Origins: The Bible’s Inspiration: Scientific Evidence

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as Christians we believe the Bible is more than just a book it is the divinely inspired error-free Word of God but how do we know that are we just taking that on blind faith on the contrary there's actually a great body of evidence including some fascinating examples from what is known as scientific foreknowledge coming up on today's edition of origins the Bible's inspiration scientific evidence with JC Kurt [Music] hello and welcome to origins I'm ray Heiple it's an honor to be your host today during this program we showcase interesting guests who present evidence from science along with other important facts validating the truth of creation and the accuracy of the Bible today's guest JC Gert is an author and international speaker and holds degrees in both physics and engineering technology he currently serves as the managing director of the starting-point project and has been speaking on the authority of Scripture for over 32 years welcome Jay it's honor to be in the program thank you glad to have you with us I understand you're a scientist and you believe in the Bible I thought that wasn't possible kind of difficult to comprehend but yeah it's true and travel around the country and out of the country giving a lot of talks on those subjects well fantastic what do you have for us today well today we're gonna be talking about the inspiration of the viola as I travel around I asked a lot of people why do you believe the Bible and they said well because I'm a Christian okay why are you a Christian because I believe the Bible okay but why do you believe the Bible and kind of round and round I say okay but how do you know that God wrote the Bible well I just I just know I just I have faith I a sense that I feel it and if that's all the farther we go as Christians we really pretty much just have a blind faith and there's really no reason that someone else should believe it so we really need to understand not only what the Bible says but why we've chosen to place our faith in it and believe that it's actually inspired by God I love that I mean I deal with that all the time as a minister why should I believe in the Bible why should I believe that God wrote this book how can you help us with that well I've got a quiz that I usually start out with I ask people I show them a certain passage and say can you tell me where this is found so here's a passage it says my righteousness is near my salvation has gone forth in mine arms shall judge the people that Isle shall wait upon me and on mine arm shall they trust and people see that and they usually say oh it's got to be Isaiah said a good guess but no it's not Isaiah and so Jeremiah nope Psalms no here's the answer actually comes from second Nephi chapter 8 verse 5 otherwise like ii what it's the book of mormon huh i say that raises an interesting question how do you know that the book of mormon isn't the inspired Word of God they claim it as it been to my house a number of times we've had some very interesting conversations and write on the cover it says is another testament of Jesus Christ so I say how do you know the Book of Mormon is not the inspired Word of God and the Christian Wulff and say well because it just isn't because the Bible is well how do you know the Bible is because I'm a Christian why are you Christian cuz I believe the Bible and round and round yeah we get locked into our tradition and the same reason could be given by a Mormon or a Muslim or anything else for the Koran for the book of Roman well that's the way they were raised but we need more than that don't we we do and so we'll take a look at this there are certainly no shortage of religious books out there here's just a few examples how do we know which of these are the inspired Word of God maybe they all are maybe none of them are maybe just two which two how would we know that's a great question again another question to ask people's and how many of you actually have an autographed copy of a book at home and some people raise their hand it's kind of neat you can show someone that you've met the author and they signed it here for you then I ask wouldn't it be neat if you had an autographed copy of the Bible that makes their head spins like what would that even look like well I actually believe that we do have an autographed copy of the Bible I think that God's signature is all over his word but how would we know that it's kind of interesting well there are four basic tests that we can apply to see if something perhaps was written by god these are not special Bible tests we're going to look at these are tests that you can actually apply to any religious writing out there we've got internal consistency historical accuracy prophetic accuracy and scientific accuracy we're gonna be focusing on scientific accuracy for this particular show but internal consistency has to do with does the reference you're looking at contradict itself if it does it's good evidence that God didn't write that because God wouldn't contradict himself secondly historical accuracy if it gets history wrong it's good evidence God didn't write that because God would know history prophetic accuracy if it makes predictions about the future if they've been proven false that's good evidence God didn't write that because he would know the future he knows everything and then scientific accuracy that has to do with if the resource you're looking at makes statements that can be tested by science if they've been absolutely proven wrong and there's a lot of details to proving something wrong with science but it's pretty clear that everyone understands that that's wrong pretty good evidence that God didn't write that because God would know science he knows everything so that's what we're actually gonna focus on here in this particular time something that we call scientific foreknowledge and the point here is that the Bible is written long time ago roughly 15 1600 BC to about a hundred ad long before we had microscopes and telescopes yet there are things in the Bible that modern science says wow that's actually right but how do they know that again they didn't have modern science to figure these things out so the point is these guys must have been inspired by God when they wrote these things now people will say way out of the Bible isn't a science textbook and I would totally agree it's not I'm glad it's not because then even fewer people would read it I don't think I would spend a lot of time reading a science textbook or wanting to preach on that or something most people don't haven't be even harder to understand and the most important point is that it would have to be corrected and updated constantly that's what we have with science textbooks I can't tell you how much has changed since I got my degree in physics because science keeps changing because we don't know everything and that's just kind of a limitation of science so the Bible is not a science textbook and we don't expect that but what we do get from the Bible is a proper framework to understand science it lays the groundwork so that when we look at science we can interpret it properly because all of science is really about interpretation because facts don't speak for themselves they all have to be interpreted it in a way we interpret facts is by using our current beliefs and so the Bible prop provides a proper framework to understand different areas of science including astronomy the bible does talk about astronomy Psalm 33 says by the word of the Lord where the heavens made their starry host by the breath of his mouth God is the one who created this universe and his fingerprints are all over it but then they'll say well wait a minute look at those swirling gases up there see that that's the birth of a star isn't that beautiful sometimes they'll get she teary-eyed it's so beautiful too that you know what they're actually seeing we're seeing swirling gases but they'll say well wait a minute but gravity wants to pull these particles together to form a star and that's true the laws of physics gravity wants to pull the particles together but once they start coming together you have gas pressure pushing out gas pressure is a lot stronger than gravity a star will never form that way they say okay that's true but what happened was there was a star over here that exploded and that force pushed those gasses together and that's how we got that star okay nice story I have a question where did that other star come from yeah if it needed a star to form itself and where was the star for it and so on and so on that's right where did that start come from well that was swirling gas and there was another star just they don't keep pushing back the answer keep pushing like they don't have a way to really get it started but God says he's one who created the universe then we have Jeremiah 33 22 as of hosts of heaven cannot be numbered neither the sand of sea measured soil I multiply the seed of David my servant now when Jeremiah said that that actually didn't make any sense because he could look up at the night sky and see pretty much the same stars that we see today which is about 3,000 stars at any point on the earth you look up at the sky see about 3,000 stars why would he say they're uncountable what's interesting is that modern astronomers tell us they're basically an accountable ballpark figure 10 trillion trillion stars it's a lot of stars not really countable just a big ballpark figure out there and you may have heard of the Hubble telescope well there's something called the Hubble Deep Field and secular astronomers we're trying to figure out is space pretty much the same everywhere you look or is it's clumpy like a bunch of stars and galaxies in one place empty in another spot they had the telescope focused on one little tiny spot in the sky that's about 124 millionth of the entire sky looks kind of dark point the telescope there leave the aperture open for a while see what develops well after a number of days this is what developed in this square here we see about 3,000 stars there what's interesting is those aren't stars those are galaxies and galaxies in each galaxy probably has about a hundred billion stars in it so are the stars on convoy yeah again this is just one 24 millionth of the entire sky three billion galaxies so three thousand galaxies about a hundred billion stars in each one I'm not used to hearing numbers like that except when they're talking about the national debt then they get pretty big so Jeremiah was right even though he didn't have telescopes to reveal that to him so again evidence that God inspired him in that and he wouldn't have known that but God would have known that God would have known that that's why we believe that these writers were inspired just like they claimed and we have a geology the Bible certainly talks about geology Genesis chapter six God said I'm going to bring flood waters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens every creature creature that has a breath of life in it everything on earth will perish the Bible talks about a global flood so then we go out and we look at Grand Canyon and we see all these layers there lots of fact those layers are there and atheists can look at the layers a Christian can look at the layers it's a fact those layers are really there how they were deposited we weren't around to see that but the Bible gives us a good framework to understand it it tells us there was a worldwide flood well what would a worldwide flood do a worldwide flood would actually lay sedimentary layers down all over the planet catastrophic alee probably be filled with fossils because things that we're living back then would have gotten buried guess what we see we see sedimentary layers laid down all over the planet filled with billions of fossils so again the Bible gives us a good framework to understand properly and interpret what we're seeing today because the Bible does address the idea of geology then we've got biology the Bible certainly talks about biology says in Nehemiah 9:6 you give life to everything in the multitude of heaven worship you today we have something called the law of biogenesis which states that life only comes from preexisting life but secular stories say that 3.8 billion years ago dead chemicals came together to form a living cell but the law of science today they call it a law because nothing has ever contradicted this tells us that life only comes from pre-existing life so their idea that it came from dead chemicals goes against science so much so that one evolutionist actually said the belief that life on Earth the RO spontaneously from nonliving matter is simply a matter of faith the least he's being honest then huh being honest for fielding wait a minute scientists don't have faith they they're in their laboratory and they're proving things but he's admitting no when we're talking about historical events when no one is around to see it can't reproduce it in a laboratory and can't test it directly they have to exercise faith and unfortunately their faith goes against known science then we have this in Genesis 124 and God said Let The Land produce living creatures according to their kinds Genesis says multiple times over and over that God created creatures to reproduce according to their kinds today dogs dingoes coyotes and wolves can all interbreed because they're the same general kind of animal in fact you can breed a dog and a wolf and you get a wolf dog it's real science it's no surprise I think there's a few of those in my neighborhood yes but what you can't do is breathe a dog and a wolf and get a cucumber that one's not gonna happen they don't have genetic information to do that so what we see in real biology is that yes you can get a nice variety but it's always within limits which is what scripture tells us okay and the evolutionary theory is everything came from what these tiny little bacteria that came from nonliving matter and till we got to human beings over what billions of years when nonliving chemicals formed that first single cell and then over almost four billion years at single-cell turned into every other life form on this planet including human beings you know I used to read the fairy tale books to my kids when they were little and you need a princess to kiss the Frog before it turns into a prince but we have scientists saying frogs really do turn into princes you just need a few billion years right instead of having the princess you just give a time and anything will happen supposedly according to their stories very interesting and we have Moses writing in Leviticus chapter 17 so the life of the flesh is in the blood blood is obviously very important for life in fact every red blood cell contains about 270 million molecules of hemoglobin it carries oxygen throughout your body in fact your body is making 2 to 3 million red blood cells every second and each one of those red blood cells travels through your body and through the heart about 14 thousand times every day and that's all just a random accident just just what's happening over and over again just happen on its own so once about every six seconds every cell goes through the hearts is hate back again yeah so that's what's going on so we know today that blood is very very important for life what's interesting in light of that is that doctors used to drain blood out of people's bodies when they got sick fact that's largely how George Washington died you've got the wrong that yeah that they thought that he had bad blood or something right it got pneumonia take him to doctors got bad blood so we need to drain blood out and they drained some blood and he got sicker it's like wow he's really sick we needed to drain some more blood more blood got sicker they drained about a gallon of blood out of him when he died if they would have taken scripture seriously they wouldn't have done that because we know today how important blood is of a picture of a barber pull up here yes it's like a candy cane right yeah kind like the candy cane because you used to be able to go to a barber to have your blood drained they called the bloodletting so you'd cut your arm drain some of that bad blood out of there wrap a towel around there to stop the bleeding and absorb some of the blood sometimes they would hang the towels on a pole to dry sometimes the wind would catch the towel wrap it around the pole that's why today barber poles have red stripes on them Wow I'm sort of glad they don't do that now not that I need to go to a barber very yeah a little bit of free trivia for there it won't charge you for that one then we have Moses again writing in Exodus 15:26 sadef thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God I will put none of these diseases upon thee here's a backdrop God creates everything and it's perfect Adam and Eve are perfect they sin and disobey God they get separated from God because of their sin God says you know what I could just smash you and start over but I love you too much to do that I got a plan what I'm going to do is I'm going to send my own son to die on a cross to pay for the sins of the world rest of the Old Testament is God carrying out that plan including God choosing people to work through them to carry out his plan well Satan hates God so Satan's plan for the Old Testament is to wipe out God's people if he could wipe out the Israelites Messiah can't come so the whole Old Testament is Satan trying to wipe out the Israelites the Jews and God trying to protect his people there's a couple of stories where he comes pretty close right a couple of times where David only has one descendant or left many times came very close in this passage Moses is saying hey God's telling us listen to these health practices God is giving us so we won't get the disease's we're seeing in other nations that are wiping them out so you see like a real practical element here God isn't just saying that in some sort of a mystical religious sense but there's actual if I could say it this way scientific evidence behind what God was telling Moses to do definitely it's interesting we also learn from the book of exit Moses was raised in all the wisdom of the Egyptians so he went to Egypt you aha now today if someone graduates from the University of Chicago or Harvard Yale or whatever they get a PhD and then they write some books you would expect that much of the information in those books came from their education at the University just kind of how it works sure would reflect what they had learned because that's what they know right well Moses was went to Egypt you so do we see Egyptian wisdom in the Bible we should if Moses just wrote it on his own and what skeptics say he was not inspired by God he just was kind of making this up himself well we know a lot about Egyptians from all the hieroglyphics I mean we're always seeing that the pyramids everything that they find in those tombs we do know what the Egyptians believed right sure including from the Ebers papyrus written about 1550 BC contains over 800 magical formulas and remedies for things one example they had is if you got a splinter you're supposed to apply warm blood and donkey done a modern science says yikes you don't want to do that it causes tetanus spores you can get lockjaw and get very sick you could even die from it so they say wherever these Egyptians got this stuff it's just wrong well that's what Moses was raised in so again if he just wrote Scripture on his own then we should see Egyptian wisdom in the Bible that's fascinating Jay we're gonna need to stop right there we got to take a break but right after this we're going to come back and we're going look at what Moses actually wrote and what that says about the Bible stay with us [Music] welcome back to origins we're talking to Jay Siegert who's been sharing some fascinating things from the Bible and showing us from science how the Bible really is the Word of God and we left off talking about how if Moses just wrote what he knew we would see all this Egyptian wisdom in the Old Testament but we don't see that why is that the case sure well again more evidence of inspiration Moses talks about touching a dead body today we know about germ theory and bacteria don't want to touch a dead animal you can get very sick from that you could potentially maybe even die but again Moses didn't have that information that we have today this is what Moses actually said in the Book of Numbers chapter 19 says whoever touches a dead body of anyone will be unclean for seven days you must purify himself in the water purification on the third day and on the seventh day and then you'll be clean okay well what are these waters of purification a few verses earlier he tells us the priests have to take some cedar wood hyssop scarlet wool and throw them on the burning heifer or cow how that sounds bizarre he does that if you've seen the Beverly Hillbillies it sounds like something that granny would come up with in the kitchen I put some opossum in there and stir it around old cure for whatever right that's right it does sound strange but what's interesting is modern science says no that's not strange that's very very interesting and here's why the heifer ashes and the cedar wood they combine to make li'ella ye it's a caustic soda oh yeah that's how we make soap in this country touching a dead body washing with soap that would be a very good thing secondly the hyssop plant converts into fiema which is isopropyl alcohol kills bacteria oh wow I know you put that on a bee sting right rubbing alcohol yeah you touch a dead body you get that bacteria killing the bacteria would be a very good thing and that's what we find out here with the firewall coming from the hyssop plant after that we have the scarlet wool that forms a very gritty substance kind of like an SOS pack and get in there and scour things around a abrasive to get things out of there so that's another good element and then we have applying it on the third and the seventh day bacteria grow very well in a damp environment so we want to wait a few days for it to dry out and you apply this you wait a few more days apply it again and you're consider clean modern science says that's actually a great remedy if you don't have antibiotics that we have today not at Moses know anything about germ theory and bacteria and isopropyl alcohol obviously not this is evidence that God said mo I want you to write this down and this is a little better than the Egyptian dung and warm blood just a little bit better and then Moses says okay what next and God says well here's another one Moses writes in Genesis 17 12 for the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised why eight days well that's a good question again modern science reveals some really interesting things there are two major elements in her bloodstream that are necessary for blood clotting vitamin K and prothrombin now there's actually a lot of stuff that goes on on a molecular level maybe a couple dozen things event a triggers B trigger C triggers D and everyone has to fire in order to clot your blood that could not evolve slowly over millions of years but on a larger level we got vitamin K and prothrombin modern science tells us that vitamin K develops in a newborn somewhere between days five and seven and prothrombin looks like this if we graph it the line going across the top here that's the normal level of prothrombin in your body the numbers going across the bottom those are days after birth so we have days two four six eight you can see there on day one that you've got about 90% of your prothrombin your body so not bad it's pretty high but then between days 2 and 5 it drops way down to only 30% dangerously low on day 8 it spikes to 110 percent of its normal level it will never be that high again the rest of your life so if you have to have a surgical procedure done when you're a baby the perfect day would be day 8 because for sure you have vitamin K and you got more prothrombin you'll ever have the rest of your life and there's no way Moses knew any of that no way again this is evidence that God said mul write this down trust me it works he goes okay gotcha what next and so that's what we see at Scripture it's so so much like we do as parents right we don't explain everything to our children we just say trust me I'm your dad I'm your mom do this and isn't that sort of the way gods but there should be more so we've got of His infinite knowledge it makes even more sense to trust them so we see in general as the Bible passes these tests of for scientific foreknowledge and just scratching the surface here are many other examples it could be given of things that were written you know a couple thousand years ago and more that modern science today says a while those guys were right but how in the world would they have known that in fact not only that but the Bible passes all four tests we mentioned the beginning the internal consistency historical accuracy scientific accuracy and prophetic accuracy all very powerful areas showing that the Bible we have today is exactly what it claims to be the inspired Word of God and these tests as you said before also would prove really anything these are these are how human beings know something to be true or not right whether or not it's contradictory or whether or not it has that historical accuracy sure very quickly internal consistency if you take two people today let's say they're both 67 years old they're both PhD professors of Old Testament history they teach at the same College Old Testament history they're both born in the u.s. English as their native language you give these two guys one controversial topic to write about the assassination of JFK an event that happened in their country in their lifetime you asked them to write a 200 page research paper on this topic would they agree in every single detail not hardly that's just one controversial topic written about by guys identical backgrounds living at the same time in an event that happened in their lifetime contrast out to the Bible you've got at least 40 human authors writing over a period of 1,600 years on three different continents in three different languages all different educational backgrounds covering hundreds of top controversial topics and yet they're all in perfect unity that only works that way if they're inspired by God when you see and I've come across this people saying well they'll take one passage and they'll say it does contradict another how do you respond to that sure there are many many contradictions in the Bible but they're all alleged contradictions there aren't any real contradictions the skeptics typically aren't looking for answers but when you look at the context of each of these you clear them up it's not an actually contradiction even though it might sound like it on the surface when you dig a little bit deeper it's not a contradiction at all so the only reason that we see you know contradictions is the errors in us we're making an incorrect interpretation of what the verse actually says and if we interpreted it correctly there wouldn't be a contradiction everything needs to be looked at in context the way that we would do with pretty much any other book you can't just cherry pick a few things got to look at it as a whole well thank you Jim glad to have you on the program today was fascinating everything that you shared with us at this time we're going to go but I hope what you saw today will help you to understand that what the Bible says is true and the proof is all around you thanks for joining us on this edition of origins we'll see you next time [Music] thank you for watching this edition of origins for a DVD of this series you can order online or send a twelve dollar donation to cover shipping and handling and right to origins program number 1709 cornerstone network wall pennsylvania one five one four eight this presentation was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of you our cornerstone family [Music]
Channel: Cornerstone Television Network
Views: 12,917
Rating: 4.8498292 out of 5
Keywords: christian, tv, Ray Heiple, Origins, Jay Seegert, The Bible’s Inspiration: Scientific Evidence, Bible, Word of God, Science, scientific foreknowledge”., Is the Bible real
Id: VX045W8jxT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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