Our First Driverless Taxi Ride (Waymo)

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okay everyone this is the first we ordered our first Robo Taxi autonomous vehicle is there a driver in there can we see okay knows how to turn I put on his turn signal in San Francisco we just had dessert so make sure it doesn't work okay it's not crashing any other cars there's a pedestrian there is there a driver no driver oh yes okay it's gonna Circle the block and here's the competition the cruise the driverless okay here's our driverless Robo Taxi wait I'm not reading on my video okay over here stop wow it passed us do you want to get in first get in first wait wait till it stops okay go ahead push it okay we have to use the app to unlock okay driver please take us to our house oh well there's a button I have to push oh it's a dessert right you want to push it yeah so from waymo hello how do we get going just feel futuristic all the driving don't touch the steering wheel or pedals during your ride that's a helpful info in the WeMo app like how we keep our cars safe and clean you can also use the app or passenger screen support agent at any time in the rare case of an emergency can you keep your seatbelt fastened and remain in the car unless there's an urgent need to exit good thing it waited for this look at this left turn oh it's doing a sharp left turn oh let's see if we can handle stop signs okay stop sign slow down complete stop pretty impressive okay there's a music option we have to tune's cranking approaching a busier intersection but not that busy oh look at this aggressive driver over that way oh okay oh yeah good job WeMo look at that what it's competition it's Cruise whoa you're surrounded by these Robo taxes okay it's gonna drop us off a block from our house drop off let's see what the drop-off experience is like oh finding a spot to pull over thank you driver pulled over approaching [Music] to unlock one more time to open I think it's safe to exit you're here thank you driver bye bye bye bye thank you laughs thank you waymo oh maybe maybe we'll step back it's locked and There She Goes
Channel: Lee Cooper
Views: 2,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t7LXFjQ7hHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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