Osmoregulation: Osmoconformers & Osmoregulators

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hi everyone and welcome to biology professor today we're going to be talking about Augmon and dis importance and maintaining homeostasis in the body and then spend some time talking about two different types of osmoregulation ogner performers and Osmo regulators so let's start out by talking about osmosis because in order to understand any of the rest of the video you have to have an understanding of what osmosis is so autumn OSes is when a solvent typically water so with solvent molecules pass through a semipermeable membrane going from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution the effect of that is to kind of equalize the concentrations of the solutions on either side of that semipermeable membrane and as I said typically we talk about optimism talking about water and that's going to be true for the rest of this video now let's talk about what we mean by osmolarity so osmolarity is talking about the concentration or specifically the ratio of solute to water so how concentrated the solution is how many solutes there are per amount of water and now we get into the real buzzword for this video and that is Osmo regulation a little regulation is when an organism regulate its osmolarity so when an organism regulate it the osmolarity of its body fluids in order to maintain homeostasis now we know that homeostasis refers to the steady-state condition of the body so keeping the body at a good physiological homeostasis that will allow its various function to continue and allow the organism to survive so specifically here we're talking about the fact that our cells are surrounded by semipermeable membranes there are types of channel proteins called aquaporins that allow water to go from one side of the membrane to another and so if the osmolarity the concentration of solutes to water inside a and organism is different than that concentration outside the organism then you can have water flowing through the process of osmosis flowing either in or out of the organism in order to equalize the concentration of the solute both inside and outside the organism now there are two ways that organisms deal with this situation two ways in which they also regulate one is that some organisms are also conformer other organisms are auto regulators now although regulators are more common among animals but first let's talk about oscar performer although conformers are are organisms that match their body's osmolarity to their external environment so another way of thinking about this is that an osmotic and formers are animal that ensured their internal body fluid our iso osmotic or iess osmotic with the flu is in their surrounding environment system examples of auto performers include most marine invertebrates like lobsters of starfish and also some sharks now there are some pros and cons for being and an osmotic former the pros is that all no conformers they don't have to spend very much energy on although regulations the con is that the bodies that also conform and are really subject to a wide range of osmolarity broad molarity being the different types of concentrations that they might experience of solute to water in their various environment and so they really have to be able to withstand what can be some large swings in in osmolarity so definitely pros and cons to that approach although regulators are organisms that you guessed it regulate so audible regulators regulate their body's osmolarity to maintain constant internal condition so regardless of what's happening in their environment they are going to expend energy to regulate their bodies on molarity to maintain whatever their preferred constant osmolarity is so let's talk briefly about the pros and cons here of course these will be sort of related to the relates to the pros and cons of performance but opposite and what I mean by that is our regulators have to expend energy to regulate their internal ausma Larry you know and so that takes energy to do that which can be detrimental to an organism as it's having to work too hard to do that but of course a pro is that they do maintain this constant internal condition and so their various physiological processes are able to take place in what are the optimal conditions for that particular organism rather than having to deal with the various swings and osmolarity that Osmo conformers might have to deal with so certainly pros and cons to each now since auto regulation is much more common among animals I want to give some examples of it apart we're looking at the difference between freshwater fish and marine fish now there are certain fish that can live in freshwater and live in saltwater and adapt to both but that's fairly rare for the most part freshwater fish cannot survive in both water and saltwater fish cannot survive in freshwater and that is because of the different ways in which they've adapted to Osmo regulate hopeful about freshwater fish shirt so here we have a drawing of a freshwater fish now of course a fish that lives in freshwater is going to have a higher concentration of salt and solutes inside its body then there will be in the freshwater outside its body now as a result because there are more false inside and more concentrated solution inside water is going to flow from where it's less concentrated which is in a freshwater to where it's more concentrated which is inside the fish so water is going to be diffusing into the fish now in order for it to regulate its internal osmolarity it has to be able to to deal with this influx of water and it does this with a few different mechanism its Gill actually take up salt whatever fault they can find in the freshwater to prove help even out this concentration so that the water doesn't have to move into the fish as much to do that although these steps do not drink water we'll talk later about how saltwater marine fish Jim drink water for their particular form of laws and regulations but fresh waters they should do not they're having so much water diffusing into them that they don't drink it through their mouths at all they also excrete very dilute urine so that means urine that is diluted with a lot of that excess water to get rid of it so much more always coming in now so the opposite point of view marine fish so to live in saltwater environment that saltwater that surrounds them is going to be the more concentrated solution and inside their body is going to be less concentrated and so water is going to want to flow from inside their body outward and so that water will just diffuse out of these fish which can be dehydrating and problematic but they have ways to deal with that one is that their gills actually excrete salt and so by getting rid of that there's extra salt it helps them to balance out this water movement they also are continuously drinking water through their mouth so they'll be taking water in whereas freshwater fish are only using their mouths to eat solid food marine fish are going to use their mouthpiece Ellis's but also to just be continuously drinking try to replace the water that they are losing and then also the marine fish have mechanisms within their excretory systems that allow them to excrete very concentrated urine this means that their urine is concentrated as much of it can be so that it has a lot of solute per unit of water they don't have to lose too much water to get rid of their waste product and that also helps them to to retain water and prevent dehydration so we can see here to a extreme example from animals that live in a kinder opposite environment now briefly let's talk about humans because he knows are also Osmo regulators humans use a specific type of organs that you have heard of called kinney some human these kidney to filter out their blood to remove the waste products from the blood waste products either that from something that perhaps is been adjusted and cannot be used or waste products from cellular metabolism the the kidneys filter these things from the blood and have mechanisms that allow for the production of pretty concentrated urine and that also helped us to retain water and not to lose too much water through urination which prevents dehydration and allows us to maintain our particular desired of molarity internal conditions despite what our environment is like so that is it for today talking about osmoregulation thank you for watching biology professor
Channel: Biology Professor
Views: 33,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biology Professor, MCAT Biology, AP Biology, MCAT Review, osmosis, osmoregulation, homeostasis, osmoregulator, osmoconformer, osmoregulators, osmoconformers, osmolarity, hyperosmotic, hypoosmotic, isoosmotic, kidneys, excretion
Id: BRdy4e0bKs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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