Origins & Purpose of Gravity

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imagine that light in the void with no Ray to it with no illumination it's a speck of light then imagine for a moment that that Speck of light suddenly starts to radiate to illuminate and suddenly the Rays burst burst forth from this little speck of light suddenly there's motion suddenly there's a type of movement suddenly the void is no longer a void it's altered Forever by this ray of light shining forth a ray of light shining forth in a total vacuum and a total void will cause uh what and I'm using the terms Loosely but so that you understand will cause a gravitational force and this gravitational force Force within what was a void which was what nothingness this gravitational force starts to put things together starts to um draw energy in and organize them but don't think in terms of gravity just as your Earth gravity or you your Universal gravity pulling in planets there are many different types of gravitational forces you think in terms of the gravity you have on earth when you take a glass and you drop it it falls when you take a pen uh it falls to the Earth gravity uh but you realize there are a lot of different types of gravitational forces some that are electromagnetic some that are not some that are so different than anything you have here on Earth but a gravitational force is something that brings together that brings uh things into itself that literally creates realities so imagine for a moment all the different types of gravities all the different types of bringing together forces that there are in all of creation not just physical gravity so here we have this light that had no rays but now begins to expand and now creates a gravitational force and the moment that there is a type of gravitational force like you have in this universe suddenly it creates the basis for time the measurement of motion measurement of physical motion suddenly time appears or at least measurement of motion because Something's Happened now to take this even a bit further use the analogy of a void an empty space with a Speck of light appearing but the light doesn't emanate the light doesn't move forth at first until that light says what am I doing here or put it in another way who Am I who am I and the moment that begins a so being enters the void enters nothingness has realization of themsel says who am I then the Rays shine forth then gravity type of gravity occurs then time occurs and now everything starts working in patterns not all realities have the type of gravity or time that you have here on Earth but they have their own version of it other dimensions have different forces at work and different what you could say time sequences you see gravity is a force that goes along with light and energy gravity works together with the magnetics and the electromagnetics and other elements of the planet to hold things in to provide this stage for all of your lifetimes for you to experience here on the planet in a physical form all in answer to the very question that was asked so very very long ago in the Angelic realms who am I the gravity has held everything in including your thoughts your beliefs your perspective so that you could experience in a very focused a very contained realm so you could experience what it was like to go into this mode into this deep mode within yourself and eventually come to the answer to the question who am I and the answer to that question is I am that I am you take yourself as a soul being and as a soul being you radiate Consciousness Consciousness sometimes is also called light but literally that Consciousness it goes to work uh with the use of energy and the Soul then uses the energy to create reality it goes through an entire process of of pure energy then activated energy then ultimately light then into the the whole sphere of really the things you find in your realm gravity and electromagnetics the things that hold all of this together in a way it's kind of uh what you would say a big illusion or a big construct to you it's very real but in a way it's simply Just Energy at work now you also realize that that the energy is yours it doesn't belong to somebody else but energy can serve one in many many different ways so you can create the uh perspective that there's this thing called Mass Consciousness Mass Consciousness that is when the there's kind of an agreement that you'll all see see the same thing experience the same type of thing a tree is a tree uh a bird is a bird and that's the result of mass Consciousness and it leads one to believe that you're all in the same energy field although you actually really aren't now this construct that you live within is the result of what the the sense the Angelic sense of focus the ability to have your energy in a highly focused state now that doesn't mean it's forced or pushed into focus it means you're just tuning in to a rather refined very narrow spectrum of your own light really and it creates once again this illusion of physical reality but it's really a matter of focus you combine that with this whole cause and effect of the illusion of mass Consciousness and it has everybody living on this planet Earth seemingly in the uh the same pool of energy it's held together by gravity now gravity is not just a physical thing that keeps has a ball dropped to the Earth uh or you know keeps things on this physical Planet but gravity also holds in things like emotions and thoughts and beliefs it keeps everything held into place and it does a wonderful job particularly in this reality and using the sense of focus in creating your construct called reality it's a wonderful thing for an Angelic being to go and play Within to in a way even forget who you are to forget your angelic background to forget your soul itself it it serves a very interesting purpose and ultimately helping you to realize the answer to that question who am I and the answer of course is I am that I am there's just electromagnetic field that's everywhere you don't feel it generally uh you're not aware of it generally but it's there always buzzing and working and it's basically an extension of your energy which is nothing but Communications now brought into an electromagnetic field which is one of the for basic uh tools for defining this reality the electromagnetic field is essential in this reality and it's everywhere it's in everything all the time you're just so used to it that you forget about it but you pull that away and suddenly this reality would collapse second field is gravity and I would argue maybe that the electromagnetic field and the gravitational fields are essentially the same they're just two sides of the same coin but modern physics and science look at them as two separate things so I'll go along with that temporarily you have a gravitational field that on Earth you know if you drop something U it's going to fall the gravitational field is what holds everything together without it you have a electromagnetic field but everything is just in uh chaos it just goes floating all around gravitational fields of the earth of the planets of the solar system but also the gravitational fields of emotions yeah emotions there is a gravity to emotions and to thoughts and to beliefs and to fears and to the what you feel about the future or the past everything has a gravitational field there are the physical gravitational fields that you're very aware of when you fall out of a tree but everything has a gravitational field to it food food you eat has a gravitational field to it uh as well as every emotion every experience that you have has something this gravity that holds it together puts it into a uniform and uniform uh feeling or object but also something that can then be defined so everything has a gravitational field look at it like this that energy is Communications and it it's out there it's everywhere it's in the electromagnetic field in its gravity it's something that holds it together that makes that communication field uh identifiable in terms of things like a voice or music or the the sound of a of a tree falling or anything the gravity kind of holds it together it's a field that is responsible for this reality but remember this reality is but one there are many many many realities out there just waiting to be perceived by your Consciousness but when the Consciousness is locked in it's says this is the way things are this is what science says they are this is what my past experience says they are this is what qualia says they are then that's all you're going to get that's why I say look with everything you know about reality right now [Music]
Channel: Adamus Saint-Germain
Views: 3,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enlightenment, channeling, spirituality, love, selflove, self-love, transformation, ascension, ascended master, shaumbra, crimson circle, adamus saint-germain, adamus, spirit
Id: sp1-OL8zAqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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