ornithopter logic fleems - trailmakers logic :)

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greetings in today's video we are doing ornithopter things so the two variations of ornithopter I want to show you are the flappy flappy bird style and the other flappy flappy which is not a bird so if you look at the bottom here it is actually pretty simplistic there are two gates both both of them have a space input they have opposite outputs so the Green Gate has a positive output the red G gate has a negative output and they both have the same duration the same pause 0.2 in this case but it can be literally anything and the delay on one of them is also the same number but only on one of them they interact with these hinges which means that if I press the button the hinges flap up and down right it is pretty straightforward I feel they just flap then on the sides of the Wings as you can see there are two colors of hinges here ignore everything else um because everything else is extras that you don't really need so the two hinges on that attach the wings to the body are the same as these two green hinges the two blue hinges are almost entirely purely aesthetic the so they they you know they make the wing have a more organic look while it's flapping because they Flex in that direction but they don't help you at all if you want it to look better those help a lot if you wanted to fly better you're probably not wanting them at all uh instead the brown hinge is useful for forward momentum because what that brown hinge will do is on the upswing it will fold that Wing piece the the very extremity of the wing downward which means that it pushes air back and then the down swing it will fold it upward which means it still pushes air back which helps it basically move forward a whole bunch then I mean if if we're talking about this specific ornithopter I have committed war crimes I have um hinge glitched like this is the steering hinge that's connected to this wing and it goes 90° backward so that the wing folds up perfectly into the other Wing I don't know how well you can see that um but that's just me committing war crimes you guys shouldn't worry about that too much also another thing to mention about this bird like or bat like or Dragon like ornat opter bigger Wings equals better ornat opter if you make an ornat opter that's this big it will fly a lot easier and a lot better than the that tiny thing it does fly that tiny thing does but this one will fly better also just for reference on like similar to this ornithopter there's uh blue hinges that are the aesthetic ones that make it look nice when it's flapping and they really don't help at all when like they are detrimental to your performance but I have them for aesthetic reasons and then there's the brown hinges that actually push you forward and those are not I wouldn't say necessary but they really help if you can dial them in to the correct strength settings and stuff yes the other thing to note is on the big or opter I chose to use rotating servos the reason I chose to use rotating servos is that they have a higher speed like a rotating Servo at Max Speed will move a lot faster than a regular hinge at Max Speed I say regular because if you look over here I have two hinges on the left side one is orange and one is yellow one of them specifically the yellow one is set to hold position which means that it makes it really hard to work with but if I press e and Q as you can see one of them is a lot faster than the other right so if you set your hinges to hold position they will move a lot faster than regular but they will be harder to work with because you can't like reset them to neutral which is why the wings on my ornithopter are always facing upward unless I'm flapping them because that way they're out of the way of the ground so that's a really interesting thing to note about hinges if you set them to hold position they will move very fast they will be also harder to deal with with but you will be able to implement logic systems in order to get that right so all of the white hinges on this one are as well set to hold position this does not obviously fly like a Flappy Bird or like a dragon it flies like this it is you know inspired from Dune the movie with the orops that look like dragonflies it's got similar logic very similar logic I would almost say that it's identical except as you can see hinges set to hold position means not straight out every time you stop holding the button it's literally random as in you would have to calculate exactly how long you held the but button down to understand which position they will end up in and of of course you know there's latency between you and the game and everything everything everything in this orni opor I have one and three that just push the uh the wings backward and forward so I can manually reset them to their straight out position so that when I fold them in uh they're straight out rather than you know weird angles and hitting the tail and stuff which I do not want the reason this this one is manual is because I literally have no space the entire thing is made out of logic blocks and I don't have extra space for moreal logic instead I devised A system that can do the resetting for me now before we jump the gun to that we have regular flapping which as you can see is the red and green logic gate and then the the orange and other green logic gates flap a little a little bit softer which is you know a hover mode the way you do that is of course you have high speed angle at whatever you want set to hold position on these two gates the timings are 0.05 right here and the outputs are obviously 1 and minus one with one of them having a delay of zero and one of them having a delay that's equal to the other ones and very similarly to the other ones I just have a decreased duration 0.01 on a different button the output is one with a delay of 0.01 here and delay of zero here with an output of minus one and that means that I have big flap and small flap and big flap and small flap and as you can see it really is completely irregular whether you end up in straight out positions or not for that I have the gates that are purple my number two it toggles on it activates these three logic gates in sequence and then it activates this right because this has a 0.15 delay 0.15 delay to all the servos and the four hinges at the back that fold everything backward because it's trying to give these three gates time to activate the wings which happens in this sequence which is duration 0.2 push it back for one duration push it back again for another duration and then push it forward so that way whatever position they may end up in so like like this they should be reset to their Factory standard um whichever whatever may happen whether they're straight out or in other weird configurations they will be reset to straight out and then fault because essentially what the pink Gates the I mean they look like they're white but I promis they're pink what they do is back back forward so if you're all the way forward back back forward will put you all the way back and then into the center CER and if you're all the way backward it will just you know stick you keep you at the back and then put you to the center and if you're in the middle it will put you the back and then to the center again uh this should always reset you to the wings being straight out which means that you can fold them without having them collide with anything and yeah uh there you go Hornet opter I really like them can you tell as a tiny aside I don't just encourage people to build straight up ornithopters like fill them with thrusters you can see what this is um it has a piston glitched double row of thrusters into each other and you know it has a ton of Gyro assistance it has a ton of drag glitch to make it go really fast if this is what you want to do you can do this as well if you want a purely orn adopter design you know you can go for one of these and also another thing I've built is this thing which is a complete Walker and it flies without the ornithopter assistance like it'll just just take off right but I added in the ability for it to do some flapping animation the flapping animation doesn't help its flight at all because if I turn it off I can fly perfectly regularly but I it's like it's an aesthetic that you can just use on your builds if you want to make something look really organic and and like it's working right another thing I really like on this build is that every once in a while it will shake its wings like a regular bug does every you know bugs that have wings like this will have to shake them for maintenance and just to keep them active and clean so yeah and there you go this has been a short Showcase of of the logic that I use for orops they are all down there and I really like them and I encourage you to make them and um they're very fun and you can do a whole bunch of cool stuff uh do cool stuff do it do it now I I hope you've enjoyed thank you for watching and I will see you in the future h
Channel: Xenophage
Views: 1,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, logic, creations, builds, ornithopter, mech, animal, animatronic
Id: mXK58oXWqTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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