet and especially with the Cavs a special kind of champ because he's like he talked about chicken to arrive once he found out that word he was afraid to use that and and see a lot of times I wasn't sure I know if if it was a shooter not sofiane he is a good actor though but he just bought this place socked okay I don't serve a hunter pretty fast I mean I'm still I mean I'm still a bottle of temper so it's like but I've learned like early in life you know you have a conversation with somebody it's beginning to become a little bit of an argument if I take a miniature mini step into their personal space my times in a towel said and I start to ditch the physical advantage you have and you realize I see my son already you know because he's so much bigger than the kids he's around I see him to use that I mean it's just something that's cohesive he's a big spoke I observed you know I've been around in New York we've got a Dipsy government they're different because in New York there was guys who knew more than you or had ideas like that perhaps it helped the way we are click thought about business I think that's of jeans and when we got to CC w there was some smart guys there and it was some guys in the past position to more arrests than guys and so a lot of times we'd be standing around in Hulk's locker we trying to figure out what we're gonna do in our segment Hulk had creative control in his contact over his character but of course Bischoff was the boss and then the rest of us are gonna I'm one guys I guess I gotta say what I think anyway and I just I care about wrestling I saw he's to use the same tired line that means you know you're my boss will do whatever you want I'm gonna start by clarifying in that state is I need this high paying job but if it was up to me and it's not we can do that and it'll probably suck but if you really want it to work immediately it's just like you're not saying the idea is completely back we'll do it it'll suck but what if I remember one time with me and said why don't we just do the old thing I said I hate it over it huh if it's the old thing that was one thing that was our standard early in the idea was if we did we didn't do anything - no no that was enough so he pitched an eidetic remember and lose nah that I want me some wants did you know that do you guys see characters in the right place at the right time or do you think he's really smart [Music] when Mitchell headhunter none of the eggs come over to cut promos at arenas you guys ever consider going outside of trying to work through an angle that'll try to try to do it at Norfolk I couldn't find them I want to walk out there go here under TV because of me they were live right you know I wanna go out there what the it was her TV I had one you know make it said to me going off let's see things we were doing live to be at the time - I didn't I wasn't even aware a lot of time what was going on I was too late in the name they made sure we were doing something when they were yeah and they had security keeping them away which just helped there that was such an incredibly fun time of the business I mean it was just like I mean because you know that call can die and scattered like that we there was a mess there it was going to work out Monday's was liked it was it there's a part you know that was you know because we drug they were getting Hogan in watchos locker my locker because they have beers we were in there drinking me like they took the good work some in ours it's not good senators talk talk to hug there's no alcohol policy at what's happened in every did spring break down to Panama City and we came in all hammered Bischoff was coming after us we had big suitcases of Budweiser Bud Light or something we ran and they're like trying to catch us we've run into hoagies look it was your either stop the beach storm yeah I got like four short spring break out if anybody else in their wrestling gear in the blue shirts tight get the memo spring back we run into ringers in the middle of the swimming pool we're ready to render the hogan's trailer and handling hoping the beard we're halfway through the period laughs and also the door kick so fish up sticks his head and he looks at himself with a beard it's ham the Restless that was the night wake this up comes up to me in Panama City one of those spring breaks comes at the mingoes going in I sit in the pool are you guys not surprised that Goldberg speaks negatively about you guys and he said that you guys tried to sabotage them like the listen you would be my like a first day outside the room he was a mark he's one of these guys and just saying I would have been over if 20 years to my career I would have never got his first road trip was Roanoke Virginia he's stand-in to the baggage carousel like a lost puppy I've been on the road a lot of years ago from a man who I said look bro I get free cars free rooms companies building is mixes through the radio they put rosin on your plant and then because he wasn't goldberg and then when he started to get successful this is early contact that was coming to him I introduced him the very welcome man so why are you devil to eat with me yeah you sitting your barracudas knowledge should just realize who bought those exactly they're worried about to me that he's passionate he's got personalities the alpha male it's a second easier I nine 10 to the 10 you asked a hundred people in a room do you like those - like now do you guys feel that WCW would have been successful without you guys if you guys never came in do you think they would have reached it because they were doing that whole dungeon to do Curtis brother my brother Oh coming soon glacier and they had that deal where the battle giant the super trucks on top of Cobo yeah they were they're going in the right direction I gotta say I mean the whole angle with Flair that's wonder do you guys think so gets too much blame or too little for the end of WCW and did you guys feel that he was a good Booker giving him the blanks daddy's thing telling the guy with the cello to take the wheel on the Titanic you know hey we're almost completely would drop the cello come take the wheel it's that cello players fault the Titanic sunk I think was it was dead you couldn't resurrected that was impossible a lot of Russell's say that they never knew who was in charge of WCW was inaccurate what's with the Mexican guys that speak good English do you guys charge do you guys think that Hogan ever youth you guys ever did you guys ever think this was in the shark tank environment you know we we all knew what we were adding to the equation everybody young once we got that once I got to ask the kind indie and stuff and then started looking at it positively like wait a minute what am i bitched about this kid young and I'll never forget hope watching uh Steve Jobs all the time it realizing that it didn't matter we would we would do job and then when I earth would reverse it by substitution the reverse that's a pay-per-view picnic that you know we only had it mean the people paid money their money they got they got to see it always did clean weekend it almost became a situation where I'll care about how this took person to come back on Monday it alive because remember o at that time did not do jobs and he didn't have to and we've been around it we made him do that welcome Piper yeah Piper over the middle with the sleeper and then when I was typers turn to put watch over San Francisco SuperBrawl he wouldn't do it he had to do to take brass knucks and I went off on him in the hotel bar he was there some pipe over here I mean over here is one of those places we had to kind of stand a little ground bar thing little tables all around and I just was going that one city spent a weekend out as I said that you real popular in alpha2i cigars cigarettes and candy bars none of the QC nothing Hulk was just gonna ask thank God brother no one ever stood up for me before you stuck up for me cuz he you know he was on man you think shop was ever eating over his head and any time I think what this shop was to coming he would you know they would the true story about them about that whole situation that is he was given WCW nitro live under the under the guise from the higher-ups the thing what would fail miserably and I could finally get rid of Russell and it took off and see I mean he never had the support of that company when I want an honest look at the hierarchy of TBS I thought you know here's these morons that you know they're paying the they got a 40 million dollar payroll at WCW with the Braves at a 68 million dollar payroll and they're doing point seven neither baseball games we're giving you we're giving you we're giving you a back one we're giving five hours of live television week and instead and a Saturday is not whether that actually the thunder was behind but we're given I think seven hours of totally a totally original broadcasting and I think the least it was doing was I could to five and it wasn't anything on their radar there was it was was anywhere near that this is way before closer and closer than the other ship was on the show so just like I accidentally time I was talking to Brad Siegel where someone and they just done some like Holocaust type movie type deal and they spent seventy million dollars to make it and marketed maybe not that much but it was forty million dollars to make the movie and marketed and they showed it and it did like a I go one point one and I've sent other place a comment that I said you gonna pay you gonna play them in how many times I said so that's it this is an executive it's better for you to be able to go the cable ACE Awards and say how did you get a chance to see our great film that is to go we got the number one cable show in America which we were at the time so to me it I never looked at that and Eric was against that on a daily basis when I started up and there - someone creatively it became so apparent that like he's he's he's an island he's out there by himself and they want him to fail so I was if I was a up situation I mean the data and if you ever been to Vince's office it were another office in our heyday when the production office of WWE kills that thing we used to say that I mean you know dose CW was a television company that produced wrestling and you know this is a wrestling company that produces television show but we used to say you know the first time you drive down the highway at Stanford to see this office first tell me win that see it is a little bit different yeah it's different the same time you go up there's no soul at any time WCW when you guys were employed did your contracts never come up and allow you to negotiate with Vince again dollar sign doesn't sound like a five what's the gadget the first year we sound like a five year deal about that time it so we were negotiating that one yeah we were you were Detroit do those people from them cuz they know whatever just going look I'm in the hospital just get it done he's doing and it's coming up I'm there barriers there I think our lawyers there is often their attorneys like that was in the hospital woman yeah I don't give a I will quit okay we'll talk to you soon everybody sentence God just give her these with was over like funny thing to happen do do this dad thing Bishop even look at me like your friend GG's a them and I used to go well he is right that's up when we should be making a lot more I'll see what I can do I can't promise it was just aspirin bad cop worse cop everyone we were fighting with red hot and then he just came in Casper Wyoming at that tell visit a place that does sting and Lex are really bitter they just need to get to you tonight remember we I did the Barry Windham over the top and you think they bounced you all around then we were walking back we're taking the tape off birds flocking back we're book we're out of here we're out of here cuz Julie Hamilton sent their thing especially with you and I the way we were so relaxed I think we were there we've been working longer and we knew so we were really comfortable and it was work and a lot of stuffs our ideas so I think and plus like buddies and I think a lot of that if I was coming across although we always were you know how it wasn't Lulu that was hog we got a dude and we kid without together with half the time pin it on moving rest of legal days and I think some of the other the top baby faces were insecure about that until they work to this week bounced around like a ping-pong balls I think you just kind of changed I I think it became like Japanese stock like you are still real shitty instead do you guys ever get frustrated when they over at the NW work in your mind and why hasn't it been able to be duplicated to this day it was everything you know never in the history of wrestling really has a guide that top jumped like you know just show up on a show like Luger jumped you know but I think you know I think Scott jumping and then like a couple days later like you know like meet John that's the first time we were basically two two of McMahon's top five guys I mean well this is that last loop maybe having sake he's still not selling yeah we were making the last couple towns was like Philly Hershey double shot I'm sad they're so Sunday Sunday were in there and Vincent pack come to the downs and everything is sold out he's the main event I'm sim I made a bet we feel happy in Mars but we're part of these and people are their weight when they did back then if you did interviews for the town that mean you were high up on the card and that meant you would go to the guys who were on earlier go hey look if you didn't do an interview I mean she got 67 mention get out of there don't go 30 minutes because it's a good house if we go to bring it out to third but never showered I gave us maybe an hour at the barber so I never sold one never saw the light I didn't know him you know now like the way I know what much security you can't expect that he's not he's gonna know celebrate that but I think either the nose fell over so raise your diesel guys yeah I never really asked I thought that was like they made a everybody's made me feel like Elvis man maybe we're worried deficit time we walk by the ring when people throw them stuff has a little bit of rot which was low B then we told we don't we should have thank you you see people keep selling stuff at us we're leaving I remember I got in my car I said I come all the way out here this beers so they threw stuff and we walked out of the building right to the hotel and then that's when Vince on his TV apparently that night said that the return of Rage which is not was all we have no idea man we didn't know man it funny at first first thing was this is back in the paper days you know turn your beeper blowing up I mean it's like it's all 404 numbers telephone starts ringing do you think a few between the two you guys in WCW would have been big business what's that if you guys whatever is against each other everybody suppose that never works so two minutes like they only tried so many times that when the Steiners were hot the thing is it's like brothers are one thing because they're born genetically you know to each other they're brothers by birth but like best friend buddies I mean that's my choice so I mean it's even more there's more of a bond between two guys like that we even tried it for a little while we were the crazy things I think we bump in and do the bumpity trying to turn and we tried to because it never were never work we went the second but we Irish some tags against you and somebody from there when I was doing the Hogan's flow turnaround that I stole yeah everyone hook giant walked up gonna hog haunted Bumstead of doing instead of doing a turn wrestling speed hope they do oh I'm away at the monitor laptop I never gonna turn around turn around then he did we do the thing where lose me a Luger you go know what's up is you in like Maine there's not know or somebody let me see whoever was it was meeting you and then two other guys yeah so I mean I get beat up and the bait fish would tag you but I wouldn't get out and then I and I just it's a thing you gotta commit to you but it was also because the fans didn't really want to see you spike but I was doing the drinking today was like kid come on straighten out so Kevin come in the tough cat one time and just stand there I guess kept the new mental TV and campaigned for Scott returned was there an end beam in it or was it just something you did on your own because that's also around the same time was over I guess you tore up the a fictitious contract game Scott that was up in that I think Russo knew that it was magic and I grew so to booking that's like Lisa Russo then covertly he'd be like you know Keaton right in the show for me to do force Cox it was work and then we and we had a little run there before they kill him again but was there an indeed was also bring stuff back you know I think in a perfect world I mean he was still under contract you know I know that I wanted it I mean for me the best years I had was was with Scott during so you know what he laughed on sudden it's like like once again you put the hat on when the light down and you got out of the mine I mean anything that can make that life on the road even see my talent but he wanted so I mean yeah I wanted my buddy back I think just being from as the person who's involved I guess on the outside of that point the way I look at the business is and I'd rather work with my buddies but there's a guy's not my buddy but he can go or if he brings you know if he can if I have chemistry with him in a ring I don't care if I get along a lot have dinner with him or something but sometimes need a ring with it he just clicked well you might not clicking anywhere else but in the ring and it's not even you and him that we put a sway the people we actually and you know javis you know like the round over we had a mover and then loose all over the job straight ahead and enjoy the same best notice it's true that there's certain guys like Lex Lex good Alexis a god that could always do his part kind of a hold away yeah you knew this role did you do he win he look present looking when I guess Bischoff was the mood in Rousseau took over in power did it affect you guys at all at that point they're persons no I mean yeah I just won't say analyses probably I watched these things but that is I have a good people skills so it's real hard I wasn't comfortable him booking my career so he would say things I also see yeah but but but I should just did you I saw him as the guy you know at a first run he was the magazine guy and to me he came in and maybe deserve yourself with what I did it was he there were such mark certificates and overeating at the guys he's got a Papa Vince's TV and having worked for vegetable you don't get it man he's a small cog in a big-ass machine you know nothing gets done up there without passing by that's his desk yeah that's never signed off on was like Rousso right at the TV he may have been writing but they're all run by other people for approval and I think you know that's probably that situation will never happen again because at that point Vince was in trouble I mean financially the show was in trouble there were times we're doing numbers suddenly it's one of those deals were like you know they're grasping for straws and Rousseau you know certain you know certain slowly pulling it out at that point you know Vince had no shorts now with with them being the number one at eleven never events when r-rated yeah I mean II knew the Turner's TV was more conservative in turn of wooden data they started doing stuff like this I got a [Music] [Music] surprise bro we get surprises the disco got so over my feet with you guys yeah well I've said this on the other interview I'm a huge fan Larry Zbyszko he helps me when I was in the AWA and was nobody but kind of look at the part of the child where that we do then and his fiscal was the top deal I'm 150 excuse me 50 minute broader with him in Winnipeg its 15,000 biggest crowd ever been at that point and so Briscoe could have buried me and I wouldn't know the difference but he didn't he made me look great whole match and I sit on the other video interview I'll say it now and the detailed thing and he said just like coming through the crowds what's a big detail that loved would have missed on that NW initial appearance and you see on Broadway you know the guys counting down the time did you know the referee - one - they gave me the bell ring and everybody fixed the river seat before goes like what happened sir disco was lying there he goes jump up like your wand and I never forgot that and I jumped up like yeah cuz every else was like what happened that you know did I win he chased it jungle but I did booming ups and now I'm supposed to stuck on line and it was cool to go back and be no longer young would be you know I have some influence plus he's live and then I used to shoot Angus miss abisco do commercials you know toothpick learning and commercials were standing out 52 minutes you gotta do something so this go was over they would channel Larry for an announcer and I was trying to show Bischoff that we needed gots to work you know it wasn't it if it wasn't if it wasn't about so this goes burdock kazoo two guys turned up we turn dusty in W up everybody who ever helped me I always tried to you know show us back back yes Alan how would you guys have booked WCW invasion angle different than Vince did well we came back now when you came back when when you bought WCW and then well the guys entered the company have the guys in Dallas Shane Shane McMahon called me then I called him to thank him for that one kid the kid into the episode and I can't change such the fact that hey thanks you take care of my buddy he said well actually I thought it down it's out of his own pocket I said well anyway thank you he's like a little brother wanna thank you very much it's the way you know you're going to say yeah I fight I fight even wanna work as well you know you know put something good boy cause you know so I'll talk to him I get back I came back together I had a great tour they offered me a contract a Saturday and I mean you can't afford me no problem but anyway I get back I said you know what I still loved wrestling you know but I told my said I don't wanna be lost in the shuffle with a million other guys go in right and see the like Jeff just said in anybody that the fans would have associated with WCW all the top guys are contracts were weren't transfer you know you can buy like we lost possession set up 11 to 16 months left on deals this is what killed me was when I got what I was off it was like I think my last year my kind there was a 2.4 something like that because I had to make that important other little incentives into it so they basically tell me we'll give you 50 cents on the dollar alright so I'm giving you back I'm giving you back a million three and then you're gonna guarantee me 750 of that back down side and if I go on the road and bust my ass I might be able to make back to where I was if I said I don't watch TV and smoke pot well gee that big thing what I said well watch [Music] sting and Goldberg they surprised about Boulevard when he went to Vince how I didn't get over and how you weren't allowed to get off because it was like why would you buy it was like the civil war was over it's been what five eight months a year since the civil war was over and what you're gonna get a lot of Confederate guy so I can have your ballot that wasn't gonna happen I mean they big bastardize and beat everybody that came over there think we came over as NWO we got over and they killed it and killed it telling us they weren't yeah this is the Bob business it's about this is petty you know what about my use of power without your back to the learn yeah yeah a bad way to go how do you think a true DX versus original NW compute would be how big for business now sold out hanging from the rafters we don't back we talked about it that thing in Manhattan yeah that was that's what everybody was talking about it just dancers hopped it right and they needed opponents and we were free but it's it's all you know going by I think those people wrestling each other I mean Kevin I arrest them you know Hunter and Shawn and what I thought was sweet about the angles you have kid who was in both factions so he'd be the wild card given some interesting stuff it's probably stupid hardy I was gonna ask him a question if the end of you always ever brought back would you guys ever want any kind of road schedule yeah at this point your lives occasionally it's off right Vince gave me honestly were in ten days a month for Vince Vaughn didn't get what we were 12 they weren't working at much more after we left everything changed yeah when we left like you said earlier I never had two top guys go no thank you now we're going down there cuz they get days off yeah I didn't care about the money yeah days off and not after you did exactly what you're making she got actually financially plan for a year I remember telling that Samantha I worked too hard to be fighting with my lady about furniture I got called what I get from XML I told you not to buy that couch can afford it it was a rough life back that man you guys think your promos would have been as good if they're scripted like they were today and them to be absolutely not that's what's wrong on the show I think we're all about that show was the name of the gentleman we got there and they would make you rehearse should be Monday night contrived they come on and I get dry they would take it when we got through it the end of the other thing they make us rehearse events and stuff yeah you go now in that one it's a stuffed manatee go you gotta remember now they're gonna go what every time say so Devon Austin's what what if you guys want to change the business in any way what would you do differently today compared to uh back in the eighties and nineties I mean do you guys think that Russell needs to go back to characters like diesel and razor I think production obviously I'm so you know weren't any I mean and I just look a little little tiny things about when you when you're in an environment where there's 350 channels you're going through and you want you to and you stop at this show and it's this single camera shot they are beating us backstage is done with a single camera there's no turnarounds there's no point of views it's it says it's a just as a standard high-def to shot of a handheld I looked at that and I say you know from just a prick down yeah when you watch real-world Sydney and you know there's there's throw these I mean it's just like at what point is it doesn't the production not pick up dude did you notice one thing that Vince does in particular his backstage things now that he never didn't we were there there are people in the hall in the background I've never RB Heenan used to always go why because they're the bad 12 if they were shooting you on in Holloway there were never any true guys have never been any other wrestler me and Bobby Heenan used to always always actually answer now all the sudden though I notice EDNOS make something about Bobby look at you I was like working with the most when you guys were together as a team pretty sweet stuff I remember the stylist I've never the spit spot and Las Vegas at Halloween did since early I started with Booker this made me being stuff a book Stevie came in I let Stevie toss me around I guess spit on him Steve raised a big proud black man if you don't hit you and he'll spit on evening to work and I was gonna do tell him because he might say no then I have to do it I get beat up when I get back alive so I did people and he looked at me and then I just went just like this don't look back just tag keV and it works so sweet and to Stevie's credit after Jeff put him over you know Kevin he'd been kept down baby he turned on me with spit on me when I was on the outside I came in Tooele trip down the road through the flare bomb good work with them spiders with our neighbor gray giant and which I am a lunar we can get master jeongwu we stick our fish off this question whether he gave Kevin too much power what are your thoughts on that too late take my statement earlier when he goes into his grounds mode you know we should call him grouse everybody pretty soon everybody's gone bad where's the grouse you know it was like big guys cracked sooner you know the cats 7 feet tall even in first class on an airplane it's uncomfortable he could ride in a Cadillac the luxury cars were in our contract it's still too small you know he goes to the whole king-size bed too small you know and just know just where to being seven foot a walk around plus but I wish I was cool observing it's like you know staying right next to go well he is right because they Bishop well it's going to be like well you're the little crazy one but you know you know you're kind of unstable but he's me you know Kevin I know he's big he's tall he's big you know and educated and I used to just watch like who would be trying to turn the finish like the way we wanted to go in the room another type of finish I go uh-huh it's not up to me buh-buh-buh-buh I would say the chemical I think that's a good idea now you got him talking NASA everybody all you need is one more person to jump in there and if not why do we do that to done we got kind of Hulk's right guys Oh Castro created if you can get him he could sway home and once we gain his trust it's like anything else it's like you know your prisoner what you mean he distrusted started true how are you worried where you're at in life man it's just the stronger always gonna survive smoothly the way I knew better well now I'm gonna back up what I said so I think the first week just to show that your business man didn't rape Beach on the first night just so you could set the standard like when I come here and tell you to do a job doing it I don't want to hear anything about it I got used to do jobs when I wasn't supposed to on nitro I come back to make a wish of an obscene your locker well did I beat you twice weirdest situation with you know if you're given your given reins to one of the boys that that you had problems with for years I mean what kind of situation is a company you know the company was a bad situation what's the biggest misconceptions about you guys together or separately is there anything that you you never had a chance to say that people that Judge you and then you want to clear the areas my whole thing's who the are they to judge us anyway I mean there's very few people that knows that well that yeah there's Bob there's maybe four or five guys in Spenny you know number one the business is a word we're pretty good he's one of the best stirs in the world I'm a prick for both tricks we know how to work all these angles so nineteen actors of the time were born in arena it's it's an act weird word and it's been done so many times it may be perceived that this is their personality but it's a slate how were you out on that car and we slam that trunk and grab our gear bag and walk in that's two different guys yeah that's like you know you find a place to drop your bag you look around good cave let's mess it up space and share some it's just like evil in it yes this is the thing go to young guy who's got but your walk you want to get the frickin thing about rasmus's there's not a more miserable bunch of pricks on a planet we walk in someplace and go party everyone's a grete like a pediatric AIDS thing in New York City and everybody's there all the top models I mean everybody in New York City is that this thing and he's dressed up like razor and I'm dressed up like diesel we want in this thing and it's a quiet cocktail hour we got up there we get double fisted and we're walking across this big ballroom and one of the day was this Sheraton York City Scott stops he goes what the Fox is so we totally this was the party man it was this a funeral and whole places were like I know the rest was right here the whole situations like yeah that's what we like you know and I guarantee there wasn't anybody the rest of night how would you rate each other as workers I want you to rate Kevin Kevin good rain Scott I've always said he's the most talented he can do everything cuz I mean Sean's a great worker but sean has the but Sean that can't work that big man style though he has try but Scott can work Scott can't work because of his physical size scattered word like Brody or Scott can't work because he has I watched them he can work to show Michael stuff so to me that he's he's by far the most diversified above any guy that in my era that I've had the proof of watching he's by far you know the best he's the best big guy he's the best big worker probably that did the business ever say thanks dad I'll tell you actually when when Vince started with Shu steroid testing I how much like 285 about 260 and it just kind of stayed I thought it's kind of cool because having worked with Sean Magnuson and learning how to work better at those years in New York and stuff I felt like I could work with Rey Mysterio and have a believable performance and I could work against Johnny you know gets Paul I think so very commonly and I feel like that I always thought of guns like getting utility guy you know I'm gonna be like an utility man you know and I thought we were super TAC team Kev's easily the best big man you know I'm walking to the ring Bischoff these Brussels Obispo because of my buddy system and so I'm thinking I'm off now I gotta go out which is cool I wanted to do an interview early in the show and watch the DCI family it that way but I gotta go out there and say that cats not gonna be there which it was giant where's Johnny this is sweet angle that going everybody piranha cage and we did the rule that was that was pretty cool but uh you know one of the main men thing to be there knocked about insane to be there and I started choking up saying like and my big buddy he's not gonna be a hit here yeah he's not gonna be here tonight but I think that man is as a tag team either I feel like this is a sound so you just go watch it on the bus the north in Japan does every night every day their Hall that ain't japanese-style hey halt any Japanese stuff falling to the floor desserts are AMA ain't Norton I ain't Japanese I said I think they see how his ass Belichick never up Chinese so hard I got so pissed when they wouldn't boot in that egg dolphin tank tournament so I kept saying man a skeptic be updating first though with time if I severely legally even work you know we you know exhaust on the bus I said the Norton I said me and nationally the best tag team in the world and Scotland's pretty straight she you know he's I like big dogs right and even he thought yeah and from him that was huge comments make his feet of didn't think so I love you you guys I think that made me so I think the Steiners were great in our era hey what did you guys think about Jim Cornette Durant against you guys Sean Waltman when you guys were in WCW you guys see crews to person on TV that was the one he said I had like three moves out there baby old-school outlaws on the roads start horn ourselves out make every little indie show out there so you see the outsiders coming you down by Rick's act and it's gonna be asked or show we're gonna be Hillary so I can't promise you that I'm not a good boy guy this I think antabuse for good of towns now every time families yeah it is because they they're waiting for me to explode dig I did two jobs last week because they non-title master taxi well the greatest guy said you yesterday I said your TV what's it gonna be it's not time I said he's got a beat me on their channels he's gonna beat me then we're attack the next time see ya well now they know no no problem this time tonight we're doing is finish like last time I went for my finish seven that flipped like you said earlier that that completely takes all the ammunition on that because it's just like if they want to me illegal making job that doesn't have any in fact that you know you take that so that was a little thing I think that the guys hated us whenever marks did you friendship every extreme from when you had problems like you're his business to ever get affected by it you ever hold this tattered now jeff has been such a choose frenemy and even like even about - recently - did that autograph thing in New York I Kevin Colin Colin Colin and he was still coffee - chimes go yeah well Colin again you prick pick up the phone and and I for so many years I've started on with my addiction I continued to and I was no school on this talk I ain't gonna talk together I just want to show up in New York and let him see cuz I've got a better than I would did for and I said I was gonna show up like but then he goes you know what happens I think that she'll put a wreath on everybody start below me well what happened was I was sitting on my phone once again my phone blew up and I saw like I'm at dinnertime and the phone's gone folks but my phone's going off and I'm thinking the last time my flowing off like this it was the Benoit situation I'm thinking maybe I should pick up my phone so to pick up my phone and I pressed you know check my messages and like two or three different guys were saying you know go on YouTube Scott's on YouTube so I you know can on YouTube would look it up and I see Scott and I see that he's you know he's a Puerto Rican I see him jump on the ring date on the other ropes and I could see these guys I just I got tears in my eyes so I had we haven't talked about like two months and I was just like I'm just like he's okay because that's all I worry about that he's okay I don't you know I mean that he doesn't need to say you know hey you got it okay okay absolutely but I was really happy that we have a chance to see each other in New York just like we had breakfast the next morning you know we kind of looked at each other like hey you want a out for a while make one little make a little bit more money we just both got one let's do it so and that dude just goes so excited he not be you said you know I think everybody - yes house cuz you guys don't don't thank you guys for being here thank you very much all the fans say you know thanks for all your spoilers use that and there are still believe the outsider dollars are coming out yes they're out now yeah now so good ever read you sorry some get the new rent outsider nobody said talking to 50 in my house yesterday fifty thousand or dollars $50 which they say my outsider can watch this the next time you come back would like to be with Sean Waltman still have all three of you sweetie mr. Rose forever what done what noon yeah outsiders so I didn't have to leave cool thanks thanks
Channel: piersixbrawls
Views: 228,817
Rating: 4.828063 out of 5
Keywords: nwo, outsiders, scott hall, kevin nash, wcw, world championship wrestling, shoot interview
Id: lfxHFP7I7lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 48sec (6948 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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