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what's good good people this is osberry talks let's talk [Music] so my car ended up dying today and instead of getting upset um getting frustrated i just became quiet and here lately when things start to go haywire in my life i always ask god what do you want me to learn from this like there's a lesson in this like i always say to everybody that i come in contact with that god wastes nothing he wastes nothing so this was one of those instances where i had to eat my own words so i asked god like okay what do you want me to learn from this and he says something that when i say it completely destroyed he said why does it take my abruptness for you to notice the absence of my presence y'all when i say i got so convicted i mean so convicted to the point i was literally in tears as i was riding in the back of my friend's car like why does it take god's forceful hand to get our attention a lot of people are going through crazy times right now with the pandemic and loss of jobs and things of nature and we get caught up in the mundanity of life just the the everyday hustle and bustle trying to make things work and how can we say we love god and we want god in our lives but we don't give him space to move in our lives give him space to talk to us in those quiet moments and for me and this may be someone's situation as well we have to create an atmosphere for god to live in we have to create space for god to dwell in because he is our life source he is the giver of life and sometimes when things are out of our control that's when god gets control and i'm learning this even in this moment to to walk in self-control and not try to put my hands on certain things or try to figure things out because god has the final say he has control of everything in my life and if you are watching this i want you to be encouraged um what you are going through is is a testing of your faith it's a testing of your relationship with god and i would be um remissed for everything that i do down here on earth to be another boy when i get to heaven i would hate it for all the accolades and all of the the pats on the back and all these things that i've done in in his name for for me to get to heaven and he'd be like turn for me i know you not so this is a definitely a sub check for me um and i pray that you have had this moment of self checking and really evaluate where you are with your relationship with god where you are standing with god y'all pray for me and i'll continue to pray for you all thank you so much for tuning in to osprey talks love y'all peace
Channel: Osby Berry
Views: 7,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WI-DVPgvgfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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