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so the ecology means like recognizing what was there before and we can't go back to what was there before right but it doesn't necessarily mean that it needs sort of saying what knowledge was there that has not been validated by colonization what traditions were there one way to think about traditional diets is that all traditional diets are healthy because all traditional diets developed with health as their primary motivator right foods developed because they were they were designed to make people healthy in the modern era food is produced for profit it doesn't matter if it's healthy and the first thing I did is there was a plan was to build an herb spiral in the center of the garden and they'll put all these birds and they started to flourish and it started to be so beautiful in the center of my purse - lavender and then when the spring would have bloomed like all the bees came to the herb spiral and it was then and all of a sudden like the Cisco started to received right who is that feeling of having her hands in the soil they reconnected me to my spirit so it was really powerful and then with the herbs I would I get the eggs from the chickens and get a handful of herbs from the herbs file and make money back home right and I'd be like oh this is self-sustaining this feels so good to experience I connected both to Mother Earth but also to my ancestors who had I knew who had done this like I just need restarts are looking at how our foods traditionally made how we make them now and then how are they traditionally made so it's not for example like my father's family is from New Mexico so I grew up in Mexico and they make a red chili she did call it although sauce there and they thicken it with white flour right but they didn't always thicken it with white flour right that's that's from the conquest we also were really inspired we looked a lot at the choices which are documents that were written during the conquest and also letters that the Spaniards wrote back to the king of Spain where they would describe different peoples but one of the things for example about the Aztec people they said that food we know she lake was like fasting and without salt was like torturing and then they attempted to change the diet right with these things so that week became something that was valued and corn tortillas became something that was devalued and considered poor lacking status and there's even like this values were allegedly stood in their doorways with red macaws on there like to show how high they were that they were eating you know we and when we looked at things like the codices are like the the letters from the letters to the king of Spain where they would talk about the marketplace it's not the no-go and they would say you know they were selling come on it's there they didn't call it the - they called them the histories or pies or dumplings at the coverage right and they said there were some of the play-doh eggs and there were some one rabbit and there were some pumpkin seeds of numbers so with corn and there was something that she lived it burned within and there are some that are shaped like seashells and there's some airship like spirals of it or some that are shaped like torpedoes and there's some that are shaped like and they just need all these different ways that they looked and we felt like there was such a diversity of the Motta's and now we have sort of like a paucity of the on is that we think like oh there's only these few ways to make them and so we really want to rearrange that diversity of vision that says there's lots of different ways to make this to decolonize then is to really see the benefit and the value of the ancestral knowledge that we also hold as a community you
Channel: Teatro Visión
Views: 2,706
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Teatro Vision, theatre, theater, arts, San Jose, decolonize, sacred heart
Id: umHVZG1vI4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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