Origins: Who Made God?

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the question if God created the universe then who created God is often used to challenge the truth of the Genesis account of creation many people claim that invoking a supernatural act by a Creator who is beyond our time and space is unscientific in reality the universe displays complex and purposeful design indeed the heavens declare the glory of God and reveal his purpose for mankind coming up on today's edition of origins who made God with Gary Bates you oh and welcome to origins I'm ray Heiple it's an honor to be your host today during this program we showcase interesting guests who present evidence from science along with other important facts validating the truth of creation and the accuracy of the Bible today's guest Gary Bates was once an evolutionist and the creation message had a dramatic impact on his life he now seeks to communicate this life-changing information to the average person on the street in 2009 Gary relocated from Australia to head up the u.s. office of creation ministries international as its CEO he's an author and on the editorial team for creation magazine with subscribers in over 110 countries welcome to the program Gary hi Ryan good to see you it's good to have you back with us we're talking about who made God you know when I hear that question I hear the little boy saying God made his self you know I work in a ministry where we try to answer some of the most asked questions that people have particularly in the creation/evolution area and I find this question mainly comes from two sources one is the skeptics and the atheists love to throw it up you know will you believe in a creator who created the Creator and teenagers it's one that Christian kids often will come up to me at meetings and say well you know how does this happen if God's the Creator who made him and we're going to discuss why that's actually a wrong question in many ways very good well let's get started well let's have a look here Christopher Hitchens I mentioned some of the skeptic tricks Christopher Hitchens world renowned atheist not to make like of it but he deceased a few years ago so I think he's found the answer now but he says the postulate of a designer or creator only raises the unanswerable question I'll answer all of who designed the designer or who created the creator religion and theology have consistently failed to overcome this objection Wow it seems like he hasn't read any theologian because this is a question that has been answered many times well let me go to the board right because we can certainly discuss a lot of this as we go along so there are two views of how the world the universe everything came to be evolution which is basically the universe made itself for creation that the universe was made and the whole basis if you like of the atheistic evolutionary worldview is predicated on the Big Bang the idea that there was this explosion of time and space and you know the typical view of the Big Bang has has no space no atoms no planets and little kernel of energy pops into existence that suddenly expands and creates everything and I love this statement here from Professor Alan guff father of the inflation theory of the Big Bang he says the universe bursts into something from absolutely nothing zero nada and as it got bigger it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nowhere let me get this straight first there was nothing and then it exploded now we've done that a little bit light heartedly but that is a real statement it's just an absurdity I mean most of them don't speak that clearly we can be thankful that somebody would just clearly speak and say how absurd it is because you know we're criticized that we believe in a creator of the creation they believe in a creation of nothing exactly exactly and we're going to look at that a bit deeper because you know when they criticize Christians for a belief in believing oh well you just resort to God but they actually have their own supernatural trick because if there are no laws of physics in existence there's no universe how can something pop into existence out of nothing it actually breaks a scientific law the very scientific laws that rationalists appeal to called the law of causality causality is the relationship between the cause and the effect the second event is understood as a consequence of the first let's simplify this if the universe had a beginning it must have had a cause everything which has a beginning must have had a cause when we sit here we're in a TV studio somebody thought about it built designed it built it we know it had a beginning and had a cause but I could even go outside and pick up a rock or a leash off the ground it had a beginning in time right therefore it must have had a cause so if the universe has a beginning the universe must have had a cause okay now the first law are that we talk about here in this is the amount of mass energy in the universe is constant you matter can neither be created or be destroyed and the second it's what often people call entropy is the amount of energy available for workers running out or entropy is increasing to a maximum of things are winding down important to note because it means that at some stage it had to be wound up obviously at the beginning now let's just take this a step further because you know when we ask the question about who made God well if the universe had a beginning okay that's what created time and space so you might think about how we measure time here on the earth we have a light source and the Earth rotates we define that as a day if you lived on Jupiter are much larger planet the rotation of Jupiter they're there days would be longer but the point there is we actually have to have atoms matter stuff to define time in measure time you know within our little local section of the of the the the solar system but you know what happened before the universe created ok well the Big Bang has have no answer but the Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and when I break that statement down in the beginning god that means he must have been there before the universe that he made so therefore don't apply the the laws of physics to God he created the laws of physics he's beyond them alright so he is a supernatural being what a supernatural mean above nature ok so he doesn't have to be bound by the universe that he created and we often talk about God inhabited eternity isaiah 57:15 the high and lofty one who lives forever and here it says he inhabits eternity for example in the King James Version God is timeless and even the evolutionists are saying with their theories the the universe has a beginning they just begin with nothing and then they get not only something they get everything exactly we say you're right the universe has a beginning because there was someone who was already there exactly Supernatural above nature and you know I think it's interesting because when you think about miracles they like to say well miracles are a violation of the laws of physics I look at them as being addition to the laws we can use physical laws to show when a miracle is taking place how can God do that because he can intervene and he has done as we read in Scripture in the natural realm and I love everybody knows this passage when God speaks to Moses and he says I am that I am so simple and yet incredibly profound I am that I'm the self-existent I understand yes I hadn't have a beginning or an end and I kind of think that's why we look at Jesus you know the Alpha the Omega the beginning in the end and we're going to look at now because Romans 1:20 tells us that there is a creator from what has been made now because when we look at creation it is fallen but that still doesn't obviate the fact that we can see incredible design in the universe not just here in the earth so for example when we look at the solar system we look at the planets now I'm a space junkie right and I've interviewed rocket scientists for movies we've made you know ray we can send a rocket out from the earth and intersect it you know with another planet okay you know here for example okay and we when we do that that planets obviously not there it might have to go several revolutions or orbits around the Sun before we intersect it but the universe or the solar system rotates with such clockwork precision that we can do that and anytime you see something that's running with clockwork precision I believe it implies a designer insights into Scripture so here we have job job 26 talking about God saying he hangs the earth upon nothing now I don't think a job had the benefit of a space shuttle to go out there and have a look so how did he know within his limited you know frame of reference that God literally hung can hang the earth in space and Isaiah it says he sits enthroned above this all of the earth skeptics love to say oh you're talking about a circle there go the earth is flat but the Hebrew word they're transliterated is kook which literally means sphere or globe how did Isaiah have that knowledge so where we're going here is we're seeing that a supernatural creator beyond our time and space it brought the universe into being has imparted information he's got his stamp his imprint on the material universe that he made something called the anthropic principle there are over a hundred examples where we look out and it looks like the earth right has been specifically made for human life and the universe also okay so the entire universe over 120 examples the word anthropic comes from the word anthropos for human being let's just have a look at a couple the earth it's it's just the right size I mentioned Jupiter you know gravity would be I think it's about six times greater on Jupiter any less etc we wouldn't be able to support the bodies we have the earth is a perfect size and guess what it's the perfect distance from our Sun also if we were any closer we'd fry any further away we'd freeze there they call it the Goldilocks zone you know not too hot not too cold they're looking out out in space for these extrasolar planets you know they think there might be a couple of candidates that are in that that type of zone for their own from their own Sun as well the moon is the perfect distance from the earth you know if the moon it's it's currently receding from the earth I think by about a couple of inches maximum per year but 20 million years ago it would have been so close to the earth that life here would have been impossible you'd have massive tides washing up on the shore and rolling off increasing erosion and so on and so forth any further away no tides no oxygen no ocean life and so on and so forth we look at the orbit of the earth we have this perfect semi elliptical orbit it's not perfectly round that helps us with our our seasons for example and seasons encourage plant growth and so on and so forth stars right are the perfect distance from the earth that we can see them we're in a perfect place within our galaxy because if we were too close to the center we'd get fried by galactic radiation and if we were too far out it wouldn't be any good either and our galaxy the Milky Way galaxy when we look out it looks it gives the appearance that we are actually somewhere near the center of the universe how could that be out of some giant cosmic explosion and to support that idea and it's not a little joke Christian making this up here's a quote by Edwin Hubble everyone knows the Hubble Space Telescope named after this famous astronomer and he's talking about our special position he says such a condition would imply that we occupy a unique position in the universe analogous in a sense to the ancient conception of a central earth the hypothesis cannot be disproved but it is unwelcome why well here's a materialist okay and the the supposition of a favored location must be avoided at all costs so I want to talk about this a bit more because you know I talked about God being beyond time and space if you're like God transcended crossed the event horizon into our space-time I the resurrected Christ could appear and disappear in the room with the disciples Jesus was physical but how could he Conda after his resurrection manifest and disappear so let us think about this in God you and I our universe we know it's a three-dimensional universe God is in if we want to use this term an extra realm the realm of eternity or timelessness where he is not bound by this physical universe he created he can enter in and out whenever he wants and we talked about how we could explain miracles etc but the most important note about that is where God is there is no time so when you say well who made God it's like asking well you know who did the bachelor marry all right it's kind of an on question because we are limiting God by asking that question to our own space-time dimensions and God is not bound by those he's the one that created those space-time dimensions wow that's really fascinating we need to take a break right now I want you to stay with us we're looking at the question who made God will look more at it when we come back right after this message [Music] [Music] welcome back to origins we've been talking to Gary Bates who's been sharing an important question people ask about who made god Gary this question really isn't the right question to ask is it no again we use our finite perspectives finite horizons to try to talk about a unique being who exists beyond the physical universe I mean how do you measure him with a tape roller for example so we have to keep in mind what the Bible tells us about God who he is where at where he is not where he came from absolutely so you know Romans 1:20 that famous passage tells us that for since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so men are without excuse in nature itself even though it's fallen is enough to convict us that there's a creator and in the the cells of every living creature right in the center we have this this basically hard drive a chemical hard drive known as DNA when I look at this I think this this is just a storage system somebody's had to input it with information to say whether to build a frog fish or a human being and it's the language code for every living thing on earth the most complex information storage mechanism in the entire universe if we could take say imagine a dressmakers pin a pinhead and if I got about a pinheads worth of DNA and tried to type out the letters of information the DNA is so good at compressing and storing information I would amass a pile of paperbacks that would reach to the moon 240 times in a pin heads worth of DNA and the cells supposed to be at least Darwin thought just this blob of tissue this tiny little blob that had nothing and and now we know that in one in every single cell we have this incredible amount of information cyclopædia is worth that came from nothing that came from itself that would randomly generated itself yeah well the information is specific and randomness usually doesn't specify specific you know Rafe I held up this bit of paper here you know a picture of my slides and you can see there are letters on the page the letters themselves are not information that's where people get confused the letters have to be arranged into words and sentences to produce information when you see that information that the words in a book it's an information code because it's conveying meaningful information to us like the words I'm saying to you now are an information code that you and I understand how could it be but such complexity come about came about by time and chance you know whenever you see information like that it's always a sign just like the letters on this page that a greatest source of information must have put the information there and remember I said earlier that a supernatural being beyond our time and space has transmitted information to the earth the Creator you know God said to Moses I am Who I am the self-existent eternal being etc the Bible indicates to us that Jesus is the agent of creation Colossians 1:16 for by him all things were created things in heaven and on earth physical things visible and invisible whether Thrones or powers rulers or authorities all things were created by him and for him he is the great I am that's who the Bible is talking about and you know Jesus in fact has a lot of I am statements in the Bible here we see again that Jesus was there before the creation of the world father in his prayer to to God the Father I want those you have given me to be with me where I am to see my glory Jesus is making no bones about it I mean you know when skeptics look at this I often say to them well he can't be mistaken you know he's either got to be bad or mad or he's telling the truth you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world so not only is that a claim to self existence or to existence before he came into the world at least that much right but it's also a claim that he had this glory glory with God a glory that when and when God Himself says I will not share my glory with another and yet Jesus is saying I had this glory with you before there was a world this is a powerful claim because I'm sure you're you've seen this to where people will say well Jesus was a good teacher he was a good moral teacher but you know the church corrupted it and Constantine in the first council and so forth they changed it and made him into God but he never claimed that he did claim that in fact that's why they tried to stone him because he was claiming to be equal with God yeah when he was telling the truth if he is God he has to be capable of telling the truth and not lying but you know there's another kind of hidden aspect to this because he says to God the Father you loved me before the creation of the world so before the universe was created there's the Godhead the Trinity and you know what existed love love existed in the Trinity and of course we've seen an example of that love when Christ came to redeem us from this fallen world Jesus is the great I am let's just look at some of these statements ray I mean there are lots and lots of them we don't have to read through them but John 6:51 I am The Living bread which came down from heaven if everyone eats of this bread he will live forever and he said you are from beneath in John 823 I am from above Jesus spoke to the ghin to them again saying I am the light of the world right I'm ambiguous stated the statements and here John 8:58 most assuredly I say to you before Abraham was I am that one there really gets at something and I think that is the occasion when they pick up stones to throw at him because you being a mere man as they says they said it make yourself equal with God I mean all these verses I came down from heaven I was with the Father I'm not of this world we can't say that you and I can't say that about ourselves and Jesus as you said he either was right or he was wrong when he said that and if he was right Wow that has an impact absolutely they're massive anybody and he goes on I am The Good Shepherd you know but look at this I am the son of God I am the resurrection and the life okay I am the way the truth and the life I am The True Vine you know when you just list them one after the other they are such strong remarkable statements about who Jesus is and then he says I am The King of the Jews and of course he says I am Jesus whom you are persecuting I am from above you are of this world I am not of this world that interdimensional creator crossed the event horizon of time and space to redeem us but here's the take-home point all of this information in design in the universe complexity and the search and you know we've scratched the surface ray there were just dozens and dozens of mind-blowing examples I could show you but the most important information that creator transmitted to us that we can see was love this is how God showed his love among us he sent his one and only son this incredible creator came himself of himself that we might live through him this is love not that we loved God of course not but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins no one has seen God we have seen and testified that the father has sent his son boy to be the savior of the world this just isn't an academic thing is it I mean you've there have been and you and I've talked a little bit I mean I like to read some philosophers and even some brilliant men who write about things and a lot of things they get right in and they you know you can learn from these men but you know it's beyond the head here we're talking about a relationship with God a relationship based upon love that he loved us enough to send his son so that his son could die that death that we deserve so that we could not only be loved by him but be able to love him back in a relationship that will never end absolutely you know and I I think when we consider who we're talking about I'm we were saying that he's making these am statements but you know that one before Abraham I am like you said he's claiming to be God and there could be no greater you know discovery to find out our meaning and purpose in life I believe than to find out where we came from who our Creator actually is again we've scratched the surface people love these design aspects and you know when you're wearing the right set of glasses it's the hallmark of our Creator and if people go to we've got a search engine you could type in there who made God what about carbon-14 dating you know what about dinosaurs and the lead article changes every day well thanks for being with us Gary I hope people check out this information because it's really good stuff thanks again for joining us and thank you for joining us we were looking at the question who made God and we saw right away that God is a being without beginning without end he is unlike any other creature because he's not a creature he is the Creator the one who always was the one who always is and the one who always will be the important thing is to not try to have these sort of academic questions and answers but to come to know this God and the way to know him is through Jesus Christ his son he sent his son so that you could have eternal life well we like to end this show and say we know what the Bible says is true and the proof is all around you thanks for joining us for this edition of origins we'll see you next time thank you for watching this edition of origins for a DVD of this series you can order online or send a twelve dollar donation to cover shipping and handling and right to origins program number 1902 cornerstone network wall Pennsylvania one five one four eight this presentation was made possible by the 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Channel: Cornerstone Television Network
Views: 12,849
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Keywords: Pittsburgh, CTVN, Cornerstone Television, Christian TV, Cornerstone Television Network, Christianity, talk show, 700 Club, TV show
Id: 1gaZHg3TJKQ
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Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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