Our Japanese/American Home | Life in Japan Episode 1

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what's it Wasi konnichiwa are the writers home can I come in and visit okay [Music] konichiwa Wow if Sarah Ryder here and Rebecca writer and Anna writer oh my goodness is this what you guys live you live in here hard for us okay well can you show me around a little bit Oh yours is up here and - ones down here we have three bedrooms in this house so this is our bedroom here during the day it functions as an office it functions as a studio but then at night we pull this couch out we make it into our room and this has served us really well everybody's going upstairs bathroom the only bathroom at the sink well it's not even a bathroom I don't know what it's called it's the laundry room and the tooth washer [Music] and then in here a little chub a little shower but everything gets wet time to get to the big four Japan where I spend most of my days now when we moved in there was like no shelves or anything right that's cabinet my dad for christmas present added these cabinets and this cabinet so if you had a cabinet above my stove my oven that's my little oven this oven gets a lot of work there's an oven and microwave altogether by the times we entertain 20-plus people in here right what do you dry our clothes and here's something that you get in Japan right by our front door isn't it if we ever get thirsty we just walk right out our front door and get a ditch a bunch of bikes on some with carriers some with training wheels some with toys oh my goodness it's only green it is a whole lot of green because spring just came huh oh my goodness well I hope you've enjoyed our very first episode of life in Japan we're planning on many more of these episodes like what our typical day is like what our typical weekend is like getting around town and the trains and the traffic here all kinds of fun things that are happening with music production and things of the church so make sure you hit subscribe so you see these videos as soon as they come out also check out our website wwlp.com it doesn't look like writer our eut ter but we do say writer so we look forward to seeing you around and join us for life in Japan [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Life in Japan
Views: 92,686
Rating: 4.9564428 out of 5
Keywords: family, tokyo, japan, american, english, culture, entertainment, biculture, bilingual, home
Id: 01JsY8LmUxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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