OSHO: Go to the Other Place

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You would never guess from the way Osho dressed here that he once started a sex cult in Oregon. Funny how sexual energy doesn't get granted enough awareness within enlightenment itself. Good video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully, people will lol and come to know exactly what is meant by "the other place"!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Painius 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2017 🗫︎ replies
presents OSHO: Go to the Other Place… I want you to understand: enlightenment is so light, so loving, so peaceful -- just like a laughter. The theologians have made it so heavy, so burdensome, that people ignore it. Enlightenment should also be entertainment at the same time. It reminds me of J. Krishnamurti's last sentence before he died, just a few months ago. He was a very serious person, and that was his only fault. He was enlightened, but he took enlightenment as a serious matter. He saw that he was enlightened and nobody else was enlightened. And he was trying hard to make people enlightened ... obviously. For seventy years -- he died at the age of ninety -- for seventy years, from the age of twenty, he had been working on people, and not a single person had become enlightened. You can understand his sense of deep failure and his sadness ... becoming more and more serious, almost a sickness. And the reason is clear from his last statement, "People don't take enlightenment seriously, they think it is entertainment." And that is where I differ. Enlightenment cannot be anything else other than entertainment ... universal entertainment, a laughter that knows no bounds, no limits. You laugh, and the trees laugh, and the cuckoos laugh, and the clouds laugh, and the stars laugh, and the laughter goes on spreading because everybody is triggering everybody else. You need not actually trigger, just your laughter will be enough for somebody else to start laughing. I love J. Krishnamurti, and I love his hard effort of seventy years continuously, but I am absolutely against his attitude. He was making it a serious affair. That was the fault of all the old prophets. That's why you will not find a statue of Mahavira laughing. What a miserable world, you don't allow even Mahavira to laugh. You will not find a statue of Gautam Buddha laughing. Even if Gautam Buddha laughed, people would not believe their eyes or ears: "What is happening? Such a serious man ..." But you don't understand that when the mind is gone you are just like a small child. Laughter will arise without any effort on your part. At least I am a break from the whole past, and in the future I want my people to be laughing buddhas. Serious ones we have seen enough, they have not been able to transform humanity. Let us try another direction -- of non-seriousness. Have you ever thought about it, that all the saints are serious? It is perfectly good to go and touch their feet ... and be finished. Nobody wants their company. These people will be going to heaven -- remember it. Heaven is overcrowded with saints. If you want the right kind of people go to the other place, where you will find poets, and you will find painters, and you will find dancers and musicians. I am going particularly to the other place. So remember, whoever is with me will have a great journey and a meeting with great people. No saint has been of any value -- no creativity, no poetry, no painting. All these people who were creators, who have made this world a little beautiful, a little more livable, are gathered in the other place. Friedrich Nietzsche said God is dead. Laughter is absolutely unknown in paradise, poor God could not survive. So I warn you, beware! If by chance you reach to the gates of heaven -- refuse. Don't enter in. Ask for the way to the other place. I will be waiting there for you. Ask for me and that will do. Copyright© OSHO International Foundation www.OSHO.com/copyright OSHO is a registered Trademark of OSHO International Foundation
Channel: undefined
Views: 284,361
Rating: 4.9169121 out of 5
Keywords: Krishnamurti, relaxation, heaven and hell, ytcc=on, Meditation, Consciousness, Awareness, #whymeditate, Education, Enlightenment, Freedom, Playfulness, Meditatie, Méditation, Διαλογισμός, Meditazione, 瞑想, Meditação, Meditați, Meditación, Creativity, Celebration, Silence, Contribution, Mindfulness, Understanding, Transcendence, Spirituality, Philosophy, Psychology, Transformation, Active Meditations
Id: 4gn9Gj7dW88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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