OUR FIRST TIME IN LISBON! πŸ’› Surprising My Mum With A Weekend Away!

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[Music] [Applause] welcome to a weekend in lisb a couple of weeks ago it was my mom's birthday and I actually decided to surprise her with a little European girls week underwear to Lisbon Portugal this is the capital city of Portugal and I have never visited here before and neither has my mom so it just made total sense this is our current view the current Vibe stepped out of where we are staying and walked down to come for breakfast and that is basically as far as we have got you excited yeah look how cute we have just finished up having breakfast in a restaurant called deita no not deita Jesus that's the T of De breakfast wow dear breakfast and I saw that on somebody else's Vlog on YouTube or on Instagram maybe basically online and I thought yeah I'll book a table there so I'll insert a little overlay of the food that we just had really really good looks great does not taste great unsure what it is kind of test that veget vegetables probably is vegetables food however yum yummy the rest of the Breakfast Platter has we are eating good food on this trip a really decent value for money as well like I've not found anything to be crazy expensive here so far which is really nice I think coming from a Scandinavia trip a couple of weeks ago there's a noticeable difference here which is lovely look at that guys now we're in Lisbon so as always guys whenever I visit a new city I really do think that the best way to see a new place is to walk around on foot although in Lisbon I will say it is particularly hilly we stumbled across this little church and headed inside obviously it's gorgeous of course it is it's a European church and then we headed to Green Street basically there are these two really famous streets in Lisbon called pink Street and Green Street and this apparently was Green Street it was very nice lots of people get an Instagrams and then we headed in a bol basically an Uber very bougie Tesla picked us up to head over to BM Tower or bellm Tower I'm really not too sure how you say it but that was our next stop this is the BM Tower or the B M Tower and I think the rest of the information I'm going to give you I'm going to do it as a voice over because look how windy it is look how windy it is and also we're unsure yeah it's obviously very very popular because it's very very busy around here look at the queue to get in we are not going to join this because this line is insane and I kind of De think from the inside the view is of it you know what I mean like when you go in you're looking at the water maybe yes yeah [Music] w [Music] okay we've pulled the hair back because it's time to eat the NAT Tarts apparently these are the most famous ones these are from the Pasty de Bellum which is the name of the tower you guys saw the inside of it I'll also link their Instagram down below we've had this recommendation by two different people one of my mom's friends and also the taxi driver as well said the exact same place judging by the length of the queue I feel like it was the place so not going to lie I don't know if it's like the home of the N I don't know if it's the first one was me but it definitely seems to be one of the most popular ones wow it's been there since 1837 secret recipe is created every day in our it does say that it is a secret recipe not a regular natat recipe it's a secret recipe oh they're warm they're warm I'm so excited this is like my favorite snack anyway well this is messy oh she's going straight in she's not holding back she's already eating it want me to do it take a photo of it guess not I was going to be like well let's go M like they're not the US of things to eat actually so messy they are nice we have made friends with this really love B cat such nice markings look at his back seen a brown cat never seen a cat with markings like this hi hi we have come to the Augustus Arch I think this is called pronunciation on point I'm sure that's exactly how the Portuguese would say it basically it's this massive Square as you can see it's all painted yellow I would say this is definitely the color of Lisbon like okay I was just saying that everything is this shade of yellow and then this lady asked me to take a photo of her so I'm going to take it as a compliment I must look like I know what I'm doing as you can see by the rain landing on the land it is now raining quite fast actually this is just come from nowhere so I'm going to put the camera away oh uh oh we're actually getting soaked R okay we're Sheltering from the rain but look how cute this place is once the rain had passed we continued on with our little exploration of this area it is absolutely beautiful this is rud AUST that was terrible pronunciation but it's kind of like the main shopping street then we accidentally stumbled on some kind of Celebration really unsure what this was before heading back in the direction of our Airbnb but not without stopping to look at some of the incredible views of the famous rooftops here in Lisbon that is like the shot of Lisbon and we have just walked up here for free didn't cost us anything it's just stairs definitely do recommend checking this out hello it has been a little while I have gotten changed because this evening we are going out my top is all my top is all wrong right now so we're just going to ignore that we are going to this rooftop restaurant that I actually found again on Instagram so if you've ever wondered where I get inspiration for these kind of trips Instagram Tik Tok YouTube are like my go-to and then obviously also like recommendations of people that I know have been to these places it is kind of like a rooftop that overlooks like Lisbon the city of Lisbon and it looks pretty nice don't know what to expect made this reservation about a week ago can't find the reservation in my emails so we're just going to rock up and hope for the best otherwise maybe we're not going there because we're going to have to find somewhere else but we shall see perfu curry rice a little cocktail a little wine M's got some kind of loaded sandwich in there which looks insane you've got a very nice view behind you basically this restaurant has like an outdoor Courtyard so it's got loads of hanging lanterns an outdoor space that you can usually sit in however I think it might have stopped actually but like it is really really raining as you saw from the last clip but the view out of Eliz is really beautiful such a nice city and so hilly so that does mean you get really good views wherever you are less fun to walk around not going however right now very excited to eat [Music] that hello it is now the next day Monday completely lost track of what day of the week it is and I didn't intro the Vlog this morning but I do have a lot of clips that I'm going to Overlay and kind of voice over but day two of our itinery in Lisbon was a little trip out to a place called cintra if you've ever done any research on Lisbon you might have heard of it or you might have seen these kind of images on your Instagram I feel as though I definitely had seen it before again it lends to what I was saying yesterday this whole city is obsessed with yellow everything here bright yellow and I kind of like it I feel like it definitely makes the whole place have a more positive feel and like a more uplifting kind of vibe even when the weather's not good so maybe the key to happy Vibes is painting all the buildings yellow I don't know anyway but I'm going to include that footage not going to lie to you the weather really wasn't amazing I feel like we kind of knew that yesterday was going to be the better weather day but we powered through we did get a bit wet but it's fine going to insert that here so cintra is a tiny little town located way up above the city of Lisbon about 40 minutes out and we actually chose to get a bolt here which cost about €10 it was really very cheap and definitely a good way to do it if you are thinking of planning a trip but it is definitely worth noting that it's a super hilly place like it was a lot of incline walking it was actually quite difficult but as you can see it is really gorgeous really really Lush the architecture is just incredible the castle itself looked beautiful we actually didn't go inside it but we did have a walk around the ground and then we explored the actual town of cintra and I imagine in a summer that this gets really really busy because it was busy and it's February so I would say it's worth looking at booking in advance if you are thinking of adding this to your own trip to Lisbon look at that for a view that is pretty impressive now the sun has come out and the sky has cleared up there's Mom this is probably how we should have done today but we [Music] didn't and now as you can probably tell by the change in lighting it is the evening 5:30 p.m. it's still light outside that's actually pretty good sunsets later here T night slightly different from your regular weekend break we actually going to see The 1975 which if you are a long-standing viewer of this channel you will probably know that me and my mom have been going to see The 1975 since we were well eight years for the last eight years me and my mom have been going to see The 1975 yeah yeah I didn't see their tour last year cuz I was in Australia definitely more my mom that is a fan of him yeah my mom and dad went and actually met some of you guys at Manchester Arena that was last year wasn't it yeah completely coincidentally they are playing here in Lisbon I did not know that when I booked this trip it was afterwards that and my dad actually realized the dates overlapped which was honestly just the universe aligning because that was not in the plan it's actually quite funny because there will be a vlog on my channel from about 7 years ago where we went to Vienna and we tried to go and see the 1975 in [Music] Vienna but then they canceled their concert so we've we've done this before we've been here before we've tried to see them play a European date night date night date night a European date in the past but it didn't work out and then the planets and the fates aligned and now 7 years on we're finally going to get to do it we also tried to see them in mour last year we did also try to see them in we've tried yeah we have tried to see them twice internationally and it's never worked out Third Time Lucky I'm probably not going to film loads just because this isn't really what this video is about if you do want to see content from a 1975 content like I said there's probably about six Vlogs on my channel there's also tons of other people that will have Vlog that specifically but I'll include a little bit first things first though we're going to go get pizza here we go it's the post concept pizza I've gone for a capri that's got mozzarella and tomato on it P sorry pre pre concert Pizza pre concert pra maybe I've had more pra than it looks like a yeah everybody everybody in here guys is English or Irish so everybody we've had going to the concert so far also seems to be from the UK which is actually quite rug given that like we're in Portugal on a Monday [Music] night you were coming across this L than on [Applause] [Music] cette Jes say [Music] you [Music] good morning it is now Tuesday and we are walking around the streets of Lisbon for our final day here in the capital city of Portugal and we have just had some breakfast going to insert a little over here of course I had avocado and EG on toast actually doesn't really matter where I am in the world probably going to have that for breakfast if it's on the menu but our plan today is to explore a little bit more of the city we're going to head over to a market that's only on on Tuesdays and Saturday days and very conveniently today is Tuesday and then also I think we're going to head to this place called the XL Factory which is like an art and food place it's like bookshops independent stores to be honest I'm not 100% sure what it is but I guess it'll become clear when we get there right now we're currently trying to find a bank because we need to change some euros into coins because we've left our luggage at the train station today cuz we don't fly until this evening apart from to get it back they only accept one coins we really need somebody somewhere to swap our € for one Euros back in this square that we've already been in want in the Vlog having just been to the bank apart from the First Bank we went to the first two Banks we went to we were like oh could we swap these notes for coin and both of the banks said oh we don't have any money like they just didn't have any cash and I was like oh but you're a bank if you can't get money from a bank I understand a lot of shops don't take cash and don't operate with cash but if you can't get cash from a bank I was like what is going on anyway so then I ended up being taken into a completely separate meeting room so that this guy could like find some coins for me and I was like this is all very odd all very bizarre oh cruise ship we've got the goods we've secured €1 15 in coins and now we're going to the market it's an Elsa Tuk Tuk it is a Tuk Tuk with Olaf and Elsa on it brilliant massive yellow building I'm obsessed of everything being [Music] yellow we are outside the pantheon which I'm actually not sure what Pantheon means but there's this little flea market on and then there's also all of these Cafe and I was just saying to my mom that this is the first time probably since I would say Tom and I finished traveling that I felt warm in the sun like it feels like summer like I think it's just because we are satting a sun trap so the temperatur is like really really elevated here cuz there's no wind there's nothing but I'm not complaining about it at all I'm also wearing black jeans which is definitely making me feel warmer but like all in all pretty happy [Music] look at this for a book shop this is just insane guys and they've also got a bike hanging from the ceiling every book you could ever imagine probably in Portuguese to be honest rather than in English but still pretty cool lots and lots and lots and lots of [Music] book okay lunch is served once again Janine's tuing straight in she's over the Eager Beaver she's like happy last year waiting to eat my food and I've actually eaten it warm for a full year have you seen that clip of Millie Bobby Brown be like my phone will never eat first like I will never take a picture of my food I'm the opposite of that I'm like I will film every single [Music] meal I am back home in my office after A really lovely weekend in Lisbon I honestly think and I don't say this lightly that Lisbon might be the perfect weekend break it has so much to do it such a bigger city than I thought it was and it has so much culture so many great restaurants and bars I feel like we barely scratched the surface there was so many other places that I would go back to if I went again and I hope you have enjoyed this Vlog I hope that it has been useful if you've watched it because you're planning a trip I definitely think that was kind of how I focused this Vlog let me know if you've been if if you think that there's anything else that we could have done there were a few other bits and Bobs that I had on my list if I went back I would really love to visit the tile Museum and also to spend a little bit longer at CRA and actually go in the castle but the weather was just not great when we were there it rained a lot it's a lot to walk around if you've been you probably know it's it's like a hike but yeah definitely really really recommend adding it to your list of European city breaks that are good for a long weekend we spent three nights here and I think that was the perfect amount of time to be honest I definitely think that you don't really need too much longer it was also so lovely to to spend this trip with my mom and get to travel with her and get to treat her for her birthday like that is something I really don't take for granted and I'm so grateful that I can do things like that and that is because of you guys watching as well so I I really do appreciate that and I want you to know that so big love if you have enjoyed this video do give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe down below and turn on the notifications I shall see you guys in my next upload which will actually be up on Sunday shifting all the videos back a little bit this week see you soon bye [Music] oh
Channel: Molly Thompson
Views: 8,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: molly thompson, beautyspectrum, beauty spectrum uni, beauty spectrum brother, yorkshire, beauty spectrum dad, travel vlogger, travel vlog, FIRST TIME IN LISBON, lisbon vlog, first impressions of lisbon, surprising my mum with a weekend away, surprising my mum, girls weekend away, euro summer, lisbon trip, planning a lisbon holiday, visit portugal, portugal, european city break
Id: jQScvT_tYiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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