OSF Special Feature - Railroad Spike Knife Test - Follow Up Testing
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Channel: Chandler Dickinson
Views: 180,756
Rating: 4.8315134 out of 5
Keywords: sword, forging a sword, claymore, viking, cutlet, swordsmith, bladesmith, katana, short sword, rapier, blacksmithing, blacksmith, blade, cable, damascus, cable damascus, forging, forge, forging a damascus knife, forging cable damascus, forging a knife, knife, knives, ram, rams head, rams head knife, anvil, shop, peter wright, stock, stock removal, railroad, railroad spike, railroad spike knife, forging a railroad spike knife, spike, spike knife
Id: mpD6tzY5liE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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