Outsider Art Fair New York 2023

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we are thrilled to be at The Outsider Art Fair for our fourth year you get people who are interested in work that otherwise they might never think about as even being art the fair does so much for so many I'm amazed to be here it's such a great honor to bring some of the artists that I've known for most of my professional career into the epicenter of Contemporary Art which is New York City hey everyone Welcome to The Outsider Art Fair I'm Andrew wedlin I own the fair I also have a gallery down on the Bowery I'd be happy to walk through the fair and introduce you to some dealers sorry man the whole thing about the outside offers we like to dissolve the hierarchy between the Fine Art world the elite artists come on in and other artists who completely unknown who we feel qualitatively are on the same level hey how are you Revel this is uh Duff Lindsay's gallery from Columbus Ohio who's been a real stalwart of the fair we're always happy to be at The Outsider Art Fair Andrew treats us like the princesses and princes we should be this is really always one of the most exciting booths this is Magic markings which is owned by Alec swarlitsky he seems to have some major contacts in India he always brings surprising eye-opening kind of work I was particularly enamored with this latest Discovery this artist who has passed away but a trove of work was uncovered and Alex always seems to be on the scene and I think his presentation is dynamic and the work has an exotic feel to it and it's always great to have here [Music] Indian Indian Ledger Arc is a tradition that began with rock painting that evolved through the pictorial representations on teepees and buffalo hides and articles of clothing and when they got access to paper and pen and pencil in the 19th century that pictorial tradition continued I've been working with Paul athlete's work since the mid 90s the life and death of Elvis Presley It's a suite of paintings from 1985 to 1995. Paul wasn't really necessarily interested in Elvis Presley per se but he was interested in the idea of establishing a body of work about a character this is really one of our most exciting deals who comes every year this is Yukiko koide and she brings such an interesting mix of art Brute from Japan the booth is almost always sold out before the fair even opens yes presence is based in Kyoto it is leading Gallery specialized food Outsider Art here we're standing in front of a group of Philadelphia wiremen they were found in Philadelphia in the trash and we put these out as Anonymous objects which they were their reception was amazing and Dorothy Foster who was also a new discovery for us the work was found New York sold by Dorothy's great nephew and he's very excited as we are to be including the work in the fair for a second year Owen Lee was an old friend of mine he has a very broad range and so when people come in to see his work they think that they're seeing the work of several artists when this is all by one guy this is a collage on a shirt by Owen I call this piece the Navigator because on the back it says the Navigator will get you there and he will take you back I'm here with Max Highline the director of the Metropolitan Museum who interestingly has a great history with Outsider Art and right now we're looking at some George wideners which he curated into a show years ago in Frankfurt right right with a great through the eyes and I can remember when George came to the opening you know so for me these are of course not only highly important artists but artists who have kind of followed who was extremely excited to see the Andrews program and I didn't know that the fair before I moved into to New York been going to the fair ever since and we have the community here together [Music] thank you [Music] I think when you see all these pieces together you sort of feel the collective energy that I feel Beyond this for people who during the pandemic or the last few years have found a greater appreciation for birds and bird life because as we were isolated I think most of us took great reward and solace in the fact that nature was still doing its thing we especially really aim to show our artists as relevant contemporary works that we've shown work from two different communities but at the gallery we should work from across the Arctic over the last 60 years and really show a continued storytelling of art making in the north we're focusing on that we'll be out of your way okay my name is Carl Hammer I've done this show now for over 25 years this is one of the most exhilarating art fair experiences I think in the country and we're very pleased to be part of the excitement that this event brings every year to the New York audience she's Lane and Sylvan stalins are a couple working in the mountainous region of France it is the forest in the work it is the stones in the work and it is their sense of how the spirit of the forest has informed what it is that they create the other sub theme of The Gallery is how self-taught artists deal with cultural resistance and in Iran just the act of making a drawing and kind of becomes an act of cultural resistance in and of itself so you know it's like he's got these chronologies here matched into the Decay and decline of the you know the pill popping uh genius so I've been here uh for 31 years doing the fair originally with Sandy Smith and now with Andrew Edlund taking us to new brownies my Nexus singularity is the point where I connect to the past present and future simultaneously and I've tried to reflect that in what I show here foreign
Channel: Duane Park Studios LLC
Views: 19,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WdZQK2fdmeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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