Orlando Nightclub Massacre: A Timeline of What Happened

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it is Latin night at the pulse a gay nightclub in downtown Orlando packed with 320 people at this video of people dancing taken just last night and then at 2:02 a.m. bartenders announcing last call when suddenly the gunfire you could start smelling the ammunition in the air like it smelled like fire was your instinct to hit the ground I just wanted to get as low to the floor as I could and try to crawl into to safety as that gunfire erupted you could hear it from the outside oh my God they're all shooting back and forth our officer uh engaged in a gun battle with that suspect uh the suspect at some point went back in inside the club where more shots were fired you see people screaming and falling and it was blood everywhere the nightclub has three main areas the hip-hop room the main bar with the dance floor and a patio area some people escaping out this side door and into this small Alleyway Jean yel telling me he crawled on the floor reaching through the curtains to find a sliver of an exit but that people were climbing over one another to get out people were jumping over you trying trying to jump over me like pushing my head down like it's it's a state of panic like we just wanted to get out another Survivor Joshua telling us how he hid under an SUV discovering a Survivor who'd been shot in both arms and in the back he took off his shirt and used it as a turquet I took my shirt off I tied it as high as I could over the first wound um second one I took his shirt tied it over that one one um thought he was okay I kind of like held him over like my his arm over my shoulder vice versa no ambulances left police told him to get in the back of the cruiser and to give the man a bear hug 28 a.m. in the Pulse Nightclub posts this on Facebook everyone get out of pulse and keep running but inside the Frantic scene continues so many looking for the exits others hiding in rooms with no way out I saw him he was maybe 20 30 ft away away from me and I saw the fire coming out of his gun every time he shot fire about 15 20 people got shoved into a onep person bathroom until he started shooting through the doorway dozens who did not make it out becoming hostages stuck inside some huddled inside a bathroom just off the dance floor texting loved ones call police I'm going to die he F him my terrorist has them in the women bathroom and please come get us out cuz he's about to kill us and in the midst of the attack the killer himself authorities say he called 911 to pledge his allegiance to the terror group Isis authorities sending armored vehicles and SWAT teams they rushed to the scene but for nearly 3 hours they hold their fire waiting outside being told possibly up to 15 remaining in the club that are barricaded in why did wait hour in that time we need to set up re reevaluate reassess what what's happening and make sure that all the pieces are in place around 5: a.m. explosions at the club some sort of of uh explosion or moments later we learn it's a controlled explosion set off by police to distract the gunman an armored vehicle smashes through a wall of the club and SWAT officers swarm in behind look at that just shooting back 11 of them suddenly involved in a shootout with the killer I we had 11 Orlando police officers uh that exchanged gunfire with the suspect and killed him authorities say the shooter revealed to be 29-year-old Omar matin a US citizen born in America with Afghani parents police say he used two guns authorities revealing he purchased both of them in recent days was a handgun and a AR-15 type assault rifle one round injuring an officer during the firefight this damaged Kevlar helmet may have saved his life and it is with great sadness that I share we have not 20 but 50 casualties in addition to the shooter there are another 53 that are hospitalized making this the deadliest mass shooting in US history although it's still early in the investigation we know enough to say that this was an act of Terror and an act of hate the 15th time President Obama has addressed the nation since taking office after a mass shooting on us soil we do have an ABC News exclusive here tonight as we now get a new portrait of what it was like inside that nightclub as the gunman asked people their racial backgrounds began talking about Isis and holding them essentially hostage for several hours this one Survivor you're about to hear the tale of was in there for 3 hours as SWAT teams was were assembling right outside here before they broke through those walls and Gio Bonz talked to him a short time ago as he was leaving the hospital tonight Gio is across town here in Orlando Gio that's right David we are at the largest gay club in Orlando and this is where we met that Survivor he played dead for 3 hours and was just released from the hospital in fact he's still wearing those Hospital ID tags listen in he heard them on the um you know talking probably to the police department or texting and he asked them please do not text and so they stopped but then somebody started to texting back up again and he said didn't I say don't text give me all your phones who's in here are are you guys black and couple of them said yeah he said that I don't have an issue with the blacks and then he got on the phone I don't know if it was with the news or or the police department telling them that to stop America needs to stop bombing Isis so he was calling people on the phone yeah he called somebody on the phone and he was telling them stop bombing Isis stop bombing Isis on the uh in Syria then he called somebody else that he knew and he mentioned that uh that he was the fourth shooter and there was three others and he mentioned I believe a female name and that was playing dead or you know because he's saying that she she has a bombing vest and he has one too and then he said there were three snipers out there waiting for cops to come so that snipers would shoot at the cops so this whole time what were you doing I mean you must have heard all this gunfire yeah uh I stood quiet you know I said I don't think he knew we were there until he came back in and shot again and one black boy came crawling underneath the stall grasping our legs and having me and my friend to drop to the floor and he would go wash his hands and use the hair the the blower and I felt something poke the back of my pocket you think he was poking you yeah one it was like one quick touch or poke I don't know if it was with the I didn't know what he had to use as a weapon but he probably was thinking of you know I'm dead so you played dead for 3 hours yes and my friend followed the role you know quiet I heard the cops screaming get down get down looked like they were getting closer I don't know they pulled people from the other side of the of the club there out he was busy fixing his rifle or I don't know what he had but he was busy clicking fixing I heard shells drop you know shells dropping on the floor and he was happy that he got it fixed and he said oh I got I got a plenty of bullets he said I've got plenty of bull plenty of extra bullets he started shooting in the stall and I don't know if he was killing the ones in the back stall and the cops bust the hole in the wall what did you see when you walked through that club no I did not took me out of the hole in the wall and he says that he is a mentor to a lot of the young people in this community he says he knew 75% of the people in that club especially all of those who died David chilling to still see that hospital band around his wrist giio we're glad he's okay
Channel: ABC News
Views: 1,388,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Orlando, Nightclub, Massacre, Pulse, Shooting, nightclub, shooting, ABC, News
Id: GMfuNIe33t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2016
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