Otter Plays With Baby Deer.
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Channel: MrNitrosteel
Views: 1,545,414
Rating: 4.7779031 out of 5
Keywords: Otter, friendly, cute, baby, Deer (Animal), ucluelet bc, little beach resort, tofino bc, tofino bc canada, ucluelet bc canada, otters in ucluelet bc, cute otter videos, cute otter video, viral otter video, otter plays with deer in backyard, otter plays with deer, otters tofino, otter in tofino BC, otter tofino bc canada, otter long beach, pacific rim national park otter, petting otters, petting an otter, deer pets otter, otter plays with fawn, otter plays with baby deer
Id: ZiDIobYa9VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What's the otter trying to achieve here? A belly rub? A belly rub and eating a baby deer? It looks like it plays dead when it feels threatened by the mama deer.
Where are the otter behavior specialist when you need them?
βyo bambi cβmon just play with me cβmon please bambi just play with meβ
omg otter! deer! get in my yard!