Our Vans RV-7A project (Wing update #2 ) - Stall Warner, Wiring Harness, Pitot Tube and more!

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[Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hello and welcome back to our YouTube channel the past few weeks have been so productive on our vans rv7a build and as you saw we got our Stein order in and we are so excited since our last video we have been able to complete a few different components on the wing you'll see in this video the installation of the conduit for all of our wiring our first encounter with Pro seal assembling and riveting our stall Warner prepping the pitot tube for installation as well as some miscellaneous items on the wings in our last video Cliff spoke about the location where Vans recommends making the hole for your conduit and it goes through each Rim in a precise location it's only fair that we share some of the audio torture that was Drilling and routing the conduit through each of the ribs [Music] that's enough of that here's what the conduit looks like when completed we bought a few small cartridges of the pro seal and we are about ready to put it on every single rib with the conduit reading the instructions and we're going to start mixing it [Music] yummy [Music] even though we will have an angle of attack indicator we decided to still install the stall Warner on our left wing the plan as of now is to disconnect the audio and hook it up to a light on our panel we are doing the stall water system right now so so far what we have done is we well we just matched drilled the inside bracket this gets riveted in here and holds the actual little stall worm Flopper and we just did a pretty stressful cut to actually make this slot for the stall Warner I'm going to use a Dremel to get the rough like lime done and then we filed it little by little I think it turned out like it was punched from the factory so we can't get the squeezer obviously inside of you because it's already done slow build Wings you'd usually do it before so we have these close dimple dies basically it goes in from the back slides on and we use the pop rivet gun to pull it in and it makes a dimple and voila there we have our dimple Warner is another small project that you have to complete match Drilling deepering and dimpling the hatch doubler and riveting it to the wing the weather was absolutely gorgeous last Sunday and we decided to take a break from building to fly out for breakfast with some other pilots from the Bayport Aerodrome we went to West Hampton Airport to a cafe that has in my opinion the best eggs benedict come take a break with us winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we are back in the basement working on the pitotube mount all right tell us what you did we went with the dine on Mount we first mounted the template on here I am in the background making it nice and straight while Janie shows you the pitotube mount measuring make sure it's straight before we started cutting it what's the allowed angle plus or minus five degrees so here's supposed to be a minimum of eight inches we did like eight and a half and nine and a half inches flared the ends voila it looks good and those are connections all right today is an exciting day for the pedo system so we got uh Ram air and AOA and our wire we're running the ground all the way back to the fuselage and then our power they're Twisted ideas to have no interference so we're going to run them through the snap bushings we put in and that's a big step towards the pitot tube foreign there are two bottom skins that you have to prep and rivet onto the wings I am removing this blue protective film the hard way in this video and I learned a much easier technique for the Second Skin So let's cut to that one the last time I removed this it was pretty brutal I read online that you can remove it a little easier with like a broom handle or something similar so we're going to tape it to this and we're going to try peeling it up and see how that works foreign that was pretty good that was pretty good beyond that as usual the prep involved deburring and dimpling we also got to use the c-frame dimpling tool that we got from Cleveland tools for the first time in the project which was definitely fun we have test fitted and adjusted the bottom skin for the left wing so many times and have learned a few tricks to lining the holes up we will share more details for that in the next video when we rivet it onto the wing all right we have a really fun task tonight we're going to be drilling and tapping out our tie down hole so first we're going to drill it out with a 5 16th bit and then we're going to tap it let's go [Music] so we are tapping out our hole 3 8 16. and we have to tap about an inch trick is to go slowly and every half turn or so back it out till you get that noise [Music] here is our wiring hunters from Stein to the autopilot and the GMU 11. so in order to run it through the conduit we had to pull off the GMU 11n and the end that goes to the fuselage so here we are pulling the pins out of the d-sub connectors finally we've been waiting for this for a while we're starting at the autopilot Servo and we're running one out to the wingtip and here is the one running into the root of the wing [Music] [Applause] before we put the connectors back on just wanted to test all the wires make sure that the correct wire was going to the correct pin in the plugs and this was kind of a fun part we permanently installed the autopilot Servo all the linkage so let's be fine-tuned in the end and I'm sure it'll come out again at some point we also completed the flat hinge pin so at this point the flaps are totally done we went with a method that some people suggested online it's nice that it secures it with a screw so it's not coming out you're not going to lose the flaps in flight all right at this point we are really excited for the next video we are finishing prepping the bottom skins we're going to be priming them doing the final fit vacuuming out the wing of the plane blowing it out to get all the metal shavings out and then we are going to start riveting these bottom skins on stay tuned [Applause] what are you using so it's an acid Edge [Music] um no it's mineral spirits so we want to get all the fingerprints off Jaden's got some greasy mitts thanks so look at that difference this is when we decide we want to polish it isn't it
Channel: Cliff and Janie
Views: 4,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mvm_yKDGqxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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