Our First YouTube Live Q&A!!

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are we live hello is it on is it on does it say it's on i don't see it on our website yet all right oh there it is it shows live all right can you see the comments can people let us know if they're here where you're watching from can you hear us can you see us all the important questions to get started oh i saw a thumbs up all right all right well interesting where's our little page that shows us the comments right there we can hear you thanks bruce all right perfect so awesome all right we got 20 people you're on thanks tom thanks switchbacks xt hunter all right perfect all right so we're doing it we're live people can hear us people can see us all right well we're gonna cheers to that and if you have a drink cheers to you too we need a little liquid courage since this is our first live and unfiltered ray has told me i have to filter myself so yeah that's the dangerous part good luck everybody so we do want to let you know that we have our moderator on her name is tammy she helps us behind the scenes with a couple of different getaway couples stuff but she also runs our pinterest account so if you need traffic to your pinterest account if you're a creator or a blogger and you want to you know to get some traffic from pinterest we highly recommend tammy so we will put or tammy feel free to put your website in the comments and thank you so much tammy for moderating for us so if you're bad you say bad words you say mean stuff tammy's got the go ahead to boot you all right wow there's a bunch of comments let me we got a new software so i'm gonna try this out okay so some of our friends are on here like oh finding our someday what's up guys hey guys hello we're joining yeah grand design ambassadors yes definitely um awesome all right so that worked that was pretty cool that worked all right we're gonna jump into some of the questions that people submitted before so let's go ahead and start out with an easy one for red oh what app do you use to edit your videos i use adobe premiere pro it's not the easiest to learn but it's worthwhile if you have the time but i have heard that apple movie is that what it's called imovie movie it's easy to edit in if you just need like a leaping off point but yeah nice premiere pro yeah and she does that because i already have the creative adobe suite and so uh i kind of told her where are you paying for it so learn the super hard one which is probably not the best idea no but you know all right you're doing a great job yeah oh i'm doing a great job you're doing a great job thanks all right uh all right w r cozentino wants to know how do you monitor the rv temp when you leave carmen alone that's a good question so we started off we just purchased a um a system to do it for us was called marcel they were the only ones out there now i think there's something called yeah now there's a couple of different options it's like um i forget another like pet temp monitoring one you can just literally type in rv pet temperature monitoring google and it'll come up but now i actually have our acs integrated into home assistant which is all this diy smart rv stuff uh that i've been doing and enjoy and so i can actually monitor it directly from the ac thermostat um and turn the acs on or off if i need to from your phone from my phone wherever we are uh if you're interested in stuff like that uh join my facebook group called diy smart rv and smarter people than me will teach you how it's always the goal yeah all right liberty or death star which is my little sister wants to know any ghost sightings recently i don't think we've had any in 2020 we're trying to think of this beforehand but yeah i feel like we've had some spooky uh experiences on the road but yeah definitely some some weird vibes uh outside of mesa verde i was like you know where i personally am kind of like a skeptic i've had a lot of strange experiences but until i see like a full body apparition like and like it talks to me i don't know if i'm gonna fully believe in ghosts but i do like to go to spooky places because i like to be scared um and safe so yeah and safe absolutely all right so next one hard or soft tacos oh that's a good one i would i would have to say soft but unless you're we're being like really bad like going to taco bell or something then hard tacos we don't do that yeah i like them i like them both it's weird if we go to like taco bell or del taco i'll get i'll get both i'll get two of each um all right let's go to some of the the comments i see raisin breads what words are we not allowed to say uh well you're gonna have to find that one out for yourself get creative i think i think you guys can yeah some colorful words yeah uh oh hi rebecca and jared you might remember them um from caravanning with us so hey from oregon we're actually in oregon right now yes all right and uh matt's rv reviews says oh for super chat thanks matt too bad we didn't get to meet up with you in indiana yes that sucks but and also just to let you guys know this is our first time ever trying or using super chat so matt i think you're actually our very first super chat so we really appreciate it thanks so much what was his question uh he just said too bad we didn't get to meet up yeah okay go go check out his channel if you're looking for rv walkthroughs we actually saw him and almost walked in on him doing one in an alliance at the elkhart campground yes all right so let's keep going down our other questions heart tacos yeah uh what advice would you give ray and jason of three years ago about full-time life on the road uh to relax yeah chill the f out yeah and i don't know go a little bit slower maybe i feel like when we first hit the road it was go go go and we didn't really get to experience as much as we would have liked to of like certain locations so we definitely have to go back to a lot of places we've already been but we got time so yeah exactly and i think i think i've heard a lot of rvers say that actually their first year on the road is just so fast-paced because you're so excited to be have finally achieved this huge dream dream of full-time rv living and then you just want to go go go and you do burn out so i've had a lot of people tell us that that really burnt them out and so go slow and chill out would definitely be advice for us and any rv newbies out there yeah i mean even the spot we're in right now like a good example is parking like the spot we're in right now it took us like 50 times to like get into it like that yeah there was just trees on the diagonals and we were just kind of too lazy to keep going around the park so we chose this one and i didn't really care how long it took me to get in the sight you know i knew i could get it in here getting out will be a different problem but we'll deal with that later exactly all right boondocking priorities so the rosco mothership all right let's see we have we're hoping to buy our first rv this spring and take our daughter on a two week trip from california to california from texas then back all right if i can ask you guys one question it would be what should we look for in a travel trailer classy fifth wheel if boondocking is a major priority all right tank capacity absolutely because i think there's this myth out there that the smaller your rig you guys might hear carbon drinking water i think the myth is the smaller your rig the longer you can boondock and that's definitely not true you might be able to get out further and get to places that big rigs can't get but you won't be able to stay out there longer um i mean we have some friends in smaller rigs and they they can't stay out for more than a week or even five days because their tanks are empty or their fresh tank is empty and their other tanks are full so i think tank capacity is a huge yeah yeah yeah i think that's probably the number one almost anything else you can upgrade yourself um or have upgraded easily like suspension or power like batteries you could always get a generator you can add more solar there's all that stuff you can do yourself but tank capacity is preset yeah if your rig if it comes solar prepped that'd be something else to look out for yeah i mean so but or you could install it yourself yeah install yourself throw a generator on there you know if you're only doing it for a short period of time yeah all right um let's go to a question from the comments okay ken and margaret two old farts in an rv chapman do you still like your more ride is we're having it installed tomorrow so lots of fun yeah so tell brian that we say hi yeah we were actually just up there um love the morai campus dropped off some carrot cakes yes by the way if you're feeling generous they love desserts so anyway to answer your actual question yes we still love our independence suspension it's helped us boondock it it it's a smoother ride i truly feel like it's increasing the life of our rv because we now that we're boondocking we're putting it through so much and so we're not like we know our suspension as the as the main part of our rig that gets us places having that being beefed up is awesome so you guys you're gonna feel the difference they're gonna have you do a little test drive when you're done and you're going to feel the difference immediately absolutely all right uh let's see dan shamik says do you guys smoke cigars while boondocking very specific question first of all why does it have to be wound up yeah uh but no we don't but we also don't smoke cigars anywhere else yeah like i mean we've gone to like ybor city and bought like a cigar but yeah you know that's like up once every 10 years kind of thing on when i got married smoked a scar when you got married did you have did you have one did you have a wedding okay all right let's get a question up in here jerry's journey says don't go off-road in a fifth wheel [Laughter] too late oh we've done it we do it all the time it works great we only got stuck once okay greg or jerry all right all right uh so let's go to a couple of pre-set questions again let's see angela says hi hi oh how old are you two uh-huh and kids we are both 32 yeah and no we don't have kids no don't have them that okay that question might have been towards do we want kids or are we thinking of having kids in the rv because we get that question a lot and right now no like kids just aren't on our mind so we're really enjoying our couplehood we're very selfish yes we're too selfish to have kids right now all right 2020 travel plans what are the travel plans for the rest of 2020 me yeah oh well we are currently in oregon and we will be moving down the coast making our way back to southern california to be home for the holidays because if you didn't know we are from southern california yeah and uh if you want a little bit more up-to-date information a lot of people already know we're on the oregon coast uh because they subscribe to our newsletter so uh just go to getawaycouple.com and the one of the first buttons there is join the gang and you can sign up for our newsletter and figure out and see where we are where we're going yeah jason sends out uh tidbits of information really useful information i feel throughout the week and then every friday i send out an email that's more up to date of what we did last week and where we're going next week so definitely more up-to-date info on there youtube is a couple months behind uh all right let's go to the comments i'm gonna keep bouncing back and forth here because i can uh brazen brit the pandemic screwed up your video release schedule yes it did how far behind are you on your video releases right now so not only did it screw up our release schedule it screwed up our content creation because we weren't you know when we were caravanning it was great we had all this content but like we spent you know a couple weeks in elkhart indiana just catching up on work writing blog articles meeting with companies that we weren't doing anything exciting we weren't sight seeing and so we're almost caught up on our content so if you have any video ideas leave them in the comments please yeah it's definitely hasn't been a year for sightseeing you guys definitely saw a whole like you know usually we get out a lot more and you guys got to see the condensed version of you know the one day we would go hiking in like a two-week period so yes but all right again video ideas leave them in the comments amanda varga says hey guys all right um let's go into this next one let's see we got all right what's your go-to adult beverage i am the official campsite beer taster so um i would say beer is definitely my go-to i have gone a little over budget the last two months so uh i'm currently drinking kirkland's signature beer and uh my other fallback which is costco vodka which i find delicious my another kirkland yeah kirkland yeah costco vodka um we tried out their tequila which is like my number one hard alcohol and it wasn't it wasn't great for that yeah so um required lots of mixers yeah but we got through it yeah and i'm drinking wine from kirkland yeah we're costco family here yeah it's i'm pleasantly surprised yeah yeah we love our costco membership um all right and let's see so lori h here has a couple of questions she wants to know do you have a home base or a place you camp for a long period of time if you need and what state is your official address so let's start with those two okay texas we are texans and we don't but we definitely want one especially with uh covet last year it was a little stressful so it's kind of made us rethink um yeah we want a piece of land or something where if we did need to go long-term we would have a place and we never had that drive much no until the pandemic hit yeah it was just that extra little bit of stress which we don't like where it's um where you felt like you couldn't really go anywhere yeah like you didn't have anywhere to go and then all of our friends and family live in la and they definitely don't have space to park a huge fifth wheel so all these people who like you know mooch dock and like go to their family's house we couldn't do that yeah if we could get up to my mom's house just plenty of land but unfortunately the roads there's no way yes so um let's see and i think we had a couple of other questions on here how long do you plan before heading out to see the country so how long did we take to plan and then why haven't you made a new intro what's wrong with regard yeah we're actually working on a new intro uh we're waiting for frey's brother-in-law to he's a sound engineer and he makes lots of trailers and he actually has like a diddy in his head that he wants to make for us yes we all got a little tipsy at thanksgiving and he just pulls out his guitar and made this whole jingle and we're like we need that yeah so so it's been a year and a half yeah it wasn't this last thanksgiving thanksgiving get on it and then we'll have a new intro and then uh i forget what the other question was do you remember it was oh there we go oh do you see do you see random doctors or travel back to see your primary doctor and then how long did you plan oh okay we see random doctors with our health care it's a ppo and so we don't it's a nationwide people so we can go in any state yep and so we just look up wherever we are we don't actually even have a primary doctor right do we know okay um do we and then um so we love it and then we planned for about a year yeah so yeah we were actually originally going to save up money and head overseas yes and then you know we got this dollar we discovered oh yeah discovered rv yeah so then yeah we started planning and it only took us a year which still felt like forever i felt like i was telling friends and family like we're rv for a year and no one believed us until like the month before they're like oh wow you guys actually got an rv yeah you guys are really going you guys are actually yeah so all right yeah um so let's other questions from the group yeah let's go let's go back to the comments oh it wasn't moving and i thought no one was oh no there's there's a lot it's just stuck all right what kind of dog is carmen yeah she's a twin to my red doberman so she's a doberman mix for you guys but for campgrounds she's an australian kelpie mix uh and you can look those up they look very similar to mutt dobermans like ours and so it's a nice one because for some reason people think dobermans are like very aggressive dogs i'm sure they could be but people think that but yeah but uh they're goofy more than anything they're just so goofy yeah if you've never interacted with a doberman before we highly recommend it they're so silly and the brazen brits can actually they just got adobe if you go to their channel if you want adobe content yeah if you want more adobe content um all right away we roam what tips do you have for growing a youtube channel in this niche it certainly isn't easy no the number one way to succeed over other channels is perseverance perseverance honestly well i don't even look at it as succeeding over other channels to continue going where other channels don't it's you have to keep putting out content it is the number one hardest thing to put out a video that no one watches even to this day or that you put out a video and people don't like it like it's kind of a it's a it's a really hard thing so you kind of are just constantly punched in the stomach i don't know why you would want to ever become a youtuber you guys are seeing jason's true personality in this life but but it's also a lot of perseverance yeah um and i think just being yourself i feel like some people have either picked up a persona or picked up who they would like to be on camera and that's maybe not who they are in real life and that being someone that you're not is really hard so showing your real experiences and you know just being honest and i mean i feel like for us we started getting a following when we started talking about our mistakes or uh things that we messed up on and people looked at us as some of the very first comments we got were around being real and showing the bad side of our being so i mean there are a lot of people that show that but i still think that that's valuable content people who are looking into this lifestyle really want to know what it's like and they want to peek behind the curtain and you know any way you can do that and show realness but also awesomeness is that's good yeah absolutely all right good luck good luck rv there wants to know how much solar do we have uh we have brand new you're hearing it here first or maybe second 2 000 watts of solar so we just added an additional 800 800 watts so i'm super excited i talked ray into it because we were close to high-tech solar in michigan city indiana and so we could save money by not paying any shipping fees and solar panels are a little heavy yeah so and i also had to get rid of a bunch of weight from our rv so i can afford to put the weight on top of the rv so she was happy to get rid of a bunch of stuff yes yes absolutely uh wandering weekends thank you for the super chat we will enjoy that coffee oh thanks guys exciting how exciting all right finding our sunday wrap your heart i hope people are chatting and that that's funny yes all right um so let's see what else we got solar will be nice how do you make the fridge more efficient wall boondocking so we have a propane fridge uh things to make it more efficient i just added a couple of fans to the top to to push the hot air out on the outside on the outside and then uh tom morton actually just gave me some fans that go on the inside over the grills so that just helps push the air circulate the air around and so it's you don't have cold spots and warm spots and all that that's pretty much the only way to make it more efficient there are more efficient fridges in general uh dc only fridges i know a lot of people would do i forget what it's called it's like dutch conversions to change it to a dc fridge um but yeah uh let's see fans two crazy ketos wants to know if buying our they're buying their first trailer what are the pros and cons of a slide space i don't think we're gonna give you any insight here i do yeah obviously when you have slide-outs you have more space and then when you're parked less space when you're not right so if on travel days you need to get to your fridge and you can't access it with the slides in that kind of sucks and then obviously you can have uh you know adding any mechanical thing of any kind is a possibility for mechanical issues so you could have issues with your slides um but yeah i mean to be honest i was actually really scared of our sides and when we first started researching the lifestyle because we have five of them but knock on wood we haven't had many issues and you kind of just get used to them like one time one slide like i think wouldn't go out and we just pushed it and it went out and it's been finally sent so yeah they're not as finicky as you would think no if you look around most rvs have slides nowadays yeah um all right so let's see um next one will be two crazy kids again from earlier uh they wanted to know as fellow youtubers who just bought a travel trailer what is the best way to get wireless internet to your rv is there a better service or a hotspot device so it's a very hard question but just for most people yeah you want to get either att or verizon those are going to be your two main plans that have service and let's say 80 of the places you want to go uh you can get both and now you're up to about 90 um we actually have 18t verizon and t-mobile and then uh i saw in there that you ran out of your hotspot data yeah right now most of the major plans don't have any like unlimited hotspot plans i've actually been watching since 2017 join up for the mobile internet archive or mobile internet aficionados mobile internet resource center whatever they call themselves uh chris and sheree from technomatia they stay on top of all of the the different data plans and when they are unlimited and when they aren't because they they definitely come and go but i jumped on an att plan before we hit the road so we have an unlimited etnt hotspot i bought off of ebay before they stopped allowing transfers one of the grandfathered unlimited data plans and i bought that before we hit the road and ray was like what the fleet are you doing we're not even on the road why are you buying another internet plan but now we're actually using it for this live so i was right and uh we recently just picked up a t-mobile plan from nomad internet uh so there's a couple like uh nomad internet we're actually testing one of their plans out now to see if it works on limited and i can say so far the first month that i've been using it it works no different than my regular and you put internet plans a lot you pulled a lot of data yeah yeah i like to really test if it's unlimited or not so i put a lot of data on the plan that we've had for the month so nomad internet uh i think it's just nomadinternet.com and then mobile must have also has like an unlimited plan they are more expensive but they are unlimited so if that's what you need um i would go those two directions they're a lot more fluid than like a traditional like att or verizon plan so they do have some bumps along the road with those but you get unlimited so it's kind of like use it while you can and then just be wary that you might have to change all right all right video coming out soon about all that so all right kenneth myers says any plans on visiting canada or alaska and then what are some places you haven't visited that you would like to oh gosh um we would love to go to alaska and canada um when we're allowed to and we still haven't done the new england area and we really want to do that so we would love to do all of those states over there and then i feel like we've been i mean and then there's always places you want to go back to because they're so awesome or you didn't actually really get to explore them too much because that's how we feel our first year on the road we went so fast like we said earlier that now we actually want to go follow our same path and slow down and take time in those places yeah yeah so let's get to our questions yeah i got there's so many questions okay let's start answering them from that all right people that are here phil b what do you do for work we do this uh as of november um my contract ended so so uh we became full-time youtubers or content creators at the time we actually do a lot of different things so creating youtube content creating blog content we run social media for a couple of companies we actually have rv master class which we create courses to teach people how to rv and we have other people teach things that we don't know how to do like we just had a ready to road school course launched so if you're looking to hit the road and school your children we had someone who actually knows what they're doing teach that and we have a lot more to come and so that's rv master class yeah we just never stop working for the most part yeah we have our hands in a lot of different pots yeah but it's all stuff that we do um stuff that we do there you go so we're our own bosses so it's actually been really nice i've been contemplating finding another job originally my contract ended and then we went to mexico at the beginning of the year so i didn't want to like get a new contract and then have to take two weeks off while we were in mexico so i was like oh we'll do it when we get back and then we got back and it was just coronavirus and lockdown and all of that um so i didn't want to have to like go into an office or even start with a new team remotely i think that's i like a little bit of in-person stuff so i don't know right we can pay our bills we have very low costs with all that so who knows maybe we'll just keep being our own bosses yes sounds good alexa's listening yeah alex is listening guys be careful um let's see all right none of those are questions there are questions like this how do you plan your trips and how to avoid low bridges all right well we like to use our v trip wizard and then they have an app as well called rv life gps and you can put in your height and your weight and that way it's an rv gps so it will reroute you around low bridges or roads that have weight limits so it's very convenient um and we like it a lot we originally we used an app called copilot and that got questionable at the last like mile or two it actually got us in some really sticky situations twice so now that rv triple wizard came out with an rv gps that's what we like to use so so yeah yeah and trip plan um that was just i'm on like the edge of our slide here all right andrew nettleman uh says he's getting ready to hit the road full time so what's one thing you didn't have when you started that you couldn't do without now that's a good one the battleborn batteries and inverter 100 the number one thing uh we would do it's add an inverter and then some lithium batteries we're partial to battleborn um but really any lithium batteries will do and the inverter that was like such a game changer yes because uh even on just travel days like being able to come in here and if we want to like heat something up and like use the microwave being able to do that in a rest area or when we're boondocking i used to have to wake up and go turn the generator on at 5am if we were in like arizona cause i was working east coast hours and i would have to turn the generator on to start a coffee pot and like start work so that was like the number one game changer being able to just turn the coffee pot on absolutely i would agree again the whole time you were talking i was trying to think of something else oh that's it i mean sec like there's other like convenience things like we actually we would love our is on any other yeah fifth wheel like the more ride that's true i don't think we'd have another rig without independent suspension right but like i could drive that rig i don't know for like six months it'd be fine knowing that i'm gonna put is on it i think the first thing i would do would be batteries an inverter because i don't think i could spend a single night yup all right so let's see karm dog video it was it was on it's on the list it's on the list i promise everyone wants to know um it's gonna be a whole lot of sleeping yeah how are y'all so cute um stop it yeah i don't know it's the lighting did you get the dent fixed from your deer encounter we did we didn't video it again but uh because it was during coronavirus and so we were like kind of staying away but we were stuck at the beginning of do you know how hard it is to socially distance with your father when you're trying to get a dent out of your truck yeah he does a great job he did a great job yes so my dad did the body work again and he fixed he fixed it yeah and he said and before anyone gets mad at us he very much insisted because i wasn't going to see him at all so yeah okay yeah his choice lauren is here and she says your biggest fan has arrived she has eyes hi hi lauren oh my goodness you definitely are our biggest fan yeah uh let's see we've had a couple of comments from ggs about new automation projects and smart rv stuff oh gosh i have a ton that i will begin getting finished soon i've actually been knocking out a lot of smaller things that i've been working on like we repositioned all of our solar panels and i'm actually working on something so i can automatically start my predator generator and um so yeah there's there's a lot of smaller things coming now now that we got this new solar before i would have an issue my intel nut pulls a lot of power so if we weren't in an area where we had a lot of solar i'd have to turn the intel net off which runs home automation and so i don't even know it doesn't determine that's fine it's not for you but yes we have a lot more coming you talking about our nas no but that's okay um let's see seahawks are looking good yes they are 3-0 it was a little close the other day but that's all right it was a good game oh lisa marie hi lisa hello from satellite beach all right uh let's see gotta pick one look at this one right here living so closely together you must get on each other's nerves tell us all about your last argument yesterday um i do think that uh so we were we took our we took our time uh getting across from indiana to oregon and i'd say we were traveling for about 10 days with two nights in the same spot so every other every other the of the eight nights was in a different spot so um highly do not recommend traveling like that because i think by the end of it we were just on each other's like last nerves there was i don't even remember what the disagreement was actually it was about doing this live actually yeah we were back and forth about doing it yesterday or today so anyway we did it today so but we're fine now yeah right yeah we're doing the live right you were right we should do the live um but you do have to like laugh through arguments and you have to communicate through them because there's really like no time to get mad at each other and then sit on it yeah you don't you don't argue less going on the road like there's no magic behind arguing less you just communicate and move forward faster because there's nowhere to go like there's no escaping to work and like being mad all day it's like you'll just wake up and you'll be like okay well you're sitting right next to me can we handle this yeah so yeah um let's see uh skyler wants to know how often has a 41 trailer foot trailer length prevented you from camping where you want it to go well i mean i would say no none how many times zero times the only place that i know of is i wanted to stay at jedi smith redwood state park oh and were we too long or too long okay but which is just because it's in the middle of all the redwoods yeah but most of the time we kind of filter out parks where we can't fit i mean i guess also national parks we'd like to stay in more national parks but we really that wasn't a priority for us when we were picking our rig because we knew jason would be working and most national park campgrounds don't have service so it wasn't that we wanted to camp there and we couldn't because of our rig it was more so we wanted to camp there and we couldn't because we needed internet for his job so i guess now it'd be nice to stay in more national parks but it's really no big deal we're we're so comfy and cozy in this big rig yeah i know it's it's not a big issue having having a larger rate you you might have less places to stay but there's still plenty of places so yeah you'll have to um yeah just look a little bit more do that recharged one because that's a quick easy answer boy this one all right solar generator the truck a little bit just not even it's like barely doesn't doesn't really charge anything and then we actually just accidentally killed our batteries completely so we used the generator to recharge them from zero to one hundred and it was four and a half hours yes they charge at they charge about uh each of our inverters will charge about 60 amps right now okay so we don't need to get into technicalities all right oh thank you rv rejuvenation sticker yeah hair character jumping up and down saying number one fan cute yeah can you add that to the word i don't know i don't know i don't see it no it just says it darn it is it okay anyway thank you so much we really appreciate it yeah um oh watching watching from kingston jamaica thanks delroy we hope to make it out there i don't think we've been to jamaica no i would like to go if you've been to jamaica adventure endeavor says hey guys you might remember them they were also caravan nurse and they've been in our videos quite a bit yes um are you ever gonna get a new seahawks hat ray just washed it the other day so oh my god i believe you need a new seahawks i believe i do too unfortunately there's a super chat feature someone can buy jason a new seahawks i absolutely need a new seahawks hat i just need to buy it i like i like the the fitted hats too so it's yeah and they're so old for you guys yeah they're like three years old and then i'm always just about to buy them and then ray will wash it i'm like oh this would be good for like another week or so so what i'm hearing is i should stop washing your doors hats sure [Music] [Laughter] greg says do either of you have a fantasy football team i do and i'm killing it 3-0 i had the first pick this year and now he got hurt and he's only injury reserve so thanks for bringing it up greg i'm still 3-0 though so i don't have one no just in case you're curious all right let's see here oh my god there's just people i know there's just so many i think i'm gonna have to be on common patrol duty next year i think all right um what's up let's see all right here you go hello from michigan hey we were just up there we love it we love michigan yeah oh you guys are heading into winter so so stay warm yeah um we have this one says where are you guys heading next from dee's great adventure south south yes so we're in oregon we're heading south yep down down the coast down to los angeles area southern california uh hey jeff uh he wants to know how is our yeah jeffrey uh how is our thomas payne furniture holding up where'd you put them from my face it's holding up great actually we just did a um like three how did our rv hold up after three years full time rv or that was last sunday's video and i touch on the furniture because it's held up really well and we let carmen jump on it and you know she sleeps on there and she gets the zoomies on jumping from couch to couch so it's held up really well no peeling no scratches um good shape there yeah we we honestly expected it to like fall apart but it's stickers i did all right and uh what is the length limit for most national parks and i moved it off your face [Music] um that's a hard question i i used to know this it's staggers we have a blog post uh that actually we have like a pdf that has all the information on it yes um i think you can what was the stat though it was like there's like 30 80 of nash you can get into 80 of national parks if your rig is 35 feet or less yeah so and then obviously less and less national parks we're at 41 feet so i think we can get into like two percent of national parks but um how could they find that on our website if they in the search feature like national park length or something i think if you search on our website because we have a little search bar national park length you should be able to find it if you can't or there's like something called like finding parks for big rigs so you can type in big rig and that will bring it up yes definitely all right if you can't let us know you talked about the redwoods have you ever towed your rv on the one on through the forest what was that like yes actually that was our third and fourth week on the road uh we were going up the 101 through the forest it was amazing and very scary because it was our third and fourth week on the road now i think it would be a breeze um there's like one redwood where you kind of have to like curve around it a little bit on the 101 and that really scared me but now well we're going to put it to the test yeah we're heading we're heading south down down through the redwoods on the 101 so we'll let you know if it's any easier three years later i really hope it is it wasn't that bad to begin with but you know yeah adventure endeavor wants to know how's the pizza oven it's doing great but the smoker is currently down for the count we we were using it to cook enjoy the journey.life some wings in elkhart yes it's their fault now it was super windy and i came out and i was like i don't know there's something wrong with it and i look and the fan is melted so like the wind was it was so windy yeah we should not have probably been using it yeah so the wind was like pulling the heat through the fan instead of the combustion fan blowing up through the smoker like it's supposed to and it melted the fan so i bought a new one it's currently in texas and i need to get it shipped to us um then after that smoker will be back in yeah back into action yeah we have like i have like five or six things of pizza dough ready to go in here because i was super excited i thought we were going to do like a pizza friday and then it broke so boo bummer bummer um all right and so dave and laura wants to know what size generator ours we have a 3500 predator from harbor freight and we highly recommend it because we treat it like trash and it does really well is that a good enough answer perfect uh yeah i love it the predators are great oh another super chat all right sarah exciting yeah uh love seeing you guys live your mine and my husband's favorite youtubers thank you sarah we very much appreciate it um yeah we're also our favorite youtubers uh so let's see there's a lot of other great youtubers out there and a lot of them are on here so um have you had any heat issues with your inverter batteries installed in the basement when you draw a lot of current from the inverters that's a good question uh heat issues is in it gets warm yeah absolutely uh if it's like a hot day and around 30 amp i'm running both acs it does get a little warm just from the exhaust of the inverters batteries everything else is fine lugs are all fine it's just the exhaust from the inverters so i have a temperature monitor that i put down there and it gets hot or for us the test is also our steps leading up to our bedroom and so we feel the floor if it gets warm i'll just throw open this front compartment and let it air out i do have a plan to add an exhaust fan out of there just to keep air circulating it's been on my to-do list for how long have we got the inverters a year and a half and i have the fans too i just need to do it yeah um brandon wants to know do you have a kegerator in there no but we have thought out multiple plans of how to put one in an rv absolutely i really really want one um we had a keg reader in our house actually and i used to home brew and it was a lot of fun just to have and i like you know draft beer just tastes so different but uh and there's a couple different ways we can do it don't want to bore those of you who don't care but yeah that's definitely we'd love to do that yeah definitely bob keefe wants to know do you still like and use thousand trails yes we're actually in a thousand trails right now and have the rest of the year planned out in thousand trails we really like to balance thousand trails and boondocking uh because it means our campground costs are very very cheap yes we did a lot of boondocking this year and we did a lot of thousand trails already so our campground fee category is going to be very low this year yeah i think uh ray has a new appreciation for boondocking i think we both and do that we can do it comfortably yes it's all about being comfortable yes uh jason you need to head north to get a new hat i know actually at the beginning of the year we had planned to do the reverse of what we're doing go up the oregon coast but then they closed all the thousand trails and so i was going to pass through seattle pick up a new hat but you know what that's not even an excuse no that was just like in my in my head that was the goal it just dawned on me that your sister lives in yeah sometimes she does she could send me a new hat there's no problem with that actually libby if you're watching oh no she's going back to portland that's right oh that's our actual customer but uh yeah i guess i'll have to go online and get a new seahawks hat all right oh i thought it stopped but it kept going all right does it say how many people are on here uh yeah it does actually it says we have 433 people and one thumbs down you monster i can't sleep tonight now all right uh roscoe mothership says thank you it's a super chat thank you so much showing some love on your first live stream we watch every week and you've inspired our journey to go rving much love and big hugs back to you we very much appreciate it yes i'm so glad we could inspire you yeah um how many miles does your tow rig have we just crossed a hundred and fifty five 000 time for an oil change yes definitely the first one uh no actually our oil change light did come on uh just the other day so it is time for another oil change but it's done great ram all the way i didn't have a preference before now i'm a rand person sure sure sorry uh ford owners sorry everyone like everyone else yeah you either have a ram or a ford chevy owners what are you gonna do do you still love your grand design we did yes we just posted a video showcasing everything that has gone wrong with it which is really not that much and if you watch the video most the stuff are like appliances and stuff that they put in here so it's not even like green design stuff problems it's like it's rv stuff i don't know if you guys uh live in an rv most rv things are for some reason less durable than i would say home stuff because they get beat up they're 12 volt so like i mean like where's the blu-ray player i think i have a blu-ray player in the truck i don't have one in the rv it doesn't make any sense to me we asked that question and it's because it shakes too much yeah it doesn't shake in the truck that's what i'm saying it doesn't make any sense if you guys know why there's no blu-ray players in rvs let me know rv there wants to know how many states have you been to ah 37 36 did we add a new one i don't know i think the last time we counted we were at 36 and i i don't think we hit any new ones this year we kind of just went to places that we liked and slow rolled this year because of the pandemic we hung out with a lot of friends which is actually part of our goal for this year actually before even the pandemic hit we said 2020 is gonna be year of rv road friends and it was and it worked out yeah uh mom with attitude wants to know where did you get that shirt so ray got her shirt american american eagle yeah great and i got this shirt from store.getawaycouple.com we actually make and sell these shirts because we like to drink beer so you can get this and tons others there and that actually reminds me right now you can get 15 off if you use the coupon live oh you made the coupon i made the coupon like last minute like that all right so 15 off uh we would give you more except for we have incredibly low profit margins so 15 off is give or take break even for us we might even be losing money so take advantage of it now uh i wasn't able to do the math yet so oh my goodness store.getawaycouple.com uh coupon code live you're just on one tonight yeah all right let's see how many amp hours to use at night with no heater with or without a fan with no heat oh my goodness that's a good that's a great question uh it depends are we watching tv at night so like overnight we probably so we draw about 12. 10 10 to 12 amps an hour so if you're talking like a 100 amps over a 10 hour period or so if we're watching tv and we're doing all these other things that require more power like it's not really like the night time it's like that eight till yeah ten or seven till ten where we're relaxing yeah we definitely pull yeah like probably another 50 amps but like when we're actually sleeping and we remember to turn off our hard drive and everything else the only thing we have on is that our phones are charging and our air purifier which is like 10 to 12 and that's only because we have two inverters and they each pull um a lot of amperage out of our batteries just in standby each of them uh so that's one of the letdowns of having power to everything but whatever we'll just get more batteries maybe no all right uh have you guys been up to wisconsin that's where i'm from and you guys are one of my favorite channels we have we actually went to wisconsin last year but yes really like wisconsin or at least parts of it only 20 areas we spent time in last year to be fair it was door county and milwaukee we loved milwaukee absolutely and door county was lots of fun the only problem we have with wisconsin is the sun sets over the wrong side of the lake so or it comes up in the morning that's only your problem yeah it it's supposed to set over the water being from los angeles just mentally makes sense but we absolutely love it and um my favorite beer is up there i know we didn't get any when we passed through to michigan we almost took an hour detour out of the way through chicago to get up to wisconsin as we were heading to oregon so i could get some of this beer and i saw some guy in indiana who next who came from wisconsin and was drinking it next to us and i was like i almost went over there and i was like hey do you have any extra do you buy it from you trade beer yeah or like can i just how much do you have and how much can i take off your hands but uh i didn't so yeah i definitely you got to say what beer it is spotty cow oh you already said yeah it's only available in wisconsin so okay yeah you can get it anywhere there okay next question oh look cool chris and aaron we'll pick you up some hats jason all right i know you guys are heading down the coast too you'll have to tell us where i know we both end up in the la area so maybe sugar fish again i still haven't this time we'll join you i i still haven't had sugar fish uh since that experience and i am still very upset ray keeps telling me that i can have my favorite sushi which is only available in los angeles and there's one store in new york and then we end up going to all her favorite restaurants and i get not i don't think oh shut up i get no sugar fish so let's see by the way um how do you make sure you're not overweight batteries generator solar all that stuff adds up yes it does and we weigh her weigh ourselves at the cat scales at truck stops yeah and then it's also good to follow rules like one in one out so we weren't really following that for a while so we purged a couple weeks ago when we were in indiana and i for the first time ever i actually took out our little scale and i would weigh things before putting them in the in the truck uh to go to goodwill or anything like that and we got rid of a couple hundred pounds and i was really blown away by that because it was just kind of like a little chunk of stuff here a little chunk of stuff there but then every time i waited it was like 40 pounds 45 pounds 20 pounds and it really adds up so we do visit cat scales and yeah you can actually get an app on your phone yeah um we'll be sharing a blog post that we wrote about it on uh for snapchat's blog so we'll share that to our facebook page so make sure that you like our facebook pages so you get those updates yes uh or join our newsletter because it should also be in there and it kind of takes you the whole process of downloading the app to make it really easy and it means you don't have to go into the truck stop which is especially important now it just emails you your weight ticket yes very easy to use um all right so two questions that are good uh we had hi from boston hi how would you rate your experience with more ride with the upgrades you have done uh we love more ride absolutely yeah yeah more right one of our favorite companies and we did get to meet with them when we were back in indiana so we have more videos um that we worked with them on to come out because they're just i truly like i love working with that company the people there are so amazing that the the pride in their work is just the products yeah the products are amazing yeah yeah it's nice for us to like work with companies that like we only do work with companies that kind of stand behind their products and that really work with companies that have products that we researched and we want yeah because why would we recommend something that we don't want yeah uh yeah and so i usually like to have the best and so more it's the best yep absolutely um do you think you'll ever come to new england we've been trying since we hit the road to go to new england literally maine has been our end goal since before we left since before we left it was like we hit the road and we're like oh we're gonna head up to maine and then we ended up coming in because we were invited to the first grade or to the grand design national rally from grand design when we first became the solitude ambassador since we're like okay that's fine we'll cut inland and we'll do that and then what oh then last year we were supposed to go up to alaska with the mortons and driving and vibin and con olivia had in the freedom theory and so then we all had to back out for various reasons except for the mortons and if you haven't seen their alaska series go check it out it's so good it's actually uh on amazon prime now so i would recommend checking it out there because then it just kind of takes you through all the different episodes and it's a lot easier to watch than on youtube where you kind of have to find them because youtube controls that where amazon lets you actually watch the series so amazing work go check it out uh but yeah we were actually supposed to go to maine in the new england area again this year but coronavirus yes and restrictions quarantining and all that stuff so so we decided to just go home go home um all right would you recommend or use fantasy rv tours again yes uh it really depends so going to mexico was absolutely the greatest or if you're kind of person who doesn't like to plan or you have a set amount of time off of work that you need to get it like you want to see as much as you can it's so easy they make it so easy they take you through the whole process you have someone uh in front taking you to the place you have someone in the back making sure you get there safely so it takes a lot of that rving stress off your mind for us um mexico was was great because it was a lot of unknowns a lot of that stress that we didn't want to deal with and we probably wouldn't have ever dealt with on our own uh but for us taking one in the states would be too fast like we yeah we think moving week to week is too fast for us so some of their canadian or alaska trips look really good too yeah absolutely yeah but then some of their one they're like you just said in the states they're a little bit shorter so and now as we said earlier we like to slow our pace down but yeah if you're not full time and if you're just looking to take out trips i think they're they're great you'll see so much stuff and they get a lot of like deals that they've made yeah so you get good prices on stuff yeah um another super chat from bruce oh thanks your channel and the rv masterclass has been so useful to informing our decision to go full-time awesome we would love to hear it yeah yeah we'll take all the feedback we can get yeah um and congratulations yeah i'm going full time absolutely absolutely that's exciting that never gets old when people say that they're hitting the road full time we love it all right what bryce is taking back my uh thumbs up for that ford comment fords are great he's just brian no they're not rams we get another thumbs down um and craig says i just bought my 450 platinum i would have pulled you out of the mud if i was in south dakota yeah it was a ford that pulled us out that is right that's true yeah that's funny how many beers had jason had he's funny no i'm actually just normally funny great i didn't get out of the videos i do not edit out of the videos this is your first beer of the night this is my first wine of the night yeah i did hide a second glass back here just in case because i didn't know how much liquid courage i would need but um yeah yeah so why did you become a seahawks fan go hawks being from la we didn't have a team for the majority of me growing up my little sister actually went to uw flew up you know i saw the clink there and all of its glory glowing it looked beautiful i love seattle in general became a big fan especially under uh pete carroll and just i don't know i've just been a fan ever since now we got then we got the rams and i was super excited because at least once a year i would get to see the seahawks and the rams play and uh i actually saw the rams uh opener against the seahawks ray got me some front row tickets so that was a lot of fun yeah yeah so yeah love the seahawks um if you have satellite on your rv do you still need wi-fi yes so satellite i mean it depends i guess you don't really need it if you don't need to stream because you're watching stuff on satellite only but uh yeah you'll definitely still need to get internet if you want to even check email or look up google maps or any of that stuff how do you pin one yeah that one i'm just gonna oh ray's learning this new software that's so exciting well they're telling me i did a good job so all right you're doing awesome okay yeah of course yes oh and i just saw on my phone oh awesome locations coming through and i see a lot of you are ordering stuff so we're very excited also if you i don't see what you're ordering but if you're ordering any of our shirts we would love it if you would send us pictures or tag any of our accounts in them because we always love to see people wearing our stuff yeah absolutely the best and i know tammy is looking for additional people to model our shirts and give quotes for pinterest pins so if you're interested in that if you've purchased our stuff before um take a picture and send it on over yes definitely i've been trying to find a question all right here we go yeah uh what do you do for personal security i guess you'll have to try to break in to find out no uh no no don't break it please uh but you know we have uh a bat we have pepper spray we have bear spray okay we have an rv lock we have security cameras um yeah we move if we feel unsafe at all yeah we won't park in a spot if we feel unsafe so yeah yeah about it yeah um let's see since you mentioned indiana what's your favorite indiana beer please say something i've never tried some kid i know i feel really bad you know i'm not gonna lie indiana isn't a place known for its selection of craft beer i know they just recently passed a law allowing you to like get beer in grocery stores but every time we've been in indiana really it's been a pain to get alcohol really granted we haven't you thinking of utah no indiana okay utah's a pain too indiana you can't buy the they just got the the hard alcohol or the beer and stuff but it's all warm oh they don't have refrigerators yes refrigerated beer in the grocery stores you have to go to like liquor stores like the party chili yeah to be perfectly fair we've only been to elkhart indiana we have not which is right on the border of michigan if you don't know where that is so like we're in the most northern part of indiana so we still need to explore that state absolutely and we're also really close to michigan which has some delicious beer so that's very true yeah we love michigan for it's people and it's beer um all right let's see oh we already answered that one i think um yeah there's so many questions well you just got a big one sugarfish 2.0 yeah seriously okay we won't make any plans after yeah it'll be all yours do the dj all right dj what is your favorite campground in michigan straits state park is our favorite and more specifically site a1 it's a dry camping site so you don't have any hookups but you have a beautiful view of the mighty mac bridge and it's just a huge site so and it's right on the water it's gorgeous we love it we try and book that site anytime we're through the up yeah we love it absolutely yeah right why are you never wearing your getaway apparel merchandise she is she wears it a lot actually but i know they've kind of turned into like lazy shirts and like sleeping shirts i need to order some more yeah and i was actually just thinking that they got some wine stains on them a lot actually i think one does have a wine stain on it but yeah and they're like workout shirts so i guess i'm not really vlogging when i'm sleeping working out or looking like a slob spilling wine all over myself all right mr roboto wants to know tell us about any sketchy campgrounds you bugged out before your stay was complete do we have any we have known that we actually left but there was a koa outside of charleston that we just didn't have good vibes from i know as weird as that sounds we did stay there yeah and that was the campground where you you were still working so jason was still working as a cyber security engineer and he had to fly back to atlanta so i had to stay there a week by myself or just like you know five days but nothing ever happened there it was just like weird vibes and then we tried to like not stay in koats after i don't necessarily think it was a koa thing i think it was just like not a great area i guess i don't think we've left yeah anywhere oh actually so on our way here from indiana to oregon uh we had a couple days with morton's on the move tom and kate and so we were originally planning to stay in a certain area for like four maybe five nights but the first day we got there we found our boondocking spot and we got all set up and then no less than an hour later five rigs pull in across the little dirt road jam themselves in there in a spot where we thought two rigs we passed it up yeah because the morton's rig in our rig we're like uh this is gonna be a little too tight so we went across the road so they managed to jam five rvs and they were big they were big fifth wheels and they were very loud they had a construction generator they had a lot of children which is fine but not exactly what we were looking for in the woods so i think between the five rigs there was maybe 10 or 15 children and that was the and like our other south dakota adventures five dogs yeah so we did actually we stayed there one night and then the next day we went exploring with the mortons and then we said do you want to leave do you want to leave yeah do you want to leave so we left a little too rowdy for us do you play video games xbox or ps4 no i would absolutely i would say if anything i have a video game addiction i used to play computer games back in the day so i try not to touch the stuff because once i start it's hard to stop um yeah i don't know i'm looking and getting a new system though because rey really likes to play the batman arkham asylum games and they're coming out with a uh suicide squad version where you could play as harley quinn so she's played them all and so um yeah you know and we played portal 2 together so i like any of those like co-op games that we'll play together yeah because we haven't had a system years ago we haven't had a system i don't think we should get a system just gonna throw it out there okay sure i mean your christmas is coming up okay um all right you guys are goals what advice do you give someone who wants to be successful on youtube we pretty much already covered that which is we did talk about that yeah just keep going keep creating content even if you feel like no one's watching and just be true to who you are show the realities of rv life yeah absolutely that's what we said earlier yeah uh do you think you'll ever get a new rig never i mean it's we we love this rig so like there's there has to be something very very enticing yeah perfect for us to spend the money uh we really really like rvs but we're also not the kind of people who will just upgrade to upgrade i don't like for lack of a better word kind of throwing that money away in like yeah i mean there's ways people have gone about it in upgrading and they don't necessarily lose a lot of money but we've put so much into this rig yeah and we feel like we got really lucky with our floor plan um we love it so if we were going to change rigs it would just have to the pros of that new rig would have to outweigh the pros of this rig and we just haven't found anything like that yet so i think that's where we stand on that yeah maybe someday though that'll change our mind i'll be like oh my god we have to have this sandy wants to know honest answer single real real safe or unsafe single rear wheel srw safe run safe well it depends on what you're towing yeah we've only towed this with our dual rear wheel and it makes us feel very comfortable doing so i mean it depends on the specs of the truck yeah so if your truck i don't yeah that's a it's a interesting subject but in case of a blowout no matter what having that other yeah we're always pro dually yeah we're pro uh give yourself as much space as you can and be safe because you know it's like a 8 000 difference over the course of your loan so uh but i do know someone who tows the same rv that we have with a single rear wheel and they feel safe so it's personal preference i don't think we'll ever not more importantly the specs on your truck i think i want to make that very clear yeah yes um do you do any fishing along your travels i very seldom see a fishing pole on any rv travel channels uh no we don't fish no um who wish we did i know someone who fishes follow your detour fishes uh they don't have never mind they don't have a youtube channel they have an instagram account though yeah follow your detour on instagram they're from colorado yeah um and they fish a lot they post a lot of pictures about it yeah we don't i actually didn't like fish until before just before we hit the road um and still i really like sushi i don't know why like but eating like cooked fish still i'm like very hesitant and it's completely mental because i'll like taste it and it tastes delicious but like mentally i'm just like oh fish i'm like oh this is good i'm like oh fish it was just like a weird thing uh but yeah because there's plenty of fish we stay in a lot of places that are right on the river around the lake where we could go fishing and just have free dinner but we don't yes all right so let's do this as our last question because we were only going to do this for an hour and i just looked at the clock and we have been on for over an hour and 20. wow thanks for joining us everybody absolutely all right so and we just hit 208 thumbs up so thanks it was at 198 earlier and i was like i really want to get above 200. yeah all right oh no scroll down i know but i thought this was like the last one i feel guilty now all right we'll answer like three more questions okay three more questions so outdoor adventure team it already came up we'll have it come up again yeah if you decide to stop full timing where would you want to call home uh that's hard we absolutely love the west coast weather as in no human humidity no hurricanes no tornadoes so somewhere on the west coast maybe i don't know if we would find ourselves in california again to be honest though i mean we could we absolutely could we could find ourselves anywhere for short periods of time so maybe we'll have a summer house up in michigan wanted a little like a fall house in montana uh and then maybe a winter house in arizona and florida i don't know so we'll need at least four at least four let's see all right there we go there we go advice about traveling with dogs and campgrounds do it uh leash them yes okay i know that seems really obvious but uh i've seen so many unleashed dogs and it's very irritating so we learned a lesson recently the hard way about not having carmen leashed while boondocking and it will never happen again and i'm not gonna elaborate i'm really sorry that was like a real big cliffhanger but uh i feel very passionate about leashing your dogs and even if your dog is friendly like carmen is you should always have your dog leashed because you never know if they're going to run up to another dog that is leashed and they're not friendly so so that's about it yeah uh make sure they're ready visit um if you're gonna be kind of touring one specific area for the year like you know you'll be mostly on the east coast visit a local vet ask if they have any specific vaccines for that area because we've done that with carmen and so on the on the east coast they have a couple different vaccines than we were used to being from the west coast and same thing in the south and the north so we kind of take carmen to a vet once a year and wherever we are we ask that specific vet hey let us know about your specific issues all right uh we're leaving for michigan on friday to go full time congrats what's your favorite michigan beer there are so many michigan beers um i don't think i have a favorite i just like drinking a lot of them there's like there's so many craft beers so just try what's local to the area you're currently in um but you know there's always bells brewery which is like pretty much across the whole entire state and other states um so try some of those but yeah they're all absolutely delicious yes uh where are the worst roads in america yeah in indiana towards gary towards chicago like that whole despise that yeah anyway it's a toll road too so you're being charged it's like a really rude thing you're being charged to drive on the worst roads it's a slap in the face for sure and then i-10 through louisiana miserable um i think those are two like despise yeah yeah definitely um let's see are you extroverts or introverts as an introverted i find it hard to socialize however my wife is an extrovert and loves to socialize i am a hardcore introvert uh i mean i'm a computer nerd like what do you want that's totally changed in our being by force uh yeah but no introvert right i recharge i still have to go away or i just won't talk that's the best thing about like having a campfire is you like just sit there and stare into the campfire if like even with your other with other people yeah that's not totally awkward if i if i have to be out there and i'm an introvert i have to recharge so um yeah it either either or works um as an introvert i still find plenty of people that have things in common that i can talk to about things that i like which is a lot easier as i'm a shy introvert too so it's kind of like i'll respond if you talk to me but like i'm not gonna strike up a conversation like oh hey how's the weather i'll just walk on it but uh yeah you meet people on the road like the brazen brits that you just have something in common with and um yeah yeah you just you're able to spend a whole night in uh mardi gras hanging out with someone that you meet for the first time introducing them to all the mardi gras drinks yeah absolutely teaching them how to catch beads um so absolutely let's see do you have hobbies apart from each other yes absolutely yeah um ray's hobby is catching up on netflix yeah learning learning all of the back ends of social media i don't know social media at all i'm very incapable as much as my tech background should make me be able to like work social media like it's nobody's business that's that's all rey so she spends tons of research time on there sure okay we'll go with that and um i have lots of random hobbies random costumes i pick up random hobbies and work on them right now it's uh smart rv stuff so i have a networking security background and now i'm getting more into coding and electronics so yeah yeah that's a good question oh super chat all right jeff super chat where do we go question all right what's up jeff um so how much stuff has been put away locked down or else if it's on the floor on moving day for us um most of the stuff is in the kitchen and it's really not much to be perfectly honest we have three things over there and then we have our coffee pot over here and that all gets moved to the floor and in the living room it's like picture frames get put in the cupboard and in the bathroom like the soap dispenser gets put in the sink and in the bedroom the backs the books from the nightstand get thrown on the bed yeah we do have a uh arrival and departure setup video if you're interested in checking that out yeah and we do have an arrival and departure checklist that we double check every time because you can never get too confident all right and um let's see i'm gonna go ahead and say final one we have and it is the suspense favorite minnesota beer no that doesn't count you already answered this we'll answer it we don't have a favorite minnesota beer because we have oh minnesota i'm sorry i got that we've only passed through we've only passed through minnesota we haven't spent any real time there no that's true i don't know why in my brain i got minnesota and wisconsin confused because they're right next to each other um sorry all right and then fine fine our real last question is if you had your choice today between the solitude 375 380 and 390 would you still pick 375 going full time next year and trying to pick yeah we totally get it because that's a hard choice every single one of those floor plans and it really depends on who who's camping what what's your goal like is it you you and a wife you want a husband um do you have kids do you do you anticipate family members coming over a lot we really really like that 375 because it puts uh the living room which has the two fold out couches uh on the other side of the rig from us and then the kitchens in the middle so when i was working or i'd get up it was nice not having to walk through their bedroom to use the bathroom when we just guests yeah when we have guests they don't have to walk through our bedroom to use the bathroom uh we don't have to bug them we can just kind of there's like a little curtain so we can close it and i can wake up make coffee do whatever we want go outside yeah they have really their own space the 390 is our second favorite um we really like that upstairs kitchen area and the little like dining room table desk area and i really like the really tall living room uh with like the accent wall and the fireplace i just think it looks absolutely beautiful uh the only problem is if you wake up you have to walk through your guest bedroom which is one of those things might not be a big deal for you yeah and honestly it's one of those where it's like oh you're making your decision on an rv for for us it would be like the one time a year that someone comes and stays with you so well also that's not necessarily true so we also like our 375 because we can when our middle slides are in here we can squeeze in and open one door of the fridge so it's very important to us because of moving days on how we travel on moving days sometimes when we're just hauling butt we want to just come in here and grab our lunch out of the fridge you can still access the bathroom and you can still access the bedroom with all with the slides in so for us it's very important and so that depending on what your travel style is going to be you want to keep that in mind so in the 390 which is a has a rear kitchen you will not be able to access your fridge whatsoever unless you pull out two slides yeah and then you would still be fine with the bathroom in the bedroom with the 380 you let's see the only thing about that floor plan i think you lose access to the bathrooms because in the bedroom right so you can't get to the bedroom with all the slides in yes and even though that one has a half bath in the kitchen you still wouldn't be able to access it with the slides right and so yeah 375 is still perfect for us those floor plans are so beautiful yeah so you can't go wrong yeah all right and that is it we're at 297 thanks oh come on 300 let's get the 300 thumbs up guys we even got more people viewing just for fun that's all right if you can't okay so you want another question until we get to 300 we need now they just want to keep us on no but what about statements agreeing to get to the fridge and toilet on a moving day is important yes totally agree yes speed round housing is holding up it's holding up great we absolutely love it 305 we made it thanks guys all right so i do want to wrap this up really quickly before everyone jumps off by saying thank you so much to tammy our moderator we love you and we love your help and we appreciate everything you do and again if we have any content creators watching us right now which we know we do we saw you commenting if you want to grow your pinterest traffic we highly recommend tammy she's our va and she is amazing so highly highly recommend also don't forget to go to our website getawaycouple.com to join up for our newsletter and that's where jason mails out helpful tips and tricks throughout the week and then i me email you every friday about where we are and what we're doing and you know a product that i'm loving that week and store.getawaycouple.com use the coupon code live and i think it's 15 off and that's till the end of the day so uh you can get shirts like this and many many others there's a ton on there yeah our favorite is the getaway in the usa one yes and if you do buy one of our shirts tag us post a picture email us whatever we would love love love to see you in those and i feel like there's one more thing but i don't know all right well don't forget to like and subscribe we'll see you again next time thank you so much for joining us guys bye
Channel: Getaway Couple
Views: 8,861
Rating: 4.9756985 out of 5
Keywords: getaway couple, rv life, rv lifestyle, full time rv living, rv trip wizard, youtube live, best rv youtubers, rv life full time, getaway couple checklist, rv checklist, rv life app review, getaway couple youtube, rv lifestyle full time, full time rv living in a fifth wheel, grand design rv, rv checklist for beginners
Id: H19UgvBA_mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 55sec (5695 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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