Our Biggest RV Upgrade -- We Should Have Saved Our Money!

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[Music] we should have saved the money we spent thousands upon thousands of dollars in time on upgrades and suspension and taking metal in the eye hey guys izzy and mj from endless rving so in this video we're gonna touch on an almost six month follow-up update to our biggest rv upgrade by far and we should have saved our money and be sure to stay to the end because we're going to tell you how much money we should have saved all right so you may be wondering what is this huge upgrade we've done to our motorhome if you've watched us you kind of know what we're talking about but for those that are new we welcome you and we're going to let you know so our biggest upgrade by far to nellie our motorhome has been our liquid spraying system so we're going to talk about like i said in this video six month review listen it's not all rainbows and unicorns there's definitely some downsides there's some upside so before we get into all that what is liquid spring for those of you that don't know what it is well liquid spring is essentially a probably the best suspension upgrade you can get for your motorhome outside maybe really high-end diesel motorhomes and and honestly i think if they designed the system for the high-end motorhomes it would be better also but it is a call a smart suspension it is a fluid based suspension silicone type fluid and it will greatly improve the handling the driving less fatigue while you're going down the road in your motorhome so there are two options that you can get with liquid spring you can get the rear system or you can get the four corner system and that is what we got for nelly the four corner system now for those of you that don't understand for the most part about 70 percent of the improvement is going to be off the rear a matter of fact liquid spring will only sell you the rear you can't just buy the front so you can buy either the rear or the four corner they won't only sell the front and that's for good reason because the big benefit is in the back and then to polish it off the cherry on top is going to be up front so like mj said we have the four corner system so we're going to talk about what we like about this system and it's a lot and then we're going to talk about what we don't like and what can be improved all right so what do we like so the first thing is just going to be the driving characteristics of the motorhome now when we first got our motor home and i know they've been improved since 2021 since the chassis f53 has changed but ours is in 2019 it was terrible and to me it was it shouldn't even be on the road the way it was we drove home from albany we had about three hour drive and i mean trucks would pass and be pushed it was it was bad scariest time of our lives so much so that when we got home i'm like we we need to do something here and we added a lot of suspension upgrades the usual the sumo springs and the radiation yeah upgraded sway bar radius rods rear track all the ones you see on the forums we added so mj never drove nelly without those upgrades but she's gonna talk about what changed from when she drove with those upgrades to when we got liquid spraying so as izzy said i never really experienced the the horror of driving this with no suspension upgrades but when we were in the tampa rv show this past january in 2021 we did test drive the demo vehicle with liquid spring oh my god when i got in that even coming with from an rv with all of these upgrades that we did i could not believe the difference and i'm not just saying this i literally was flying around corners and they told me just go drive like a maniac and that i did so what was the difference the difference was for example you have trucks flying past you and i can literally one hand and you're not moving before that you were gripping for dear life holding on because the trucks were flying past and you're moving although you're swaying back and forth this is gone all right one-handed i know i shouldn't do that but i'm just saying the amount of control that you have because of this when people are flying past you is great so also it just impacts everything when we would drive for a long period of time i would drive for four hours five hours i would be tired fatigued you can go away longer now so we're finding that we can do when each of us is driving much longer duration of driving because you're not getting as tired because you're not getting thrown all over the place how about laying in the bed in the back yeah you can sleep could you remember before this i mean you actually can lay down and sleep which was not like we do that a lot but it was an option and it really helped so like yeah mj said everything is easier to drive i know for me i'm kind of very in tune with how it felt and very much like mj said as soon as i got behind the wheel of that demo vehicle i was like wow like this is insane comparable to expensive diesel motorhomes we drove not comparable in power of course of course but it handled i remember if you go back to our first video we did on the on the test drive it handled like my ram pickup on air suspension it was tight on the turns the sway was gone i felt like i was driving a big car which is pretty awesome so in my opinion it makes it a much safer drive i feel like i have more control like mj said you're not getting pushed around you're not you know mentally fatigued it just feels much safer another thing that i really like is the adjustable height so stock coach on the f53 comes with leaf springs front and rear fixed height you can't adjust anything when you get the liquid spring system those leaf springs are gone i mean they completely change the way the setup is you get new struts it's somewhat they call it five link system pretty awesome with that you're able to adjust the height now i could be wrong on this but i believe wayne told me it's three inches each way right so you have your normal you can go three inches down and then from normal three inches up so actually six inches all the way around but three from the normal that is very useful it's useful if you are coming out if you have like on a driveway and you have a big kind of hump going up like an incline sometimes the rear if you have a drop hitch could scrape with this you can lift it up those three inches also when you get to a campground you're able to drop down very much like a diesel pusher you're able to drop down almost all the way down to the ground what that does it brings the levelers three inches closer that's three more inches of play you have when you're leveling so you essentially could deploy less of your levelers as far as lengthwise and still get level which is really nice if you're enjoying the video so far we invite you to hit the subscribe button below join the family hit the notification bell also so you know when our next video comes out okay so there are things that we aren't big fans of and as you know we always are honest with our reviews so the first thing is we weren't too thrilled with how it works with three steps if you have two steps it's not gonna be a problem right you're down all the way those steps are going to scrape on the ground so let's just show like what exactly we're talking about so right now we are level and at a normal height if we were to drop all the way to the lowest uh this would be on the ground it would be scraping the ground so in order to combat that what we have to do we drop it all the way down and then we have to level up and then you're you have plenty of clearance it's it's not like a deal breaker but it's certainly something that you have to keep in mind if you have two steps you're gonna have to do i'm sorry if you have three steps you're gonna have to do that if you have two it's not really that big of a problem now just keep in mind our coach was the first four corner system outside their demo vehicles in the whole country the other demo vehicles they had only had two steps i think they kind of didn't expect this they know about it they said they were going to work on it i don't know the current situation but certainly something to ask them if you looking to have this installed all right another drawback is going to be the added weight to the coach like i said all the leaf springs are removed you lose weight that way however this is a heavy system you know it's all new infrastructure on the suspension new struts all kind of bars and there's actually the cylinders that hold the silicone the electronic controller all in all we were plus 600 pounds now that is taking 600 pounds away from our carrying capacity so if you are if you don't have a large carrying capacity this is something that you definitely want to look at maybe only your rear which will save you some weight but it's something that could be an issue for us it's not a big deal because we had the carrying capacity but again this is something you have to keep in mind all right another thing that i think is a little bit of a drawback but it could be compensated is this right so you see this is the top of our tire and you see the wheel well here you see how much space there is now we are not at normal height right now and actually if we weren't leveled out and dropped it low this would be down here now where can this be a problem for whatever reason if you don't remember to level up or to raise it high and you cut this wheel hard it could actually go into your fender we didn't have that problem with the leaf springs because the leaf springs were designed at ride height with enough clearance so again this is no different than if you had like a diesel pusher with air ride and you dump the air it's just an extra thing that you're going to have to think about when you go to a system like this so we have done many videos regarding you know the the installation and what exactly comes with liquid spraying now one of the things you actually have a controller on the inside and on that controller you can adjust the ride height you could also adjust like the comfort so it has a comfort sport and regular that's the amount of steering tightness how it reacts one of the things that we would like to see would be bluetooth capability that would be awesome especially for the ride height so i was able to open up an app and then if i'm outside and i could adjust the ride height from outside i can see how much clearance i think that would be a really cool option it's not a deal breaker these are just suggestions for liquid spring i'm sure they can make that happen but uh something we would like to see and we're going to talk about the last two things that we don't like about liquid spraying you're gonna drive faster i should say you're going to drive fast somebody's going to correct it we just find yourself driving faster right whereas before we were like 65 miles an hour now we're driving like 75 right 75 i don't trust yeah okay she drives like 80. i drive 70. you you're gonna wind up driving faster because you have so much more confidence on the road and that's going to really affect your miles per gallon which we've seen we've dropped like half a mile per gallon but to me it's worth it right and another thing the reason that we don't like it is because it put us in a position now where we will never be able to have another coach without the liquid spring system i mean it's spoilers you know how when you go to a concert years ago i went to a billy joel concert i was in the last seat and they put me in the front row billy joel buys the front two two rows out and puts people that have crappy seats in the front two rows i can never go to another billy joel concert and not sit in the front two rows right could you yeah so our next motorhome it's either if it's a gas or it's going to have to have liquid spring if it's a super c it's going to have to have liquid spring or it's going to have to be like a really high-end motorhome that has a somewhat equivalent suspension system because you do get spoiled so what is our final rating or i shouldn't say that what is our rating or grade after six months so far as you as a former teacher what will you give it i would definitely give it an a uh myself it's excellent this is by far the best upgrade we've done this should be the first upgrade i wish newmar would offer this out of the factory because i really think they're putting themselves at a disadvantage because there's some other companies that are doing that but whatever they do what they want anyway we talked about the title of video we should have saved the money what do we mean by that well what we meant is we spent thousands upon thousands of dollars in time on upgrades and suspension and taking metal in the eye for those of you that didn't follow that when we put the radius rods on and just tons of money you should have just done this to begin with and i wind up selling that stuff for like you know half the price but what i'm trying what we're trying to say is that if it's in your budget listen this is not cheap it's expensive we we've mentioned the price in other videos but if it's in your budget don't even waste your time with the other stuff no it's expensive if it's not in your budget then you got to do what you got to do but if it's in your budget i'm telling you there's no comparison out there it is an absolute game changer like nothing else out there for the motorhomes they offered for i do want to mention that we did leave on the safety plus correct that's it right oh and the front sway bar right get it upgraded those can complement it but everything else you won't need you can actually i think do a rear sway bar also but it's not needed so in the comments below put it let us know do you have a liquid spring system are you sick of hearing us pimp out liquid spraying if you are too bad anyway no we know for certain that a lot of people didn't know about liquid spring until they watched their videos and now they they own it and uh they're loving it we haven't gotten negative feedback on it yet which is pretty awesome so in the comments below let us know what you think if this is something that you would consider also we have a discount code right if you use the discount code ride endlessly you will get up to 750 on a liquid spring system and for myself and mj we thank you guys for watching [Music]
Channel: Endless RVing
Views: 42,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endless rving, rv upgrades, liquid spring, liquid spring suspension, rv upgrades and mods, liquid springs for rvs, liquid spring suspension system, liquid spring cost, rv suspension upgrades, class a rv suspension upgrades, motorhome suspension upgrades, class a suspension upgrades
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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