Organic Toothpaste Recipe | FAST & EASY HOMEMADE DIY | Bumblebee Apothecary

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hi everyone its Marissa with bumblebee apothecary welcome back to my channel today I wanted to show you how to make my organic remineralizing toothpaste [Music] so let's talk about tooth health really quickly I highly recommend this book cure tooth decay by remiel Nagel I think is how you pronounce it I hope I'm pronouncing that sort of correctly I have no idea but this is a great book he talks about some things that you're not really gonna hear in the mainstream dental world he talks about how nutrition really dictates the health of our teeth and it's a common thought that it's only what's in our mouth and on the surface of our teeth that actually causes tooth decay and cavities and things like that but he uses the information from dr. Weston a price who I talked about in one of my other videos which I'll link below and he goes over how it's actually what you eat that determines the hardness of your enamel and the health of your teeth all around whether you get decay and cavities and things like that so highly recommend that if you're looking to improve tooth health and heal from cavities and things like that this toothpaste i've designed along those same lines so even though nutrition dictates most of your tooth health the author of this book does talk about how what is on the surface of your teeth can sort of make a little bit of a difference insofar as minerals being absorbed so most of the time it's absorbed through your digestive system into your bloodstream and teeth are kept healthy and hard that way but to some degree some of that happens also on the surface of the teeth so I came up with this toothpaste recipe that I'm really happy with and we've been using for a long time with great results I use organic extra virgin coconut oil in it and I've talked a little bit about the benefits of coconut oil specifically in your mouth and another video where I talked all about coconut oil which I'll link below it has some food grade calcium powder and that helps to remineralize teeth once they're in contact with that it also has a tiny bit of baking soda it's not good to have a lot of that in a toothpaste because it can be abrasive and that's not good but a little tiny bit is helpful in cleaning and then it also has xylitol there is some information suggesting that xylitol can be very healthy in your mouth and especially for helping to prevent cavities and decay and to strengthen teeth whether or not it's safe to ingest is kind of up for debate but in general it's pretty well recognized as something that's very good for teeth and another bonus of having the xylitol in there is that it gives a nice sweet taste too which is helpful for kids or anybody who wants their teeth brushing experience to be pleasant I use a non-gmo non corn xylitol it's silent all made from birch because I want to definitely avoid anything genetically modified in my products and then last of all I use therapeutic grade essential oils from plant therapy I have a variety of different options that I like to use in this toothpaste most commonly for ourselves I'll usually make pepper mint toothpaste just because that's a nice all-around refreshing flavor and it's supposed to help a little bit with tooth whitening too something that I do not use in this toothpaste that you may have seen in some other DIY toothpaste recipes is clay now bentonite clay has been shown to have some high levels of aluminum in it and I definitely don't want to be ingesting or absorbing any of that and so I don't use clay in my toothpaste for that reason and I find that it works very well as it is so let's jump in and start making some so I'm going to start with my calcium powder already in my container and to that I'm going to add my melted coconut oil next I'm going to add my xylitol [Applause] [Music] and the baking soda now I'm making a pretty big batch here but I'm going to have a recipe for a more reasonable individual size batch and I'm going to link to my blog where the full written recipe will be next I'm going to take my immersion blender and I'm just going to thoroughly mix that so that all the ingredients are very well incorporated once that's done I'm going to take just the individual amount that I'm going to be using for our container and I'm going to put that into a picture and then I'm going to add my essential oils I'm using peppermint here I like to use a 1 percent dilution for toothpaste and I will be having an 8 ounce container so I'm going to use 48 drops then I'm gonna take my immersion blender again and thoroughly mix that in I find that if you don't mix the essential oils in very well that they can sort of rise to the top and sit on the surface of the toothpaste so using the immersion blender to mix those in really really is good for making sure that those are incorporated through the entire batch of toothpaste and now it's ready to go into the container so I'm just gonna pour that right in this is our personal family's container and so I didn't bother to clean it out again which is fine there's nothing in this like water or anything that could go bad it's all very shelf stable and here it is on a toothbrush okay I hope that you found that interesting and helpful and if you give it a try leave me a comment and let me know what you think also if you have any questions let me know in the comments or if you have suggestions of what you'd like me to do videos on if you'd rather not make this toothpaste yourself but you'd still like to give it a try I'm gonna put a link down below to my shop where you can pick up a pre-made version I'm also going to link all of the ingredients and equipment that I use in the description box below in case you would like to try making it yourself alright if you're new please hit the subscribe button and if you liked this video give it a thumbs up I make new videos every week on how to make organic crafted skincare and baby products and I also like to talk about healthy lifestyle tips thanks so much for watching bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bumblebee Apothecary
Views: 29,192
Rating: 4.9447513 out of 5
Keywords: Bumblebee Apothecary, toothpaste recipe organic, toothpaste recipe homemade, DIY toothpaste, how to make toothpaste, xylitol, calcium, remineralizing toothpaste, coconut oil, organic skincare, homemade toothpaste, non toxic toothpaste, baking soda, eco friendly, peppermint, fluoride free, alternative to toothpaste, green living tips, healthy living, ways to use coconut oil, coconut oil toothpaste, Ashley's Green Life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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