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as you can see solid crack it's absolutely glorious but that's on us all day now so we've got the factor 50 on you just need to find your hat for the uh getting the last couple of brick out and this happened [Music] hello from berries back at berries yeah we're doing something different today we're looking for rosemary tiles for this wonderful job why is that the reason we're filming is because in 36 years i've never done the rosemary tile oversailer but um on this job we're going to be putting new engineering bricks soldiers and the gauges wrong so you can use this like to bring the gauge back in and have a little bit round on it so where to get berries to get a load of these look at the tile and a half but they're a lot they're double the price of a tile so it's better to get the tiles i just need to work out the length i think you need about 40. so uh it's camped up i'm sorry shooting truck there alex there you go back at the intersection uh down at the long end 3.3 meters got that big yeah we're not getting we're not after that we're after 2.7 so here we go two point seven 2.7 angle iron and we need one 2.4 so everything's in stock thank goodness yeah 2.4 2.7 keystone angle lines i'm gonna get them in the van now [Music] right that's just cost us half a day running around picking stuff up from berries and fair woods and hodgson's going paying for t-shirts and stuff so we're back as you can see solid crack because judging by where that brickwork goes in line with that brick there's no lentil under this just one of these funny lead trays so our job now is take take the three quarter soldiers out take these two courses out investigate what's behind it put it back properly so it's just oh it's past 12 now so oh yeah we're going to put proper vents in so these are the old weep holes used to put in it's absolutely glorious but that's on us all day now so we've got the factor 50 on you just need to find me half for the um so first job is get the reciprocating saw in here and start coming across and see what see what it's like these are all getting binned we've got fresh red engineers to go in here with the creasing towel on top which alex is bringing in now the rosemary tiles never used them before in my life never done this kind of thing before so first time for everything else why right let's get this out [Music] right we are back from our across the uk ron for all our stuff here it all is we've got got some strong boys from hudgens got some bricks from fairwoods got some rosemary tails from berries got our straight edge from home we've been everywhere today it's been a bit of a long morning slash afternoon but it's just where you go do some time to get all your stuff but as you can see that's all for all three lentil jobs and we've got how many was 40 tails 40 tiles 22. we've got 42 tails got 100 brick just to make sure we've got enough because obviously with it being soldiers we need these to be in nice condition so i'll pass you over to dad and he can explain the rest all right first dodgy thing we found was this piece of timber holding this cavity this load cavity train little bit what's behind it yet i just assume there's no no angle angling but upon further inspection there is that's that scabby little thing which is only got a 70 mil i forgot the bottom called you've got an upstand and then the bottom bit whatever that's called put that in the comments if you know what it's called i can't remember the bottom it's usually 100 mil that's only 70 mil so as you can see the bricks are ranging at least 30 mil over the lintel so that's going to come out well while we've got the thing open we're going to get rid of this put a plastic one in put it in properly insulate it and put a get resist stupid thing and this this trim here get rid of this as well that shouldn't be there like i say the water gets down behind this trim goes back in it doesn't really work unless you seal perfectly along there which it isn't always the top bit came out really easy because it's like the original building this is lime water which has been repointed but this bits where it's been rebuilt is solid sand cement so it's not fun so um back in time lapse for a bit while we get some more of this out get one of these please [Music] [Music] bye [Music] so getting the last couple of brick out and this happened [Music] look at that lint look at the rust prime example of how it glows and expands and it's that rotten and take the loose stuff out you're left with that just a razor edge so this brickwork isn't sat on much is it and that's actually what the actual winter was sat on a brickwork there i can't see a dump course oh there's a dump course behind it maybe so that needs to be a full brick for olympia to go on [Music] um island is coming to 200 so our stand is going to go there i think no we're coming to that we're coming to that course yeah so we're up stand oh i don't know we might have to go in there we'll see anyway let's keep getting these bricks out and seeing what other horror stories you find yeah but that's about that what's up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the show then put them nicely yeah the the tray has been removed you can see where the old tray used to be so it's been chopped off and then they just held a bit of lead in with two bits of wood there's the wood again just building with two of them using three pieces this piece was still together the flash band and this piece filled together some weird looking tape wasn't it yeah yeah but anyway it was hard to get this up because it's stuck stuck down the silicon we've got it up this is coming up in a minute too so as you can see that's it it actually felt like we'd screw through it but i couldn't see any screws so it was just silicon so we can manage to get this out it should be too heavy yeah set you guys up so i can love it oh all the silicon that's sticking me down that trucks there's the rust damaging i think it was in need of a change what do you guys think i think it's lasted over 60 years though so it did its job for what it's worth it does job here it's time for them to want to do its job yeah look at the aim we're filming them but look how thin that is when you take the the bust there's the proper thickness and that's when you take the flakiness off it [Music] beautiful yeah not yet mate gotta get the seating done first there you go alex you just brought a link around as you can see a bit more of an upstand a bit more of a bed on it i don't know what the heck is anyway so the upstand takes this flex out of it i've got plenty of room to get that in i think we're going to try and get the train first because it's going to be very awkward in this train i think we've instead of trying to thread it into that we're just going to bring it up kiss it against the brickwork and seal it get silicon to seal it it'll be nailed in with twist nails so it's not going to go anywhere and there's never going to be any water running down that face at all in serious trouble if you have got watering down that the back of that brick so as long as it's attached to that skin quite a substantial lentil we've got in there bone dry [Applause] [Music] i would say good morning but it's not exactly a good morning and [Music] it is uh currently raining not very nicely either we took a gamble with this weather because it said it would stop and we lost this time so but you know we've got to do what we're going to do so right now we've got the mixing straight away and um i died so much to get the pipe moved over for the for the dry event so now it's over being on top of the lentil it's now gives us a bit of space over so we're just gonna try and make do with the weather while we can so yeah i'll see if i can see you up somewhere without it getting too drenched but uh catch in a minute alex lines up we've got our bricks in for our seating so we're back up to little height there you go there's a pipe nestled nicely into the cavity which gives us uh our 200 seating for our blimp because this lentils 2.4 the opening is 2 meters so we've got 200 seating on this rather than 150. so um yeah we're going to get this link now and get it in place then we can patch up here get the soldiers across so okay you should have asked for help should have asked help so i think i prefer this today haven't we baked yesterday [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Applause] right alex has pulled his back trying to get this still saw started so we've not had it long we fell out with it already the last two times we've used it we've had trouble getting started so i'm going back home getting that electric one even though it's raining yeah quick one this is right the old steam alex catface this has been a great pain in the ass it's not steven alex no we've got noggins here for some reason between the lentils so i've had to cut the insulation around every noggin and this it's like it's 100 ml thick in this bit so that's took me off for now just to throw that bit in so now we're going to put a little back in which we have to take out and then um trying some brickwork done certainly try yeah all right let's get this thing back [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] when it comes to days like today you've got to take the small victories when they come and today and right now we've just had our first small victory the soldiers are in that's the better dragon for you everything else has gone to the bit that was dreading it's actually gone okay this has been the smoothest part but there you go rural soldiers in and the wheat vents are in they're all going to get jointed up properly in a minute by yours truly six inch strip of insulation to go in there are we ready yeah get this rest a bit working now we've got to head back well that's going to head back and get the grinder because still sauce doesn't work and so once he's back with that grinder i'll cut them flags lip flags tiles i'll cut the tiles yeah that's another thing as well we'll wear the strike in the face work because it matches the one but why else would we be doing with the striking because it matches obviously for the l so i'll get i'll get this uh jointed up a bit then that'll be back with this grinder and i'll start cutting so that's why i'm wearing ear defenders so see in a minute we've got it going we're back on so once we've got this tower course across we can get the top coaster breaking in those field in there and we can get cracking on that one now with that one [Music] yeah so i'll leave it there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] true [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well welcome back well we did some morning about that one it turns out that was the easy one looks smart though the reds and the tiles on top just gotta get that um cover back on there and get a trim underneath on there which i'll have to do on all doors okay but this is this is the problem that is just the pits can't tell you how fed up that it's made of i'll show you the little it's so annoying because someone's come along and done all these three cavity trays and just left the lintels in and look at these lintels absolutely disgusting you're going to open the wall up put new lintels in [Music] look at the state of that just disgraceful again link sat down and then they put a piece of brick in front of it so any water comes down hits the back of that brick and sits on the little and just rocks it it's just i don't know it's not good so extra insulation these weird cavity trays in i don't know what that was doing was nailed it for some reason and over here look like they put one here and got bored but i think we might just get in there with ours we might have to go into there with ours so we can get down and over but certainly got plenty of room to move to maneuver now there's the old insulation in to stop the other stuff dropping don't bear man we've lost all this all this has gone down there all over the freaking place now this span is this opening is 2.4 so that's what's spanning 2.4 meters epoxy little scabby little it's never been painted anyway moan over this was all loose that's why it's come out this bit solid i've just propped it for safety going nowhere solid so get this end out now see where it's dropped but we've obviously got to come out further than that so when we when we come out a bit further we'll put the prop under there so good state of it and what is that all about but we need to put it right like that same as the one on the other end as well so we're here so we just got to crack on we've seen a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] so so so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] right you're not on the job now you're in the office a bit of an abrupt end to that video the reason being it was it was priced as the three-day job took us four and a half days in the end yes you'll see we had a right struggle on it so this game was a bit abrupt since it wasn't really very structured at the end we sort of finished one and jump straight into another at the end of the video so um the plan is this is the end of part one so stick around for part two and we're going to put the whole job into two parts so part two you'll see us finishing off the left hand side and going over and doing the right hand side um it probably got worse and worse as we went we probably did the easiest one first in the middle the left hand one looked worse but it wasn't as bad as the right-hand one but yeah we managed to get done in the end so we're this is the end of part one so um if you liked the video hit that like button and if you if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button i'm not very good at this this is alex's bit and then we'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Bricklaying With Steve and Alex
Views: 165,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jjCw2P8P0Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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