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my grandfather just came over to see the house her progress and everything and he brought his dog over it's a female well bear and io apparently miss her very very much and let me see if we can catch this on camera what they're doing [Music] wow [Music] so we're just getting ready to start hanging the drywall in the kitchen i don't know if we're gonna have enough drywall for this leftover but we'll see how far we can get and this one's gonna be a little bit different there's going to be a lot more cuts than the last room that we did because the last room just had some electrical that we had to work around where this one we have some vents and plumbing so since we've never done this before we'll see how it goes [Music] oh my god are you okay [Music] true [Music] okay so now that the ceiling is done in this kitchen area i want to start working on the interior walls and one thing i wanted to point out with any of the interior walls that separate rooms we're going to be using a product called safe and sound by rockwool not sponsored or anything it's just what we're using so the reason why we're using that is because we want to limit sound transmission as much as possible because it is a smaller house and also it works as a fire retardant because it's made out of mineral wool and one more thing i wanted to point out is we all are framing is two foot on center uh advanced framing and these bats are 16 inches on center they do make a 24 inches on center but it i'd have to special order that and that would take a month in order to get here so i just went with whatever they had at the local big box store and which is the 16 inches on center and all i'm going to do is just pretty much layer it cut it to this cavity size and then just work my way up not ideal but i mean you can tell there's already a lot of things i have to work around so it it's all right anyways so yeah that's how i end it look at that [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go thanks for your help [Music] i have this problem of letting beau play with some of my tools like my ear protection and she likes to take them around and drop them in random places so i have a hard time keeping track of some of these things more than usual and what happened with my headphones i know she was chewing on just a minute [Laughter] that's why i couldn't find my headphones thank you [Music] [Music] outside [Music] [Music] i can just see it now i can cook in here and have counter space i think our first day that we get to cook in here you should make meat food no quite the opposite no i've had a barn kitchen for over two and a half years now i deserve a meal you haven't cooked one time yeah i have if you cook a meal it was probably only one so what was it baby you don't think i remember every detail you're crazy steam packets don't count [Music] [Applause] my first really difficult spot uh piece of drywall to cut just because there are several things in this uh little kitchen area i mean there's the washer and dryer outlet there's several uh power outlets a switch the plumbing for the kitchen sink i pre-measured everything and marked it on my board but who knows how this is going to go it may be really ugly so wish me luck she's over there tickling her i can take what i need to get by it doesn't make it easy the other piece of my heart moves slow somewhere in the great unknown when i returned from the afterglow will you carry me like i am whole again wait hold on [Music] hold on [Music] but the feeling is all gone it is so nice to finally start seeing everything coming together and getting to see the kitchen take shape it just it looks so good having all those nice clean walls up there i can't even imagine once the drywall's actually done and sanded and painted and everything how awesome it's going to look and i just love getting to see the recessed lighting up there and as far as the lighting goes because i don't really know if we've ever talked about this before the lighting in here we have those two recessed lights but then we're also going to be having an island right here in the middle of the kitchen and above the island we will have lighting um that's what that is up there so that is coming in the future but what we're working on today because we want to finish this last wall in the kitchen and in order to do that we need to get started on the guest bathroom so that's what spencer's doing right now he's just working on prepping all the walls in here so we can work on getting our tub installed and the pocket door kit because we need to do all that before we can obviously get the drywall on this section of the kitchen but then we'll be good to go it's gonna be cool to get to see the tub in there yeah it's gonna be cool just to see the space finally uh closed off close off and take its full shape but this spray foam yeah it's messy it's very messy it gets flush [Music] you can tell who's been crawling around in here [Music] bear you're such a little model you're so handsome come over here and pose with your brother there's the boy [Music] all right so we have some extra rock wool laying around from whenever we insulated the pipes and other things so what i'm going to do with the excess is try to shove it underneath the tub and around the tub to help kind of insulate the tub so it holds its temperature a little bit better probably totally overkill but uh it'll also help sound deadening and all that stuff oh my god please be careful i feel like you're about to get yeah i love you oh geez louise wait so is that the only places you're putting them is just in these gaps i'm just going to towards the front there yeah i'm going to try to wrap it around the tub and that's really about it insulation nation station probation communication isolation destination evolution what elation like you're elated elongation okay you win okay go you okay yeah one more you can't do it you won't okay so in order to avoid deflection in our tub because we have a fiberglass tub and they're known for a lot of times having deflection so what i did was i took some a bunch of wood scrap blocking kind of shimmed them into place in several different spots throughout underneath the tub to act as additional feet which by the way the feet that came factory on the tub like don't even touch so like the stringers that i installed got the tub perfectly level but for some reason the strength or the feet don't actually touch the ground the closest is like three quarters of an inch but anyways so i installed a bunch of uh wood shim blocking for feet and then try to just use wood glue to kind of keep them in place i don't know how well this is going to work but uh hopefully it's better than what is there now which is nothing so i have the stringer and then all those wood feet there's probably six or seven different spots i i've shimmed underneath so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] some wood blocking and kind of shimmed them into place to act as feet top feet there's only four of them the feet don't touch they're not even close to touching so yeah i'm just kind of makeshifting some feet i think you should talk about the feet a little more i know let me just start over
Channel: Life Uncontained
Views: 2,524,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shipping container home, container home, shipping container house, kitchen, bathroom, small home, diy, drywall, bathtub, pocket door, tiny home, tiny house, alternative living, vlog, self reliance
Id: mgU1_69NPxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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