OUT OF SERVICE !! shipper Loads 83,120 Pounds

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three thousand one hundred and twenty pounds overweight that's a big No-No so we're going back wow no matter how you move it I'm 83 000 pounds total you have to be under 80. it doesn't matter if they put it in the front back sideways whatever it's still going to be 83 000 pounds they need to break it down to take about six hours I'm just wondering because I I do my door I'm not taking the stuff back to the shipper it's yours no matter what so I don't get it but they think it's funny it's not funny all right all right drive shaft she got the Caribbean all dirty driveshaft complete and uh that's what actually moves up and down and pushes on the spring those head bolts probably one of the hardest things I've ever tried to get out so that is a wrap what do you think you're good is probably going to be different thank you [Music] um okay so for today's video um we got a little something to address real quick let's do that if you have a hood truck especially a W900 with an APU on it some places give you a credit of 450 pounds but they loaded me I looked at the bills just now when I was uh getting ready to go again 6 300. that is a lot so we're gonna go ahead and scale this thing [Music] press button down there I can't really reach that so we got to go down there normally it's up here but it's down there three one six what's that yes ma'am thank you so yeah those bills say 46 3 which is too much for this truck I'm gonna go in there get to bring a scale ticket when you do this so uh I don't know some of their trucks usually with the Walmart account can pull that much gotta be a light truck a small sleeper on that thing so that big old truck another thing when you buy a hood truck it weighs a lot more than eight uh Aero truck plastic truck one of these things keep that in mind we'll get a scout ticket we'll go back to product take off one or two pallets and we'll be good to go RM thank you awesome thank you so much okay so 13.50 for away which is worth it because you're going to get about a hundred dollar fine plus it's going to hurt your CSA score which is your um safety score for your trucking company so 3120 pounds overweight that's a big No-No so we're going back I don't know why they would load a truck with 46 000 pounds but they did but you get to catch that early if you ever see your bills around 43.5 or 44 000 definitely go get Scaled you should get Scaled every time but if it's 20 000 pounds then typically you won't really be overweight but um yeah get those scale tickets it's worth 13 to not get in trouble or hurt your CSA go back and get unloaded if you're new to trucking you're wondering about weight tickets and how much you can weigh you cannot be over eighty thousand pounds so 83 uh you're out you're over even with a huh 450 credit for your Apu which some states give some states don't you'd still be almost 3 000 pounds overweight so uh 80 000 pounds the most you can have so know the weight of your truck first of all and then uh if you're I know my truck's around 35 so if anything over that yeah you're gonna be way over okay let's go back and get uh a couple Pals taking off we are back [Music] 3120 over so let's see what our friend has to say hello yeah it's got to get re-reloaded because I'm overweight about 3 000 pounds yeah that went to the waist because I was like this feels a little heavy and I went there three thousand pounds overweight and you can look at my rear tire look out a semester it is the very back tire they got a lot of weight on there so you gotta take off like four thousand pounds thank you fortunate but one other kind of bad thing about all this is that it can mess up your clock we only have four hours of Drive depending on how long they can take to rework this uh we might mess up our clock pretty badly so praying it takes only a couple hours maybe 30 minutes that would be awesome little context to what's happening right here is they're sending me to a door and all they did was rearrange the load they did not take anything off so this was the first time I went into a door okay so I'm happy to go into door 41 40. 4 41. 41. is that kind of all the way out there okay and um it should give us like maybe about an hour okay okay no worries and the same thing leave the doors closed okay flood tandems and then when green light come back up here alrighty okay okay so she asked me how much time do you have but I always kind of want a fib in the in the opposite direction so I probably have about I don't know nine hours on my clock so I started six so that would uh or driving hours um just to make it so that they hurry it up a little more so then she said getting 41 as you heard and said give her about an hour so hopefully it is just an hour we can get back going to Jacksonville I did give her my phone number he got a road on the top because she didn't ask for it I said called or something going wrong but also within an hour I will walk back in there because what happened last time eight hours of hanging out out here and nobody knew I was even here so it looks like an old 41 is going to be a fun uh Blind Side because we got trailers over there and grass it's gonna be fun because it's right next to this reefer the last reefer to the right side of it so yeah not much room to make that happen we're gonna have to spin this thing around let's do it tandem slid and turn the Apu back on and now we wait still green light let's give it an hour so they just gave me my bills back and I'm walking back in now saying hey I'm still at 83 000 pounds and they're trying to figure that out if because my truck by itself weighs like 35 400. so if there's 46 000 in there it's over I get a ticket every state I go in there overweight and then it messes up my Trucking score you know you know FMCSA no I'm less than half right now I got a big truck I got a 86 inch super uh Kenworth it's like a it's a big truck so that that's why I decided to take two pallets off at 2 700 pounds then that would that would get me under it but it no matter where you move the stuff on a trailer it's still going to be 83 000 pounds so I'm 3120 over what I should be legally okay let me um no matter how you move it I'm 83 000 pounds total you have to be under 80. doesn't matter if they put it in the front back sideways whatever it's still going to be 83 000 pounds so I do because my truck weighs like 35.5 by itself with just a trailer empty oh yeah [Music] I don't know I don't know any trucks that can take 46 000 pounds like typically all the time 46 000 pounds on like daycare because even my old truck was 30 like 33 9 and that was a Volvo IR okay so you can just take two pallets off even one yeah particular ly okay yeah um I guess I call the broker or something I don't know what to do because I can't I get a ticket for 100 bucks every state I go into overweight plus it messes up my CSS score which makes my insurance go up this ruins everything I do for my business and my kids so yeah CNS loans but you're sending forty six thousand three hundred pounds you're sending 46 300 like every every week I've never seen over like forty four thousand that's crazy it's almost the same amount every week okay um okay well that's that's typically 44 000 pounds is what you're going to be getting out your truck so now we have to offload it yeah my truck yeah crazy okay so you guys want me to get back in another different door a nightmare I've never seen that much weight in six years of driving trucks it's always been under 44. no no trucks can take that the way that how much trucks weigh these days absolutely yeah send out loads every night actually there's no way forty six thousand pounds but look at that see how it says 83 right there that's three thousand pounds more than than uh than what is legal 88 000 pounds was legal it's crazy and my truck doesn't weigh 3000 pounds more than other trucks unless the dot just let them run through or they're getting tickets every state right so we just adjusted caving they're eight on his is 83 120. and of course it still has the same thing because all we did was cuttings at least two thousand times all right how are they going to act with that though why they are correct put them in 42 right here and I'll label okay and all right okay yeah all right go ahead and back into door 11. okay thank you didn't do that back sorry to be a pain I just those officers are nice those dots thank you what a total nightmare I heard you probably just heard it right there they were just saying no we're gonna unload your whole trailer and then she finally called the supervisor and he's like what does he weigh and she was like 83 120 he's like oh take three pallets off so um I don't know how they've been shipping 46 000 to 300 pounds unless they got some ultra light trucks or day cabs out here but let's put her back in the door and get three pounds taken off so if you heard what she was saying was that yeah they'd take 46 000 pounds and uh they thought when I first came in there I told him like no it doesn't change the total weight of the truck because what I just spent an hour doing is they took everything off my truck and then repositioned it so it was more towards the front of the trailer instead of the back which is like okay well um that doesn't really help me because it's still going to be a total weight of 83 000 pass and she said what kind of truck you got it was like well I got a W900 but that's so that Volvo right there that blue one I guarantee that truck does not weigh 3 000 pounds less than my truck or that yellow Volvo my truck only weighs like 1500 pounds more than my old black hole boat weight so um yeah just I was about to walk out the door because I thought they took too off and repositioned it and I looked it down with the bills and it still said 51 pallets at 46 000 pounds I was like I can't do this guys and she was like no I do it all the time and oh they repositioned it it's good now I'm like that's not good now like first weigh station I go to I'm in big trouble so um know your weights guys know that you cannot just take 80 000 83 000 pounds across the uh uh into Florida into Georgia and anywhere it's just that and the reason they do that guys is because they don't want the roads getting uh my town just still still slid back so I have to be extra careful plus I got this Volvo right where I'm trying to swing my nose I gotta be careful to get in this door right um but yeah it's for the roads they don't want to have a bunch of ninety thousand hundred thousand pounds uh 85 000 pound loads going 80 000 was set to be the limit now it's what the roads were made to handle so that's why they did it that way I gotta reposition because I'm getting close to this guy's Volvo right here if it wasn't there be a little bit easier plus my tandems are slid let's let's keep that trailer going over try to line it up but we're not too far over my uh back is sliding on me as my tandems I'm like in door 12 and they need me at 11. it's not going the other side of his truck and get my trailer to swing over the other side but yeah I could couldn't believe that I was like what if we just spend an hour doing and they're like oh we just repositioned it I'm like that doesn't change the total weight they leave the same amount of 51 pallets on there it's going to be the same weight just positioned on different axles I mean I could move the axles up to distribute the weight a little bit you didn't have to reposition the whole truck so I don't know it was a little frustrating there but we got it done oh we're going to get it done they're going to take three off they really only need to take two pallets off but three will be fine okay let's get it straight so unless they're rearranging the whole thing it sounds like they're taking it all off but they said they're taking three off so I want to know what they're doing okay the nightmare continues so they just gave me the same bills and I said hey well when they unload it and they count there's only 47 pallets or 48 pallets not 51. they're like oh yeah we'll email them and let them know I'm like foreign so yeah we'll uh have to do that and say that they took off three and yeah I wish me luck guys good old American Italian Pasta never disappoints in Jacksonville get this over here we'll sit Stan the man's not there right now but uh still 380 a gallon here at this truck stop and we're right down the street from it Columbia University with the Gamecocks are right there University of South Carolina and I don't know why there are some trucks parked here at night but it says no overnight parking I don't know if it's home or maybe you got to pay for it maybe most people don't know about this place but we're gonna get fuel here because that's the cheapest it's 420 on average everywhere else with the fuel card so we'll get some here so there's a wreck homes for all involved my buddy back there in the video said that uh he actually came off from from uh where he was going he was going this way anyways we saw that it was that happened way back then that was what four o'clock 4 30. so it's been going on for a while it's still closed he said that the two semis had collided caught fire so T's that and uh if you saw any of that let me know in the comments uh was that okay or what happened but yeah there's a wreck on 95. just north of where we're going we're going to go south right here so making good time though it is now 81 degrees we have almost full tanks about 300 in cruising now so 200 miles we'll go 100 in Georgia about 100 in Georgia about 100 uh left in South Carolina and then we'll be in Jacksonville border so that's it I'm just crazy how I don't know how they didn't realize that it wouldn't change the total weight of the truck if you rearrange the load like I told her I was like hey I'm 3 000 pounds overweight like I need to have at least two pallets off and and the trailer rearranged like I don't understand why they just take off two pallets in the back of the truck but to rearrange the whole trailer just to get the weight distributed better distributed better I was like hey it still says the same way that you guys actually take them off do you want to reprint these bills build build bols Bol is like your paperwork what you have it shows you where you start from where you ended up and what you have on your trailer and how much it weighs so I actually went in there and marked off 51 pounds and put 49 because they did say they took off the two heaviest pallets and I could tell just from two pallets coming off probably four thousand pounds five thousand pounds performs even differently than my back tires aren't smooshed as much as they were on my trailer anyways um if you're a company got out here and you don't know anything [Music] to take off that's going to mess up that's why I have this problem with it you're if the weigh stations are always open in Florida sometimes open in Georgia and not so not but no matter what they're gonna rolling weigh you and then they're gonna say hey you're close to Max or we can tell you're over max they're gonna green light you into the scale and then say hey what's up you're uh 3000 pounds overweight pretty takes belts off I guess they didn't but if you you have to notice that you have to know the your CSA score is your safety score you want that to stay in top -nostic does that affect your insurance that affects um see everything going on with your most insurance because that's impossible but you don't want a bad CSA and then you're going to get pulled into even more weigh stations or so there's another reason also I I would never probably expand my fleet of my own I would always have my own numbers and maybe if I did ever do ever do it or dispatch service and trailers and started new numbers I would do a separate one because if that CSS corporate got messed up I would that would be a shared expense of everyone involved involved running under those numbers that's why people understand like I saw something on Facebook today say hey can I run under somebody's numbers for about half a year would you charge me it's like it's not a matter of how much would I charge you or if it would be a good idea to mess up it's my numbers that go and get in trouble and you can just move on to the next person and go somewhere else and I'm paying twice as much Insurance the next year if you mess up your ELD if you mess up being overweight you have a brake chamber hanging on the ground something like that you're not as thorough on your truck as other people are um oh yeah that's another big reason not to mess with starting your own fleeves unless you really trust the people you guys are brothers you guys are really on the same page of taking care of your equipment understanding that CSA score I set up once your next insurance premium is going to be astronomical gonna be in the 30 grand range probably with how much insurance is going on now and for some reason it's verified now that I've talked about this last week insurance in California is like not being renewed they're dropping policies they're not even letting people write policies pulling advertising out of California I don't know why they know something we don't know about flooding is going it's going to go on a bad rainstorm I don't know what's going on but obviously insurance is not a good business in California right now so they're pulling out keep that shooting slow costs because that's my biggest expense my first years besides my truck payment what's my insurance my insurance was 18 600 the first year 18 500 a second here dropped all the way down to what ten thousand the third year and then dropped all the way down to eight like seven five sevens a fourth year and then this year it was down to like 64. so and that's because I've had a great CSA score that keeps it cost of operation a lot better so sorry for Ram remember we're getting 95 and I was just thinking about and whoever caused that wreck today maybe that was a four-wheel maybe someone cut them off maybe one of them had a tire below who knows what situation happened maybe a deer came out but whoever's fault it was if it was one of the drivers that severely hurts his ability to get another job first of all if it was his phone plus it hurts that company he's working for him big time and there's another thing called self-insured which is kind of a weird thing but if your pug companies big enough and they can cover the cost of it like Swift night also Schneider they have what's called self-insured they can show themselves so um but a little guy can't do that another uh car come on right here you got a couple of them this guy's going slow I passed him earlier a nice pass me again but a couple of Troopers up there so it's right at the 95. looks like the 95 is flowing again unless those people are all the probably all being uh [Music] we are going right here towards Savannah we can't build another room about seven eight miles that was where we uh cement from but let's see if they're letting them through or if you know everyone's exiting right there so everyone's coming down 26 or getting it was crazy a decent piece for I-95 tonight because that's uh it's probably been a backup for a while because it's all right they're done with the big Ranch that is insurance so that's your CSA score that is why you don't let the shipper tell you oh yeah we just rearranged it and just know your math like it doesn't matter if you put those all old truck my truck's still going to weigh 83 000 . it just magically move it around and make it way less so I don't know if they were just expecting me not to notice and just go ahead and take off right was I was walking out the door I walked back and said hey uh you're gonna print out new bills you can make it any less weights all right be good to us watch over us God and keep us safe and keep our family members and Friends safe and keep s World on the right track and keep us all thriving and happy and grateful for what we have Let's Roll stop the old QT uh exit five to go ahead and get a refresh one of our LED things you can find these on eBay my just Trucking family page they some of you guys asked where I got them from that's what we got him from they're like I wasn't like 90. 85 dollars promoting all the wiring but uh this one was on the passenger side up there and it definitely uh hit the um trees and stuff a lot more especially going into my house development sometimes a lot of low trees and that would take some hits so yeah lasted about a year I don't know how long I've had those on well right now I have them on auto where they kind of just switch colors and do different stuff but you can just I just set them to Orange but I'll leave one on that's pretty cool with the white right there that's kind of cool so all right let's get refreshed first Way Station s being re-weighed before being told that if we moved stuff around it would be this uh better on the weight nah it's not possible but we had the bypass so we just went over obviously we're under 80 000 pounds now and we're okay if we would have stated 83 120 I'm sure moving and they would have been like sir what are you doing uh um I don't I've never been overweight so I've never had a ticket for it but I've heard you get a 100 ticket and and put you out of service it's just like you're overweight and it goes on your score so let me know what you guys know about that also I've never had that happen but they definitely let's see if they have anybody working yep they got a couple of trip or one car at least sit right there so I probably would have been talking to him right now tell them yeah they reworked it but they said it was going to be lighter uh no sir if you don't take anything off the truck it's going to be the same weights yeah okay well that was good that was a good close call and uh always have your gut feeling I guess I knew I knew my truck was extremely heavy and then I looked into Bol and I was like I've never seen I've maybe seen 44 000 a couple times or like right at 43.9 and it was like close to 80 000 but not forty six thousand like 200 that's way over so and they said they'd run that all a day and she was about to grab she does run it all the time and then she put them back like like they probably didn't say for six thousand look like I'd say run 46 000 pounds on a dry band but with trucks that's pushing it past 80 000 . all right well we're going to ship keep rolling into Georgia now welcome to Georgia so we'll have one more weigh station in Jacksonville agricultural station then we'll be inside western side of Jacksonville delivery in the morning I'll get there probably a pretty strict appointment CNS just like the CNS Greenville right by my house I think I've been here once twice but I have been [Music] but I've never read [Music] them either way we'll get to Jackson then we'll shut this thing down for the night and uh close out for the night to see you guys in the morning big sleeper on that drunk over there it's a nice truck Peterbilt um just got the bypass again on the second Way Station I forgot I thought there's two way stations in Georgia going this way I thought it was just one just one Louis so we just hit that one bypassed again and that's what we brought that video was almost into Florida what have we got 50 more miles 60 more miles and we're in Florida that was a pretty cool looking uh lit up car hauler has a bunch of Range Rovers and stuff on it and uh I think there were Jaguars but the star lasts 83 000 pound weigh station which we're very blessed to have gotten two of the heaviest pallets off 45 mile an hour speed limit hold that pattern it's got your picture this guy's holding 45 miles per hour too which is pretty cool I always let off my throttle as I go over it and uh let the scale get a good reading on us hold in because we are still broke two balance taking so that's gonna be five thousand pounds we're probably like 78 right now so what those first scales do is they give you a rough estimate as you run over them and then they give you a more accurate estimate down here at these scales because you're actually your whole truck on the scale at the same time got a couple sleeping over here I always cut my lights off because my brother taught me that for uh military so they can see your numbers see you that kind of stuff same old drill though getting lined up straight stop and then go ahead and pause and now they're just double checking the weight on your uh roll and scale with your [Music] subjectly no way and they give you the green give them a little wave take off gently [Music] that's it let's go get some sleep guys and deliver this load [Music] 400 pounds I can guarantee why are you doing hey man they said they rearranged it and that's all right beautiful it's time to turn a bird Dixie Parkway that is where we're going we got a challenger with Lauren white out right here um I remember this place they have a pretty big road on both sides you can we're gonna just do that and we don't deliver until we have plenty of time but we're probably trying to get in there about nine AMC we'll take us early nice little Pond down here maybe we'll do some droning I don't think that the flight path of the airport comes this way but we will find out but yes our 83 000 pound load made it safe and sound through three-way stations and uh cartridge in a pear tree but yeah let's get the sleeper turn on that green debut again and I will see you guys in the morning good morning Florida yo all right we have an hour before our appointment but we're gonna go check in and uh see what they're doing but the reviews of this place are not great I don't remember taking this long but a lot of them even one was taken 15 days ago and he said it took them eight hours to get unloaded so that's not good so I'm not going to really be super pursuant of a new load for today until we know exactly how long it's gonna be before we get our paperwork back okay let's fire up and let's fire off Apu some of you guys asked me if you can run with the with the truck running yes you can you can wire it that way a lot of people wire it so it doesn't do that but um mine as wide as you can but it's not really great on your amperage to your alternator and all your batteries [Music] pretty bad for uh this place but they definitely have good uh parking lots of parking for trucks so get up here it says stop I got you do not enter Vehicles inbound stop of course your vehicle's inbound stop okay I've been here before I just uh I picked up for me I believe if I've ever liver here so let's see but we have about 45 minutes before 10 o'clock 9 15. and Driver check-in stop all the way through and we stopped before I don't think we stopped right here on this red line okay okay okay okay okay okay man you guys filling out some kind of cards it looks like we're gonna fill out that also go back Park out there again okay and then come in okay so violation number one um I'm right before 9 45 minutes for my appointment and you have to go back out there walk all the way up here she's like turn around his truck back out there and he'll walk up here and check in we'll call you when it's ready it's like okay I have signs written out there that say that maybe um I might have kind of remembered that from if I've ever delivered here before if I've checked them here before but uh yeah definitely should put some signs out there before people just pull up here he's very angry so no worries so let's turn all the way around go all the way back out there bark again and then walk back in there cool cool no worries I think word for the day is gonna go ahead and be uh overweight overweight uh low that they gave us here got lots of bays and stuff they look like clips that they do their own work on their trailers and trucks show you that next time we come through here for right now we're gonna do a big old u-turn all right yeah second word for the giveaway we're giving away a 250 gift card courtesy of safetyautop.com and while I do a giant U-turn let's hear from the Beautiful tdubs do not enter do not enter do not enter start um while I do your turn we are bringing back giveaways boat safety audit prep reached out and we're going to be doing a 250 dollar fuel card this month the giveaway will be on October 1st and you got to look out for those five keywords and be in the chat check out safetyauditprep.com for all your compliance needs looks like that beautiful sun up in the sky beautiful teed up thank you so much for that giveaway info yeah be in the chat and be a subscriber and you can be winning 250 on October 1st and check out safetyautop.com got a couple questions in the chat or uh not to chat in the comments recently it's a big old field over there and uh just asking about 40 questions kind of what they need to start a trucking company all that information is uh right there at safetyautopart.com their own YouTube channel okay and there are these little tiny signs right here on the right there was one way back there save the signs it was also pushed over to the right but it does say I didn't see that I didn't see this last night in the middle of the night I was looking to park stage your truck walk your paperwork to the guard shack it's a tiny little writing so yeah if you notice that slide you will be in good shape if you come to CNS Winn-Dixie Boulevard in Jacksonville Florida okay let's put it back where it was which is right here and walk up there okay thank you so it is officially 9 31 a.m and we are checked in for a 10 a.m appointment see if they call us before that 10 A.M and Uber if you guys don't know about detention if you're new to trucking they will pay you for time wait wasted pretty much the way it is so if you're here for two hours they give you a two hour grace period past your appointment time so 10 a.m appointment 12 a.m 12 noon um it starts to accumulate you can only do for four hours so if we're here for eight hours we're here for 10 hours um hopefully we're not here that long but we'll see so the thing the problem is that guy's taking pallets that I've taken pallets out of here before you can see the back of this trailer um the thing is a lot of times they'll like take every pallet off and then break it down which means they take each piece of carton off which there's a bunch of cartons on each one's pack of pallets that count each one do you think they should do that in their own time but then wait on your time so if they have to do that we might be here for a while but Uber used to pay 75 dollars per hour so you could end up being 300 extra dollars for four hours but now it's only 40 bucks an hour which is pretty standard across the board so okay let's go up and getting our truck and wait for them to call pray that we're not here 10 hours and 30 minutes later we are door 247 so we are only 30 minutes away from detention starting right now so I don't know if we stop here or what we do rolling I guess that's what I guess okay find a gear there we go and drop our paperwork at 241 they said let's do it didn't even check our seal or anything just kind of what I did I said do I cut my own seal they said yeah I said okay let's do it lots of daycare Internationals and Volvos I'm just gonna follow that guy looks like we're down here on the end that truck that was gonna follow he went straight I just took a right because everybody then say slide your tandems or anything but I'll probably still do that because it is some heavy pallets uh okay cool break in here right next to Mr red Peterbilt and uh uh wife beater or white cable all right sideways and then we'll open up this trailer before we back in okay let's go over it up real quick and stay out of the way she is in there and the Apu should be turning on about now [Music] there you go okay we gotta go put our paperwork at 241. okay do you know if they have to break it down and count each one is that one of those loans are they gonna just pull they have to break it down they need to break it down to take about six hours I'm just wondering because I I do my door okay well I just want to be about six hours okay I have to break it down all right like I don't get why it's funny that it has to be broken down for six hours and she said she doesn't hear that like that's not funny it's a big huge waste of time in trucking waste of assets always block hours for the truckers um huge problem I don't know why they finally get away with lumpers they're getting they're doing away with it but this whole breakdown stuff on the truck driver's time we could be out there getting another load instead we're gonna sit here for six hours probably a couple of these guys while they break down the whole load do that on your time I'm not taking this stuff back to the shipper it's yours no matter what so I don't get it but they think it's funny it's not funny what is also not funny is waiting for them to count the load and then wait for your green light keep looking at it so check out docwatch docwatch.com and genius device that I found at mats click this little button turn it on green light comes on has a magnetic charger and a pole to get to the high reason High areas if it's too tall for you but what this is going to do a Bluetooth talk to your phone and give you a mirror sound when your light turns green so ingenious device check it out it's not expensive and it's a lifesaver for sleep I'm plenty rested right now but if I was middle of the night waiting for a refill load or something especially or even right now I just don't want to keep looking this is going to let me know so thanks a lot dog watch make sure it's on it'll be connected to your phone that is the indicator that will tell you when it's green and you simply clip it lights and it's a little bars in case you're not I mean I could reach it I'm pretty cool I'm 6'5 so put that on there and that is attached to my phone it'll let me know when that turns yeah right thank you doc Watts and with that right there dog watch thank you so much like we said it just armed itself it gives you a timer tells you how long you're gonna be in the dock I didn't start until about half an hour after I got into this door but I got it all set up ready to go there's a reefer unloading in front of us a nice core Coronado and uh God bless you guys keep your heads up out here in the trucking industry rates might be coming up a little bit but that all depends on all of us it depends on of us negotiating and uh not just racing to the bottom to all get to just get a load just if you're just trying to get a load and you're beating everybody else on price and you're under bidding people buy 100 200 500 bucks just to have a your truck move you're killing your truck or killing your expense account and a killer for everybody else please don't be a part of the problem please help us fix the problem you know that no God bless you guys and and the next one hopefully less than six hours I'll be sitting here let me know God bless you guys [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: JustTruckin
Views: 245,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2X-HUZHgH80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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