Oshi no Ko - Infants Idol-Fan Dance
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Channel: NurarihyonMaou
Views: 757,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aqua, Ruby, Ai, Hoshino, Oshi no Ko, My Idol's Child, My Star, Baby Dance, Babies Dance, Baby Idol Dance, Babies Idol Dance, Idol-Fan Dance, Idols-Fan Dance, Babies Idol-Fan Dance, Infants performing Idol Dance, Baby Idol-Fan Dance, Aqua and Ruby Idol Dance, Aqua and Ruby Idol-Fan Dance, Aqua and Ruby performing Idol-Fan Dance, Viral Dance, Idol Viral Dance, Idol-Fan Viral Dance, Oshi no Ko Viral Dance, Oshi no Ko ED, Oshi no Ko 2, Oshi no Ko Ep 2, Oshi no Ko Episode 2
Id: Dnf7GC52LG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 6sec (66 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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