Osmo Pocket 3 使用教學懶人包!10分鐘入門到精通!|冰島來了 BinJan
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Channel: 冰島來了 BinJan
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Keywords: 冰島來了, BinJan, 膠捲盒子, 詹彬, 彬導, Osmo Pocket 3教學, Osmo Pocket 3新手操作, Osmo Pocket 3使用技巧, Osmo Pocket 3影像創作, DJI Osmo Pocket 3指南, Osmo Pocket 3攝影技巧, Osmo Pocket 3功能介紹, 如何使用Osmo Pocket 3, Osmo Pocket 3影片製作技巧, Osmo Pocket 3說明書, Vlog相機推薦, Vlog設備選擇, Vlog怎麼拍, Osmo pocket 3 操作教學, OSMO POCKET 3 使用教學, pocket 3 新手, pocket 3 小白, pocket 3 第一次, pocket 3 bug, pocket 3 怎麼用
Id: nNapondAUWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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