Our Favorite Decks | EDHRECast 195

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[Music] hello and welcome to the edh recast my name is joey schultz and i'm joined as always by my fantastic co-hosts up first he recently played against a colorless kozelek eldrazi deck and when he saw the player's first land drop he was like oh no that's such a waste it's matt morgan you know joey my mom recently taught me the secret to burning 2000 calories in 20 minutes and i was very surprised i said well how are you doing that she said well just forget to take the brownies out of the oven and oh that's not really a dad joke but it's a mom joke so good on her mom you're switching up the formula for 2022 then we're getting real wild dang that one got me really good matt i i love that and i hope that you you have new brownies that will uh be nice and good for you had to find a different way to get those calories in for sure four sure up next when he recently played up against a mardu enchantment stack he saw that players commander and he was like oh man not again it's dana roach um to stay on the food category um what do you have for breakfast in a really cold january day i would love to know because i'm hungry what is it the snowflakes okay there's more calories in the frosted ones matt that that's fine you can that's just more to burn this is terrific stay warm everyone anyway this is the edh rec cast edhrek is the best deck building resource on the web for the commander format compiling data from decklists all over the internet to provide helpful recommendations for new commander dex and here on the podcast what we like to do is give all of that data a little more context matt what is it that we are talking about in this week's episode well this week we're going to start the year off and just talk about ourselves well maybe not ourselves we're going to talk about our favorite decks our favorite commanders and what we just like to play in in commander yeah yeah we get so many questions from listeners from viewers about the decks that we play a lot of questions about our decks so we want to have this episode as the one that we can point people towards be like yeah here are deck lists we do have the decks that we play linked in every single episode in the description or in the show notes so you can always find a link to our deck lists down there but this is also a fun way for us to talk about the stuff that we actually play and why we like playing those commanders so much because they're just really really fun what are our favorite decks our favorite commanders and why what do we enjoy so much about edh and the things that we play it's gonna be a bunch of fun real quick before we get to our main topic though let's pause and give a huge thank you to josh lewin the folks at the command zone who handled the post-production work on the podcast making it look as spiffy as it does and of course we want to thank our sponsors for the show too the idiot fred cast is sponsored by card kingdom and tcg player the two online retailers that are the equivalent of a hot cup of chocolate with little marshmallows on a cold winter evening just go to the carton question and click on the vendor link down below doing so supports both the site and the show and if you prefer to support the show directly you can do so over at patreon.comrecast we have patron tears of all sorts of levels so if you want to get yourself a little something extra while also supporting the show you can do that you can join the discord you can join um and look over at all of our historic challenger stats picks that we've done over the course of the show there's a whole lot going on there so make sure you join over at patreon.comcast and if you want to get yourself a very special shout out you can do that which is exactly what crystal coulson did this week so thank you so much crystal for heading over to patreon.comhrecast for getting this the super cool shout out yeah thank you so much for the support crystal and all of our patrons we appreciate it so so much all right fellas let's get to our main topic now we are talking about our favorite commander decks and then maybe some weird superlatives for our decks like our strangest deck or decks that we think that still need work or stuff like that let's just talk about the different range of decks that are in each of our deck building suites and you know before we even get there let's actually talk about the specific motivations that we have as players that have caused us to build the different decks that we have so matt let's actually go back to you what is it that is your favorite thing to do in edh what is kind of the instinct behind all of the decks that you play what drives you for commander well for me the the big thing that really pulled me into commander from other formats is just being able to kind of do whatever i want um there's no de facto best thing like there are in competitive formats you know i i've played my share of competitive standard modern legacy any of those um but commander is something different altogether you there is no wrong or right way to play uh and that's just one thing that i've i've really enjoyed like you play the things that you want to play so i will play my mary weatherlight duelist deck because i just like playing aggro and maybe it's not really the best thing that you can be doing in a competitive format but it's what i want to be doing and that's why i love playing commander because if you're playing those 60 card formats typically you're playing things because you want to win not because you want to experience things and that's what really pulled me into commander yeah you are very let's i feel like your favorite phrase in the game is all right i'm gonna move to combat yeah and a lot of the decks that you play tend to have that as kind of another like i don't even know what you're gonna be hitting with it might be a couple of small dudes or it might be like a bunch of 60 60s i'm never entirely sure but i know that it's going to be a big grand old time and it's nice to have that just complete timmy tammy element that is just overwhelming any battlefield that you're a part of i mean it's always fun like you know i'm doing something cool when like i start laughing to myself like if you've watched twitch.tv if i start giggling to myself for like getting excited like you know i'm doing something like i want to be doing um so it's just always really fun to get to do those things like i know dana and joey both of you you play for different reasons but like that's why i play and that's why i like commander because i can do the things that i want to be doing right for me mine is a little bit more like commander is a more of a i want to pick things apart and i do want to use it as a way to improve as much as possible and i i sometimes will go a bit hard in the paint when it comes to deck building those things and i will tune and optimize as much as possible that is certainly a way that i really enjoy finding stuff out and i like i like cheating costs i like cheating things into play from the graveyard especially or straight from my hand or off the top of my deck stuff like that honestly one of my favorite phrases in edh is probably like okay i'll leave my commander in the graveyard like little things like that because like oh he's up to something like those are my personal favorite types of moments and that does involve a lot of optimization which is definitely a different take than where you're uh coming from but then now let's turn it to dana dana what is one of the more guiding principles for you and all of your decks then um the the thing that i like most about commander in particular and what draws me to it in guides why i build decks is i really look at this as a creative outlet brewing decks is a creative exercise for me it kind of scratches that itch in a way that most games i don't think ever have so that's what keeps me coming back and has kept me interested over the years it's though it's the thing it's the one way i can play magic and feel like i am i am actually building something unique i'm making a creation and then i can actually use it and play games and win games with it um you know for the most part if you show up to a modern event with your own fun weird homebrew that's not going to end well for you um but you can do that in commander like you can come up with something strange and weird and unique to you that feels like an expression of yourself and your own creativity and you can actually play and win games with that um that's pretty amazing and that's that's what attracts me to both the format and that's what kind of guides most of the decks that i do brew well and dana on that note too not only is creativity kind of encouraged in commander it's it's almost actively like discouraged by you know certain types of players in in 60 card formats um i remember i showed up to a modern tournament with kind of there's some some weird renegade rallier and safie eric's daughter very commander-esque win conditions in a deck um and somebody got real fussy because it wasn't something within the the given metagame that was being played at the time um wow and that was it was weird because of like we we're we're expressing ourselves here um we're still playing the same format um but the creativity is kind of frowned upon in other formats whereas if you sit down at a game of commanders you do something nobody's ever seen like there's excitement there's there's kind of wonderment also like oh man that's so cool i've never even heard of that interaction whereas sometimes in those those modern legacy types of formats it's well why are you playing that why aren't you just playing the best deck right now that everybody else is playing um and that's one thing that i i also just love is like people like seeing these different things that they they don't do themselves but other people can come up with where else are you gonna see an angus mckenzie show up in a in an actual game of magic right like it lets you dig way back into magic's history and find these weird old things that just see no play elsewhere and actually show up in games that are fun to use that's that's pretty fantastic angus mckenzie is not expensive because of legacy that is for right exactly and matt as you said it is this place where you can come and do stuff that you can't do in the other places so let's talk about the things that we are doing here in commander then i i just think it's so funny that like we kind of have accidentally each of the three of us have slipped into that map being a bit of a timmy dana being a bit of a johnny me being a bit more of a spike a little bit like there's just i think that's kind of funny that we've kind of accidentally fit into those things but then we each also have all of those different appeals like in all of the decks too so so let's just get to those dana you had talked about having these things that are a bit more creative or especially unique to you we've kind of accused you of being a little bit of a hipster deck builder so i'm going to turn us to the question what is your signature deck what is the deck that you think people most associate with you and dana i would love to know your answer because i'll bet that it is again one of those commanders that just doesn't have a whole bunch of decks to its name um i would say it's tough to say what other people associate with you versus what you associate with yourself those don't necessarily match up um i would say that number one the deck that i probably most frequently get asked to play when i am out like at an event or at a shop where i you know don't usually go people generally ask to play against my wrecky history of kamagawa deck so that's probably the one that i would guess probably is most associated with me by other people you know it's not a terribly popular commander um particularly given all the strong options you can play in mono green uh it encourages you to play kind of oddball car you're playing 28 different legendary creatures so um that's kind of unique as well and so that is the one that probably stands out that or my glissa the trader def touch deck for the same reason like who's playing a deck with all death touch creatures for the most part um and i've had both those decks together too at this point for like six or seven years so they are both they both function pretty well like i can play those decks and they don't often fall on their faces um so it's always a game to like when i'm playing those decks you can usually at least get a chance to see them in action and i think that makes for an entertaining gameplay experience well i mean when every legendary creature that you play draws you a card off of recce or every creature that you kill gives you your artifacts back with glissa yeah i can see how that's um an engine that is pretty potent when you build around it and as you mentioned you have a whole bunch of themes that you like to uh to force yourself into so the glyphs attack is all death touch so in addition to having slightly more obscure commanders than the typical norm you're also forcing additional themes into that and that can unlock even more new synergies when you are forced to play even more obscure cards well it also forced i think some creativity i talked about that being important to me you know when i put some arbitrary restriction on a deck by glissadec requiring all creatures have death touch for example um there's a lot of creatures that are great in the glissa deck that i would otherwise be running that would make the deck stronger but because i have that restriction in play it it puts somewhat of a cap on how strong that deck can get and i have to find ways to if i want to power it up i have to find other ways to do that same with that recce deck because i have restricted myself to only legendary creatures i have to find power other places i can't run you know the typical green lenoir elves burns of paradise you know ramp package security belter kind of things to ramp up to some more expensive legends i have to find ways around that because i'm insisting on only playing legendary creatures so um by putting those restrictions in place it also you know forces me to be more creative than i even otherwise would probably naturally try to be fun stuff then so matt that turns the question now to you what do you consider your signature deck and why i mean when people are coming up to me or were i guess when back when we did have events asking me to sign selesnia cards um i i think it marks my brand as definitely the merry weather light duelist yeah that's just my my just loves the combat step it loves making combat hard for other players math is for blockers and if you can't block then you get to do zero math um and that's the math that everybody wins that was when nobody does math that that ability is so potent whenever miri is tapped attacking someone else they can only block with one creature and then they can also as long as she's tapped can only attack you with one creature as well like that's so potent what an easy way to get through a whole bunch of attackers it's so devastating yeah i mean why worry about how many blockers somebody has if only one can block anyways it's just a good way to make sure that whenever you do move to combat you're going to get a lot of people through and i really enjoy that so yeah just having a commander that really specializes in the combat step it just makes for a really good time on my end because i like flooding the board with creatures i like to reward myself for flooding the board with creatures having panharmanicon with all those reclamation or excuse me edh reclamation sage that you can get over at ultrasleeves.com edhirecast but yeah having all those different etb abilities that i've put into the deck having those that pan harmonic on is kind of a artifacts commander uh within the mary deck it's it's a lot of fun i just i love the deck i've put a lot of hours into tuning it uh so yeah you might say like that that would be my signature deck yeah i'm kind of afraid of you you know with your panharmonic on then doing an avenger of zendikar situation followed up by a panharmanic on crater hoof behemoth it could totally happen and i'm not worried about it whatsoever not not a tiny bit not not one vote you shouldn't be worried because you're not gonna be alive long enough too worried so since matt was mentioning the edh reclamation sage art there i have a feeling one of joey's signature cards might also feature himself on an ultra sleeve yes yes it would i would say my signature deck here would be my circon red the grim deck which again you can get a edh recast version of at altersleeves.com edhrec cast it is super fun conrad with my gray merchant of asphodel mask being held there it's really awesome and he's so cool he can mill everyone and he does damage whenever creatures hit the graveyard from the deck or from the battlefield or when creatures leave my graveyard which is just super spicy i love this thing so much and i believe it's also a deck that scares both of you guys a whole lot whenever i pull it out because there's so much damage that's going to happen from that guy if i give him lifelink the damage he's doing it is damaged not life loss so a whip of airbus will give me tons of life every time i have creatures flitting in and out of the graveyard one of my favorite spells to cast in that deck is wake the dead which pulls creatures out of the graveyard which then conrad does damage to and then he the wake the dead also sacrifices all those creatures right away and so then he does even more damage or my favorite is morality shift which switches my graveyard and my library so that's a whole bunch of creatures getting put right into my graveyard right from my library and conrad sees it and does like 30 damage it's so much fun i adore this deck monoblack it's the best so yeah that's a commander that does all the things you want to do in one package joey so i get why it's her signature deck um is it also your favorite deck i guess is the question ooh good question yeah uh i don't think so i think my favorite deck is actually a different deck one that i've had longer my favorite commander my favorite deck is also because it is my favorite commander that's probably the mimeoplasm which i've had since the original pre-cons in 2011. the mimi plasma being that sultai guy the zero zero who like he eats two creatures from graveyards becomes a copy of one of them but then gets bigger equal to the size of the other one i love that thing so so much it is so fun to find weird wacky types of combinations that you can put together you know making it a blighted agent but you give it 12 extra plus one plus one counters and then it's an unblockable infecting commander guy or turning it into a jota's avenger which can give itself double strike and shadow so it can't be blocked and then you just throw a whole bunch of counters onto it from a different thing so you've got a lethal commander with unblockability right there double striking like the fun combinations there that is actually probably a bit more my favorite one because i've just i've had it so long it's my baby so i think that that's probably my favorite even if my signature is conrad i love that question though dana so i have to ask about yours you mentioned your signature being one deck but that is is that also your favorite deck um any favorite it does kind of shift like with what's your favorite song well it's probably different today than it was three or four months ago um recently i guess i would say my veil of the nightclad deck is my favorite deck and has been for a while and i think that's because of all my decks it has the most different paths to victory it just plays differently every time i play it the way velo works she gives all my creatures intimidate and whenever a creature i control leaves a battlefield each opponent loses a life so right there there's two two win conditions on my commander um it's a deck filled with all colorless artifact creatures so they functionally all become unblockable when they was in place so i can kill people with just big creature beats i have the a way to make a lot of artifact tokens in that deck um token creatures specifically that i can just mass sacrifice everything to like an action altar or something and that vela death trigger is gonna deal damage to everybody so like that's a wind condition i often have in that deck i have ways to animate all of my mana rocks and stuff to turn them into creatures that are then often unblockable with vela so i can swing through for lethal damage there you know there's various tesorets that deal damage based on the amount of artifacts i control that's a win condition you know there's all wind conditions like revel in riches or meredith besieged that that care about the amount of artifacts i have in my graveyard and i can kill people that way it's just one of those decks that depending on what i've happened to draw it could win a game in a totally different way five consecutive games in a row and like that's always interesting to me being able to just pick a different path every single time i love that that is so cool dude so matt how about you then do you also have a dimir commander as one of your favorites or is that not really yours can't say i do no um i'm just gonna bring it back to the good colors uh celesnia yet again green white um where probably my my current it's like dana i really like how you said like saying it a deck is your favorite it's kind of like saying it's your favorite song where it changes depending on the week depending on what the most recent game was anything like that so i think i would have to say kyler's guardian emissary currently is my favorite deck that thing out of the box was super fun making a few upgrades still was even more fun so i would definitely say kyler sigardi emissary just because it's one of those little decks that all of the the pieces add up to being greater like the sum of all the parts is greater whatever that's saying is uh where all those these little things are going on but then they make this huge impact on the on the board and i just love those types of decks where kyler cigaretti emissary just gets bigger and bigger for all my humans and my humans which may have been small don't end up small at all they get very very big very quickly and i just love those types of decks where yes i'm able to pump out a bunch of very small things but they don't stay small for long it's just such a fun thing to do and then obviously going to the combat step that this deck just does that so well so yes kyler's certain emissary that's where a lot of my my enjoyment lately has come from is that deck specifically i live in fear of that kyler deck because you play a five mana two two and i'm just like ah you know that's not a really big deal i'm sure it's gonna be fine and then it doesn't say a tutu though and then you cast like an increasing devotion and you put five humans into play and then kyler sees all of them gets plus five and then gives plus five to all of those human tokens you just made so you didn't just play five one one tokens you just played five six sixes and your commander now hits for seven and it only gets worse from there like it's terrifying you don't have to make me like the deck more i already like it but also like not even just how powerful the deck is or the powerful things that it can be doing but the power level that the deck resides in i think is where i'm finding most of my enjoyment with commander two it's still a pre-con plus 10 cards or so i haven't done a bunch of upgrades to it uh that's definitely not optimized or fully tuned anything like that but you know it still is able to do some some powerful things out of the box just due to the nature of the commander and that's where i think my my enjoyment is is that power level of it's a pre-con plus a few maybe powerful interactions but that's it i'm not tutoring i'm not trying to go overboard with with really tuning it like going to the gills but just enjoying kind of what it was supposed to be out of the box yeah and it gives you a really nice diverse array of uh ways that you can play it against a couple of different types of boards and like yeah that is that is super super cool i do think though that since you know we've mentioned some of our favorites and we've had them for a long time or we have reasons for liking those color combinations for a long time but those are ones that we have a lot of experience with as well and that also kind of means a bit of streamlining in some cases or like we kind of know what they're about you know you say a human tribal deck and i feel like people probably know what that's about but i want to flip the script now let's talk about instead of those decks let's talk about our weirdest deck what is a deck that is like pretty unusual it's not the streamlined or mainstream even like dana you again are kind of our hipster builder guy when it comes to your decks what do you think is the one that has people scratching their heads the most whenever you see that whenever they see you out of your bag to play i mean this is a little bit of a cheek that's a relatively new deck um only maybe a month and a half old at this point but i have an anax hardened in the forge mono red deck that's all permanent that has no instance or sorcery spells in it so anax by himself is a relatively unpopular commander he's he has less dex on edh rec than lovisa cold eyes does and you don't know what levisa cold eyes does so that's how unpopular next is a little bit but so that one definitely is odd it's not a popular model red commander you're pretty limited what you can do anyway playing that way and you know not only is red kind of limited in that you can't interact with some things you definitely can't interact with things when all you're playing is permanence so that's probably the oddest one and it's been a lot of fun to build too so i've really enjoyed that deck prior to that um it would probably be playing mono white planeswalkers with jared with eyes open because again amano white is already pretty limited as is and to try to play a mono white super friends deck is um also pretty limiting so that would it would be one of those two for sure i i love that and it's so cool too because playing all permanents in that monorail deck that is there's actually direct synergy there it's not just a gimmick but yeah right anec anx's power gets bigger equal to your devotion to red so there's actually a good reason to do that because it makes your commander a really heavy hitter and that's pretty darn awesome i really really enjoy that i i don't think i have as kooky or an off-the-wall uh you know sweet as you necessarily but i do think when it comes to my weird decks martin stromgold might qualify that is the four mana one one who when he attacks let's say he attacks with five other creatures since there are five other attacking creatures he gives each of them plus five plus five and that's been a fun experiment and that's not one that i think most folks have heard of since it's a commander from ice age something like that but i did also kind of build that one on a dare from you dana so it is kind of you know a good reason for that being aside from that i feel like not many folks are as familiar with my other favorites virtus and gorm which are a really fun golgari combination of partners from battlebond where virtus will cut your life in half if he hits you so it's an all cutting life and half deck and that's also one that is kind of exciting for people to see and they don't usually see that type of dynamic very often in golgari so those are probably my two weirdest deck picks i would have to say yeah if we're talking about weird decks i think my alilah artful provocateur deck would have to be definitely up there it's i say it's historic tribal but just a bunch of sagas because i happen to have a replenish which has gotten to become a fairly pricey card but i had one from back when i was playing in you know 1990 whatever uh but yeah it's just a card that i always thought was super fun so i wanted to build a deck around that basically so uh there's a bunch of sagas in my alila deck and so it's kind of my historic tribal where i'm trying to make it so that everything is legendary or just historic so a saga a legend or an artifact basically it's on its way and it's just a super fun deck to play because i just i'm able to get so much value over the course of the game just because like oh yeah if you happen to get another recursion of a of a saga card uh that's a lot of value that you build up over a game yeah like what is that kia ora best the sea god which like makes a huge token and then steals other people's stuff and i think it may freeze other people's stuff too or something like that yeah just like oh i think i know what i'm doing playing against a couple of fairies and there's some artifacts and some enchantments and that thing because we go oh no he keeps recurring this one saga over and over again and he stole all my stuff and there's a lot of krakens yeah yeah it's so much fun too because even casting replenish or anything that's going to put enchantments back on the battlefield even getting like two of those you just you can take over a game really quickly yeah that is a really good pick i love that and it is slightly outside of your typical seleznia agro real house it is it's the liznia agro wheelhouse see that's how weird it is it's getting me tongue-tied that's this is your fault you trickster fairy trickster i did i did no jerking all right so you called that one historic tribal that does make me wonder you've also talked about a couple of different tribal deck options there you had kyler as human tribal and then this one has a pseudo historic tribal dana do you have a tribal deck is this a style that you enjoy playing or is it more do you not want to be subscribed just to a single creature type is this a a type of deck that interests you at all the tribal style uh yeah it definitely does i i have an experia supreme judge thanks tribal deck and it's one of my my older decks early on i had wanted at some point to build something tribal and i wanted to build not what everyone else was building for tribal decks um and i wanted a consecrated sphinx in a deck too it's a fantastic card but i never wanted to just run it in a blue deck just to run it like i wanted to have a reason to say hey i'm running consecrated snakes um so i go to saints tribal deck there weren't a ton of choices for commanders at the time there was a couple of aspirias and that was it um so i i went with superior aspiria supreme judge um and the pickings were pretty dire back in you know 2014. i had to run petra sphinx which is a mono white sphinx without flying from back in legends just to get enough bodies but since then we've got a lot more senses so that the deck has has gotten much better options since then but yeah i i have a in a spurious fix deck and then recently um i don't really know why i've always wanted to build something around cilum guard the drifting death um and i tried a bunch of different things but i finally just like i guess i'm just going to build a second tribal deck so i have a a dimir dragon tribal deck with silengar as the the captain as well so i have technically two tribal decks going right now well there you go you you have tried to make siloam gar work a couple times but yeah i i i took the long way around and finally i was like i'm just gonna build dragons that just makes the most sense so i mean you're pretty capped building black blue dragons as well there's there's definitely a hard power limit there also yeah no i remember that you had been trying to do like oh i'll have stuff like arcane adaptation to turn all of these tokens into dragons and it's just like dana just play dragons it's okay to just play big flying monster beaters it's all right there was just too many moving parts to make that work but but now with with the new kamigawa set i think i'm gonna get another black another blue dragon so hey hey perfect timing yeah very very much i don't know if i'm gonna get any new zombies from upcoming sets at least not that one um the tribal deck that i currently have is wilheld which i will i'd better not talk too much about him because holy crap do i love wilheld and that is actually a huge surprise to me i am usually very not interested in tribal decks kind of at all but this one got me and i feel like maybe it's because i've been spending too much time with matt morgan because he likes playing a lot of those styles of decks too but wilhelm just makes a bunch of zombies and then he'll make more zombies and i'll eat the zombies and i'll draw cards and i'll use stuff like rooftop storm to play them all for free i'm not going for any combos in this deck although i know that he can be a very combo centric commander if you want to build them that way but for me i'm just like give me all of these zombies that pump each other up make a bunch of tokens and then just swing like this thing is so much fun to play and i love little moments where like i can leave him in the graveyard and then i'll use like a living death to bring all of my zombies back or a zombie apocalypse to bring all of my zombies back it is so much fun and matt i blame you well i mean we joke about coat of arms being kind of an overrun type of effect for certain decks that zombie deck definitely could turn coat of arms into an overrun effect because all your zombies get plus 50 plus 50 which just saying that makes me want to build a will held deck i'm not going to i don't want to i don't want to encroach on your your space but it sounds pretty nifty yeah we're going to have to fight to see who can make the biggest of each of those all have a whole bunch of different zombie lords but then you'll have your commander your human rebel commander over there just giving all of your humans plus ten plus ten or whatever and we'll just we'll have to have a humans versus zombies race we we've done that but we'll we'll probably do it again over at twitch.tv slash each recast there you go there you go so okay that's a good um establishing beat here for us so we've seen some of our signature decks some of our favorites but these aren't necessarily the same as the decks that you know we play the most often or they're not necessarily even our strongest decks for the decks that we're tuning up most frequently so that'll be fun to get into in the second half of the show before we get there though how about real quick we pause to challenge some stats it's one of our favorite segments here on every episode of the eda trekcast because there's so much data on idiotrack but we don't always agree with it sometimes we think that cards see too much or too little play so we like to challenge those statistics matt do you mind starting us off this week what's your challenge so my challenge is a card that just every time that i've cast it lately it's just been impressed me so much and that card is thrilling discovery so it's a red and a white four source that says you gain two life then you may discard two cards and if you do you draw three cards uh this card it's so far down the list and we've talked about sets like commander legends or strict saver in this case where there are so many just bomb amazing just eye grabbing cards that a lot of just very good just quality of life type of cards kind of get pushed down and forgotten about this is one of those cards i just i think for thrilling discovery is such a great card just for so many different red white x based decks but one deck that i think especially is not playing it compared to other similar cards is alicia who smiles at death decks so alicia is only playing thrilling discovery in 11 of decks whereas cards like faithless looting or cathartic reunion are getting played in over 40 percent i think that's just such a huge gap when thrilling discovery does effectively the same things but it's also giving you a chance to gain life and that's just such a huge gap for a commander that really wants some very good creatures in the graveyard so thrilling discovery being able to loot away different cards from your hand putting them into the graveyard is just a great and efficient way to do that i also think just with any type of graveyard type of interactions whether it's again or canon weaver or maybe with this new capenna set that they they've said uh wedges are going to be kind of heavily favored maybe that's another chance for some sort of mardu type of graveyard interaction deck to to really come out so thrilling discovery is a card i just think folks really need to keep an eye out for because it's just it for me it's done so much good work that i i really think that it's it's better than the the 5000-ish decks that it currently is in that's a really cool pick and you know you're speaking my language again putting stuff into the graveyard so that you can get it back later matt i really like that i know my audience absolutely and it's kind of funny that you would mention um some of the communities you did there for example ganarchan and weaver because the challenge that i've got this week i think would also be pretty good for again but it's also going to be good just for a bunch of different styles of decks this is the card parallax wave which is monstrously underplayed right now it is a four mana enchantment with fading five so it's got five counters on it and they do go away and if you can't remove a counter from this enchantment then it will sacrifice itself but the effect that it's got is so worth that ticking time bomb because it is such a tricky card you can remove one of those counters one of those fade counters from parallax wave to exile target creature and then when the parallax wave itself goes away then each player returns all of their exiled creatures from paralux wave right back to the battlefield this is a very tricky enchantment because that ability is instant speed if someone's attacking you you can exile one of their creatures if you want to have your own stuff get blinked and then the parallax wave goes away that is a cool way to blink your own creatures for more into the battlefield effects and this is such a wild type of card again could be using it because it is an enchantment that he can continually get back from the graveyard to constantly mess with the board whenever someone tries to attack him more specifically you can use it in blink decks like aminatu the fate shifter or brago like seriously only six percent of bragodex are currently playing parallax wave and this is such a tricky blink enchantment that has so many different applications i think this is just a card that needs to see a whole lot more play it only shows up in 600 decks total right now and it's so strange and powerful that i just think it deserves a little bit more love so that is my pick for this week's the the first challenge i've got for 2022 parallax wave very tricky card and now dana i'll pass it to you round it out with your challenge the stats we have a challenge sent to us by listener gordon miller and it is for the card swell of courage it's three white white that says creatures you control get plus two plus two until end of turn um so it's an instant that you can use as like a combat trick if you're going wide in a token deck or something in particular um what's important here though is it has a reinforce x so for x white white you discard the card and put x plus one counters on target creature and that's not really a counterable ability that's just something that you can use kind of so it's not a countable spell i should say it's an ability so it gets around counter spells where it's suggested we run it is in felicia fang of silver quill felisa has flying and and mentor but most importantly whenever a non-token creature you control dies if it had counters on it you create x tapped two one uh white and black inkling creature tokens with flying where x's number of counters you had on it so it does double duty and a felisa deck it can in response to something dying give you an uncountable way to throw a pile of counters on it to make a ton of those two one inklings or if you already have the inkling army you can use the the actual just buff mode and make it easier to kill somebody it probably also works pretty well in a lend of the dusk rose deck kind of doing a similar thing but felicia probably really shines i would say and it's in just 35 total decks video track um that's basically a rounding error at that point um i'm in total agreement it should show up in more felicia decks and more linda decks probably just more go wide decks in general it's a really decent card that is a tricky one and i got a much much like big clap to the listener who submitted that because uh dana i know that is one of your missions to always find the challenge the stats picks that show up in like less than a hundred decks and there we go yeah we we got there fam yeah that's a very specific pick but i think that's really really cool also dana just said fam and that's it's my new year's resolution is to use slang for four years ago oh okay that sounds lit okay let's move on let's get back to our main topic so we talked about some of our weird decks or tribal decks or favorites and signatures but let's actually ask what is your most played deck like when you sit down what is the commander that like is not you just kind of always instinctively reach for that one and maybe this is also something that has kind of shifted more recently but currently what is one of your most played commanders matt let's start with you when you sit down to play adh which do you tend to gravitate towards most i think the deck that i tend to reach for initially especially when i'm playing with somebody new that i haven't played with before is my okima and kaiser deck uh that's my plus one plus one counters and soul tie colors uh and i i don't know why because i feel like it probably is actually because it's it's a fairly modal deck it never really takes over in any like super oppressive way uh interacts very well with a lot of what other people are doing as jason altu writes his 75 articles over cool stuff inc you might check those out but he talks about 75 where it's kind of adjustable to kind of what you're doing uh with the table around you and this deck kind of falls in that that realm of i'm not doing anything overly powerful myself there are some powerful interactions but it never really does anything outside of what other people tend to be doing so i think that's probably the deck that i tend to grab the most and just plus one plus one counters that's a type of of theme that it's gonna get support in some sort of fashion nearly every other set so there's always new cards that i could be looking to whereas stuff like other decks we might talk about here in the future that we don't change very often um i have decks that i haven't changed anything on really for quite some time so this is a deck that always has something new that i could be putting in i like that because there there are certainly like famously combo orientated versions of ukim and kazur but now for you it could be as powerful as i've got the corpse jack menace doubling all of the counters that i'm going to put everywhere and then ukima is going to hit for like 20 and if it leaves the battlefield it'll still hit for like 20. but then you're also playing a bunch of like random little like implement of ferocity kind of cards just like a little one that commander staple implement a ferocity watch out right and so i like that because you're right that is very adjustable there can certainly certainly be moments where you are popping off and then there could also be moments where like this is a really nice thing and i love what you said there but it being a thing that can uh kind of conform to a lot of different play experiences depending on the table around you i really like that that's a really good pick to always gravitate towards well thank you i appreciate that you're very very welcome so dana is yours as good a pick this is me forcing a segue over to you let's talk about what is a commando that you tend to pick a whole lot whenever you sit down to play so so it's just a guess because i have not logged the games of commander i've played since 2019 um in 2019 when i did in fact log the games of commander i played i'm sorry what i'm sorry wait no no no no we can't just that what i'm sorry you logged all of the games yeah i i played 352 games in 2019 um and that's impressive 96 with my my favorite the nightclub deck so that that year that was my most frequently played deck this year i would guess it would either be jury master of the review or arden and seo or partners equipment partners deck those are both relatively new so i know i was i just tended to lean into grabbing one of those two decks just to kind of get reps and work on figuring out the rhythms of the decks what cards i wanted to add and remove and tweak that kind of thing so this calendar year i should say last calendar year 2021 those are the two decks one of those two was certainly the the ones i played the most i i i got more questions about you logging every single game that you played but that sounds like it must have been a very edifying experiment holy dang that's i believe you can find an article from 2019 on eda direct that i wrote about it that is pretty cool and yeah honestly having played against you i do think that jury is one that i saw a whole lot this year and jury is quite a smasher that two mana whenever you sacrifice stuff it gets a bunch of counters on it and whenever jury dies you turn all of those changes into damage against someone like i remember being clocked for like 57 damage by jury several times in 2021. yeah it was also a fun deck i i had wanted to build a deck i'm not really a combo player but if you're not a combo player that leaves combat damage really and i was trying to find a way to do something that wasn't just necessarily creature beats as well so jerry kind of fit that bill that let me build a ractel stack which i didn't have and let me find a way to to to actually kill people without having to rely on either combo or combat damage yeah i i like it you might say that uh you've been judged by a jury of your peers yeah you might say that but we shouldn't say that is that okay well it's funny there too because i think one of mine uh my most played of the past year was also a rakto stack and that's karazhakar the eye tyrant i fell in love with this beholder holy crap the five mana whenever you attack someone you tap and go to one of the creatures and whenever your opponents attack each other you get to draw cards and lose life and i i holy the combat manipulation is something i had always been looking for i've been trying it out at the beginning of the year with card door the doom scourge that released early on in 2021 and it was good but it wasn't exactly what i wanted and then caracar came and i was like oh and i just wear every time that i sit down to play edh that is the deck that my hand immediately grabs i'm just i really love playing this deck and making my opponents attack each other it just instigates so much randomness across the battlefield to there's just so much inter-person like interaction going on and i love seeing that dynamic forced into a game and being able to pull strings here and there that is such a fun fun deck to play and i'm ah i just i love it beauty is in the eye of the beholder cause beholder there it is there it is i'm not nearly as good at the dad jokes as you guys are i think if we need to go back to talking about jury to review that joke that you just made no okay well you might say that my uh my dad jokes need work so um how about we talk about our decks that need the most work too does that segue that was your best segue today so let's thank you yeah so so okay those are decks that we played a whole lot but like what's a deck that we're still tinkering with what's one that you are still kind of finagling trying to get right what's something that's currently you know still more in the work in progress section matt what is a what's still under construction so to speak um i i think definitely my alibu ancient witness deck is the one that i i want it to work but it just hasn't gotten there quite yet i i've tried putting in a bunch of cards like gear per aether grid where i'm able to turn a bunch of artifacts sideways like maybe some treasure tokens or some food tokens or anything like that that way i'm fueling up alibu's passive ability or triggered ability i should say whatever my artifact creatures attack get to dome my opponents for x with all those tapped artifacts so i like finding ways to get a bunch of tapped artifacts that otherwise wouldn't have been that way i'm not relying on creatures it's just a hard getting there i ran into an issue where i was kind of running out of cards in pretty much every game so finding some some good engines like thrilling discovery where i'm able to kind of keep card advantage coming along i've put some of those in there so i'm really kind of working on it it's not quite there yet but it's it's getting there slowly but surely i think for me um it's also ivoro's deck we have an adriatic captain on the guard token deck built basically to go wide and use the adriana buff on as many creatures as possible um i just haven't quite figured out what i need to have the right balance to take the most advantage of that um in part boros is challenging i think in general um and adriana's not the best card in the world um it's also not a lot of fun that the more people you eliminate the worse your commander gets yeah i think i'm not ideal either um so so that's one i've kind of i have not quite figured out how to make it work the way i want it to work yet i mean really all my decks are a work in progress i'm never not tinkering with a deck nothing's ever finished i i enjoy messing around with my decks constantly so so i'm never 100 happy with anything but like that's the one that feels like i haven't like quite figured out what i wanted to do yet so it's it's it's still very much feels like a beta deck compared to most the rest of mine and i love that because i actually heard a a little thing from matt there where he was just like oh a boros deck also still at a construction like big surprise but it's also just funny to me because matt i know that for you uh the idea of a deck never being finished you really do want to like crack the code and figure it out and then you can just like have it make some small upgrades but you really like finding it and then feeling as comfortable with it and that's a very different dynamic i think than how dana and i tend to build oh yeah absolutely i'm i i my deck building approach is kind of like the the old infomercials from the early 2000s with that some cooking machine where the tagline was set it and forget it that's my approach to decks i i like knowing that a deck is done so i don't have to look over my shoulder every new set to make sure i'm not missing on some new banger of a card yeah that's a good way to make sure that all of the new sets that are constantly coming out aren't forcing you to constantly reevaluate all of your stuff it's nice to have them there so that that is also a nice thing to make it feel like you know the the work in progress that you're doing isn't you know too widespread i guess would be a way to put it yeah um i i wonder if this would be an experience that resonates with you guys for me if you like the deck that i always am constantly messing with tinkering with is one that i have had for a very long time and that's actually reihan and ishai my four color plus one counters deck and matt you have a very a multi-color plus encounters deck and dana i think maybe you've dabbled around here and there with some uh multicolored x uh as well but like the fact that this is a four color deck means that there's so much that i could play that i am constantly reevaluating whether i have the right configuration of cards in that deck because the the world is my oyster and i don't have as many limitations there and that means i could play anything but changing one card means maybe there's a domino effect where i want to change three other cards and then five other cards that result to that and then there's so much that i could be doing that i never feel completely done with that deck despite me having had it for a really long time well you also get that many more new cards every set that could conceivably work on your deck so like there's that many more potential changes as well that's that throws the mix off constantly so so joey i know you said you're always tinkering and i don't like to tinker so do you have any deck building habits like myself uh dana maybe you too do you have any decks that you guys don't change at all or you haven't changed for a while [Music] yes i i would say the deck the deck of mine that i go through it's kind of funny actually so i have a four color deck that i feel like i'm constantly in flux with but then the deck of mine that i almost never change is probably my titania protector of argoth deck like there are new landfall cards that come out a whole lot especially whenever we've returned to zendikar sets but titania is a landfall deck that actually cares about my lands dying so that i can make elemental tokens rather than lands entering the battlefield so i feel like that one is a pretty rare thing for me to upgrade because of how optimized it actually is it's so consistent i'm able to get a whole bunch of mana very consistently with that deck and then i've got the sacrifice outlets that i know that i want to get rid of my lands to make a bunch of elementals i have the haste enablers that i know i want in that deck already to make those elementals immediately lethal i've got the card draw in the deck that i know i like like elemental bond and cavu layer like that is a very efficient very tuned i would almost dare to say that it is my most powerful deck in fact because of how consistent it is and how dangerously explosive it can be so that is probably the deck that i feel is the most finished and that i almost never change whenever new sets come out if anything the changes that i do make are just aesthetically to change out some of the basics for a new type of basic land art that i might like more but i feel like i rarely rarely change the configuration of that deck which is just kind of funny because it's a mono color deck versus the deck that i changed the most is a four color deck yeah um for me i think the answer would be my atrios pestilence deck and it's for kind of a similar reason um the way the deck is built there's just not a lot of effects that come out very often that work with that deck you know pestilence for example is a card from alpha and there's a few variants of it over the years but we haven't really had one since pestilence demon back in the first zendikar set which is like 60 years ago or so now roughly 60 yeah yeah so you know occasionally we'll get a spell that will like in a champion or something that i can run in the deck that keeps me from taking damage from pestilences so that kind of thing will pop up now and again but for the most part that's a that's the kind of deck where maybe one or two cards over the course of the of of a year like this year where we got you know 11 new sets i'll i'll get one or two cards for it and that's it so it's not that it's done or or i've hit this perfect end state with it it's just the way the deck is designed we just don't get a lot of new cards that fit it very often that's absolutely where i'm finding my omnic lucas of rage deck it's it's pretty efficient let's i would say it's arguably one of my more powerful decks too so it's it's been worked out like it's i think it's right where i want it to be but that also means that i'm not going to get very many cards because they they're not really putting cultivate into standard legal sets that often or at least cultivate level like they did in a corset a few years ago but they're not putting stuff that's better than that and cultivates one of the weaker cards in the deck at this point so it's the bar for how powerful a card needs to be especially when it comes to lands matters needs to be pretty pretty powerful in order to make it into at least consideration for omnith and that's just kind of where the deck has been there there are some good cards that i've i've considered and then there's some that like cultivator colossus i know everybody was kind of really overboard with that card for landfall decks and i don't think i gave it a second glance i was like that's that's not good enough and so it which is kind of crazy to say but also i just i by that point i have you know when i reach that threshold of mana there's other things i can be doing so yeah i i would say omnath lucas of rage is a deck that i just i don't know if i've changed a card in over a year because it's just it's pretty set and the the bar is fairly high yeah no that that totally makes sense i the the lands especially there are so many of those different strategies that once you do get to know them so well new stuff comes out and it's so interesting to see all of the conversation that can happen around those cards but the personal experience that you have with the decks sometimes they get really sealed they get really solid and especially matt when you're setting it and forgetting it like sometimes just strategically that is actually kind of sometimes the correct move to do because even though there is new exciting looking stuff it isn't always like even if you were interested and you were like invested in seeing all of the new stuff that's coming out sometimes they can actually distract you from the main point of your deck i've certainly had those moments where i went out got a whole bunch of new spicy looking cards and then i played them in my decks and over time i was like these actually aren't necessarily as good as what i was playing initially which is a pretty interesting you know experience to go through and you're like oh my first instinct was good and the new stuff was shiny but ultimately ended up being slightly a bit of a distraction sometimes it's a very interesting experience to go through with all right and and it's kind of interesting here i think it's worth noting that the decks that we almost never change are not necessarily the same as our strongest or our most powerful decks and this is actually a subject that we've discussed on a patreon exclusive episode about what each of us thinks the other's most powerful deck is and that's kind of a fun experiment to see but like i just think it's worth noting that the most powerful deck that we have is not necessarily the one that undergoes the least amount of change and that's just a fun distinction to make there because power and how often you change a deck is not necessarily always related and that's a cool lesson to keep in mind um but instead of talking about that you know especially with the ways that we're going into this year and we want to be vibing in this fun stuff this crazy stuff that we're able to do in games of edh the the most important question for me right now actually is kind of like guys what is your most sparks joy deck like what is just the most edhiest of the edh decks that you have uh dana let's start it off with you when it comes to commander what is just the deck that like gives you that same matt morgan giggle fest going on whenever you're doing stuff what access is that really just totally unabashed fun side of commander for you um for the moment it would probably be my arden and score equipment deck [Music] i'd want an equipment deck for a while and i was trying to not build a boros one because everyone kind of goes that route so i want to go with the zorious equipment and it's been a lot of fun in part because you get a lot of weird interactions that kind of do make me giggle in that deck being able to you know tap equipment that my commander is wearing to draw cards off a shimmer dragon for example that lets you tap untapped artifacts to draw cards like is just a fun interaction that you don't really have access to in borrows colors that kind of thing just like makes me giggle or the card vanish into memory where you you exit target creature and draw a card tickle to that creature's power i can i can hit my commander with that who's you know like a 12 12 or something because of equipment draw 12 cards the equipment all comes off and when it comes back into play i don't need to discard a couple cards because he's no longer buffed up that's cool and arden lets me just re-equip for free anyway that's so cool so there's really no downside to it it winds up drawing me a fistful of cards i get to play a stupid spell that almost nobody plays and it winds up being really good in that deck there's just a handful of things in that deck that kind of work that way an echo storm because i have two commanders it's very easy to to do cast multiple copies of echo storm and you know create multiple copies of you know some ridiculous sword a lot of things just worked nicely in in azores equipped my deck in a way i didn't plan that are almost always fun or funny that those those are some sick interactions dude i i love that that's that's really cool but i will also say that deck despite being like a funny spark short that deck's also still like super spicy to play against like yeah it also works too right it's not just like doing me me things it's doing silly things and it's also effective which is also a lot of fun yeah and that's for me i would say that the deck that i specifically built to be a sparks joy deck that's my masarek deck which i've been trying to figure out how i wanted to approach this commander forever because that's the five mana golgari commander that whenever a player sacrifices something you put a plus one counter on all of your stuff the issue that i always ran into it is that like tuning mazzarek up was inevitably going to lead down roads of combo because his plus one counterability works with abilities like persist that put minus one counters on things and bring them back and it goes infinite and that just wasn't what i really wanted to do with him i just wanted to sacrifice stuff and have fun with it and eventually i was just like oh yeah let's just do random token stuff and i'll just eat up all of my lands to get a bunch of plus counters on all of my creatures i'll just make a bunch of tokens with an endrix r master breeder and then i'll play a zurin orb and it doesn't really matter what's going on i'm going to sacrifice seven lands and hopefully swing for lethal next turn maybe it'll work maybe it won't but it's fun to play on that edge because it can be powerful and it can totally backfire and it produces fun stories no matter what is going on and i also just get to play like that's a deck i'm not even playing soul ring in because i just want to play fun things like cartographer is like my favorite art in the game for instance so that is a deck that i specifically went out of my way to build the sparks joy deck and i'm like dang this is how i should be doing it most of the time cause it's just you get to play funny fun stuff so now not for you mr gigglefest would move into combat what about you what is the deck that just makes you feel like you're doing the most edh edh stuff oh i man joey i think mine probably would have to be at this point that my vivica says moddy the dyer that deck is just it's crammed full of seven and eight drops i think we're looking at the average cmc and it's it's almost four so yeah the the curve starts at four joke that we make over at twitch.tv h recast about the deck like it absolutely is true yeah uh it's it's so much fun though because the deck is just built around how many different ways can i cheat some eight drop into play like ingrass marauders how can i uh find a way to get into play or or you can't spell slaughter without laughter so how can i cheat an avatar of slaughter into play yeah that's just that's just what the deck does and it's so much fun to to play around and and just cheat things into play uh sometimes it can get carried away like the last time that i played it on stream uh it had a very hot start and it did it made the game very it progressed very quickly you might say but yeah otherwise sometimes it just sits around and it hard casts naturally these six seven eight drop creatures and uh eventually it gets there so it's just it's super fun it's just playing these big dumb creatures that uh otherwise you're not going to play any of these creatures in any other format but where else are you going to play molten primordial if not in commander in 2022 uh or demon of dark schemes that's another card that i just i love cheating out and it's a good way to reanimate all my stuff it's just so much fun or who who puts protein hulk in there with genuine intentions matt morgan that's who that's you uh i i protein hulk for tireless tracker and it's a scavenging ooze or something i don't know um but yeah it's just like i just i love what that deck does it's got some just big dopey creatures but uh man cheating into a cheating obnoxious gear hulk into play is just it makes me feel feelings and that's uh that's why i have this deck yeah i love i love the stuff that you're up to with vivictus because because i have a yanet deck that cheats things into play off the top of my deck but then you've got vivicus over there who's chaos warping everything in play and sometimes lets people like me cheat stuff into play off the top of the deck but more often lets you cheat enormous things than to play off the top of your deck and it's so funny to see the stuff that you're up to you know using vivictus to destroy your own ugin's nexus so that you will get an extra turn and you slam an eight drop into play for free like if that's not the most edh experience i don't know what is and i love those places where you can just play the stuff that like you said at the top of the show you don't necessarily get to do in other formats and it's hilarious like like you've said in past episodes it's one of those decks that is fun to lose to and that's one of the things that i appreciate so much about the way that you guys build and the way that you know when to play against other folks too is that like i love those decks that are fun to lose to because you get to see people doing those crazy cool fun things and that is certainly one of those decks for sure i mean that this deck absolutely would have been a terror if it were around in 2012 yes yes but considering this is ten years later um this deck just it's it's just fun to play and that's where we'll leave it and i i also got to say matt it's kind of nice to see that i think you know we're kind of having an effect on each other's deck building styles after doing this show for so long too because you know you mentioned how much fun it is for you and that deck to cheat things into play which is usually something that i do a little bit but then i'm starting to build some more tribal decks like you tend to do a bit i'm getting a bit more aggro we're both becoming i think a little bit more hipster just by watching dana play for example so like it's fun to see how these predilections can kind of like you know vibe off of each other as well they kind of we find other resonant experiences not just in the decks that we've built but also in the decks that our friends have built too and i think that's a wholesome start to 2022. i agree and if you'd like to find a link to our decks that should be in the show notes down below and if you do a search for adhd recast in our decks you should be able to find that just with the google search as well yeah absolutely and that's they're linked in every show and folks it's just so cool to see also that like folks are interested in the decks that we play and what is so much fun about those we get a bunch of questions about it and this has been a really fun show to go over so that we can show folks the the stuff that we enjoy playing and listeners we also really like seeing the decks that you play too so we'd love to know what your different decks are that fit into these categories like what do you think is your sparks joy deck what is your signature deck what is the deck that you play the most often have you done as dana did and logged all of the games that you played in 2019 which is a perfectly normal thing to do with your finite minutes on this earth is that the thing that you've done thanks man i think they could feel i was getting a little bit like unsure about that i was self-conscious about it but made me feel better i'm totally totally messing i think that's really cool there's a lot that you can learn by examining your own decks and your own habits this way and so this is a fun edifying uh episode for us to do a fun start to the year and listeners we hope that it's edifying for you as well this is super fun and now i'm just really in the mood to go play edh so i think that we should call this episode to a close so that we can go and do that fellas if our listeners would like to get in touch with us where is it that they can find us all matt so you can find me on the twitters mathmas55 that's m-a-t-h-i-m-u-s-55 and don't forget wednesday evenings we are streaming over at twitch.tv edh recast we have guests on every single week so make sure you tune in because the games always turn into something silly they're so much fun and the guests are great so yeah make sure you tune in wednesday evenings indeed and dana you can find me on the twitter birds at dana roach you can hear me on the other podcast cmdrcentral i am writing articles for both edh wreck and commander's herald and you can find all of us together at patreon.comreactcast and i'm joey schultz you can find me at joseph m schultz on twitter and you can find the cast at edhrecast on facebook and on twitter as well plus if you've got a question for us you can contact us at edhrecast gmail.com our thanks go out once again to josh laquai and the whole team at the command zone for handling the post-production work on the podcast and we want to thank our sponsors tcgplayer and cardkingdom.com plus you can visit altersleeves.com idiotrexcast for cool custom idiotrex sleeves including some of the cards that we talked about in this very episode listeners will be back at you next week with more data and insights but until then remember edh wreck your deck before you wreck your deck [Music]
Channel: EDHRECast
Views: 24,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic the gathering, commander, edh, edhrec, mtg
Id: NHPpfzyKjdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 31sec (3811 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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