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we've moved let's talk about that I'm max from Australia good mythical morning to the mythical morning today's episode spikey vodka - let's calm the guys with the goods goods like the toilet seat the flame toilet seat I can't wait to sit on this link is it hot - no it's not warming it's just it makes you feel hot while you're you know on the pot alright guys here we are we've done it we've worn the same outfit remember to wear it something like an we have moved into a new facility Halloween out foods whenever you move into a new facility you should always wear the same outfit no this isn't that you do internet teaming that's not about moving this is about you know this is you and me turning over a new leaf we're gonna wear matching clothes for the rest of our lives now starting today so we got to start shopping together this is a total accident yes so here we are we've this was not intentional that's what he means we just showed up with red hoodies and purple shirts on dancin why not we have not resolved all of the internet issues for those of you who endured that whole episode yesterday thanks for that I didn't know that was happening but it was but we don't have official internet but we have this temporary internet situation as you can see I mean the place is still under construction it's being painted right now and just ignore I got stolen as he paints he's just he's painting a beam up there everybody's got to do their part it'll be okay it's it's good so yeah I think I think what we can do is in a second we can show you guys give you guys a tour of this place but I will start off by saying that this particular room right here that we're in we're calling this the lounge this is I don't think this is where we're gonna be shooting good mythical morning moving forward cuz it allows huh I'm calling this the lounge because we're gonna have like there's couches in here there's a there's a television you know our team has expanded if we have like group discussions and maybe need a whiteboard that stuff's gonna happen here right border but the first piece of magic that's happening here is we're actually using it as a set for a series of we are producing for freecreditscore.com you may have seen their television as one of them has a fancy bear one has a couple and a big thing of guacamole there's a couple of other ones but basically the way this is a contest you can win money and the way that you do that is you submit an ending for a commercial that you want us to make or you make your own ending for the commercial and if you're chosen there's a couple of all the rules are at the site we're gonna put a link in the description it's freecreditscore.com slash contest so we want some good ideas from you mythical beasts that's why we're talking about it we will read your ideas if you submit them and if they're good or challenging but still doable in like a 48 hour period we will do it and you will win money well we're not going to do all of them that are good I'm sick pick one lawyers there some suggestion is oh it's the cameras movement now okay you know let's start by going up here because it sounds like the part with nothing let's go back we're gonna do slumber parties let's come on come on okay you got like a loft area yeah watch out for the paint I'm creating those ovens that you create a tin foil just in case early and we need to like distill water so then you look down here this is where we just were see we can hang some lines here we got a light hanging here guests all say hello amen okay he's the genius behind this this is a fresh color palette all right let's sit listen I don't feel like I need to stay up here we have roofing I don't I don't want you to shoot out the window because then people will know where we are what you heard me come on let's go down out of the loft lounge a permits and lounge and plus while we're here let's just come over to this area over here we've got heads hello meathead us intern extraordinaire as is doing some interesting things what are you doing it doesn't matter okay alright okay kitchen table sit there eat here we go things can happen here with some meetings informal Mila Kunis thumb-wrestle I thought you wanted to show you my hand quick a we can't do business deals but thumb-wrestling alright the kitchen they haven't seen this yet okay all right here we go it's an old fridge with like a blue front on it I think you're interested in that blue fronted furnishings we have spicy cheese balls let's just sit here and eat cheese balls the rest of the episode they're spicy I don't think I want us looking afraid oh we have a fish yo this is actually something I need your help with we haven't named this fish yet mythical beast and you see him Jason hmm not really you can't see him either he's hiding over in the corner he's camera-shy he's in there somewhere trust me there is a betta fish in there he's blue he needs a mythical beast name people so Oh fish name let us know in the comments what you would like for us to name the mythical betta fish I don't know so let's go into the the office portion of our studio what was the bathroom yeah it's gonna go we'll be doing a lot of sitting in here a lot of thinking a lot of iPhone gaming actually there's a bathroom downstairs that you can do this sitting stuff oh this is not a number that's just a standing well then how come we don't have a urinal we can get one again I want to you're all in the office okay right right you blocking blocking you right here is kind of like a receiving area people come upstairs here and then this is this is my office and then I got another office we could take your office our office we have on matching clothes can you just at least be a team member for once yep nope and we got an edit Bay here I love people it's amazing and we actually have an editor in here say hello Ben hey guys you see this is this is how not moved in we are then is in the traditional Bangladeshi imposition for editing which is on the on your belly you guys may recognize Ben as the forehead I'm holding the puppet I mean what's the Nate listening of that mean we did a long time ago don't shake the Harlem shake I've wiped it from my memory he's deported from Harlem shake we can go ahead to links office apparently it's not mine but I do have a desk in here and that is that's the face of links here it is here is our temporary tymberlee moved our nasty desks into ear it's pretty empty in here right now there's a green you go around this way and then we're gonna do something over here like a hot tub hot tub place right here and then like over here is a diving board oh and then like up here is like track lighting are these lectures my beakers it might be where we film good mythical morning right here don't you think eventually when we do the gun stock I'm gonna get of that speaking of speaking of that here would you like to go this way thank you okay another room another office in here with a couple of people at hello he's got washed out over here backlit Jindal and Stevie they're in here they're working on things they don't have desks either yeah they have crate in chairs which is all they're gonna get top-secret information and it's pretty Qasim bolster you and where does the hot tub go in this office however you every office kids a hot tub suspension hanging tough okay any questions so far well this is great this too has really turned out to be yes aren't you excited okay and now here we're we're calling this think we're to call it a stage one so we told have we told people that please stop dancing have we told people overdue official freaking announcement bubbles are doing this is our dance space we're gonna get tap ballet clogging all types of stuff we're gonna have mirrors over here look do you want me to legit woman's gonna be stretching who are the girls tell the real thing let me tell them what's actually gonna happen here for real no that means to me okay it's not a dance studio but we're gonna tell you something very exciting is gonna be happening in here there's things in these boxes that are going to help make that anyway this is where we take craps this is where I'm actually going to sit you know you don't get a taller man what I'm just giving a tour we were to call this stage two or just like storage rooms okay this is this is our second dance video this is what we do like more urban dance lessons like like this it's like this but this is getting silly and this one's got creepy actually and this is a shortage of zebra by the way here's the bacon bot came out of hiding and it's another seat down sits some penis this is like the cover let me do it okay all right using the other toys it's not as funny in a second time again okay what do you think are you excited we're excited we don't have a place to put our on let me hold it for you Oh wheel of mythicality you're separated with your shoulder man you always spin you argue for no reason isn't that what we do all the time anyway what are you looking at oh nothing I wasn't even focused on me anything what are you talking about what's your problem I know I don't know I don't have a problem what's your problem I don't know I'm trying to figure out what yours is though well what are you looking at I'm trying to figure it out is it a problem it looks like you got a serious problem no it's not it likes something hanging from a nose evil no it's something on your face oh really like it from ionic no you're a fake whole face well I'm disappointed in an argumentative about it
Channel: undefined
Views: 661,809
Rating: 4.9419212 out of 5
Keywords: New studio, studio tour, toliet, bathroom humor, number two, toliet paper rhettandlink, rhett, link, Good Mythical Morning, funny video, vlog, new studio, new studio tour, gmm studio, gmm new studio, rhett link studio, rhett link studio tour, good mythical morning, good mythical morning studio, good mythical morning studio setup, good mythical morning new studio, good mythical morning our new studio, gmm our new s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2013
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