Oscilloscope Serial Decode - How to Decode Serial Data

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hi I'm Erin East with keysight Technologies if you look at our YouTube Pages you will find loads of information on the basics of oscilloscope measurements in this new series I'm going to walk through some of the more advanced capabilities of keysight's infinivision oscilloscopes and how to use them such as serial trigger and decode mask testing eye diagrams Jitter analysis and so much more to start things off I realize there are many Engineers out there who don't know how to set up serial trigger and decoding on an infinivision oscilloscope there are a few key steps to follow to get you started with analyzing any type of Serial bus whether it's can spy I squared C can FD USB scent the list goes on and on the process to get set up is similar for all of them of course the first step in the debug process is to make sure you have the correct probes and accessories depending on what you are testing you may need a differential probe or different type of active probe keysight's oscilloscope probe selection guide can help you determine exactly what you need once you are probing on your device and can see the signal on screen it's time to set up the scope adjust your scaling so you can see more of your signal on the screen either using the knobs or Auto scale it's clear we aren't triggering correctly but before you jump into that you will want to set up the serial decoding you can press the serial button on the front panel of the oscilloscope or in the touch screen the first decode type will automatically be set to I squared C in this example I'm debugging a can bus so I'll select that mode now we can see the decoding data so it's time to trigger the default trigger type is an edge trigger but if we scroll all the way to the bottom we'll see the serial triggers now that you're triggering properly you can adjust the scale and position on the screen so that all events are occurring within the screen right now we're simply triggering on the start of each frame but you can see all the trigger options here that give you different insight into how your device is behaving this makes it really easy to dive into the frequency of errors on your bus and help characterize them in a future video I'll show you how to use segmented memory and the Lister to make this analysis even more insightful this list of trigger options changes based on the type of bus that you're decoding but the setup process is the same for any type of Serial bus that the infinivision oscilloscope support to learn more about keysight infinivision oscilloscopes check out the link in the description below I'll see you in the next episode for some more advanced measurement tips
Channel: Keysight Hands-On
Views: 1,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s9ZI6IHBdvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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