our questions for Hank Green - The Try Pod Ep. 247

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ramble thank you to betterhelp for sponsoring today's episode good morning Hank today we're eaing cereal good morning Zach we did try guys try every single piece of Frosted Mini Wheats in the Frosted Mini Wheats container Frosted Mini Wheats I always want to be more of a sugar blast and that's not really their thing are you not getting Su they're so sweet yeah I want sweeter I want Cinnamon Toast Crunch well I love you rolled up in here and you said I'm having a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats and it made me inspired I was very hungry I yeah and I like and his Z was like there's berries and I was like no no no no no no I want food not like little packets of juice you housed a banana and said the peel is staying on the counter oh no C's going to watch this and I'm going to be in so much trouble I'm immediately in trouble with my wife on a podcast is this a common oh my God it's not really banana peels I'm pretty good at banana peels I'm like really over stimulated right now I'm not making great decisions um but but I like a half a half empty lroy is the scourge of our marriage oh but honestly though all you need is that first crisp sip I know it's so good and then after it's kind of spoiled yeah and then Katherine's like I really like these she holds it up to me I really like these and I'm like I really like the first half I you see have you seen the meme going around right now like will you would you peel my orange what oh yeah I've seen that it's it's the sign of romance if you're willing to do a menial task for someone and I'm willing to uh throw out your banana peel but then call you out on it on a podcast I will Absolut I saw people not peeling their significant others oranges and it made me so mad yeah that's weird why wouldn't you peel it yeah wow TR had to wipe milk from beard I'm goinge say you did not get it it's one single thread of mini we you want to get it for me um it's gone but I'll pretend it isn't oh cute the problem with having a beard is literally every time I have cereal I have milk in my beard and then it's spoiling and I'm the banana peel on it could have been someone else it was definitely me I remember now I didn't know where the trash was and I was like Frosted Mini weeds cuz I also had a banana you're sure you left it was me all right good was me what was me I feel like I would have gotten Flack from the I'm not entirely sure is there an agenda for the day or do we want to talk about the giant oat milk start with the oat milk and we do have an agenda and have a million questions for you so I poured a little bit of but just walked in with the whole oat milk yeah I brought the whole oat milk first of all what's the point of owning a company if you don't get to take the whole oat milk there's not that much left actually now that I'm looking yeah it's pretty empty here's the thing is that I poured some milk and I said this is a bowl of cereal on the podcast for the podcast and I if I pour all the milk milk now it's going to get soggy and guess what the little bit of milk I have in here I'm dealing with some soggy cereal I got some soggy situation so I want to pour as I go oh there is a device for this that I sell marketed to me on Instagram where it's essentially sort of a a single use plastic no maybe it's reusable but the idea is that you put milk and cereal into a container and then it sort of you move it like that and they both fall into line in one Cris I don't want them to be like just met exactly I for a little while what I don't want is a like a like ctin C A Century of marriage with with my Frosted Mini weeds to be an oxygenarian so wait so wait this device is a bowl it's like a chamber it's almost like a colander on the bottom I'm guessing and you drink from the bowl you sort of like as you lift it they they touch and go into your mouth and may I think it sort of goes into a spoon shape you're nodding your head you know what I'm talking about it's it's a cup actually it's more of a cup and there's an option to either just drink the milk or there's a compartment on top that holds the cereal and then you can kind of have both in your mouth at once people have said that the cereal comes back a little too quick and it could choke them but I have almost bought one yeah I do not like look look look we've gone too far as a species yeah this is too it's too much we need to roll it back AI is too much cereal cups too much we are we have enough we like let's just let's focus on let's focus on distribution let's focus on new medicines I we don't need new serial cup we need those clever serial cup Engineers we need them on different T different things but Hank my cereal is soggy I know and yeah but it's it's been married for a long time and it's not getting divorced I will say I've been trying to add friction to my life and that's why I have my cereal wow from the I've been trying to add friction to my life is a one way of saying it you's saying I'm try to have more like crazy Seer yeah that's what hey guess what we're having a good time that's awesome uh we're we're uh what five minutes in and Rainey has said the word yes I'm so nervous that's awesome you kind of manifested this because we've been really thinking about trying to think about what is your driving appeal like cuz the world we we all love you Hank and and I was trying to dissect and I think we we figured it out and it is and I I worry that once I tell you why we love you ruin me you're going to ruin it and you're just not even going to know what to do with it but it's that the world is chaotic uhhuh and you make it feel like there's order by giving us a little chaos oh interesting like you are a chaotic a chaotic but comforting yeah I'm a chaotic provider of order yes I love that good on a bus I would love I would love for that to be me I'm putting it in my bio right now it's pretty good cuz I am I am all over the place I'm definitely like you know I got cancer and then I was like let's do stand up about it like that's not super chill and normal you got cancer and now it looks like you have a perm I do have a cancer perm it's amazing yeah most expensive perm you could get it's expensive it's it doesn't always happen but it happens a lot it's it's called chemo curls and is this just this is it for now or is it going to like it usually goes back after like a year okay well hey man live it up oh yeah I'm not cutting the top once no you can't no I want to see I want to like I'm really hoping for like for like Jon Snow Jeremy Allen White hair like like get down but I think it might just go straight up be Martin Simpson full blue yeah eraser head Vibes I it does feel like it it's just very stiff uh I uh so God there's so much that I want to you want tell you wanted to ask me how long the almond milk could stay out this is good yeah yeah so we ask a lot question we like shuttle it back to the fridge I think it's going to be fine but you are talking to a guy who has been driving around the same Pizza in his car for four days no you you would you eat it well it's been cold would eat it no you wouldn't it's been it what after it got warm so like what you need to know is that this isn't you shouldn't do this this is an advice you're my little chaos monster this this is bad this is wrong but yeah I mean I had the pizza at the fir my first show and then I didn't finish it and I put it in the car and I was like well too I I'm not going to bring it to the hotel room it's going to be colder in the car so I just left it in the car I've thought about that but you realize we're not in Montana anymore no but it's chilly at night here right now and uh and then I did eat it the next day and then the next night and the next night I was like I'm like doing a lot this week week and this is not a risk I should be taking like that that could cost me a lot of money eating this eating this slice of yeah of of pizza that has not been from what I understand Pizza fried rice the number the one in two fastest bacteria accumulating if you leave bacteria supposedly I mean I'll ask you if you leave question I have question for yeah but supposedly if you make rise and then leave it on the counter and like you know yeah an hour later that's like the perfect place and temperature for bacteria to grow yeah yeah yeah I mean there should be a very limited amount of time that that uh food is not either quite hot or quite cold yeah actually speaking of this I I have a question for an green M so here's the question and this is actually a a friend of mine a girl went to college with she made a Tik Tok about this and she posited a theory and I'm curious about your your take on it okay hit me okay we brush our teeth twice a day on a good day morning and then before we go to sleep most days are good days most days well it probably shouldn't be most days is probably to be look some mornings what I don't brush my teeth what are you going to do kill me H green but basically explain so much about you by the way okay enough so basically she posed the idea that all right after you brush your teeth your teeth don't know what time it is correct so right I agree after you brush your teeth before you go to sleep if you want to have a little snack yeah that's fine because what does it have to do with time because in the you brush your teeth in the morning and then you have a little snack breakfast and then your teeth are like hanging out with that food until night time all day long so what's so wrong with the the food hanging out on your teeth overnight I always assume excit to hear Zach's opinion on this I'll to be be very quiet until I can tell you why you this is wrong I've always assumed is that your mouth closes while you're sleeping and it just becomes a like a a little petri dish of hell this this is quite this is quite close to the reality and also it stops producing as much saliva so oh my gosh not expecting oh my I was not expecting that answer yeah so like as you're as when you're awake you're constantly producing saliva even when you're not eating and you're swallowing stuff like it is a little bit like it's not it's like it can be probiotic actually I think uh Kucha style yeah that where it's like it's like it's good for the good bacteria maybe on on Etsy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's why you can buy certain people's spit they just have very good spit yeah so spit in my mouth could be sort of yeah know it's a hell it's a it's a it's a treatment by the way if we want to start selling spit in my mouth and it's like different YouTubers editions bit in my mouth the Hank Green Edition that would be a blockbuster flying off the shelves you think so yeah can you imagine if we could bottle up Jacob Jacob a Lordi spit in my mouth even if we just took the people who are commenting sped in my mouth on your Tik toks million people right there I don't know [Laughter] what anyway it is definitely uh your your mouth is worse at controlling bacteria when you're sleep how the [ __ ] do you know all this stuff I don't know I read it somewhere at some point and like it's well cuz you don't you've said that you don't know all this stuff but then you look up all this stuff you're really good at looking up stuff well often so in that situation if I was making a Tik Tok and I was gonna make a Tik Tok about this so like one everything I just said I'm pretty sure that there's something there and so I'd be like oh I remember that thing that happened and I like can search for it but I wasn't able to do that just now and it's kind of uncomfortable for me because I'm like I think that this is the thing and now I've said it out loud and I won't be able to know that I'm not 100% we operate we just shoot it off confidently and we're often very wrong yeah no I did two podcasts yesterday and I I looked at the camera and I said as you're editing this make sure that I fact checked and sent you an email that says that the thing that I just said is true but that was more I was like about cancer not about SP yeah probably more so you are you're right now you're doing a bunch of standup shows about cancer hilarious thank you I'm actually I want to you haven't seen it I I want to come see it it's just a funny idea okay well yeah come see it I think it's well founded I uh I my college the theis was about uh trauma and comedy in the Inplay of the two gotcha yeah yeah people say that comedy is is something what is it best medicine no tragedy plus time equals comedy yeah tragedy plus time is comedy and I think it's just tragedy plus jokes well there's this thing it's there's this mental process called re externalization where when you go through something uh be it a trauma or just a hard time it is helpful to turn it into a story and the process of turning it into a story gives you just one layer of Separation where now you can look it and mold it and and come to terms with it in a more direct way yeah which is great I mean I I I haven't like fixed myself here definitely introduced some new problems to my brain that I have that I'm going to be stuck with I think yeah well now you're just looking at how do I turn this into comedy well I I don't know I it's funny like there's certain things that as I've done the show like I'll bring things up and I'm like I can't make a joke out of chronic pain that I'm still experiencing well if I'm still experiencing it like like to talk about it people don't think it's funny so I have like like because it's not like it like it like I can't talk about a pain that I'm currently experiencing and have it be funny well there's no plus time there right yeah yeah there's no plus anything yeah and I can't uh like it's hard to make like medical anxiety funny I do I have a couple of jokes that kind of does it but like it's just like it's so present and real for me that I have a hard time joking about it do you find that like with this type of thing you went through this intense experience uh as you're making your standup about it have you found that there are jokes that make complete sense to you are hilarious to you that people are not ready to hear yes yeah I love and never I I kept I kept them all in good I I I I didn't just like I didn't not change them like I kept them in and they changed some things about the the setup and the the tail off so if people like there's a there's a couple of moments in the show that like truly aren't jokes they're like in the form of jokes and they're not but they're not funny and it's just like and and that is how language works and like and I'm just we're here to think about more than just jokes now aren't we or um or yeah yeah there's a couple a couple of things that you know I I'm not a stand-up comedian I'm just doing stand I'm doing but I'm doing standup comedy I'm mostly like a science guy so like Mo like a large portion of the show is science it's like learn like jokes around learning about how cancer Works m M um and how cancer treatment works is this something you always wanted to do and is it like oh gosh I have a problem where I like whenever I see people doing things and I'm like they're so good at that I love it and I want to do it well you do everything I know that's how that happens I like just if I could even attempt to fit it in my you know okay YouTuber yeah Tik Tok extraordinaire uh uh uh Science Education host uh merch company own owner uh a sock designer yeah yeah author author oh best New York Times bestselling novelist don't you forget it let's go uh uh uh uh worldwide convention Creator founder standup comedian uh perm getter actually pretty good at yo-yo too I bet you strike me as a yo-yo guy yeah big time that nothing has ever surprised me less no this show is sponsored by better help my sister and I are super tight we've always been really good friends I know a lot of people who their siblings they fight they always fought not us we've always gotten along really well it's something that I'm really proud of but sometimes we get into disagreement sometimes a relationship takes work if you you get into fights with your friends you get into fights with your siblings a common misconception about relationships is that they have to be easy to be right that's not always true and sometimes the best ones happen when both people put the work in to make them great well think about the relationship in your life and what about your relationship with yourself therapy can be a place to work through the challenges you face in all of your relationships using better help makes therapy so easy I have that space once a week to check in see how I'm doing and and work through some of these ideas if you're thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it's entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule become your own soulmate whether you're looking for one or not visit betterhelp.com tripod today to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp hp.com pod I mean this is a serious question how much do you sleep you sleep more than average I used to sleep more than average and since I have had a child I have slept probably probably more than average for a dad yeah uh we I probably get 7 to8 hours every night that is extraordinary you you waking up what we waking up with the the babe yeah yeah yeah yeah he's the alarm clock now he there's no there's no he's seven oh there you go yeah and he so there's no like we don't we haven't set an alarm in years one and I have a real question and I don't even know what the question is and I don't say this to put you on a pedestal but you do all this and so much of it is then for charity like all right yeah yeah yeah I mean it's a sort of like looking to like figure out what's the motivation I think for for a lot of people like the motivation can still be getting more money forever uh but that didn't work for me and John yeah what when did that happen cuz I actually am curious about that specific Journey that moment it was pretty specific for both of us for John it was The Fault in Our Stars uh it was he was like well I I guess I could become like the guys that I hate yeah um or or like think about it in a different way um and like you know obviously like we we have very comfortable awesome lives and and like the the true luxury like the only true luxury is not having to worry about money which is so good yeah and like everything beyond that is like trying to get you back to having to worry about money again that's what like most luxuries are like will you want to start worrying about money again and like no I don't I desperately don't interesting you're you buy a super expensive vacation spend yeah interesting I've never thought about that yeah so you got to avoid and what was your so his was mine was VidCon sure of course when you guys sold it to bycon so how I I just how because I feel like I'm drowning all the time and I do one of your 14 jobs and I don't even know I don't even know if I do it as well as you so what I don't know you do you do several jobs I do all YouTubers do lots of jobs um I don't know honestly that I I really appr I appreciate the raw answer there yeah I mean I got my strategy for for uh getting things done is that I I do whatever is either most interesting or most uh stressful so like the thing that is so either the thing like this morning I sent an email that I was like uh you know it's a like a contract problem that we're having it complexly which is our company that makes educational video and uh and I was like you know I had a thousand emails but I did the one that is scaring me the most and like that's my reaction to scary things is to like be like I need to do that so that I not so that it's not like eating my brain all day um which a lot of people don't have that and that's just like that's not a thing that I developed is how I was born as far as I can tell and then the other thing that I like is if there's nothing eating my brain at the moment the thing that I do is the thing that's like what's what's sparkly let's go toward that you know yeah yeah and that's it's a problem because like uh you know the best case scenario at this point in my life is that that new sparkly things fails because if it succeeds then I'm still doing it right now you're just added another to the fire like usually a success isn't like we did it and it ends it's like we did it what if we could do it better what if we could do it more what if we could grow the thing how do we yeah and I'm like and that's what we we've done that a bunch me and John and the team at complexly and the team at dftba uh my hunch from from knowing you and and knowing some of the people that you work with is that you one do a good job of picking good people you know you pick you pick nice people but you also make it Purpose Driven right so even just having these goals of why the hell are we doing this I I imagine it allows people to align around a cause and now when you take yourself out they still have the fire of of pulling pushing towards that that light yeah yeah and but I mean it's always there's always I think you're good there's always hard Parts like it's there's always hard parts and it's like it's never perfect and sometimes when you try to be good people start expecting perfect and you're like I don't know what like perfect is different in your head than in mine and and even in mine we're never going to get there you know so it there's like some some days I look at like somebody who's sort of professionally a [ __ ] uh and I'm like that sounds nice [ __ ] CU then they just like go in there be [ __ ] and people are like yeah that's yeah yeah they're a [ __ ] that's how they are but then I'm like a little bit of a [ __ ] or I like make a mistake and people are like I can't believe you did that and I'm like I'm so sorry right I wish I could be better yeah uh I'm okay I'm gonna hard pivot I'm curious can I ask you about mortality yeah yeah yeah so this I imagine your brush with cancer was your first brush with mortality in a real way right yeah for sure okay I had my my car accident when I was a kid and so it like it it has this real intense impact on you and I'm wondering for you has it given you permission to say like okay wow I have one of these let's go have you have you changed or are you still in it I'm not sure I mean definitely like being really sick also did that where I was like you know I'm like around I'm doing stuff I'm alive I'm making jokes I'm being a dad but like I can't do all the things I was doing so like I need help uh and I need people to sort of step in and do the kinds of things I would do and and not ask me to be on the zoom call because if they ask I'll do it and I thought your video was really great too it was like really I I think I imagine meaningful to other people going through that process it was basically the video where you said like hey I'm not going to do as much and that's what that's okay yeah yeah and and so having stepped back and it was like oh like nothing died like nothing fell apart like I uh and like so sort of like think what are the things that I'm really like I'm exceptionally good at and where can I bring the most value and where am I less necessary and where are the people who are better than me at this and uh and so like that that was like a practical thing it wasn't like oh my God I'm going to die someday and I've only got so many hours left and I should be doing everything like I should do what I want to do not what I feel like I have to do uh it was more like I can't do this right now other people turns out can and I wouldn't have tried I wouldn't have tested yet to see if that was possible if I hadn't had that like just illness uh is different from having to confront mortality MH the mortality thing I like I don't think think I'm better off for it honestly yeah yeah that makes sense I don't like I don't know that it's uh I I if I had the choice I think I'd probably wait a little longer to confront my mortality there's the full qu for the he's like I'm going to do it eventually I guess um but uh it it's it's certainly you learn there's a lot that you learn and those are true things that I didn't know before but um I don't know I there's lots of true things I don't know uh how how was fatherhood while being really sick um I mean fine yeah he was super good about it like he you know part part of it like he understood the physical pain like the like the completely as like he was six then and he like he's he's felt pain he knows what pain is uh and he's very he's always been even as a baby he's like super hates to cause other people discomfort and physical pain um and so he was very careful with me physically which was great but I think it was a bummer for him of course yeah like and he like did not like it and and so scary I don't know that he got scared I don't know that he understood like he like we didn't talk about cuz we never had to right um You Know by the time we you know when we were sort of in the in the part where we didn't know how bad it was and like it could it could have been like you know not long of of having a dad like during that part we were so uncertain that it wasn't worth talking to him about it and then by the time I was like diagnosed and staged it was like you know I only like a 5% chance of being dead in five years which is like not and like that chance if if I was on that path you know there will be a lot of time between where I am where I was in that moment until like start to interface with it so we didn't have to ever talk about death yeah I had a mom go through chemo and like it just it wasn't scary because as a kid you just go like well it's okay they're going to go through this thing daddy sick that's fine you know I get sick sometimes too and oh this is going to be this one's going to suck but and but then he started to ask more questions about where like I think that he's heard more about what cancer is and he's they grow up so fast not just like in the way of like time passes so quickly when you have a child but like the difference between a and a halfy old and a seven-year-old is like kind of substantial yeah for sure um and so a few of them I I have a one-year-old so he's sort of develop cast it's crazy when they're little he just started walking and it's unbelievable so strange the talking is the weirdest thing yeah he has like four words down but I don't think he knows what they mean the pro like the wild thing is go when they go from like 12 words to like 2,000 in 6 months un what's happening in there he's cooking we uh we had a the the greatest tryu video that never happened you pitched us on Twitter tryu TR Keo I did and we we thought you tried to make it happen and I'm sort of you were like in my texts well yeah cuz I was like this is great I was like Hey we're we're in bu and I'm honestly so grateful that it didn't happen because you later texted me and you're like do you have any idea how busy you were you idiot you you didn't have time to come to Montana yeah yeah I was like watching of the tripod and I was like what were you thinking watching were you watching I don't I think it was a recent one where you guys were going over the last year and how [ __ ] has gone down yeah but we were like fully right I mean we like were like okay so we're shooting this huge series and we have this other huge series but maybe Rachel and I can fly to Montana for a week and we'll rent a house and we'll cook Hank a bunch of meals yeah and I was like I do not want your food like I've seen you cook no I all I want I want like toast like you should make me like a lot of toast I would like uh McDonald's like that's that's what I want I want like chicken nuggets did and did you do it oh yeah hell yeah yeah they they're basically like do whatever gets food into you do you have you have the chemo craves yeah you get it's a not that different from pregnancy that's what I'm wondering is is what I like I kept like talking to Catherine and she's like yeah I had that yeah it's like super bad heartburn weird digestion uh I don't I don't think my feet swelled but like you just feel fatigued you have brain fog it's yeah a lot ofar well [ __ ] yeah I'm glad you're through it it's one of the ones where like it it's one of the limitations of our format the only one where it's like it's such a good title try guys try but I'm like we can't [ __ ] what are we going to do we can't do that also what's the video what are you tryo they actually can't they wouldn't let you it's illegal it's poison of course they wouldn't let you take Cho they wouldn't even let you into the chemo W like they wouldn't let you into the infusion center there the there's like there's a they wouldn't even let my son in I was like can my can my son come in and see and they were like no kids wow yeah oh I guess I mean they just don't because it's so vulnerable for the people that are in there or just I think yeah there's a lot of people who are super imuno compromised yeah for sure that makes sense Randy get us out of Cancer all right I've got a question for hanker here we go I'll stay here I'm comfortable now um have sharks and alligators ever met have sharks and alligators ever met I know sure of course they have see You'd think but wait is this a trick question did you know the answer yeah Jes no I thought about this extensively yeah okay this is something my sister texted me out of the blue one day yeah okay alligators are rivers they're freshwater yeah they're saltwater crocodiles but alligators I bet alligators can go brackish though what is that word brackish it's like when when the salt water and the freshwat meet it's the combo here's the thing I know for a fact in the town that I go to in Mexico they like did construction they displaced the alligators and now the alligators were just like especially during the summer when it was like really when it was rainy and whatever they would just be off the coast be off the coast yeah oh man you come on let her do her thing I want to hear the theory conspiracy theory my conspiracy theory is they haven't ever met and they don't know about yeah because like what the [ __ ] is that exactly and it feet yeah exactly alligators oroc because both of them is Al or crocodiles have been around a Preposterous amount of time well they're crocodil forms crocodil forms feels like a word you just made up but I know it's not alligator alligators are crocodile forms what does that mean there's like they have a common ancestor so they they're oh got it and sharks they've been kicking it for a long time they've been kicking it for a long time been around that's the stat longer than trees longer than trees what that's so [ __ ] sharks are older than Saturn's rings that is a Okay Hand green fact play those sound effects [ __ ] good that is really good isn't it true trees used to not decompose yeah the hell is going on well nobody learned how yet so there was just a bunch of [ __ ] on the ground yeah that's where the coal came from what okay yeah I know there was a period of time I when there was nothing where there were no decomposers like thuni hadn't figured out how to break lignan down this is the thing that trees are made out okay we have to talk about fun guy I feel like by the way I'm in a video game doing like different texts and if I say the right stuff you're going to tell me like how I exist and why I'm here to die like when I die so I I referred the other day I referred to G to gas gasoline as dinosaur goo it's fossil fuel and and my sister it blew her mind and I made fun of her relentlessly and then I realized I was wrong and it's not dinosaur goo it's dinosaur time goo what dinosaur times it's just stuff from before dinosaurs that became goo yeah wait din what do you mean din he tries stuff this isn't his strong suit he tries stuff this is not this is not science it's fossil fuel it's it is fossil fuel that's so I thought it was fossils it is kind of thought it was dinosaurs fossils it isn't it's not not so much it's not there might be some dinosaur stuff in there they they branded it wrong there's a great there's a great dinosaur that they found in a coal formation I think in it was in Canada somewhere I was going to say British Columbia it probably is but uh but I don't know that's for sure but it's it like I think it's an ankylosaur and it like it's not the bones man it's the it's the animal like it's frozen yeah it's wild you can see its face what no I don't like that that's way too scary it's like an ancient faceit that's sick as hell is it like a mmy sick as hell no it's like it's like rock oh yeah that's so metal that is like one of those ideas it's like when you think about like how big the universe is it makes my stomach kind of my belly button turn inside out yeah you get used to it yeah I guess yeah you're thinking about the stuff in the daily you're like desensitizing yourself to Big thoughts yeah you we're on a planet hurdling through blank space yeah I there there were dinosaurs here like right here uhhuh yeah yeah yeah I used to I used to live around the corner from from the laa tarpits and they to this day are like Excavating like Mammoth bones and and and you know my favorite Lia tarpit fact hit me if you translate it from Spanish it's the the tart tarpits I do like chai tea right non chai Mean Machine ches te um but I was serious about the fungi thing because here's something I just learned they're I actually was serious tell me about fungi well they are not animals correct and they're not plants correct so what are they that's part one of my question they're fungi they're hanging out in their own Cal to own they're just like I guess why are they not plants so so plants happened uh and then so plants are what's called autot tropes where they make they make their own they make their own food we just Heckle Han they like ah feed me and the sun does it they make their own food and you can also make your own food from like so that's photosynthesis there's also chemosynthesis where if you like are around the right kinds of chemicals like a deep sea vents you can make algae uh yeah various various different types um and uh like bacteria a lot of the time are chos Che Chosin uh and the uh so so so these Auto happen and then they Branch off and then there's this here which is the common ancestor of fungi and people and animals and then those branch off into funguses and people oh um and I've said fungi fungi and funguses because I like them all yeah I did notice that and I feel like I said it wrong yeah I feel the same way about octopi octopus and octopodes it's just like octop oh yeah do it all do it whatever you want to do it yeah and and fungi are like us they are heterotrophs where they get energy eting that's helpful I get it now I got it but but the the lines aren't always fuzzy unless you're just looking purely at evolutionary taxonomy because there are like some kind of autot tro animals that like have uh like chlorophyll in them but they like take the chlorophyll from other organisms and and put it inside of them wild I think that was R's problem she was looking at it purely from evolutionary taxonomy yeah well no but if you are looking at it purely from EV taxonomy then like you can really you can actually see where the common ancestors are or you can try and out heter and I'd appreciate if you didn't make assumptions about us good t-shirt honestly um my next question though is about Evolution because all all people are header R roast you're like like okay easy umer so I heard some tea about aun who figured out EV evolved to like go into a body an animal make them crazy make them go up a tree they go up real high and then the fungus explodes through their brain I believe and then gets sunlight ET Pours Down on the forest and so M and and the what the thing I think that it has to do with like the the like then it's like available to get eaten by bir or something and then the F like part of the fungus's lify cycle is getting spread around by whoever then eats this animal this bug that has been saw infected well I yeah well I'm just like okay this is brilliant but how on Earth would you evolve to that I mean how do you evolve to anything it's wild you like have you ever like met your knee like and nothing makes sense it's wild that it works right it's just like like whatever whatever have you ever met your your KNE it's probably like okay this fungus ex exists and then it's like well some of these funguses are poisonous and then it's like okay that works for like a couple bajillion years and it's like oh wait one of these is like poisonous but it also kind of makes it feel a little woozy after and then move around and then it's like oh okay that worked I mean it's basically anything that like if you if it like if a trait helps you make more of yourself there will be more of that trait and that's how everything all life happened isn't that it's freaking I demand a dftba sub shop with just quotes from this episode printed on mod and t-shirts cuz we're Spitting Fire today do you know I'm trying I'm trying so hard to sit here and think do I know something that Hank Green does not yeah sure you do and I want to find it yeah do you know do you know about the belly of fox experiment the yeah [ __ ] Belly of the okay well he which one is it what's what was the first word bellev yeah where they took the foxes and they started trying to make them be nice and then they like their like ears got droopy and they got cute it's my favorite uh it's my favorite example of evolution because we understand natural selection right something in nature changes and makes something go through an evolutionary process human selection is something too right we made wolves dogs and so there was an experiment where a Russian Fur Company was like Hey we're trying to kill all these foxes but they're just too darn aggressive so this this scientist came in and he just tested for one trait which was receptiveness to humans every day he would go up to the fox with a gloved hand put his hand to the cage if the fox was aggressive not allowed to procreate but if the fox had any receptiveness to humans you're allowed to do the dirty so they did that for like seven generations they were adding more friction to their lives they were adding way more friction to their lives uh they did this for Seven Generations I think seven to nine which is only like 20 years in Fox time and what you see one trait has a myriad of effects so as Hank said their ears got droopy Starburst patterns their their tails they start panting they are they're [ __ ] dogs got more doggy so interesting you can't keep these as pets cuz foxes require so so much exercise do not try and keep a fox as a pet I know some people in the country too it's they're just not meant to be pets but what it shows is the process of domestication if if you domesticate an animal no matter the animal they all go through the same evolutionary tree like PS and cows and sheep and dogs and cats um and how one trait has a ton of other sub traits imagine that in nature if if all of a sudden you need to reach higher to to get a flower there's going to be a whole Cascade Evolution yeah it's wild cuz we we we tend to think of like a onetoone relationship between like a gene and a thing but like it's we and we used to think that you know when we first figured out I was like oh my gosh there's all this information encoded in ourselves and then like and then that codes for proteins and we're made of proteins so that must be how it works but it turns out there's like so much like it's a very subtle dance of chemicals affecting chemicals and things turning themselves on and off and hormones and all this stuff that like you know like maybe in that I actually would love to know more about it but like maybe in that case what you're actually selecting for is an increase or decrease in a certain hormone and that has effect throughout the whole physiology yeah miles tell Hank Green something he doesn't know okay Hank uh get a load of this idiot uh smile no I don't have a fun fact right off the Dome like this cuz I feel like Hank's so smart actually oh here okay here's one there we go there we go there we go do you know about this the big bowls of water batteries big bowls of water batteries are they are they current batteries like they exist right now they are in the past they're a prototype we on the path to develop them it's actually a friend of mine's father is involved in the but it's about global warming so yeah native [ __ ] I'm VC P I'm like an investor I'm like Hank um no but uh I don't remember what it's called so you can't even find it I feel like there's like it's like flow it's like the word flow is it yes correct but basically knows it you do know it [ __ ] basically the idea is that um it's h you can generate uh power through wind solar Etc pretty easily but it's really expensive to store and you have to keep sort of making new batteries batteries they heat up so they explode they you know disr well they're expensive too so you want to make a way that like so so with like a car battery you want to optimize for a few different things you want to optimize for like density like like the space the physical space that it takes up you want to optimize for the weight because you're going to drag that thing around with you everywhere you drive and so that's going to be a totally different so like saying like for the grid we should have lithium ion batteries that is crazy you shouldn't do that because like that we don't need to optimize for space you could take a a lot of space and it's still not very much space when it comes to power generation yeah uh and you don't don't care about how much it weighs anymore you care about how much it costs you about like making it cheap and you care about making it cheap you care about making it cheap baby so basically what this is is uh the idea that when you have Excess power that's flowing from the grid uh not going into people's homes Etc you're having that power flow to in the middle of the ocean giant concrete bowls oh I don't know about this okay in the middle of the so the idea is this is in my wheelhouse too you go out to the ocean and uh it could be oceans it could be Lakes but I say the ocean because it's like there's not really people around to see these things giant concrete bowls and the idea is that when you have Excess power the power is used to power pumps to pump water up into RSE Hydro into these giant BS cuz it's like this power's not going anywhere and then you use that water when you need power for the grid you uncork the [ __ ] bottle just like goes through a turbine it goes through a turbine and it generates power and sends it back I'm you know what I'll invest $10 million that's awesome man nice that's what I like to hear sharks sharks sharks yeah kind of a cool idea it also was an idea that makes sense to like my big dumb brain cuz it's like well water go fast water obviously go fast to make Power I've picked up a gallon of milk yeah big bowl of water but I don't know how the battery works so yeah yeah I want to ask you um I've been thinking a lot about longevity on YouTube right and just on the internet and we we seen a lot of our friends this year like it's it's it's all the craze they're call Tom Scott said sayar Matt Pat and Steph said we outy yeah and you're someone I I think I'm sort of someone we we've found a version of longevity on the internet and you're always experimenting a new you're trying new things but you're also not chasing so I'm curious how do you think about that balance what am I not chasing well I don't think that you're like you haven't changed the style of your thumbnails or the Cadence of your uploads on YouTube right yeah definitely yeah I mean I think that the so I I think we definitely think about it differently uh than most creators so like for for us like the main Channel Vlog Brothers which is like by far not our most subscribed or viewed channel uh but like the one that is the core of it all is uh like we like I just want like we just want to be very like we want everybody there to be on the same page and like what are we trying to do what's interesting what like what's interesting to us is the the content that we're making or what this group of people is doing together is what we're doing uh is is what we're talking about and like that's not for everybody and I think that that's great and I think that like we absolutely and we see that like new people are coming in and people are going out and like it's not all the same people every year for 18 years or whatever it's been but there's a lot of people who' have been around for over 10 years which is wild and there's a lot of people who've been and you know that's probably a bigger number than the number of people who've joined this year who've like started watching regularly this year joined is weird there's not like a form you have to fill out I did fill out a form was that not official there are there are forms sometimes you made have fill out a form that was a fishing email doesn't it doesn't actually doesn't actually said hi is Hank Green I need your help please wire me $1,000 thank you so much for that by the way yeah it's really it I mean I don't I don't know why but I need your money specifically yeah you said as my dearest friend I need you to bail me out of this bind but I think that's uncommon like you're being like well but then what you do is instead of trying to build that one thing like it's the foundation from which you try other things and so obviously like crash course and sa show are not uh about me and John but like they wouldn't have been possible without the foundation of our YouTube of of Vlog Brothers in nerd fight area yeah um and and that's also probably true of VidCon and it's certainly true of uh dftba and of like our charity uh line of products where we sell socks and coffee and soap and stuff good socks yeah thanks uh I'm not wearing them you looked I am I am he looked at my socks man I should have brought some for every this this is learning moment I have I got to travel around with socks be like all right everybody shoes off this is what I'm into okay gra wants to see her feet I think um but I think that's uh that's so cool and I I guess I'm curious also like I think you represent a optimistic you know science forward part of the internet and what are creators doing that is exciting to you cuz also like again with like every crazy crypto fascist thing that content creators are leaning towards what is exciting to you uh about the internet and about the way that people are making stuff that feels like how the Fred crypto fascist now could mean two different things yes and by the way I meant it you meant both of them yes um I uh what's exciting to me right now and there's so I mean Tik Tok has allowed and it's uh has allowed discovery of new creators which I think is really important like I remember when we like there there was like an era where it was like a certain group of people making educational YouTube videos and then like I looked up one day and I was like it's just been us for years and this was like back in the 201s and and like what happened like we all started making videos around the same time and then years went by and and it was just it's just still us like it's still like cgp gray and viart and you know Vlog brothers and veritasium and smarter every day and I'm like who like where's the new people and then suddenly there was a moment where like a bunch of new people came in and it was like real engineering and window Productions and like that's I like some of the stuff that started you know nebula getting bigger and then there was like a period of time when video essays started to get really big and I was like what like what's happening here and the reality is it's like it's when there like some space opens in the canopy you know when some sunlight can reach ground like something is changing about the algorithm or about how internet works or about like the the like one of the big things that happened honestly with story blocks so story blocks is like a like a stock footage website that uh like really cheap and uh and you can go fre plug uh and you can go to story blocks and instead of you know it it just makes it a lot easier it it like that opened up the ability to make a video much more simply that looked really good right so you if you had a great script yeah you could get to a video a lot faster uh once story blocks was available and that's kind of like a a whole like explosion of new creators happen because the way that we were making videos wasn't reliant on that or thinking about that and and then we had to learn from the new creators and like get better that way and like Tik Tok has has opened up the canopy again um now I think it's probably getting a little messy because the real opening up was a couple of years ago but a lot of those people have made a great transition over to YouTube um they make uh and and that transition from short form to long form is really hard and not everybody turns out to be good at it but some people super are and I am very happy that it continues to happen I want very much to support it one one of the things that we did when we realized that the canopy was so tight is that we started to take half of the revenue from the Vlog Brothers Channel and Grant it out to educational like younger education channels oh that's sick yeah and that started I don't know like 10 years ago we started doing that and some of those channels are really big now do you can you name them or are they private no they're public I mean one of them is kurts gasat no kidding one of the first ones we did oh wow that's sick yeah that's such a cool way to like spread it Forward yeah that's why Zach's going to give me $10 million another one is like the financial diet's pretty big Channel now it's like a yeah it was not that much like the wild thing is that it's like it we I don't think we've ever done a grant that's bigger than $5,000 yeah yeah yeah but $5,000 if you're that size is huge of course and also I think what you're saying about like the um the stock footage and stuff I think about that all the time now that uh yeah with Tik Tok and just with resources like you know if you yeah subscribe to story blocks for whatever it is I don't know 15 bucks a month or whatever you can have music and footage and or using my promo code you actually using Zack cornfeld decom code but also just like uh even I saw some really cool there's a really cool like kind of like indie film YouTuber movement that like people are making these like very very like uh artistic and kind of like they're not glossy they feel very filmic and even just those effects those effects packs those lighting you know um things they're all available online either free or uh on these sort of big standard licenses and I think that's so cool I also think with the iPhone camera like the great camera um audio can be really good on iPhones too which is L if you use it right excellent yeah it's really surprising I mean I'm super interested in the idea of like the internet being almost like an ecosystem or or a forest with like the cany yeah opening up like that to me is just like so exciting yeah and so cute thanks by the way if it is a jungle then eventually there will be a Spore that enters the head of YouTubers G look you can look at every like everything makes more sense through the framework of if something allows you to make more of it there will be more of it yeah that's not just a biology idea that's so interesting uh I often think to like I watch a video on YouTube and I'm like well if something can get views it will get created yeah and I'm like it doesn't really matter whether it's terrible or destructive or if it's just like which why I'm trying to up my wik feet score I don't know how those things are related to each other but I'll go vote I'll vote on Zach's feet I have the lowest of the triy guys and I'm working on it okay yeah it's it hurts um okay well Switching gears for the last like 10 minutes wait can I ask another question yeah go ahead sorry sorry just have a question what's up I mean this is this is just purely selfish right because it's I just like talking to Hank so you didn't have a question you just want to chat more no I well I do so what's up uh this is true for any creative person that tries to uh you know monetize and scale like creativity is not directly business but we live live in a capitalist Society you have to turn your creativity into a business you don't have to you don't have to but if you make it your job if you want you want to pay rent off of it yeah yeah so you start making stuff because you have a spark an inspiration something in your tummy that you go I want to I want to Pine for this um and then often times you get success and then it becomes okay well now I get to do this as a career and now success starts leading and whether you do you mean to intentionally or not not you you change the the motivation the the the initiation point of your creativity because you are responding to stimulus of the internet you're responding to okay well when I do this kind of joke they like it or when I mention my cat they like it and now you're creating from the from the outside in instead of the inside out and you I may be wrong here but you strike me as someone who never really succumbed to that wow you're so wrong you do really I have always created from the outside in tell the whole time so like that's why it might not look like that but I uh I make things for people not for myself like I I I want I want I like like I want to do things like there are things that there's kinds of there's ways that I I wouldn't make content that I know would be successful because like I don't think that it would be having the right like the impact that I want to have so there's that but like as far as um you know I want to make some like my goal you know I'm making like a science video right for example like my goal isn't to tell like to tell the story or to convey the information in the way that I feel is sort of like most artistically pure many people as possible it is to get it is to it's to get people to watch yeah and get the information into people's heads as efficiently as possible and like have them have a good time along the way because that's helping them do that so your goal is the information and then you get to look at what is the most effective and that's like the creativity to me and I think that like I think that all PE all artists have uh diff are weighing those things differently and I think that it's really obviously wrong to sort of say that people do one or the other but I think that I'm way over on the spectrum of like over on the side of I want to make stuff for people I don't have like I have an ability I have skill sets I have things I can and can't do like I'll read a book and be like I could do that I went to impr improvise Shakespeare last night I couldn't do that like that's not on the table like there's no like there's that's not in there and I literally could not build that skill if I wanted to well I'm curious what but I do have skills and I want to like I want to apply those skills the best that I can in the formats in the genres and the mediums that I'm working in that makes sense yeah have you found yourself in your career uh having a facet of your work whether it's the day-to-day or just your your mode of creation where you go like ah I'm doing this because I have to or have you found a way to to weed out those things that you don't like do for sure I mean yeah all the time but those aren't mostly the creative Parts yeah it's the business yeah um and and that's the that's the trickier thing um because that can really take over and figuring out how to have that part not take over because it's like you know you've probably been in a contract negotiation that was really annoying or something like that maybe a HR problem maybe maybe what that was you know and it's just like you can't be creative in those moments right uh but but also just like management is is a kind of work I think it can be creative work and I think that like I operate better when I'm trying to imagine it as creative work and uh and to some extent that that starts to be more about me than about the actual work where I'm like how do I make this into something I don't hate um uh and and then people are like why are you being so weird about everything and I'm like because if we do it normal I'm going to be so bored so bored be so bored forever that is really cool to think about management as creative work or just like other logistical things that you don't want to be doing like gamifying it in that way so it's like okay how can I solve this problem in an interesting new yeah yeah which can actually introduce more problems than you're solving it turns out we all right ways around the office way more fast yeah it's not a very big office but like we'll get to the other side real fast it'll be fine I promise a lot of equipment in here yeah uh but yeah that the and that um you know that's that's been a struggle that's that's the harder part um is to keep creative while also trying to keep to to sort of fulfill um what I see as like really serious obligations to the audience to to the people who help fund us to our partners to our employees um and like that's a it's also just a huge amount of pressure like it's the it's so much stress like I've never I was going to ask if you ever worry about because I'm always like whenever I edit these I'm like did I say something wrong am I going to get cancelled or just like is this irresponsible to put out like stuff like that do you deal with especially you're dealing with like um like facts like more as opposed to like just chitchat like do you how do you mitigate that like well what if this is totally wrong and I actually missed something um I you know I try to get to the point where I feel like I'm pretty pretty dang sure that I got it right right especially like with the Tik Tok uh it's a one person process so that's like both good and bad it's faster uh and I have a pretty good set of systems at this point for getting stuff right I'm not perfect uh I take videos down I apologize just for them uh there's a great Radio Lab about uh fire that you stoked um yeah that is about which I didn't I don't mind so much having stoked that fire totally it was fascinating but I just liked the idea of it like yeah you made this video just being like how about this idea and then it sort of spawns other people but I also knew that it was going to like I knew I knew more than it sounded like I knew but I didn't know as much as it ended up being U but anyway that you should listen to that radio La it's great um the yeah the and then when we're doing like crash course it's totally different yeah uh where we have a whole system of like subject matter experts and fact Checkers and there's like checks and balances and we have like there's it gets to the point where it's not like okay we got a fact wrong it's like okay people don't like we're going to have to fight about the Nuance of how we present this fact because like we're you know how certain are we in this debate uh like Tyrannosaurus feathers would be like this isn't actually but like here's an example like we don't know whether Tyrannosaurus had feathers and there are lots of people who are certain that they did and lots of people who are certain that they didn't it's a big fight and I love that they're having a fight but then we we get drawn like if on eons we have to make a Tyrannosaur episode it's like now we're in the fight right and so we have to like figure out how to talk about the fight and people don't like it even when you're saying that they might or might not CU they're like super on team feathers you know your opinion yeah what side of the fence you on oh I don't have to this is great I'll I'll let you guys know a little secret that everybody on the internet should learn you don't have to have an opinion on everything I love that period really love that like actually yeah you you could be like I don't know that seems like something for the experts to figure out I think that's a fantastic take 1 million per. do not have to have an opinion yeah no I'm not I'm on team Tyrannosaur are cool cool that's another shirt for you wait when you're buying a to when you're buying a toy for your seven-year-old is it going to have be covered in um all right in the last few minutes I have to do since you're here a few more questions for an green yeah please okay if how many owls do you have to see before you get worried I before I get worried question it is a good one I think if they're together so if it's like if it's like Together Al I'm like owls that seems like I don't know how owls work uh they might hang out like sometimes I would I would but if would be that'd be cute yeah but if it's like an owl and then later an owl and then later another owl and they're like in separate parts of my day I'm like yeah that's like three yeah yeah like low three that's really low but but they have to be like in separate places at separate separate times in the same day yeah interesting okay that's that's surprisingly low I'd say for me probably six how many owls do you see every other every once in a while uh very few yeah if like in the single day you saw six of different owls you'd be like okay what the [ __ ] up yeah yeah I would be thrilled oh yeah I would be thrilled but I would also be like what's up are they follow like what's going on there's a chart for me where I would be ex I would be so [ __ ] excited and then it would plummet to existential a person out there though that the line just keeps going up and I want to be that person and I'm the moreck 70 in one day that's a record are you kidding me there's only the person that sees one and goes what the [ __ ] going on yeah okay what is up oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm the extra in Alfred Hitchcock's the birds going this is the best day of my life um okay when I hit all except all cookies what am I doing um I love this yeah you're [ __ ] little Cookie Monster yeah That's what I feel like I had uh uh someone who works in advertising scold me and say you got to accept those cookies and I'm like well of course they wanted you to and they said they're giving me the choice why would I accept them and they say do you get ads on the internet and I say of course I do and they say do you want shitty ads and I say no I don't and they're well you got to accept the cookies so you got to get those good ads for that thing you already bought and then they also said don't you have an ad basted business accepting on YouTube I went oh I I guess I I do yeah yeah I mean it's basically the a cookie is a little file that is stored on your computer and then it's like uh displayed to the to the uh wherever you go can just track you if I can just say cookie branding a cookie I'll take a cookie I want a cookie yeah daddy wants a cookie D I think that I think I I was around and like making stuff on the internet when cookies started to be a thing and you probably said and I had a I had a Blog and I I and I was like yeah that's a good name cuz like you leave crumbs As you move across the internet ah to get tracked by interesting and if you give him m a cookie then he'll be your friend for your whole life teach a mouse to cookie he'll eat for a lifetime and the footprints in the sand where where I was carrying you shed a um okay so when they say before the Big Bang there was nothing what is nothing because that doesn't make sense to me okay yeah they don't say that there was nothing oh there was just Steve hanging out they say they don't they say they don't know oh okay okay somebody told me nothing and I was like I mean like it's like we like we don't know yeah that's the that's the right thing to say I want you to think about it is like there was no smell and then the universe farted so something had to do it we have a science educator on this show today and I just don't want you to embarrass me what do you have to say about that H I wish I could fart you mean right or at all hry can't fart put it in the headlines no I've been I've been really gassy the whole time I've been in LA and I like you chugged milk before you came in here cereal and a coffee no I had a coffee and you ate 4 day old Pizza yeah I think that might have been part of the problem I think the pizza wasn't helping yeah uh what was the question before the Big B so like there was so the the thing is so from our understanding and look it's weird it's weird it doesn't make sense uh but from our understanding it's not that there was nothing before the Big Bang it's that uh there was no before the Big Bang so like time started at the same time what space and time are the same thing yeah rainy space and time are the same thing space time you see inter it basically freaking clinches it yeah Nails it oh that's what it was time is a wibbly wobbly ball think about it I just don't know I think that's really hard for me to grasp yeah no no no don't worry that's what it's like for everybody okay good not [ __ ] there not like it's not like astrophysicists out there being like yeah it makes perfect sense that time started yeah what is time do you think oh somebody knows somebody knows ask an expert you don't have to have an opinion about everything that one off to somebody who knows what time is I've read several books about time and as I'm reading them I'm like oh interesting and then I stop reading them and I'm like no idea what that yeah that's how I feel about time I'm as soon as I think about it I get overwhelmed yeah yeah well it's really un it's really upsetting because of how it's not what we think it is like it doesn't work the way that it seems to work right like time is not time time is not the same for us as it is in other places in the universe like it works different and like did you see inell I did but I had so hard for me to understand and then but my friend who is a PhD student at University of Chicago explained it to me in a sentence and it made a lot of sense the gravity part is cool I don't know if it's real can I tell you something that just blew my mind I don't know why I've never thought of this Hank Green you should play Doctor Who oh no yes I don't know how to act yes you do I can as long as I could just be me say oh my God the snort that think about you doing little time hyg jings # Hank Green for Doctor Who I'm also American no what it'll be the first American people the doctor can be anyone or anything no but he's got to be British but maybe I can be British try it let's try it I'm the doctor perfect right I yeah I think you nailed it I'm ready maybe I should do a British accent for the rest of the show feel like you a little this is just this entire episode of the try guys it's just [ __ ] that's going to make my wife so mad the accent she hates the British I want you to play Doctor Who I think you'd be good I don't think that's how it works man well if enough of us say it at the very least it cost also it seems like a lot of work yeah you're used to the work I like to do it on my schedule okay fine make your own Doctor Who I just be like hey how much is Doctor Who how much how much Poss how much for how much could Doctor Who possibly DBA is going to buy Doctor Who instead back to charity it's it's one Doctor Who how much could it cost well Newman's Z donated a doctor who to charity yeah well we' come to the final segment we have I don't know if you've ever made it to the end of an episode of the tripod but are you aware of what happens at the end I don't I feel like I I feel it's going to be familiar when it happens HEK you you strike me as a man who knows a lot but you certainly don't know at all and people who don't know know at all they need advice and this is advice that'll go for miles with your host miles [Music] bonor it's advice it'll go four miles tune it to your radio station it's advice it'll go for miles everyone get ready miles Nation miles Nation [Applause] go it's ADV that'll go four miles if I say go four miles what's up miles Nation how's everybody doing tonight who doesn't love getting tied up I still want to fart what have you ever you by the way clipping that have you ever wanted to make sure that you're actually all fall into feet what's happening Have You Ever Wanted the way that you Traverse the world to be tight yeah yes re relace your shoes I love getting tied up whether it be to a bed post Zach or up in a meeting but the number one way that I get to like tied up is if I'm laced up get new shoelaces [ __ ] oh yeah this is actually really good I actually had old ass shoes they're not these ones cuz these are actually new ass shoes but I had sort of a white pair of shoes and I have a history of wearing my shoes till they break until shs make fun of them and then I buy new ones this is also my wife uh plays that role in my life Katherine is so happy when the shoelaces break she's like excellent news for me cuz that is been bothering me no it was crazy I shouldn't have been wearing them for two as long as they were they were filthy and I was in New York City and thought my feet are kind of hurting rainy do you notice shoes on people oh my gosh have I told you about this my friend once was like if you want to know if someone's hot look at their shoes I I I kid you not devastating for if Maggie's attracted to me on a given day depends on what shoes I'm wearing by the way I peep these as soon as you walked in and I thought I want those these are good these are thank you this is very weird for me you're wearing shoes that someone would say that about I think they look awesome honestly no yeah I'm usually wearing like the daddest dad hiking shoes you turn on yeah you put on the nice ones for today so you're able to give shoes a new life so I give my shoes a new life basically because the laces were nasty and they also too long so I got shorter laces mhm and they were just like pure white cuz the shoes are white and it was like whoa I didn't even clean the shoes and it made the whole shoe pop it's like the cheapest way to get new shoes by shoelaces that's 100% right rainy and we're on the same waveline but anyway they're cheap they were like six bucks or something do you guys ever think about how absolutely bonkers it is that like everybody wears different shoes that's a really good point isn't that wild how many shoes are there I was walking I went to The Grove yesterday and there was a lot of different places that sold shoes and they all had different shoes I love that idea that's a good take we all should be wearing the same wild my favorite is when you're like like you're in New York on the subway and you see someone with your shoes and you go like hey hey and you kind of wiggle your feet and they look down and and they're like oh all right and then you go you do like he got that yeah I feel like I feel like that must never happen so many shoes I got cool shoes are she's not even wearing shoes I don't know what those are I know these are um slides slides okay but I got them at Nordstrom R like you know all very different not only different shoes different energies from each shoe I like Nordstrom's Rack what's very funny is you know seems derogatory look at Nordstrom's Rack you can't say that about Nord STM Jesus it's 2024 uh we uh you know you're like we do branded videos sometimes you're not supposed to wear logos or whatever shoes Wild West fair game you can have a Nike Swoosh you can have your Adidas people are just like well their shoes yeah what are you going to do can't can't tell them to not wear the shoes yeah but anyway that's my advice for this week get new laces get new laces yeah all of a sudden you're going to be fresh fresh you can also wash shoes not all of them that's not recommended not those slides you can a little toothbrush I do feel like by the way think about shoes if someone's wearing the wearing the same if someone's driving the same car as me I do feel like they have to be nice to me oh that's so fun I'm like yeah I'm like a little bit you copied me a little bit we're twins but I do feel like I need to sort of it's like it's an acquaintance I like when I'm I'm driving next to someone I pull up at a stoplight and they are in the same car as me I feel like I need to be like hey hey look at us look at us who would have thought you and me together the same stoplight holy crap this is crazy wow somebody Drives By they'll see both of us that's so fun to each other twinning all right well any last thoughts before we do our outro which is one word guess my fart guess your fart I are you about to are you about to I love this game honestly for you Hank I think it would be like this I think it's just silent unfortunately I still don't have a fart to sh copy that have a have a good ass week everybody
Channel: The TryPod
Views: 211,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, commentary, garrick bernard, kelsey darragh, movies, tv
Id: XasLHiJK8eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 33sec (4473 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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