Our Need of The Holy Spirit Pt. 2- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingFacts

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i remember hearing years ago about a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman now i didn't do it for very long and i don't know whether it'll help my image for you but i was at one point a vacuum cleaner salesman i wasn't very good at it and i thought they charged too much so i didn't do it very long but um i remember hearing about this one salesman he was very convincing a little bit pushy but uh he you know was making his way through this town and selling vacuum cleaners right and left and he had something where he'd go in and kind of push his way in the door and he'd go in and he'd say he'd put a pile of dirt on the floor and of course that would horrify the people of the home you say this vacuum cleaner electrolux or whatever it was it's going to vacuum it every bit of that if it doesn't i will eat it with a spoon and so after he got done going through this city he started to go out in the rural areas and he was knocking on doors and and selling vacuum cleaners he came to this one farmer's house and the lady kind of looked through the screen door and he pretty much got his foot in the door and forced his way in and she was nice but she was shaking her head and he said ma'am i can just promise you right now that this vacuum cleaner is unlike anything you've ever seen before and it is gonna it'll vacuum up everything and he took his little pile of dirt that he kept with him and he dumped it on her carpet and he said this vacuum cleaner is gonna vacuum up every bit of that if it doesn't i'll eat it with a spoon she put her hands on her hips and turned and walked away he says ma'am really it will she says no i believe you she said i'm going to the kitchen to get a spoon because we ain't got no power in these parts we ain't got no power in these parts you wonder how many churches out there are doing all kinds of things that churches do completely void of the holy spirit you can go through all kinds of motions you know i've heard about churches that have meetings and they cancel an evangelistic project because they say that well we don't have enough money or they canceled program because they don't have enough people or they'll cancel something because they say we just don't have the facilities but i've never yet heard a church cancel anything because they say we don't have the holy spirit because we'll try and do all kinds of things without the holy spirit you know the early church was told don't do anything without the holy spirit jesus said wait in jerusalem until you receive power on high but i wonder how many times churches go through the motions of plain church and we are spirit-less and we could say with that woman we ain't got no power in these parts we need to know how to receive the holy spirit and our message today is part two began last week and dealing with our need of the holy spirit now something i always am a little reluctant to tell people because they misunderstand and become very nervous is about the unpardonable sin i can't tell you how many times we've had phone calls at our radio program and people are wondering pastor doug i think i've committed the unpardonable sin and if a person thinks that they're inclined to give up and they may not have committed the sin and the devil wants them to think they've committed the unpardonable sin it is called in the bible the most serious offense let me read this to you matthew chapter 12 31 therefore i say to you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men now you know that's the part i think we ought to emphasize all manner of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men god forgives all kinds of sin you can't even conjure up in your mind a particular sin without thinking of somebody you know that's been forgiven of that god is a very forgiving god all manner of sin will be forgiven men but the blasphemy against the holy spirit will not be forgiven men anyone who speaks a word against the son of man it will be forgiven him jesus is so kind and meek and merciful but whoever speaks against the holy spirit it will not be forgiven him neither in this age or in the age to come not in this life or in the judgment that means then you've got a parallel verse that troubles people hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 for it is impossible for those who are once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift meaning the spirit and they become partakers of the holy spirit and have tasted the good word of god and the powers of the age to come if they fall away to renew them again to repentance since they crucify again for themselves the son of god and put him to open shame now here paul who i believe wrote hebrews is saying when a person has all the best that god has to offer if they turn away from all the best what else is god going to pull out of his bag and so they've had the fullness of the spirit they've tasted the world to come they've got all the best if they turn away from that what else can you use to entice them if you turn away from jesus and his love on the cross what else can you use and you know it is encouraging also to remember that hebrew said for it is impossible it's impossible for men but all things are possible with god this verse is not saying that a person cannot backslide and then come back to the lord because don't you have stories where you know people have are don't we have a parable about the prodigal son who was in the father's house and had all the blessings of the father and he walked away from it and so this is not saying a person cannot be redeemed it's saying if you turn away from the best that god has to offer and you persist in this what else is god going to offer you again one other passage that may be referring to the unpardonable sin have you read before first john 5 16 there is a sin leading to death and i do not say you should pray about that and everyone wonders what sin is it that we should not pray about it's talking about praying for others who have sinned well obviously the only sin that can't be forgiven would be the only sin you shouldn't pray for because it's unforgivable so what is the unpardonable sin what is the sin that cannot be forgiven if you know god is so patient and sometimes we presume on the patience of god he works with us he convicts us he forgives us but we keep turning back and we think well i've got a lot of time i got a lot of life and little by little over the years we can get where we develop a callous on our spiritual ear we don't hear the voice of the holy spirit the volume has gotten dim we lose the ability to be convicted because it's the holy spirit that convicts it's the holy spirit that gives you the gift to repent and if we continue to procrastinate humbling ourselves and surrendering to the lord you can reach the point of no return now while we're talking about the holy spirit i'm done talking about that other issue and and i just want you to know you don't want to toy with the holy spirit when he's speaking to you don't want to grieve away the spirit um but where there's life there's hope and if you're still being convicted there's hope for you i always think it's odd when some you know 15 year old comes to me and says pastor doug i think i've grieved away the holy spirit and we just baptize a 90 year old lady god's really patient so but don't don't push the the envelope on what that degree is amen now the holy spirit comes in different degrees was jesus baptized with the holy spirit when he was 30 years of age yes he was anointed did jesus not have the holy spirit before his baptism that's a double negative isn't it yes he did have the holy spirit before a person is baptized in the spirit isn't it the holy spirit that brings them conviction that gives them comfort when they repent and turn to the lord and they may not have been baptized yet so you can have varying degrees now the holy spirit's a person can you have a varying degree of relationship with somebody you might know the name of the clerk at the drugstore hopefully you don't know his name as well as you know your husband unless the clerk is your husband there are varying degrees of knowing people right and in the same way there are varying fillings of the holy spirit and so you may have the spirit in your life you may have had the spirit in your life working with you for years but the bible says that we have the privilege of being filled with the holy spirit jesus said if i go i will send the comforter did he go he's not retracted his promise the promise being filled with the holy spirit is available now individuals can be filled and groups can be filled i can show you both examples in the bible but i think that you'll take my word for it you've got in the bible the holy spirit came on samson on david on authonel on gideon on many other bible characters and these are just the old testament ones holy spirit moved in the old testament but you see special evidence of the holy spirit in the new by the way you might be interested to know luke probably says more about the holy spirit than matthew mark and john and if you read in luke's gospel and the book of acts luke walked with paul he saw the manifestation of the spirit so many times so it comes in different degrees john 3 34 for he whom the father has sent speaks the words of god and god does not give the spirit to him by measure jesus received the holy spirit without measure acts 41 oh wait i want to go back and read something to you if you look in john chapter 20 in the upper room jesus says this and it says he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit he breathed on them any of you ever see there was an evangelist on tv that used to blow on people and that all fall down he's kind of famous for that i guess he used this as his verse for that but um jesus breathed on them now was this pentecost this is the upper room he breathed on them what happened to pentecost it says they prayed the place where she can it was like a mighty wind and so it's a difference between a breath and a wind that's varying degrees right all right something else we're just talking about some of the particulars about the holy spirit here the holy spirit has different facets we know there are different gifts of the spirit have you read for instance in revelation it says it four times revelation 1 4 john to the seven churches which are in asia grace to you in peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits that are before his throne ever wondered one of the seven spirits is the holy spirit one is god three and the holy spirit then is divided in seven additional persons of the godhead and what does that add up to what does it mean the seven spirits of god best answer i have is talking about seven facets of the holy spirit ways the holy spirit manifests himself here's an example look in isaiah chapter 11 verse 1. it's not on your screen i'm still trusting you use your bibles isaiah 11 1 because you'll need to look at this one underlying this on your iphone it says there shall come forth a rod from the stem of jesse and a branch will grow out of his roots who's that talking about jesus the spirit of the lord shall rest on him spirit of the lord the spirit of wisdom and understanding spirit of counsel might i've only got five fingers on that hand spirit of knowledge fear of the lord those are seven different attributes if you include the spirit of the lord is one of them that it gives for the holy spirit and so when you pray the bible says if any man lacks wisdom let him ask of god wisdom wisdom is one of these things isn't it spirit of wisdom and so there are different facets to the spirit of god and that's why you'll sometimes hear it referred to as the seven spirits of god something else i thought was interesting god the spirit works with an individual and the way that god gives the gifts is god in that individual may manifest itself in a unique way for instance you know the bible talks about the spirit of moses and elijah and the apostles that's interesting god said he would take the spirit of moses and give it to others did moses have his own copyright brand of the holy spirit look at this numbers 11 16 so the lord says to moses gather to me seventy men from the elders of israel and i will take the spirit that is on you and i will put the same unto them and they will bear the burden of the people that you may not bear it alone this spirit of administration and judgment and leadership that god had given through the holy spirit to moses he would then take and give to the 70 elders and you see it take place in verse 25 the lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him and he took the spirit that was on him moses and placed the same on the 70 elders the interesting that jesus gave the holy spirit to the 12 apostles and to the 70 disciples that went out teaching for him because they saw the holy spirit work through them and there were miracles that were done moses had 12 princes and 70 elders jesus had 12 apostles and 70 disciples it's kind of interesting huh look for instance in something else i want you to notice it says after the holy spirit came on the 70 elders the spirit rested on them and they prophesied it's going to come up later the holy spirit came on came on king saul know what it says first samuel 19 23 for he king saul he went there to naoth and rama to see samuel the spirit of god was on him also and he went and he prophesied second kings 2 15. now when the sons of the prophets who were from jericho saw him they saw elisha they said the spirit of elijah rests on elisha you remember what elijah said ask what you will elijah said i want a double portion of your spirit and so they said the spirit of elijah rests in elijah what was the prophecy about john the baptist he will go before him in the spirit and the power of elijah now what does that mean why does it say the spirit of elijah did you know elijah like i say have his own copyright brand of the spirit well the message of elijah was a message of the prophets it was one of revival the message of moses was a message more of the law what two individuals appear to jesus on the mount of transfiguration moses and elijah and the apostles were there and you know the lord take the spirit of jesus he put it on the apostles and the spirit of the apostles went on the church and there's something that the spirit seems to be transferred now the spirit comes from god but often it comes through one praying for another look for instance if you go to acts 19 verse 5 when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus and then paul laid his hands on them and the holy spirit came upon them do you know that when peter went up to samaria the people had been baptized but he laid hands on them and the holy spirit came upon them you know hebrews even talks about a doctrine of the laying on of hands you don't hear much about that but the holy spirit when someone was filled with a spirit they could place their hands on someone else and they were filled with the holy spirit when they prayed for them and it was almost like god wanted us to be involved in sharing truth with others and so we had a part to play in that we need the holy spirit for guidance now don't forget what i said about them being filled with the spirit and prophesying that will come up later we need the spirit for guidance acts 13 4 so being sent out by the holy spirit they went down to seleucia and from there they sailed to cyprus holy spirit sent them out you ever been impressed to go somewhere by the holy spirit tell you a quick story i was doing meetings up in paradise years ago uh lonnie miloshenko was a pastor up there and we were doing evangelism but i liked going home and even though it was three hours across mendocino pass mountain dirt roads 50 miles i decided i want to go home so i knew it was winter wasn't quite over so spring wasn't quite over and i thought there's probably snow still blocking that mountain you can't get through when there's no i thought but i really want to go and my logic said you don't want to do that now the pass is not open but i kept thinking take that road and i just felt led to take that road and i thought this is the dumbest thing in the world you're gonna have to turn around so i drove all the way up the mendocino pass road pretty soon sure enough i ran into snow but i saw tire tracks in the snow i said well maybe somebody made it through so i kept following i mean way back kept going and going and going it's dark it's after an evangelistic meeting it's like midnight and now the snow's getting really deep so i put my truck in four wheel drive and i'm going i'm going now i'm like pushing snow i'm bare i said i'm never gonna make it but i said someone's up there i see tire tracks and so i kept going and pretty soon i came to a little like a datsun pickup truck this german tourist had looked at a map and he was trying to get to highway 101 and he saw a road and so he tried to get across he didn't know how big those mountains were how deep the snow was he had been stuck there for like three days in the snow trying to get himself out and the lord sent me up there to toe him out and i was able to get him back on the ground where he could drive his way out and i knew it was the holy spirit that guided me i didn't realize it until afterward now how many times have you not known that spirit was guiding you until afterward i was just visiting with a member here i won't tell all the particulars but i saw one of their relatives yesterday at a store we had a conversation and they said the holy spirit arranged that i didn't know i was supposed to go to that electronic store under the guidance of the holy spirit i thought i was getting a widget while i was there but the holy spirit told me to get that part from my phone the holy spirit guides you if you commit your way to the lord he guides you we need the holy spirit for witnessing now this is really where this message uh i think is the most important if you look in acts chapter 1 you'll receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you will be witnesses to me in jerusalem and judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth how are we successful witnesses through the holy spirit is it possible that you have ever tried to witness without the holy spirit can a pastor stand up in front of a church and just make the whole congregation feel guilty that they're not doing more soul winning and they'll go out and they'll try to do soul winning because they think they're supposed to do it but they don't have the spirit so would you rather have training and no spirit or spirit and no training so what's the most important thing if we're going to be a church of witnesses we'd be praying for the holy spirit you'll receive power when the holy spirit comes on on you and you'll be my witnesses the first thing the new testament begins talking about this power that would come through christ john said i baptize you with water under repentance but he that comes after i is mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear he will baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire before the children of israel could get into the promised land they were baptized in water as they went through the red sea that's first corinthians 10 and they were baptized in fire as this pillar of fire came in the camp so they had a water baptism and they had a fire baptism and then they eventually went to the promised land we need both baptisms you know jesus said that unless you are born of the water and the spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven so the way that god works in our lives with the gifts of the spirit is he fills us corey ten boom used to share an illustration she'd walk in front of people when she gave her little spiritual talks and she'd hold a glove she'd say i got a glove here in my hand it's a nice leather glove of course the glove doesn't do anything until i put my hand in it once i put my hand in it and i fill every finger of the glove with my hand i can do all kinds of things with the glove but the glove doesn't do anything until the power of the hand is in the glove we can't really do anything for god until the power of the spirit fills us in our lives and he wants to do that now this next thing is very precious to me i don't hear very many pastors or evangelists talking about it but i think it's biblical one of the things the holy spirit will do for you is he will give you audacity better known as boldness if you've got the holy spirit and you have a knowledge of the bible but you're afraid to say anything to anybody nobody's gonna know the early church realized boldness was important now what does bold mean fearless brave daring and courageous what did god say to joshua before he tried to enter the promised land be courageous be courageous be very courageous you need courage to be a christian peter marshall who is a great preacher he once said in his vivid style 20th century christians are like deep sea divers encased in diving gear designed for many fathoms marching bravely forth with their diving gear to pull plugs out of bathtubs here they've got this diving gear that enables them to go a hundred feet below the water and all they'll do is pull a plug out of the bathtub and you know god is telling us i'm giving you power to do great things matter of fact jesus said greater things than i have done will you do because i go to the father what did he mean i go to the father i'm going to send the spirit and so because i'm going to the father to send the spirit what i've done greater things than these will you do doesn't mean that we're going to do the work of atonement that jesus did it means the extent of what we do will be even greater because he's going to the father to empower us he was one the church is many notice did jesus have boldness john 6 i'm sorry john 7 26 but lo he speaks boldly and they say nothing to him do the rulers indeed know this is the very christ his boldness said something about that you know i think the gospel would go so much farther if we pray for the holy spirit to give us courage don't be intimidated by the devil our culture today is trying to frighten us away from witnessing you know it's it's everything that's happening in our society and our culture today is designed by the devil to intimidate christians so that we're afraid to speak up and if you act like you're a christian that really believes the bible uh you're a pariah you're not that but you know what in their hearts the world has no answers to offer people as you tell them that you found jesus and you found joy and you found direction and what you found they can't argue with that so don't be afraid to be bold another important thing the holy spirit comes to us we need the holy spirit for sealing ephesians 1 13 and 14 in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in who you also believed you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise it is your guarantee of your inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit having the holy spirit and knowing you have the holy spirit is that seal pastor doug i thought that the seal of god was something in his law well yeah but obviously those who have the seal of god have the spirit of god those who have the mark of the beast have the spirit of the devil so the first part of the seal of god is the holy spirit right amen let me give you another one you don't sound convinced ephesians 4 30 do not grieve the holy spirit of god by who you were sealed for the day of redemption second corinthians 1 21 now he who establishes us with you in christ and has anointed us in god is god you know jesus was the anointed the one who establishes us in christ and has anointed us we get anointed with the holy spirit who has also sealed us he's done what he sealed us without anointing and given us the spirit in our hearts as a guarantee wouldn't you like to have a card that comes from heaven that says this is your guaranteed admittance to heaven would that make you feel a little better well you do it's right here in your bible it's a promise in god's word do you believe it and he says the holy spirit will be there in your mind in your heart now do you know you have the holy spirit because you feel you have the holy spirit or do you know you have the holy spirit because god promised to give you the holy spirit and when you believe the promise then you feel something i think it's the latter don't go like this and say all right lord please send me the holy spirit do i feel like i've got the holy spirit you may not feel anything but if you open the word and you say god promises to give his holy spirit repent that's acts chapter 2 repent be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ and you shall receive the gift of god for the promises unto you does that sound like god is promising to give the holy spirit to those who repent and are baptized so when you believe it you say well he's promised to give me the spirit thank you lord and as soon as you believe it you will feel different see we don't get the feeling in the faith we have the faith and then the feeling that's very important when you have faith you will feel different when you believe the promises of god so he gives it to us to seal us deal moody i don't remember if i read this to you last week dwight moody said god commands us to be filled with his spirit and if we are not filled with it it is because we are living beneath our privileges as many as are led by the spirit of god these are the sons of god these are the sons and the daughters of god are you led by the spirit can you think of anything more important that we should be praying about every day than to be praying that god gives us his spirit amen and we need the holy spirit for cleansing hebrews 9 14 he'll not only convict he doesn't leave us they're convicted he cleanses and then he commissions the holy spirit will convict us he cleanses us and then he gives us power and he commissions us to go and to teach others have you ever heard before about a betty nezmuth betty nesmeth was a secretary in dallas back in 1956 and she was a good secretary but she was frustrated because before they came out with those ibm correcting typewriters when you made a mistake typing i don't know if any of you remember the old documents you would just simply back up and type the right letter over the wrong letter and sometimes you type it two or three times so there'd be no question you ever done that you write some numbers you say i got that one wrong and you kind of scribble and write the right number over the wrong number well she was an artist and she said well an artist paints over their mistakes and they correct it so she went home to her art studio and she got some white paint she matched it up with the color of the paper she got in watercolors got it the consistency so it would go on and dry quickly and whenever she made a mistake typing she took a little paint brush she'd type over that she'd blow on it a few times she'd back up after a dry and she'd type over it and the other secretary said that's a great idea can you bring me a little of that i saw what she was doing her documents always look much better some of the boss is discouraging they said you shouldn't be doing that yeah we shouldn't have paint in the office you're painting over letters and she ignored them she went to several marketing firms and says i've come up with this great invention i call it marks out or something like that she had a name for it and they said now we're not interested she even went to ibm okay when the reps came to the up she said i've got this invention it and you just painted over your mistake and now nobody's going to use that but all the secretaries kept asking for it so she began out of her kitchen to bottle the stuff and sell it in 1956 and it just began to grow and then she bought a shed out back 10 feet by 16 and she began to sell it and everybody everybody wanted something that would help fix their mistakes finally they named it white out or liquid paper any of you remember liquid paper how many of you use liquid paper i also used erasable bond back then and you remember you paint over the little word and you you're blowing on it you back up you type over it again you kids in the computer age you don't know what in the world we're talking about you just press delete you don't know how hard it was for us i remember i was a company clerk in a military school if i made a mistake on the page i had to start all over again and i remember once weeping on the landing of my dorm because i was so frustrated because i kept making mistakes liquid paper praised the lord they had this other stuff called erasable bond isn't that neat when you could just erase you make it take a racer it would erase the paper she ended up selling the company betty nesmoth for 47 and a half million dollars to the gillette corporation that kind of they said nobody's gonna use that but they kept selling it and a little bit of trivia has nothing to do with my illustration she had a son named michael nismith that was a member of the monkeys the singing group i was a little glint of recognition of your wasted youth so we need the holy spirit for cleansing we make mistakes you pray the promise is that if we repent if we confess he is faithful unjust to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness holy spirit is compared to fire acts they prayed in the spirit there's a mighty wind it's like wind jesus said the wind blows where it will it's committed to fire came down like tons of fire because they were given the speaking ability to prophesy remember what's what happened when moses elders were filled with the spirit they prophesied saul was filled with the spirit prophesied have you read first corinthians chapter 14 greater is he that prophesies and he that speaks with the tongue they were putting all the emphasis on having the gift of tongues but he said if you don't say anything people understand it's useless but if your prophesy means to not predict the future it means to share the truth with others the holy spirit is given so we can be his witnesses now not everyone's a preacher but everybody can say something and the lord wants us to be able to share what we do know about him you know i like using alternate forms of power karen and i are exploring putting solar on our house because our air conditioning bill is so bad right now with the heat got a pelton wheel up in kovalev has different kinds of water wheels the old water wheels they've been using water power for a long time and they've been using wind power for a long time you've seen the the windmills there in the netherlands and you've heard of the water wheels that they would use to turn the grist mills for grinding the wheat you've probably seen some beautiful pictures of the water mills now there's two kinds of water mills they've got what they call the under shot and they got the overshot under shot water wheel is the water wheel is in a creek and as a creek runs by underneath it turns the wheel as it's running by it pushes on the bottom of the wheel but the most powerful water wheel is the overshot where a waterfall lands on top of the water wheel and the weight of the water which is very heavy pushes it down it has a lot more power than the undershot water wheel it's just the current most people and even most christians go through light and it's the undershot power what we need is the power that comes from above we need that overshot power a lot of people think we're getting along okay because you can do a lot with that lower power and it can just be enough of the spirit to fool us into thinking we've got the baptism of the holy spirit but before jesus comes the promises i will pour out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters will prophesy your old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions also upon my handmaidens in those days and my servants i will pour it out pour out of my spirit god before jesus comes again he wants to pour out his spirit see when he came the first time there was the former reign of his spirit to launch the church and to begin it growing and spreading around the world before he comes again there's going to be what they call the latter reign of the holy spirit that's going to prepare for the harvest now i don't know what are we supposed to be doing is god looking at a calendar wondering not yet not yet when i reach this certain date on the calendar and when my clock registers and the alarm goes off then it'll be time for the outpouring of the holy spirit so are we waiting on god to send the latter rain or is it possible heaven is waiting on us to ask for it and god wants to send it he is more anxious to give the holy spirit to us than we are to give good gifts to our children to them that jesus said ask him how did elisha get a double portion elijah said you've asked for a big thing did he get what he asked for does god want to give us the holy spirit it might mean a deep heart searching ask you've got a trivial ask and you've got a serious ask and we need to seriously knock and seek and ask and he will give us the spirit but there's nothing we need more and we must have it to get to the kingdom and i won't be satisfied until i know i have the fullness of his spirit isn't that what you want
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 11,601
Rating: 4.8646617 out of 5
Id: lRvMdt_muaw
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Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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