Our Dreams May Be Our Greatest Spiritual Teacher | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

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Thomas Moore believes that our dreams are the purest expression of our spirituality as he puts it your spiritual self was born in a dream and when you dream you are returning home so explain what you mean specifically your spiritual self is born in a dream I have this great position to be with people as they are going through the trials of their life and we look at their dreams and we meet as a psychotherapist as a psychotherapist and we like we're looking both of us looking at this depth of this person in this whole world that who that they are that's living itself out through them it's like their life is like a top surf at the top level and you've got this whole dream world with all of its meaning and suggestion and mystery you know what happens when you go to sleep at night it doesn't feel like you're watching a movie doesn't know you're gonna kiss you you're in it you're in it but yet it's not you sometimes yes you know it's like like you but it's not quite you yes and a little bit of your child is someone may appear from your childhood as someone you met yesterday my third-grade teacher just the other thing yes now what does that suggest or what is that saying we're all here and that childhood is still there and it appears in our dreams but until you look at the dream you don't have a clue what's going on mm-hmm and when you dream you are returning home that's our home I mean that's really where we are we that's where that's where we find everything it's all there it's not linear I know that today sometime today I'm going to react to somebody from that child who was probably seven years old that child still there Wow somewhere okay he appears in the dreams that's right and are you saying here that our dream life is as real as this one maybe more maybe more real in the sense that okay I mean I mean really really it could be more real in the sense that that's where our real motivations can be found you look at your dream is your you say sure you say wow I can know I see what I've been doing up here on the surface Yonex I can get it now and when you dream you're returning to the home the very womb of your spirit and a world that speaks the language of your soul exactly now that resonated so deeply with me because I can feel and I know you all can too when you're in your dreams that there's something about being in that space that understands you and that you are more you than you are in your real life exactly damn that's big AHA that is a big big thing we think that is there's something about being in that dream space it feels more like you than the you that is in the quote reality oh yes we tend to think that I that the sense of who we are comes from some head someplace in our head and we call it ego and all that stuff but I really think and this is not my idea goes way back in time but that that who we are comes from that deep dream place that's really where identity is that's why I say that's where on that where our natural self is hi youtubers I'm excited to give you an update about our own YouTube channel now you can find new videos every day they're the kind of videos it will make you look at life differently they may even make you laugh a little bit who doesn't need a daily dose of that so here's just a taste of some of what we've seen subscribe to the own channel today and we'll see you on YouTube
Channel: OWN
Views: 76,554
Rating: 4.9055557 out of 5
Keywords: OPRAH, OPRAH WINFREY, OWN, Iyanla fix my life, super soul sunday, tyler perry, the have and the have nots, full episodes, love thy neighbor, if loving you is wrong, Interview, iyanla vanzant, livin lozada, evelyn lozada, lindsay lohan, episode, season, Why Our Dreams May Be Our Greatest Spiritual Teacher, Spiritiual, #supersoulsunday, SuperSoul Sessions, SuperSoul Sunday, super soul sundays, oprah super soul sunday, brene brown, spiritual, Religion, God, Faith
Id: ouxOvXr0ajc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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