Our 1980 Peterbilt 359 gets majorly expensive

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foreign YouTube channel my name is Wayne and uh well as always around here today we're working on junk what we've got to do today in this video is finish up the Driveline project on the old Pete back here so we gotta do U-joints we got to do tires just a friggin mess so last last week you watched us do the carrier bearing got that back together so now let's finish off this drive line and take this thing for a rep here we go hey y'all uh we're real hard at work over here just wanted to take a quick second thank you guys for everything you've done so far and let you know about something new we got going on so a bunch of you asked I finally caved and did the deal so we have a patreon now link will be in the description below I'm sure you could guess what that's called anyway we have a couple different levels of support on there uh all my videos are still gonna they'll always be on YouTube I'm not just gonna have like a patreon Channel or whatever but this is for those of you that have asked if there's more you could do or ask for like early access to content etc etc that'll be on the patreon now and I'm also going to do like tech support Etc on there I've got all the service manuals uploaded so depending on what level of access you select you can get access to our Discord server which has tech support Channel has all the service manual links so you can download service manuals uh and what I'm looking at adding if this is if this works out well I'll add a voice and video tech support line as well uh so yeah that's how that's gonna work I just thought I'd make mention of it because a lot of you guys have asked me about it and wanted me to do something like that and frankly I am constantly getting emails with tech support questions and I just can't respond to them all I'm sorry I try try to get back to him as most of you guys as possible but it's just too much at this time with the level of effort it takes to put content out so we're gonna do it that way uh obviously um you know that that it'll be greatly beneficial I think for both of us so I'll have more time for you guys and uh then you'll get your questions answered and hopefully uh orderly fashion but anyway I thought a big mention of it thanks for sticking in there and supporting me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well boys I'm sure we ain't old-fashioned we got problems the U-joints were loose in here and the threads were kind of boogered up on one so I was like we're just putting the yolk on it so project on hold until we get the yolk and uh seal and then we'll reassemble that that was off of the power divider in input side of the power divider had an issue um so we're just gonna friggin get one damn it where she goes boys I got my new yolk in the mail which was Rusty so I painted it I didn't I don't have any of that green in the spray can so that didn't get rattle canned but I wanted to try not to paint any of the surfaces I might need so boy that's satisfying okay so what we got going on here was the U-joints were loose in here and James says that's a No-No so I uh yeah yeah fix that so by ordering a brand new one which was expensive but I got a deal Onyx was on eBay New Old Stock and it was she could see it's a little bit Rusty but I think she'll be just fine for who it's for um yeah I think we can slam that together and not have any worries also the other thing that was bad we got this done that's all together oh the other thing that was bad is one of these holes got all up I don't remember which one this one I think but it wouldn't take a it wouldn't tighten down right [Applause] so let's get onto the truck we got to put a new seal in there boys I know I'm gonna regret this we're gonna try to get that seal out I know exactly where this is gonna go but I'm gonna do it anyway because I can't bring myself to not do it this is a terrible idea oh well actually it's coming right out [Music] Jesus that's a really nice seal I searched this part number high and low and could not find another one of these anywhere and I crawled all the way under here and forgot rags and forgot the RTV perfect you're back those I have the hammer I have the RTV I just want that to be a nice even layer I don't want it to oh it's a pro I don't want it to press in here and get into that bearing you just want it to take up any of the irregularities in that all right you make sure you put this in the right way I don't know it's like the right way to me a little crooked foreign Square let's see [Music] boy that feels pretty good that's wrong perfect that's what we want is what do you call it all the way around metal driver in flush and we don't need to worry about [Music] where the ceiling surface is on this because we uh you know obviously it's a brand new ceiling surface so that's pretty cool next thing what we're going to do here is we're gonna we're gonna RTV that's not also just like I did last time so that seals on the thing yolk yeah okay no what I want to do is that's quite difficult let's see if maybe we can get it in there better way wow I want some oil onto the yellow care you don't want to go in dry fellas you always want to spit on it it should just like that click click I guess we're gonna find out if that seal is worth a frig [Music] all right what's that in that a little bit looser than I'd like but it's whatever this is a power divider it's how they are all right I'm gonna go get the big gun put the final torque on this and that's gonna do it fellas welcome back another day another lost dollar as you can see things have escalated quickly and as you can see something is going on here we just did this seal last year there's not a hundred miles on it and pretty sure it's not me doing it wrong because none of the other ones are leaking and I've done every single one of the other seals so what is going on here I'm like infuriated by this to be honest with you I don't know what the deal is but I've had it so now I gotta pull apart figure out what the again boys well here's what we got everything's cleaned up reassembled I looked the seal over I don't see anything wrong with it all you in the last video tell me a track event listen here's the deal all right the vents brand new I put it on when I redid the axles the first time y'all were fine right okay pulled the van off and I couldn't blow through it and then it's like a spring-loaded cap one so if you look at it you know could not blow through it neighbor kid oh yeah [Music] come on let's hear it yeah [Music] yeah oh now you got the squeal so couldn't blow through it couldn't explain it moved it and then all of a sudden it was fine and then I took it apart it's literally just that metal cabinet spring so I don't it must have been in just the right spot where it was sealant I don't know but whatever it's fixed so anyway I'm gonna replace all this again but I can't afford to just keep putting pads on this every 30 minutes so we're gonna clean everything up run it see if it leaks if it doesn't leak then I'll put pads on it's 30 seconds to do brakes so no big deal all right fellas well we got that all buttoned up I'm just gonna see what it does after discovering the vent I feel like we're just gonna try and see I'm not buying shoes right now we'll do all that later if they're bad so next project wire all the tires off we know well damn it got crazy we got some lion kings and uh some toyos for the front so I guess we're doing tires today um not super thrilled about it I don't know how much I'm gonna record but anyway let's get to work [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] absolutely filthy shocking everything is buttoned up under here and I just finished greasing it so our carrier bearing is all assembled done and done filled that with grease the only thing I couldn't get greased was this slip yoke here that grease fitting is junk I think so we're gonna first we gotta take this thing for a ride make sure it's actually drivable and then um like I said I mean when you're chasing the vibration so we need to make sure the vibration's gone before we go any further so I'll worry about that who knows might be taking it right back apart so let me uh get some cameras on this pile and we'll go from there foreign foreign wow thank you all right fellas it's been a long day I'm friggin beat we got it all together crisis avoided it drives so much better I am so excited to put a trailer behind it and bring this freaking thing to makanji so we still got a little bit more to do we got to do the front tires um um I've got a what do you call it I gotta do we got a new air Inlet camp and some other things but she looks good with fresh rubber I'm real excited about it and most of all the vibrations are gone it just drives so much better so thanks for watching really appreciate it I spent a pile of money on this junk and I couldn't have done it without you fellas so thank you very much thanks for order from the website thank you for everything I appreciate it fellas let's keep bringing you good thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ol2Stroker
Views: 12,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ol2stroker, peterbilt, lion king, toyo, dunlap, tires, cummins, caterpillar, antique truck, classic truck, truck restoration, trucking, trucking news, freightliner, cabover, tractor, tractor trailer
Id: v57eVJK7fXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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