Our 200th Episode and Honey I Blew Up The Draft! - Episode 200 - Spitballers Comedy Show

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[Music] what happens when three buffoons give life advice explore unrealistic situations and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve it's the spitballers podcast with andy mike and jason they said it couldn't be done and yet we did so 200 in your face haters so that was a victory lap i am those i mean i completely made up the haters look sometimes you need a little motivation and you just pretend that people are hating welcome to spit ballers episode 200 a three-person scat i really like that jason's was not a scat it was just wow that's which was awesome i mean it comes from the soul yeah it worked out don't put your labels and definitions on what a man or can a camera cannot do in a scat al borland is here what's up spirit wads we have a special episode and much like episode 100 um i'm not sure what's gonna happen i mean i guess that's like every episode but i especially don't know what's going to happen on today's because we have segments i've never heard of we have liar liar and what what a better time to win than episode 200 i think we were brilliant in saving our win that's right got him right where we want him storing up our victory for for the epic show 200. so we have would you rather on today's show we have man of the people i don't remember what that is liar liar against al borland in in or out of the doghouse and we are coming back to this idea here because on show 100 we did honey i shrunk the draft and we had a battle royale where we were six inches tall i think today we're doing honey i blew up the draft we are all 25 foot giants and we're going to have another battle it will be a lot of fun thank you for joining us on this episode the pressure is on i mean al knows that he has to deliver with the content or he'll be all fired yeah he will not see 201 that's right yeah and we keep fear is a big part of our leadership uh practices yeah it's undefeated yeah fear fear is undefeated look leaders that lead by fear they stay in power forever there is never an uprising to take them out i will say i i think i set you guys up for success but it's really up to you to hit this one out of the park yeah oh i don't like hearing that that's that's a bad attitude let's begin [Music] would you rather would you rather be magical yes but live on earth or live in a magical land but be normal which sounds very familiar to me like i've seen this question before i don't know if we've discussed it but yeah you are do you want to be a muggle living in hogwarts basically where you you don't have any powers you can't really help i mean if when when things hit the fan it it's wizards with wands that are going to be throwing spells all over the place and you're going to be sitting there throwing rocks apparently someone hasn't watched lord of the rings because frodo saves the world yeah but but that don't give me don't give me the odds the odds were low the odds oh you're right you're very anti-frodo okay come on let's get mike started on friday just because he's got hairy feet and that he hits too close to home no no no no because samwise is an incredible man like that dude absolutely gets it done frodo is just weak the whole time falling into traps he's getting like he's got the ring oh do you know how much pressure that is schming this guy is so weak everyone has to do everything for him they gotta drag him up the mountain yeah because he's dying from the power of the at the end like he almost he barely he that's that's barely a w like he was going to keep that ring he needed sam wise he needed his friends to take a unique take i want mike coming out with his like literary criticism of the book i just first of all samwise kind of sucks because he talks too slow and it makes the movie boring well that look that's that's his interpretation of the character i'm just saying samwise is the hero of that entire series and frodo someone give this guy a ring so he can relate all that being said taking it back to the question about magic if if this question was who do you want to be in lord of the rings it'd be like well gandalf i mean right yeah and frodo had a miserable time yes he got the w but he was miserable yeah so like a magical world is cool but i want to be cool so you want to be gandalf like here on earth with no one else isn't that even better than being gandalf in the magical world if you are the magical person and no one else has it then it's actually special like this is my first thing but you might be the public enemy number one well you can't let people know you've got to have a secret idea or you really let them know and you become king and then you lead by fear yeah i guess it's subdue the planet it depends on how magical you actually are that's your campaign now again my campaign vote for me subdue earth my first thought was uh in kanto where the the uh the disney animated film where everyone has magical powers and then the main character does not and you're like dude this poor this poor woman is surround everyone in her family has an incredible magic power and that would be terrible if you look and ask the question if you lived in a a magical land but be normal like you're not if everything else is magical if you have no magic powers you're not normal you are not the normal one in that you're weak you're so you are not you are the outcome and you have no powers okay so we want to be the wizard and be the only special person i want to know who is the person that does not select wizard like this question asked to a thousand people who's going to be like yeah i want to be the loser around all the cool kids well i think i think the better the best example of that would be like um sort of the the harry potter thing where like i guess they all even though they were muggles they could learn magic huh can they i don't know muggles can't learn magic i mean muggles can be born with magic if we want to get into the welcome to episode 200. don't get jason started on harry potter what about hermione no you can be she's born a muggle with magic but you can't be a muggle then learn magic like you can't just like want you find out that magic is there and go to hogwarts you have to you wouldn't want to just hang out in hogwarts and just watch i would definitely want to do that versus this but if you're saying versus being me me doing magic all right would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe which i mean one looks cooler and one's more practical one is way more practical you know what nobody's ever tried to do they've never tried people always think the giraffe the giraffe it's like it kind of looks like a you know a horse with a long neck so let's hop up and saddle it up no one's ever tried to like hang a seat from it like a swing oh and and ride between the legs i don't think you want to be there i think there's a reason that people have not done this but maybe they maybe the draft would acclimate to that better maybe they don't want you on their back maybe they want you swinging between the legs i think you are getting kicked yeah you're getting some knees to the back for sure you had you almost had me i thought you were saying like you were gonna put like a side car so like you know side car that works like a motorcycle's got the size oh that's nice i think i'd rather go sled you know what i mean like straight behind him just pull you know i also don't want to be there well that's true i mean i want i would i would have some distance the sled would go i don't know mush is very different to me i think it might be much i spell this um how fast can a draft run over 100 miles true in a single gallop because when i'm really thinking about this question donkey very practical not fast giraffes go 37 miles an hour that's that's pretty good but like people have used donkeys donkey's 15 15 miles an hour they're low to the ground easier to get aboard i mean like how do you even you have to invent some kind of special ladder just to get up on this there's such a pain in the you can't train a giraffe to just like get down oh yeah yeah yeah i guess you could get kneeled down like an train a giraffe at all i mean that's part of the problem i mean that's the they're not like broken animals donkeys have been completely shattered they're broken they have no purpose in this world they live to carry burdens yeah because someone was like hey don't you wish you were a horse and then they're just sad why don't like and then you can rise yeah broke him is it jane good all that like befriended the uh the gorillas the gorillas yeah who's jane goodall oh really she's the lady she's gorillas man she's very she's been probably on the cover a time before oh he's a real person not like a fictional no no this is a real person who like lived and befriended gorillas and then like would help rehab them and stuff my point is producer show of hands how many of you knew who jane goodall was we got three hands okay so in a room so i feel like my ten-year-old did you know who jane goodall was no you're with a ten-year-old i'm a man of the people man of the children but anyways my point was gonna be we've had these stories where human beings have befriended dolphins gorillas uh monkeys i think it can happen we've never had someone that felt really close to giraffe or like kept them in a pin and like became best friends with the giraffe they're very snoozy can you break a giraffe there's they're they're they have a high opinion of themselves and probably because the i mean their head is way up there yeah like you know how you know how in in our society mm-hmm like taller folks like myself if you're taller are better you just you feel better than everybody else you're better yeah okay i mean i i include myself with the tall people so i'm just trying to you know be humble over here yeah we know who james goodall is and we're and we're over the magical six foot number yeah we are yeah yeah totally uh and like so i mean imagine a giraffe you're just you are you can see further than everybody else oh you probably just think you're better you want to reach that leaf up there donkey that's probably why you need to ride at their level somehow can you ride by holding onto the neck can you be up at head level can they support you well i don't think that that neck can support me i'm picturing the giraffe running with his head real low to the ground yeah it's riding the neck he's dragging his head on the ground all right um i am gonna have to go with the practical donkey i don't want the pro i look they may run faster but it's gonna take me a year to break this thing yeah oh it's definitely donkey i'll put in the work you'll put in the heart i'll put it i mean awesome imagine how incredible it is all of a sudden i just come rolling up on a giraffe that would be truly incredible if it would be cooler if we were all on horseback and then you rolled up yeah well you're on your donkey oh that's true we're all on our donkeys and you roll up what's up guys but i feel like it would have to be one of those clydesdale walks you know where the the giraffe is trained to do the big oh the big steps the big steps he's walking head here you have to shoot your giraffe oh for sure oh you got to protect those hooves i've never shoot a giraffe that's going to be or a horse all right [Laughter] we're gonna move on [Music] man of the people al i'm gonna have to hand the baton over to you i don't know what this segment even is all right brooks is coming in here what handing us is this a buzzer it is a buzzer yeah we have buzzers so this game it's a super original concept i want to push the button your team has been hard at work and what we did is this the thing where like we push it and someone we don't know dies no no we already pushed their button over there i pushed my button is that a problem no it's blinking green good we're good okay we're really good at it so your team has been hard at work we have we have surveyed one hour it needs to be flat on the desk that's the key yes because otherwise all the buttons are really in the bottom ah i just figured this out all right sorry sorry go on you're good talk again we have surveyed 100 people and we've asked them a question or we're doing like a feud no it's super original concept no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is called man of the people listen to the rules guys okay basically there's six correct answers or most popular answers uh the person that guesses the most popular answer okay we'll get three points okay the person that guesses the second most popular answer will get two points and if you answer any of the bottom four most popular answers you will get one point if your answer is not on the board you get zero points oh this is incredible we are going to be doing seven rounds what everyone will get a chance to answer each question but the person that buzzes in first gets first dibs you can tell over there who buzzes first uh i thought i'd be able to see him on the camera a little bit better but you guys may have to help me out who if you hit it first you light up green okay and then uh once the first person goes i will disable their buzzer and the other two will get to buzz okay all right we'll we'll go with you jason just closed his laptop to prepare for buzzing but here is the thing that jason has also done he's putting the button on top of his closed laptop so the thing that he is going to hit with force he's i mean he's a he's under six foot so it makes sense he doesn't have the power he doesn't have the understanding i'm just trying to stop you from breaking your laptop i'm also realizing there might have been a slight oversight in the sense that i bet all those figurines are gonna end up getting knocked out that's that's fine look this is war let's be let's go with this original game man of the people that's right all right the first question uh stand on the table name a place you would not want to be seated next to someone with an annoying laugh mike won that one all right airplane that is the number two answer oh so mike all right two points when you see your buzzers go orange you can you can reset okay all right so it's just me and jason watch your buzzers okay so how long does it take them all right it becomes a speed game after that correct all right annoying laugh i'm gonna go movie theater that is the number one oh that's a good answer that is three points now jason you can give me he just has to be on the board to get this point right yeah i'm not sure that i'm gonna be but i'm gonna go with toilet what oh look wait hold so i mean am i right or am i right it's a great answer but it is unfortunately not on the board why is the dumbest answer i've ever heard that's ridiculous you want to be in a public restroom and have an annoying laugh oh that's what you meant public restroom i would have made yeah i thought you meant at your house i knew he meant public restroom and it was still stupid yeah so i get three points so you have three mike has two jason is not yet on the board oh i'm coming i'm coming strong here all right these risers work well that is round one so now we know what we're doing round two hands on the table jason brooks myself kyle we surveyed 100 people and we asked them to name something your spouse might get mad at you for doing too much oh that's easy farting [Laughter] that's impossible that is clearly the number one answer she's got no points the more household lives under a different set of rules yeah no laughing on the toilet no farting around the wire no toilet no farts who did you act this is outstanding reset our partnerships i will be resetting your two buzzers watch for them to turn orange oh andy got it for doing too much watching television that is on the board is the number six answer oh you know one point for them all right mike you uh here's the layup for you don't blow it i mean something your spouse might get mad at you for doing too much sitting on your phone that is not on the board oh i have never sat on my phone before oh yes fair enough was uh was golfing on the board no i will read them talking talking too much shut your mouth that's the number one answer okay spending okay yeah drinking okay yeah yeah sleeping oh jason yeah ridiculous and watching tv okay so i i snuck on the board with one point do i only get one or do i get you get one so hold on hold on i just want to go back to this we we surveyed we yes women uh no it's 50 50. okay okay i thought you were i'm like we asked women and they're they want their men to shut up right usually it's like they want more communication yeah all right okay all right um okay round three name something that young children memorize looks like andy oh i want it yeah you did uh are we making sure that andy's not cheating he did not have an answer ready no i did math problems that is not on the board well these no no school related facts come on man i cannot confirm nor deny if there are school-related oh there's not math problems and that does remind me i will be giving you three seconds when you buzz in to give me an answer if you don't in that time you uh get zero points can you read the question again sir name something that young children memorize oh eat it mike dang it man uh i am green i'm going to go with scripture bible verse i was surprised that that was not on the board but it was not so wait that was the one that i expected we're in round three and i just want to count on my points right yeah if you surveyed jason the hunter jason's you would have zero wait yeah zero points okay it was just earlier this episode that you claim to be a man of the people correct uh a man of the children oh yeah yeah we did not survey children that's on us mike what's your uh i'm gonna go uh children memorize song lyrics uh not on the board okay so what was the school what was the school one i'm close to giving you nursery rhymes but that's not really song poems uh i was correct in order the answer was alphabet how to spell their name their phone number their address nursery rhymes and the pledge of allegiance okay i was thinking older kids yeah if i was gonna miss one that was a good round to do it okay wow we are not good at this game let's be you know what let's be better i think we're i think we're too quick to buzz yeah i think we're not having enough thought yeah and you know what i get the right answer that's what he says to get us to slow down that's right he's like you guys let's take a three second all right give us the next one all right this is round four i believe okay uh name something that is hard to do while listening to music something uh read okay that is the number one answer yeah yeah that's a good one jason got himself back in the game real quick there that's all right keep an eye on your buzzers but okay mike is three in first watching tv that is the number three answer what ah that's that is hard to do right watch tv and listen to me it's also impossible so you get the uh one point for that so jason andy you have a shot at one point with any answer yeah i i is a hard one i'll just say having a conversation you actually had a shot at two points and you got it yeah that is the number two answer all right all right interesting i feel like i can have lots of conversations with music in the background yeah i i drive with music on and talk to people i don't think we've introduced uh kyle to the spit wads ever but kyle is here keep a score for us yeah kyle run down through four rounds andy has six jason has three mike has three i do plan to blow this lead just so you guys know all right i don't like where this is at right now look a man of the person we're tied with the man of the children we have three rounds left so we're just over halfway all right it's anybody's game call it a comeback all right name a job where employees must get tired arms ah three oh two oh construction that is the number one issue oh baby i am back all right i will be resetting your buzz a job where you your arms get tired correct water bucket holders uh i will say moving company that is the number two answer yeah buddy i don't want to high five you you just did good well i mean we got the one and two yeah but i'm again i got nothing do we get negative points for not being able to mike i need an answer in three two traffic cop that is the number four i'm sorry it's the number five answer that's right same amount of points you get one that's good you gotta lift the arms up the point yes incredible that was the uh the airplane guy on there with the oh yeah the batons uh no no okay that guy's probably gets tired arms like construction is it was the first thing i thought of but then like traffic cop was the second thing but it was so stupid but i mean like your arms get heavy after a while man but i mean scarecrow people people are not doing that just stop doing that with regular people a long time ago yeah they figured out replacements after wizard of oz they were like yeah that's not good for him well jason's benefiting from being first to tap okay okay all right also we got two rounds getting the right answers two rounds left uh name something that be i'm gonna rephrase that thank you besides the blade name something that you'd find on a swiss army knife dang it mike mike scissors that is the number three answer you get one point tick tock tick tock wait we both went i got it uh screwdriver wait you're both green well oh no mine turned off andy andy asserted dominance all right he is yeah and he's yeah jason broke his it goes i went with screwdriver oh yeah yeah screwdriver is the number two answer oh no that was my answer um okay so now three two i love this toothpick yeah that's on there it is not on the board but it is on a swiss army it is on a swiss army knife yeah can i can i guess just real quick this is not points bottle opener that is the number five okay the number one answer was corkscrew oh yes wait that's what i thought that's what he said no no he said screw screwdriver oh my gosh corkscrew was what my actual answer was no it really was because no we super believe you i should be in the lead so is yours is your buzzer still off i don't know but my question here is when people think of a swiss army knife they really think of like the corkscrew well yeah because if you look at it from a distance the only thing you can see yeah it's very invisible because a bunch of hidden blades that turn into things and a corkscrew yeah i just got to turn back on we're good all right thank you because like well okay so that's so i need a a man a survivalist here yeah i i got you other than opening up you know your survival bottle of wine right what are you doing with that corkscrew no you're only opening up wine that is the entire purpose of the corkscrew well i mean it's more it's a utility object for life not just living out in the i don't know about the corkscrew specifically someone's just yeah that's just for the wine someone give me an example of what you're doing out in the wilderness with a cork sometimes trees you know they get corked up and you got to open that you want you want to tap a tree for maple syrup yeah okay okay that's boom all right so we got one round left kyle give us those scores one more time andy ten jason six mic at five okay so we're doubling the final round yep that is that is accurate the final round is double scored well that's that's a bunch of huey this is how it always happens please be about the toilet all right name an employee you'd find at a fancy hotel but not at a budget motel three oh two uh dormant one that is on the board it is the number four answer what so you get two points because we doubled i want can i go again you cannot but the other two can what was the repeat the ques all right concierge that is the number one answer oh no mike got six points for that oh no so mike has taken the lead i wanted a repeat of the actual question i didn't even catch it it is name an employee you would find at a fancy hotel but not at a budget motel okay masseuse oh that is not on the board was the answer that could have saved you bellhop what are the other two what are the other answers uh in order concierge bellhop valet door person room service chef room service chef is a weird one but all right what were the final scores kyle mike coming in hot fruit 11. from the depths 10 and jason eight from the depths i think certain defeat i think i proved that i am the real man of the people here that is a ridiculous scoring system i'm just going to say that at the end are we moving on we are going to do some liar liar oh yeah hey spitwas did you know that browsing online using incognito mode it doesn't actually protect your privacy you could have just a random owl snooping on you you don't need an owl snooping on you that's right 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of episodes that we have not defeated him in so now it's being thrown in my face that there are we have done 200 episodes of this show sure and that idiot over there has outsmarted us for the duration of its existence so i just if i can interject because you said no like i don't i'm not interjecting about the idiot that part's obviously true but you said he outsmarted us and i don't think that's the case i think that the three of us have high integrity have a good morality a good moral compass we're not liars we're not liars like owl uh owl is is uh just a liar it's his tongue uh owl do you have our statistics like how many times have we done this 40 no that's not true no it's not oh i have no idea okay okay gosh that that'd be too many uh all right we're going to play liar liar two truths one lie three rounds we have to do it today fellas but i don't think we will for the people round one fact one unfrosted pop-tarts have more calories than frosted pop-tarts that doesn't matter that does not make sense frosting on top of a fully yeah this isn't just this they both have unfrosted pop-tarts yeah in them yeah uh number two they sell unfrosted pop-tarts i think they used to because people weren't quite as addicted to sugar ruth wakefield the inventor of chocolate chip cookies sold her invention to nestle in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate i want that to be true i don't know if it is but i want that to be true that no no money please i just want you just love chocolate so much fact number three here for round one arkansas is the only state that has a legal exception allowing supervised alpacas to visit prison inmates during visitation hours okay seems like maybe just like a like a nice i know there's weird port animal there's weird legal things on the books for certain states right and the blue laws and i do feel like if there was a state that allowed a supervised alpaca like they're like yeah we're gonna put this in the law that it's allowed to happen it probably might only be one state that chooses to do that yeah like arkansas now maybe do we have alpacas just like around yeah isn't it an alpaca like a llama okay so from arkansas is that what makes an alpaca that is what it's from arkansas it's the residence of the uh llama oh my goodness i did not it's like is it birthplace or like as soon as they if they move if you cross state lines and ex 90 days of residency okay you make you have to go through a whole thing you got to get an alpaca license so if you like we live in arizona if i got and if i got an alpaca it'd be like 100 days from now it would be uh yeah 90 days yeah i'd get 90 days of having an alpaca that's right and then it would become a llama oh so they also then lose they lose their privileges yeah okay that's good to know gotta breed them fast so also so let's let's make a decision here on what we think is the lie because the first one unfrosted pop-tarts more calories than frosted pop-tarts that's the lie that just doesn't make any sense but it's so obvious that it troubles me oh wait wait wait wait wait i was here this whole time think this is true because the frosting has no calories on them because the flavor comes somewhere else or something i'm wondering if they're not just frosting over the top of it but like maybe instead of bread on the top there's fr you know what i mean like delete some of the no that's top page that's possible ah man yeah that that part could be true i also like you know what i think that's true i like the idea that someone so we have this this this lady ruth wakefield invented chocolate chip cookies okay i was i had read that as she invented just chocolate chips and i was like you took chocolate and made it smaller and you're like patent uh excuse me u.s government i have invented the chocolate chips i have cut a piece of chocolate to this size okay but chocolate chip cookies that makes more sense this is this is troubling uh i i guess i'm gonna i think the ruth wakefield one's the lie i guess i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm we gotta get through this round yeah i feel like as a team we have no choice but to separate yeah i think that one is my line the problem is if we separate right because i think that's why i understand this i think that's the lie as well i think we just gotta none of our strategies have worked yet so there is something to be said about just going with your gut what strategy if we knock you out yeah all right we have not yet used the strategy of identifying the lie oh i've got a new strategy okay google distract jeremy and let me have about 45 seconds to answer this that's the most jason moore thing i've ever heard yeah um i i am going to lock in the same one with andy because i it's what you believe it's what i believe and obviously if that's true that she's sold for a lifetime supply of chocolate then two of us are out and that will suck yeah um but mike it's your turn to lock one in i don't like the position that i have been put into here yeah sorry because that one that one does not sound it doesn't pass the smell test ruth wakefield invented the chocolate chip cookie and sold it to nestle for chocolate oh my goodness gracious uh i'm gonna go is that is that a european name wakefield you're asking the wrong person because isn't her didn't her she wasn't hershey's like the the domestic chocolate leader for a long time oh i don't remember hershey's american yeah but is nestle american i thought nestle was overseas i think it's so then determine whether ruth wakefield that name does nestle have like when it's written correctly does it have one of the uh the accents up top yes it does um that's otherwise it's nestle nesselson uh i'm gonna all right we'll move it along i'm gonna go with the alpaca oh no i'm so afraid of the pop tarts because it's so off oh all right let's hear it mike is the is the lone man left in the race oh mike correctly identified the lie as the alpaca okay all right team we're off to a bad start what a what a depressing beginning to this stupid game it's less depressing than if you had both or all three gone out in round one again which mike you were kind of close to going to the roof so ruth wayfield's story that's all real that is correct yeah you're stupid um round two in 1939 wakefield sold nestle the rights to reproduce her recipe on its packages uh and which uh to consult on recipes for the company which was said to have provided her free chocolate for life can we figure out if nestle's she also got one dollar oh so it's a lie yeah that's all right no so dang okay did uh i'm alive do we know where nestle came from i thought is it swiss uh i don't think so no i don't know maybe round two here we go somebody else can figure that out fact number one in queensland australia is it illegal is it illegal it is illegal okay thank you [Laughter] we're asking questions now in queensland australia is it is illegal to own a pet rabbit unless you can prove that you are a magician oh gosh get out of here i think that's true all right number two campbell's famous alphabet soup does not actually include all the letters from the alphabet because of manufacturing difficulties in producing certain letters it only contains 24 of the 26. i believe that i mean for sure you wait a minute you're telling me they can get all the way to 24. there's just two they can't do yeah you can't do uh what's the difficulty is ai no because you can do it capital yeah yeah all right but i and l are like the same thing then ever since the former president's act of 1958 after leaving office ex-u.s presidents are not allowed to drive on any public roads i think that's true so they're all true final answer oh that's a way that's the way to okay how does one like how do you prove that you're a magician at what point in the in the training in the journey are you a magician now is that can you get licensed that's what i'm saying do you go to magic school is it i know one trick so now i'm officially a magician or i've just declared i want to become a magician and so now i am i have a diploma this was a curvier enthusiasm episode was this because no yeah because uh larry david wanted to know a trick and they wouldn't explain to him because he said you're not a magician he's like he's like what makes you a magician he's just like you just aren't he's just you're just not maybe you prove it by doing a trick that's what i'm saying like if as long as you know one trick you're a magician it's got to be good enough i don't know it's an aura uh i'm going to lock in the alphabet soup is the lie i think that maybe they got to 26. yeah that seems like they're going to say that it's 24 of 26 because the the i and the l are the same so i will i'm gonna lock in the president's act of 1958. i think that presidents are allowed to drive on public roads last great hope mike no pressure yeah i know i know i'm between the soup and the magician one uh i'm gonna lock in oh gosh come on mike come on mike i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm going with the magician one all right is it over it's over oh i hate you owl so now we're competing with one another yet again correct what is the lie was alphabet yep they do uh produce all the letters of the alphabet all right so great round three okay in 2018 horace harper became the only known human being to have swallowed a tape recording of their wedding vows this resulted in an emergency surgery three weeks later to remove the cassette ribbon he died on the operating table oh man way to get morbid there al was this a purposeful swallowing i guess you don't accidentally i fell over is this fruit by the foot uh also okay i'll save my thoughts in february of 2017 firefighters saved 18 piglets and two sows so's so's from a barn fire i thought it was sow is it i think i was a baby you corrected me with the wrong thing come on man so what ah six months later the farmer sent them sausages made from the piglets as a thank you gift no no basically the story is in 2017 firefighters saved 18 piglets and two pig older pigs uh from a barn fire six months later the farmer sent them sausages made from the piglets as a thank you gift that's like some black mirror stuff and then the last one facing a drought in 2019 priests in india married two frogs to gain favor with the god of rain two months later clerics had to divorce the frogs to provide relief from the relentless reign that destroyed more than nine thousand houses in 2017 that one is these are not fun that nine thousand houses were destroyed all three of these are robustly detailed and i think that was the point of this one and um can i get the def do we have the pronunciation and definition of sal yeah that's really what's important that's really all like that is what i care about and i am going to lock in the first one as the lie it is a mother pig okay mother pig mother pig not baby uh because you're trying to convince me that in 2018 where we still got people named horus that's fair i mean but he wasn't born then well i i know but like uh that's good investigative also who's in 2018 why are we why is there a tape recording why is this not digital in 2018 that's the lie horus is a lie yeah no i think you guys i think you guys nailed it that's clearly the lie but but to tie it i'm definitely going with the drought because in 2019 i just don't think that they're marrying frogs if there's that big a drought to marry the frogs i cannot imagine that there then was a rain that destroyed nine thousand houses so i'm locking that one in as the last all right let's find out the final answer you guys saw through me on on horus all right i didn't think through that that was the lie look if we had just gotten through the second round mike you would have been able to take it home with horace well the first round for you andy you you had the second and third one right that's true what did i go with stupid ruth yeah gosh dang it ruth and her chocolate chip cookies when in doubt the alpaca's a lie i don't i've always said that i never thought that the day would come that i would hate the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie oh you're blaming ruth but ruth wakefield yeah if you're still alive i'm guessing she's the ruth is luth she's not with us anymore yeah shall we move on she had a lifetime we should buy a chocolate jason this is a short supply [Music] in or out of the doghouse no idea what this segment is in all right fellas we're going to play another next segment mike wins uh we're going to play another little game here yeah do we need our buzzers again you do not need your buzzers uh again a very original concept uh but it might seem a little bit like something that would rhyme with shmuley wedge uh i have asked your wife questions what oh my gosh no you didn't i did and uh you we'll see who knows their spouse the best how long have each of you been married 17 years 15 16. okay 15 16 17. so you guys should all know your spouse is that always that one of the questions it is not all right so if you want to write them down you can you can say them out loud whatever you want to do the first question i asked your spouse and we'll just go no we'll go andy mike jason just oh good i get to be in the doghouse first is who between the two of you who is more fashionable hmm i think every every answer's worth one point by the way kyle b kyle will be keeping so this is this is but just between me and her yep so it's 50 50 here correct and one of them is a compliment so i'm i think bree is more fashionable she also said brie okay one point for eight all right starting off out of the dog house all right jason little boy is the easiest thing of all time it's tiffany i dress myself like i've got no eyes so tiffany also said tiffany yeah she's one point for jason she also has i will also take my wife she said me i taught mike fashion that is 100 true all right all right that was it everybody starts off with one point i used to dress like jason congratulations so well then we'll just work how about this we'll snake draft it so mike will start on you there you go okay the next one is what food oh i'm sorry this to be for clarity this question was asked of her about you okay so what food gives your spouse the most gas what food like so what gives you the most gas uh i'll go with chipotle amber said chipotle yeah baby oh no [Laughter] jason what food did tiffany say gives you the most gas there's only two answers this could be it's either everything dude everything was i mean that's what i thought or broccoli i'm gonna go broccoli broccoli really tiffany said chick-fil-a breaded chicken oh that hurts my stomach that's true but that's that doesn't give me gas ironically my answer is broccoli that's what i think this brie said sugar-free candy oh oh man all right well me and jason failed that one all right well really sounds like we're really really our wives failed that one right because that was about us yeah we both went with in the doghouse listen if if it's not clear already jason i really have problems with broccoli and it tastes terrible so why eat it yeah well broccoli is all right and the good ones we're coming to you uh no it's jason jason snake snake yeah i'm always gonna be in the middle here yeah oh okay we'll just roll back and forth okay uh between the two of you who spends the most money oh me by far she did say andy yeah yeah yeah that's a me dog that is no doubt tiff says she does oh my goodness oh my goodness you both do it all right very disappointed it's easily me she said mike okay so mike has not missed one nike collection yes yeah is that dude it's the nikes i like to spend money all right this is another between the two of you which one of you is more addicted to their cell phone oh man this one's tough yeah okay is this this mic answering first right correct oh this is the first one where i'm not sure uh i will take my wife that that played out perfectly because behind the scenes amber had a very hard time answering that she just insisted that her answer was both yes i said it has to be one or the other and she finally said me i never admitted this and you never heard it [Laughter] very correct excellent oh man this is really really tough because i feel like she would say me and i would say her i know i have the same thought she's gonna be like oh she's always playing sudoku uh but i'm gonna look wait sudoku's device look guilty as charged it's not like you're you're not on social media you're on sudoku that's right that is that is hey you're exercising your brain you know gotta work a mental sweat um he says no to tick-tock and yes it's sudoku i'm gonna go oh man if i go over three here i'm gonna be so upset uh i'm gonna go with my wife i'm gonna go tiffany she said it was you yeah well 17 years was a good run but that's over all right so now i have i feel like the exact same situation i would say her and she would say me so that means then that i should take it from me i think it's me i'm gonna say me she said andy yeah yeah good for you all right kyle where are we andy s3 jason one mike four all right i can't wait to steal this for mike between the two of you which is the biggest procrastinator oh man uh that's my wife she said brie yeah yeah okay i i the the jason moore part of this game is so delightful it's wonderful this is tough because we are both procrastinating yeah i want to say me i think she would say her so i'm going to go with oh man didn't me and mike both marry kind of our opposites and you married your same yeah that's right uh i'm gonna go with my wife she said tiffany oh no artist man alive he's on board uh it's my wife again you guys are she said me no hesitation necessary yes and mike hesitated not all right which one of you is the better dancer mike my wife she said me my wife ask mike to dance guarantee the robot or step touch yeah i mean this is like sometimes i do the thing with the uh the wave with the arms yeah i think we can all three answer for all three of us uh my wife is the answer for me no it is it's me i'm the better dancer that is correct you all got it oh that's true she must be bad she's so bad wait like we've seen uh i gotta ask nathan do you agree with that andy's ten-year-old son is here he says yeah like the only proof of concept we need is the the liebman victory dance yes and both like we've got his wife does it and andy's brother-in-law they both do it where they like kind of put their arms out almost like almost like a scarecrow yeah and then they just shuttle back and forth and it is so bad shuttle is the right word that's exactly what i was picturing oh all right which one of you is the better gift giver oh that's this question's for andy curley this one's finally easy oh you got an easy one oh yeah i think i'm the better gift giver that's what your wife said about all righty i'm on fire tiffany is the way better gift giver she is so thoughtful and she puts things together for people and i hate gifts she said you're better oh no what is happening oh man goodness she's gonna be very disappointed with me on this episode so i think maybe you're learning something here jeff you're pretty good that you hate gifts gifts like that's not your love language i don't want to receive them but you're very good at it apparently well i mean i i like to make people cry when i give a gift okay that's my goal well then one way or another how do you know and it's all well because tiffany is really a great gift giver she makes things and builds things for people so this is just what that question was now make things or build things we just we both love each other so much i'll take my wife she said you oh she said he's a go big or go home kind of guy okay okay he likes to spend the money uh well yeah that is true established all right so we're at uh i thought i was going to sweep this thing 636. is that correct andy jason all right no oh no great all right uh this question is for mike i asked your wife uh who her celebrity crush is oh i'll go justin timberlake she said jason mamoa okay that was the other one all right shoot i like these specific ones though i didn't they're a real thing they are a test i like that um man her celebrity crush uh who's the guy that plays thor hemsworth it's between hemsworth and chris pratt i'm gonna go [Music] i'm gonna go chris pratt ooh she said chris pratt yeah because she loves me she loves chris pratt oh right i am one in the same so i've got to try to hit this one here to take the lead yeah i i have to go to the archives i don't know if it's still the case but i'm going to say orlando bloom she said old school orlando blue nice nicely done wow all right flip the script real quick now who did your spouse say your celebrity crushes oh man i have no i think that my wife keep that to my cell phone there's two answers here there's two answers she's either going to go old school and say kara knightley or she's gonna say margot robbie i think she'll stay with the new school so i'm gonna say margot robbie that is correct yeah yeah i i i think she's gonna go old school for me too ironically it would be between keira knightley and natalie portman i think it'll i think she'll say kyra knightley she said he will say kiara knightley which is so stupid and dated and he needs to take some time to find a new one oh my gosh you did it that is and and guilty is charged i have no idea clearly my wife and i really liked pirates of the caribbean yeah you did that's what that that's a dad i just figured that out that's a momentous occasion yeah i have i honestly have no idea who to even say wow really yes because passing well no no i've got to reveal your see that's why i'm not joking you're going to get in trouble no matter what you do i mean it's chris hemsworth for being totally honest that guy's awesome um who would my wife say yeah oh my gosh who have i even made a statement about recently oh you know better than that that's one of the money i never verbalize my thoughts i don't even know where to go literally before her answer she said is he blushing and giggling yet yes yes i absolutely am you guys are perfect and the only the only incident that incident yeah yeah yeah no where it was like i just the shields were down and i just like i threw out a comment and then the shields were down well like because we were talking about the food had a few drinks no no no not at all it was just because it was so fast um well now i can't think of the the snl fella uh pete we were talking about davidson kim kardashian no we this was we were talking about ariana grande yes and i was like we if we were talking about you know just like well how bummed he's got to be i'm like yeah cause it's ariana grande yeah and then she was like wait what okay so go with that and i'll just so that's the one i have to go with because i have nowhere else to go i almost want to give you two points but i'm going to give you one point because she said chris hemsworth or ariana grande yes and you got him my goodness that just shows it's stuck in her brain too yeah that is good that's good stuff i am impressed uh all right we got one more final one before the drive it's a two-parter but yes it and this one is worth uh let's go with four points oh gosh because because it's very well it's very specific you have to come up with the exact word uh what one word would you choose to describe your spouse well this is scary okay oh my god one word that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait us or them currently you are describing them and then we'll flip the script and i see so one word four points describe them one word to describe my spouse this is really hard because it's like what's the context and it's it's also the the the mental game of what do they think we would think oh man to [Laughter] no there's good words that you can say but then they might not want that to be like the one you think of um okay i uh i've got an answer so it doesn't matter what order the order doesn't really matter i'm gonna say funny incorrect oh come on what's the word that she used to she chose amazing you know it's true uh but i thought she would i thought that's why this is worth so many points yeah i thought she would your wife can be a bunch of great characteristics if you choose the wrong great characteristic you're not in the doctor i'll tell you my thought process there were two words that i thought about one was mom i thought just mom might be a good word but i the one i'm going with is fun i'm gonna give it to you she said fun loving oh that's the same yeah sweet absolutely wow that's great that is that's bree that's my wife big time nice work four points i didn't think anybody would get any of these for whatever yeah that's those are hard yeah and these are like jason said of like my wife describing herself yep would be different it's so different than how i view her um uh sorry there's a there's a phrase that's not not available for this particular program that i don't want to say uh i'm frightened uh go on i'll tell you later uh i will go oh my gosh um uh sorry i've i know the word that i want but i can't hold on i gotta i'm i promise i'm not cheating right now but i have to actually i don't think you can google these answers no no oh my gosh get out of here uh savage savage i'll go with that one uh that is incorrect it starts with the right letter she said stressed uh yeah yeah yeah that totally makes sense too all right all right let's flip the script what one word would your spouse choose to describe you four points oh boy you know it's a positive word i know mine okay i will go with goofy she said talented oh that's a nice compliment no points yeah no points for that one a win-win really okay so i'm i'm back between uh here comes funny funny or amazing she's i'm gonna go amazing i think she said it for both of us she said perfection oh it's so true man well youtube saps it is perfection so perfect yeah i mean compared to your score it's all right well thanks babe what one word did she use to describe me i don't i don't know what word describes paul gangly thank you keep giving me ideas guys good uh loose in the cage okay um i'm gonna go with funny but i don't know if that's what she did because she might have said type a instead she said empathetic oh that's a good one better word for dang it that's all right kyle break it down andy 12 jason 5 mike 7. all right oh man that was really funny that bonus really got andy in the big league i like the inner out of the doghouse game that you created that was from scratch too very nice let's draft [Music] the spitballers draft so i said it at the top but back in show 100 we did a honey i shrunk the draft and pretended we were entering the uh you know the heralded battle arena as six inch tall human beings i think we drafted things like a toothpick javelin and things of that nature so al borland had the fun idea of doing honey i blew up the draft we are now 25 foot tall giants and we're in the battle arena and we're facing off against one another and we're grabbing objects that a giant should grab and use in a battle and mike you have the 101 and you're going to take well if we learned anything from those movies we learned that uh you know that the second one was not just a huge letdown compared to honey i shrunk the kids hopefully right i remember honey i blew up the kids yeah it was not a good movie it was not that good all right but anyways so i'll go with the first thing that i thought of um because everyone there's all sorts of different weapons that you need in these types of fights and yeah it's three giants just meeting to fight each other and if we i feel like i can use this as a whip and oh that's how big think about how big mike's head is now oh my god as a 25 foot tall if you 4x this head yeah gosh now does my neck strength 4x because otherwise i got it i got a real giraffe no you'll be like an 8080 going over um i'm gonna go i'm gonna take a telephone cable okay yeah i like that the whip i whenever you think of a giant my very first thought went to somehow just tying their legs together to make them fall over that's just the default of how you foil a giant that's how mickey mouse would do it yeah so all right i'm on the clock you've got a telephone cable nice and i'm thinking what do you you know i wanted some kind of as i was putting my list together everything was just like a big blunt object and i wanted some kind of projectile and i realized there is something here that can give me an advantage because how do you take down a giant whale a whaling harpoon and i now have basically i this is like a gun now so i am drafting a whale harpoon you're taking a whale harpoon which will look like a like an absolute all right are those pretty small yeah it's a pea shooter they're like mounted to ships yeah but you're 4x yes i'm not the size of a ship currently this is like have you got you guys have size of a dinghy you guys played mortal kombat i'm a scorpion now get over here oh so you're holding it in one hand and you're treating it like it's like like a more like a grappling hook yes a grappling hook slash uh like okay you know uh what are those like mike are we able to are we able to swipe our hand in front of our face and just knock that thing out probably yeah watch out it's coming back gets you from get over all right so you went with a whaling harpoon you could swipe it out or just step to the side and then his one-shot gun it is a one-shot gun oh it comes back that's what's the point he's sitting there in the arena just pulling it back yeah hold on hold on everybody hold on um i love it i love it okay my i have two picks back to back here um so first thing i thought of is i did want something that's kind of like a blunt object but also with a little bit of the telephone cable benefit so i'm going with a um i'm grabbing a a power line out of the ground and it's still got some of the sparky wires on it okay and then i'm whipping that thing around okay so i'm going under electrocuting i'm electrified power i gotta be careful the second thing i thought of on the drive in yeah you better be grounded which i'm not sure you're we'll figure that out i'm wearing rubber shoes um you better draft those uh right now all three of us are automowed wait these these battles have been fully naked well look the clown he's gonna get close ripped off there's not like the big tall and giant store so we're all gonna have to draft underpants that's right oh i'm not um i'm very proud uh my second pick here is like you know one of the rules of these drafts is you can't just take a bigger version of something you'd use as a normal man you can't just say like a giant sword right you know so i wanted to think of what i could use as a sword and i'm gonna go with the saguaro cactus sword oh so i'm gonna have a cactus sword now the you better get some gloves yeah i figure i pull it out of the ground the bottom of it's not got spikes on it so i'm gonna be able to wield this with one hand and i'm coming at you with a power line electrified power pole in one hand and i'm coming at you with a sword in the other all right enjoy pulling the ground okay i figure he can do that yeah i can get it out yeah um giant yeah yeah you've got a lot of little tiny spikes on that that's nice that's cute yeah like a bunch of harpoon ah i mean when i'm a giant this thing is barely it's it's scratchy that's what it is it's scratchy but you want to know what's gonna really impale what i mean we all know the best i would like to know it's gonna really impale the best weapon is of course a spear of course you look for a sword i look for a spear because i want the most superior weapon of all time now we are not boars in this situation just letting you know yeah well you need something bigger something a little bit thicker i am i am taking a church steeple i am okay i want a point i wanted something so i'm going to rip it down and i now i've got basically a a part of a house a joust yeah i like that pick i was trying to think of sharp objects like that that's a good one it's pointy enough and what's your other thing that you have like a little uh uh whale harpoon yeah we're not even as big as whales are and it can get a whale do they okay all right i mean certain whales i'm not sure that jason knows how big a whale harpoon is but that's okay i'm gonna google that's okay well we've already got a picture of it in there it's not huge but uh mike you have two picks back to back all right so so i'm going to take um i'm going to take some some transportation here that when i don't know if i'm actually or if you're 20 if i'm 4x it's strong i probably can't pick this thing up but if i'm four times as large and i need to get around real quick perhaps i can uh you know just wheel myself around on a flatbed truck i just stand on it and i scoot around like a roller skates or a skateboard of some type oh man whale heart so you're a skate you have a flatbed truck skateboard yes so you're gonna and what's your other thing that you have in your hand you've got a uh telephone cable okay so you're kind of like this is the closest you're going to get to like a lassoing situation is you're probably swinging this cable around i feel more skateboarding around on this flatbed and more like a lion tamer is how i'm viewing myself a gigantic line same thing are you going to draft a hat now that [Laughter] driving that flatbed truck is gonna i guess you can just use it like a skateboard yes so you put it in neutral exactly i gotcha exactly to be fair a skateboard's not a bad weapon in a fight you know what i mean you want to pick that skateboard up slap someone with a skateboard i just think are we strong enough to pick up pick up a full flatbed i need to look at my list because like i mean just think about how strong you are right now okay 4x that it does not equal four tons or whatever a truck actually weighs yeah i mean we're probably not pulling off a steep but we can have some exaggerations in there all right all right all right so we've got a flatbed truck and then i'm just gonna skateboard i'll take some uh i'll take some good old-fashioned steel beams yeah beams i mean you can wield those things i mean they're strong enough to hold up a skyscraper right yeah yeah they could do some damage they could do some damage back to you jason um you know and the thing is is like i feel like what you just grabbed is like a baseball bat which is good in a fight yeah i mean you're gonna bam ow i'm gonna put my arm up to block it it's gonna hurt a lot but it's not gonna cut me no it's not a knife or a sword or a harpoon or a harpoon which i did look up and they're smaller than i thought they're not i mean i found like one big one but most of these things were like handheld so i got like a little little pea shooter but regardless they can get a whale that's all i know um but i wanted something that could cut y'all i wanted something that i could slice and dice do a little damage here and i am ripping up a simple thing that's on every corner every corner really stretching this out a stop sign oh dude that was because those were in my list like just traffic signs i'm getting the the metal rod yeah you know but oh yeah you're getting the whole thing oh yeah at the end of this now is a yield sign more dangerous than a stop sign it doesn't have as many sides exactly i want all corners you'd get a stop sign has corners yield is round i see okay you need that jagged stuff i thought a yield was a triangle that's it is but it's just sharp triangle i see okay no very very smart my stop sign is going to give you massive cuts i too wanted something that i was going to um cut you with but also could use as a shield okay so i'm going a little outside the box here but i'm taking the helicopter and i'm gonna hold it blades out so it's spinning in front of me like a shield and i can come at you with the helicopter going full bore and use that as a shield slash cutting device you better have that thing in very good control because if you just tilt that slightly oh i'm going up you're getting oh no you're getting a haircut yes it's dangerous but i mean if you saw me coming at you with oh i'd be terrified yeah so i'm gonna go with the helicopter shield okay so i'm calling it i'm calling it the helicopter shield and then i've got to make one more pick here and i this is this is tougher just so you know i gotta i gotta chime in i think the the diameter of the blades on a helicopter about 35 feet so if you're holding that in front of you you're cutting your head off do you you don't understand how i'm holding it his arm i'm holding it blades they're facing right but then they're just going into the ground no you're not tall enough i'm tall enough there are helicopters with blades that are not 25 feet tall tiny helicopter okay i could be wrong and you're right i was picturing it you were picturing me holding it yeah that's dangerous man don't do that get your head off no i'm holding it all right carry on the blades are going forward they basically look like the props on a plane that direction yeah i know i was with you which i could have just gone or prop plane and would have fixed this whole problem um i think i'm i think i'm gonna have to go with my what i think is a uh version of a something i can throw okay so i'm just gonna start i figure as a giant look a normal person couldn't pick these up and throw them but i'm just gonna pick up drums of acid and start hurling them at you like drums like oil drums but where are you getting the apples oh i've seen breaking bad it's in the warehouse just go to the warehouse and get the get the drum of acid a drum of acid you betcha i'm throwing a drum okay full of acid all right my skin will burn off if you if you hit me okay um i this was the last one that i thought of today um it makes me laugh uh it makes me laugh quite a bit uh because it's it's it's just no different it'll make us laugh i'm taking grenades wait what yeah i've been looking for her to fight is different though what's that it's the same as drafting the harpoon man yeah but i mean you're telling me if you throw a grenade at me like a giant you know those little uh the poppers that you buy for like new year's eve i did think about those that's what the grenade is to this giant you're telling me if you're four times your size that you could take a grenade yeah it's better than if i was a quarter that size if this guy can wield a helicopter then i'm not worried about it you're gonna do raisins at us man oh no bunch of raisins and you got to hold that little thing in your hand i think the hardest you gotta pull the pants pulling the pin is the hard part pulling the pin is really good i can't get it i can get if i mean a grenade is you know you shrink that down i could get that pin i might need to use my teeth it's going to be like trying to get the edge of a sticker although it's going to be every middle of a battle and not never get that pain you could shoot the grenade through like one of those you know like a spit one yeah if you if you had a straw a big straw you could just shoot it would need like a sewer uh pipe yeah yeah yeah to be like a spit wad with the grenades very very nice any other tiny weapons you want to use i did have bazooka on my list oh man all right mike you got a final pick here in this ridiculously okay ridiculous draft uh so i have i have my my main weapon yeah you got let me run it back here why do you think about this so you've got you have a telephone cable you're skating on a flatbed truck you've got some steel beams some blunt objects that's my offhand weapon jason has a whaling harpoon church steeple stop sign and some grenades regular sized oh yes of course and then i've got a power pole with electric lines on it a sauro cactus sword uh a helicopter and uh some drums of acid you better be really strong you bet i am um okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna complete my theme here i have two weapons i have some transportation are you looking shield uh well i'm gonna yes i'm gonna protect protection i'm gonna protect my my head uh you jason you inspired me i'm gonna get a big bell oh that's a great thing everything's just gonna sit on my head and protect me like a like a old-school yes yeah like all the uh the the liberty bell uh not but not that one because it's already broken a fully forward one i'm gonna give you you can also pull the the bell ringer out of it and you can use it as a teeny mallet to fight jason well i know where i'm not throwing the grenade now not at the head although yeah sound could be an issue i do inside the bell i do love i have to bring this up because i found this hysterical andy went in and changed our dock from saguaro cactus to swirl cactus sword it's important to know how i'm gonna wield it there's no such thing as a swirl cactus sword there is today okay i'm not throwing it i'm wielding it all right that is it for the draft al you said you had something else to add for show 200 i do yeah so one thing that i think uh is easy to forget when we do this really stupid uh show that we do is that on the other side of this podcast there are some real people and i reached out to some spit wads and just simply asked them the question uh to share what what this show means to them so i wanted to share that with you guys right now okay sit back relax and take a listen hey just wanted to give you a big shout out on episode 200. congratulations on making it to show 200 that's so awesome congratulations on 200 i'm hoping for a lot more keep doing what you do this show is awesome happy 200. congrats on 200 shows that's a crazy number of hours and i've listened to all of them i wanted to congratulate you on a remarkable achievement of getting to 200 episodes of spitballers i've listened to every single one of them and i can't wait to hear what you guys have in store for the future congratulations on 200 episodes i can't wait for the next 200. congratulations on episode 200. guys keep doing what you're doing and spreading the much needed joy that we all need your guys's chemistry is so good between each other that it makes everybody want to be your best friends including myself you guys are amazing and your show inspires so many people and brings laughter and joy and just shenanigans to our lives you could just be having a horrible day go in your car listen to spitballs hear some poop jokes make a day 12 times better your show is just so funny i look forward to each and every week your show is very special to so many and i just wanted to let you know that i just want you to know how much i enjoy your podcast i'm a 69 year old grandma from idaho what and sometimes you just make me laugh because you really don't know what you're talking about you three have been with me over actual hundreds of miles now and there's nothing quite like a poop joke a great liar liar showdown or an on-air jason injury to make some of the harder miles that much easier it's so important to so many people listen i'm a high school teacher and let me tell you during the lockdowns of covington teaching virtually not easy getting high school students to participate was a challenge however with the help of my personal question of the day activity which consisted of 100 percent spitballers content it literally made the class enjoyable during that impossible time your language is clean and i appreciate that and that it's a good family podcast we listen to you pretty much every night before we go to bed it's become a ritual the spitballers have brought my wife and i so much joy and has been such an enjoyable escape from the chaos that life has thrown our way over the past couple years my daughter and i listen on the transistor radio each week and we love the spitballers thank you for all the laughs and memories you've brought to my daughter and i and then i made the mistake of showing it to my wife and now i am not allowed to listen to it by myself you definitely help me be a more fun and carefree mom i love that you bring your unique sense of humor in a way that can be shared by the whole family i've got two daughters and they love listening to you guys they're always asking if they can listen to a draft and as a dad that means a lot to me that i can listen to a podcast that's humorous but also clean enough so that we can share those laughs together and i love doing that i love your podcast so much it has taken me and my husband from texas to vermont on a round trip road trip i just wanted to send you my appreciation for bringing me and my son closer together we listened to the latest episode on the way to and from his graduation yesterday so i think he's going to continue listening as he sends off as we send him off to college so i would just like to thank you for uh you know providing something i can share with my son and um kind of helping us strengthen our relationship into the future it has comforted me when i've been stressed when i have a hard time going through my divorce i love to just listen to the show and listen to the great crazy things that you guys come up with it's been awesome we listened to you why it was getting ready for my grandfather's funeral i found you in a dark time myself and you guys lifted me out of that and continued to do so i was diagnosed with parkinson's three years ago and i go to a boxing program to work out three times a week and on my way coming and going i always listen to your podcast the past few years i've been dealing with some anxiety and depression but you guys offer a much needed break from life for so many people out there thank you three for the years and miles of smiles and laughs i wish you all continued success in all of your endeavors i just want to thank you guys for putting out a quality podcast and for all the laughs and for all the debates that you've caused in our home i owe you a personal heartfelt thank you thank you for always reminding me to indulge in silliness and fun for silliness and fun sake i can't wait to hear the next 200. thank you so much for all that you do and i hope for another 200 episodes here's the 200 more episodes okay thanks guys thanks so much thanks for being you well my goodness al i was gonna make our big announcement that this was the last show yeah well that was and now i don't think we can i think we have to keep going oh my god that is such a shame super humbling and awesome to hear the voices of the people on the other side of this ridiculous show and i mean i'll say this thank you for listening thank you for um sharing your stories with us um we certainly are just lucky to get to do this with one another and get the feedback that we do and i'll say this too just thank you to everybody that makes this show happen thank you to al borland who and and spitwads out there you should know how much pride he takes in preparing this show and getting it ready for us to do and i know you can't tell from the content but it is true he does care yes yes he is uh and brooks and and you know kyle in here today and everybody else at the studio that has participated papa josh suggesting ideas for different segments and people sharing their you know all of the spit wads out there that share your ideas with us 200 shows means 200 drafts means 200 would you rather segments means a lot of content and ideas have to get created so thank you so much to everybody that has come up with those um i'm just kind of taken back by how awesome it was to hear from them yeah it was fantastic and i love it the beast be silly just to be silly like feels quick we all fall into the trap of oh i'm a grown-up now i must be certain man just enjoy the life be be fun and dumb sometimes have fun be happy be nice everybody poops awesome awesome to hear about you snot all over my face well i'm gonna go have myself a cry thank you so so much for being with us over this last 200 many more episodes to come and i hope you enjoyed the episode yeah spread the joy goodbye [Music] thanks for listening to the spitballers podcast to see what other nonsense the guys are up to check out spitballerspod.com [Music] you
Channel: Spitballers Comedy Podcast
Views: 10,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, entertainment, funny, podcast, spitballers, funny podcast, comedy podcast, would you rather, life advice, situation room, fun draft, mock draft, funny podcasts, great question, funny video, comedy videos, funny podcast 2022, comedy podcast clean, family friendly, family friendly comedy, clean podcast, binge podcast, comedy show, comedy shows, funny videos, spitballers podcast youtube, hilarious, best podcast, best comedy podcast, best podcasts 2022, viral video, viral
Id: BjTvSqcUpyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 12sec (4932 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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