Our Trip To Sydney! | Manufacturing Week & National Maritime Museum

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[music] how you going guys Kurtis from  cutting edge engineering   so we've just arrived at brisbane  airport we will be making a short   business trip down to sydney to  the australian manufacturing week   and if we've got any spare time we're going to  do some sightseeing so let's go catch our flight   [music] righto guys so we've made it to  sydney we're here at our hotel we're   staying at the meriton the convention  center and darling harbour is a very   short walk away so we're going  to get over there and take a look so we've arrived here at the sydney  convention center it'd be a really   good opportunity to see any of  the new innovative tooling that's   coming out and catch up with a few of our  suppliers so let's go in and check it out the australian manufacturing week is held  once a year and it alternates between   sydney and melbourne it's been a few years since  we went to the expo so we thought it was a great   opportunity to go down it's the one event that  showcases the latest innovations technologies   and equipment in manufacturing and there  is a variety of different product zones   within the show there's additive manufacturing and  that spotlights the latest advances in 3d printing you'll see machine tools and  equipment targeted at metal working   including cnc's forming and  fabrication plasma laser and water jets there's also robotics and  automation which shows the   latest state-of-the-art equipment and processes you'll see manufacturing solutions for  things like material handling and safety and also welding solutions with new  developments and welding applications right oh so we've had a look around the um  around the show we've had a look at a couple   of machines but getting pretty hungry  now so we're gonna go and get some lunch very windy after lunch we headed back  to the show there was over 160   exhibitors so there was still plenty to see we have found that the melbourne manufacturing  week is a lot bigger but this was still a   really great chance to see a lot of the  new equipment and tooling on the market   and also to catch up with some of our suppliers so  a fantastic networking opportunity for us as well it's got different nozzles for different  materials swaps it out according to condition   adjust the height sensor and it'll give  it a little clean as well with the brush thank you so that's 6 mil stainless on what we call quality mode righto guys so that was the australian  manufacturing week we got around to see all   of our suppliers and we got to see a lot of new  innovative tooling so we've got one more day here   in sydney but we won't be spending it at the show  we're going to go and do some sightseeing instead so we decided to go and see the sydney harbour  bridge so that was about a two and a half k   walk away from our hotel and also  had a good look at the opera house it was getting a bit late at that stage so   we decided to head back and  that was the end of day one [giggle] righto guys it's day two we've got our morning coffee we do have a couple of hours  before our flight is due to leave   so what we're going to do is we're going to  go check out the australian maritime museum the australian national maritime museum was built  in 1991 on darling harbour and is the national   center for maritime collections with a wide range  of galleries exhibits and historical vessels to explore so first thing we decided to do was head  inside to the museum and see what was in the gallery this is a homemade wooden hydroplane jet  powered boat it holds the world water speed record   of 511 kilometers per hour and that was recorded  in 1978 and is still the world record today   and this is the original glass lens from the old  tasman island lighthouse which was one of the most   isolated lighthouses in australia it was first lit  in 1906 and then the lighthouse became automated   in 1976 and converted to solar in 1991. this  here is a triple expansion marine steam engine   which was salvaged from the hmas Kara Kara which  was launched in 1926 as a ferry on the sydney   harbour this engine was capable of making almost  1300 horsepower with steam pressure of 180 psi   and weighed over 35 tons    in the navy gallery hangs this sikorsky s70 b2 seahawk helicopter which served in the royal australian navy between  1988 and 2017. it was deployed numerous times   to the middle east and was involved with a  number of search and rescue missions as well   there was many more artifacts to see in the  gallery but we decided it was time to go outside   and have a look at the real thing this is the hmas  vampire it's australia's largest museum vessel   and the last of the country's big gun ships  it's one of six daring class destroyer vessels   which was built on cockatoo island dockyard  in sydney and they were the largest destroyers   built in australia the hmas vampire served  in the royal australian navy from 1959-1986 the ship's original arsenal included three twin  turrets housing six four and a half inch guns   those are still in place also two single gun  and two twin gun bofors anti-aircraft guns   and there were five anti-ship torpedo launchers  as well as a surface to subsurface anti-submarine   mortar which have since been removed but  despite its firepower the hmas vampire   had a peaceful career before being  transferred to the museum in 1997.   the vessel is 118 meters or 389 feet long it  originally housed 245 sailors and 29 officers   fully loaded it weighed almost 4 000 tons and  it ran off two steam turbines that generated   54 000 horsepower could travel at a speed of  30 and a half knots and could travel a distance   of 3 000 nautical miles at 20 knots next we headed  onto the hmas onslow which is an oberon class   submarine that was commissioned during the cold  war and first launched in 1968. it was built in   scotland with a length of 90 meters or 295 feet  the oberon class was one of the most advanced   type of conventional submarines combining  high speed with great underwater endurance the main armament are six 21-inch bow torpedo   tubes capable of firing mk-48  torpedoes and harpoon missiles the submarine housed 60 sailors  and eight officers which is   incredible for the confined space god  you wouldn't want to be claustrophobic and i've never seen so many valves  and instruments in one place   and how they knew what each  one does is quite amazing the two propeller shafts are each driven by  electric motors generated by two supercharged   v16 diesel generators these could propel the  submarine at up to 17 knots when submerged   and the sub could travel up to 9000 nautical  miles and reach a depth of 200 meters or 660 feet the hmas onslow travelled the equivalent of   more than 16 times around the world  before being decommissioned in 1999 we also went on board an australian  built replica of captain james cook's hmb   endeavour ship and this is one of the  world's most accurate maritime replica   vessels it has almost 30 kilometers of  rigging and 750 wooden blocks or pulleys   the masts carry 28 sails that spread  almost 10 000 square feet of canvas below deck is where the crew would eat and  sleep and in the sleeping quarters it was   quite uncomfortable you would have to crouch down  to make your way through that area the great cabin is where captain cook worked and dined sharing the space with famous botanist joseph banks construction of the replica began in 1988  and was launched five years later it then   traveled on many voyages including sailing  to europe the u.s and around australia three   times and to this day it still continues  regular trips along the australian coastline   getting to explore the three different vessels  was really interesting and if you're ever in   sydney would definitely recommend taking  a day to go and check out this museum [music] so that was the maritime museum pretty interesting  in there got to have a good look at some of those   war boats and the old submarine finished  with that now we're going to grab some lunch righto guys that's our sydney trip complete  we're just waiting for our uber to pick us up   take us back to the airport so thanks for watching [music]
Channel: Cutting Edge Engineering Australia
Views: 238,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutting edge engineering australia, machinist in australia, machininst, abom79, cee australia, Our trip to Sydney, travel to Sydney, Sydney Australia, top things to do in Sydney, maritime museum Sydney, national maritime museum, Australian manufacturing week, Sydney opera house, tour of Sydney, travel vlog, Sydney vlog, hmas vampire, hmas onslow, travel vlogger, fabtech, machine tools, robot welding, manufacturing week, fiber laser, haas automation, business trip, gun ship
Id: ZrNW6O0r4iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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