Ordinary Man - The Ozzy Osbourne Story ┃ Documentary

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somebody threw a bat on stage and I thought it was one of these toy bats so I picked it up bite the things head up and suddenly everybody's freaking out it's a real bat he's the greatest heavy metal icon on the planet star of his own TV series millions of record sales worldwide he was best friends with Lemmy of Motorhead and some would say just a little bit crazy this is a brief history of Ozzy Osbourne the Prince of Darkness when Ozzy Osbourne was just a young man growing up in the United Kingdom his dad said to him I've got a feeling about you John Osbourne you're either going to do something very special or end up in prison it turns out Ozzy did both not only did Ozzy become the most revered heavy-metal icon of all time he also ended up in prison before his 18th birthday growing up in a post-world War two ERA in Aston Birmingham Ozzy didn't appear to have many prospects or opportunities as a young rebellious man one of his first Jobs was working in a slaughterhouse he spent his first four weeks throwing up on a daily basis as he had to cut open the stomach's of dead animals which he says he eventually got used to during his 18 months of experience in the abattoir although as he seemed to be on the right path to holding down a stable job and becoming an average working member of society he found himself unemployed after beating one of his colleagues several times over the head with a large pole for making fun of him this was Ozzy's first taste of chaos and he seemed to enjoy it the same thirst for chaos however would land him in prison before he turned 18 so come 1964 as he had found a job that he actually enjoyed which was working in a slaughterhouse however he got fired from that job about 18 months into it for having an altercation with one of his colleagues he didn't really want to go back to that job or any job I don't think and I think this next part of us his life really determines the path that he was he was set to go down he decided to try and be a thief and there was a shop at the back of his his house that he tried to burgle a few times on the final attempt I believe a television fell on top of him so he wasn't a great burglar and he left fingerprints all over the place as well about a week later the police turned up and it turned out he had used a pair of gloves without any thumbs on them so he just left fingerprints everywhere and he went to prison as he grew up in a part of Birmingham called Aston which didn't exactly give him a ton of opportunity he spent most of his nights either trying to find money to buy a pint down his local Boozer and being thrown through shop windows after getting into fights according to Ozzy one fight left him so badly injured that he had a chunk of one of his tattoos ripped out and he spent most of the night in hospital luckily as he learned how to tattoo himself in prison so he could easily ink himself again if he found the urge to do so which he did often the first tattoo as he gave himself was a pair of smiley faces on his knees he said he did this so he could cheer himself up whenever he was on the toilet with very little job prospects to look forward to as he had to keep his spirits up somehow he would soon start to look towards music for that opportunity and hope after Ozzy was released from prison in 1966 he started to promote himself as an experienced lead singer despite never being in a band even so he placed an advert in a local music shop the advert simply read Ozzy Zig needs gig experienced front man owns own PA system a few weeks later a man came knocking on Ozzy's door replying to the advert this man would be geezer butler who would later become the bass player for Black Sabbath although at the time neither geezer or Ozzy knew this was going to happen even though the Osborne family didn't have a great deal of money luckily for Ozzy his father took out a loan to buy him a PA system so people would take Ozzy seriously although Ozzy had just met geezer butler his to be bandmate in Black Sabbath this wasn't Ozzy's first band by this point in Ozzy's life we're talking between I think the years of kind of 1966 leading up to about maybe 1968 69 something like that around Ozzy being 19 or 20 his first band was called music machine according to Ozzy they never played a single gig they generally just kind of hung around the pub you know got drunk and and talked about being big and famous and he was in another band as well with geezer butler called rare breed but by the time he was 20 he actually decided to just quit everything and he just gave up he took his advert down in the music shop so that no one else would come and ask him to join a band and he just didn't think it was really gonna go anywhere he didn't think sing it was for him he didn't think being in a band was Finn even though he dreamed of you know being the fifth Beatle and maybe becoming the next Fleetwood Mac he he just gave it all in although as he thought he removed the advert from the local music shop and he was never going to sing again a few months later two strangers turned up on his doorstep these two strangers and Ozzy would change music forever and we were looking for a singer bill and myself the drummer and we went round the music shop me saw this ad Ozzy Zig requires gig Tony Iommi and Bill Ward turned up to Ozzy's house and spoke to him about the advert in the music shop even though as he thought the advert had been taken down and he was ready to give up on his music career the three ended up talking about music over a few beers and decided to form a band not only was this the last chance Ozzy would probably get at becoming a full-time musician and the same was also true for Tony Iommi he was in a band making money called mythology until some members were busted for drugs which meant that Tony had to move back to Aston being busted for drugs back then was a lot more of a big deal even if it was just marijuana the three teamed up with geezer butler and Black Sabbath were formed before the ominous name black sabbath's entered the scene the four were initially called the polka Tulk blues band and they wanted to play deep heavy south blues even though Ozzy was a huge Beatles fan and according to Ozzy at the time they were all blown away by the latest Fleetwood Mac record not exactly a precursor for the invention of heavy metal music when Black Sabbath released their first single in 1969 the UK charts were heavily dominated with pop and blues music by bands such as The Beatles the Rolling Stones Marvin Gaye and even Frank Sinatra although Black Sabbath knew they wanted to write songs about horror and the occult is from the netherworld a vampire their first single was a cover by a band called crow whilst the song had an ominous name evil woman it was still quite poppy by Black Sabbath standards anyway despite this that debut self-titled album would mark the dawn of a new musical era the birth of heavy metal this debut album by Black Sabbath landed them a number eight spot on the UK charts in 1970 and it spent 42 weeks in the UK chart altogether Ozzy Osbourne would spend the next decade fronting the first-ever heavy metal band in the history of music Black Sabbath not only would he go on to release some of the most influential albums of all time with Sabbath during their early years but Ozzy Osbourne was also now firmly set on a path of destruction and chaos with an incredible 40-year solo career as Ozzy Osbourne the Prince of Darkness in 1970 Ozzy would be launched into the world of touring and Black Sabbath would spend the next eight years with Ozzy being taken around Europe and North America during this time Black Sabbath would be supported by bands such as van Halen and even kiss during the same year Sabbath would release one of their most influential albums of the decade paranoid not only this the very presence of Black Sabbath as well as Led Zeppelin and deep purple in the early 70s opened the doors for bands such as Iron Maiden Judas Priest and Motorhead who would all help to spearhead the new wave of British heavy metal movement in the late 70s this is a true testament to the importance and influence of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath when it came to the foundations of heavy metal despite the almost overnight success of Black Sabbath Ozzy Osbourne's career was about to take a drastic turn for the worst when after years of touring and recording with his fellow band mates in 1979 Tony Iommi Bill Ward and geezer butler decided it was time for Ozzy to go and he was fired from Black Sabbath so my separation drew servers although it was all over for my lord and a back in the factory just just that phrase blizzard of Ozz it means so much that you like you look at him you go huh my god what's this I thought he's back brilliant now we're entering Ozzy Osbourne's solo career his debut solo record blizzard of Ozz and an iconic era for rock music with the discovery of Randy Rhoads despite the fact that Ozzy was about to spend the next four decades becoming the biggest metal icon on the planet his dismissal from Black Sabbath nearly destroyed him after being fired from the band as he thought his dream of being a rock star was over and he spent the next few weeks locked in a hotel room in Los Angeles drinking himself into oblivion along with usual access Ozzy had become familiar with when it came to substances not only was this a defining moment in Ozzy's life but he was also about to be saved by his future wife Sharon Osbourne known at the time by her maiden name Sharon Arden fun in a recent behind-the-scenes video the actors that played Ozzy and Sharon in the music video for under the graveyard gave some insights into Ozzy struggles at the time the three three months just getting smashed down my brains every day you know during Ozzy's near-fatal binge during his time in the Los Angeles hotel as he was introduced to not only his future wife but to something that he'd never really experienced before growing up in the cold depths of the industrial city of Birmingham he was shown pure affection and tenderness after surviving the 1970s the 1980s would see Ozzy Osbourne released five solo records including his debut blizzard of Ozz however it would also see him in handcuffs on more than one occasion his guitarist would be killed in a freak plane accident and he would be labeled as a madman for biting the head off a live bat on stage after Sharon had managed to clean Ozzy up and help him secure a record contract Ozzy started to look for a new band Ozzy would team up with Bob Paisley Lake and Randy Rhoads releasing two incredible albums just one year apart blizzard of Ozz in 1980 and diary of a madman in 1981 the 1980s were a great time for us II as he was able to bring his musical ideas to life with Randy Rhoads something he never had the opportunity to do with Black Sabbath they simply didn't give him the creative outlet he so desperately desired ideas Ubud across two black cellars it wouldn't explain myself during 1981 Ozzy went out on the diary of a madman tour this is also when he started to hang out with Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead Lemmy was somewhat of a new challenge for Ozzy as Lemmy seemed to be able to drink even more than Ozzy could Ozzy once said I've never seen that man a full down drunk you know even after 20 or 30 pints I don't know how he does it Motorhead even toured with Ozzy Osbourne during Ozzy's early solo career so you can imagine what kind of chaos they must have caused together not only would this lead to a life long friendship between two of the biggest names in metal but they would also work together on several songs over the years probably the most infamous being Hell Raiser with Motorhead and Ozzy both releasing their own version although Ozzy's solo career was making him a superstar something he dreamed of being his entire life his relationship with Sharon started to fall apart as they began to argue constantly largely fueled by Ozzy's substance addictions not only this tragedy would strike the band with the untimely death of Randy Rhoads according to police the three were on an early morning Joyride after staying up over 24 hours while some members of the Ozzy Osbourne band slept in their tour bus parked next to the house the other three buzzed overhead circling the bus three times on the fourth time they didn't make some would say Randy Rhoads was years ahead of his time in terms of his guitar playing even Ozzy Osbourne to this day is still incredibly grateful he was given the opportunity to work with Randy in the early 80s I truly believe if he hadn't got killded he will be up there with the fucking he was fucking phenomenal Randy Rhoads even co-wrote crazy train with Ozzy one of the most iconic rest of all time despite our Z losing his friend and guitar player just days before in a tragic plane crash Ozzy decided to continue the tour all in the name of rock and roll and in honor of Randy Rhoads insane and the last week goes people out there I lost two of the greatest people in my life but it ain't gonna stop me because I'm for rock and roll and rock and always for the people and I love people and that's what I'm a guy so I'm gonna continue because Randy would like me to continue it so would Rachel and I'm not gonna stop because you can't kill rock and roll the start of the 1980s was probably one of the most difficult periods in Ozzy's life the loss of Randy Rhoads was devastating to him and his relationship with Sharon was chaotic at best Ozzy hadn't really taken a break from the chaos since his early days of fighting in bars before he even joined Black Sabbath not only this Ozzy was married previously for over ten years from 1971 a marriage he left to be with Sharon so he really hadn't taken any time for himself to heal or get his thoughts together there are even reports the Ozzy was committed to a mental institution to be treated for a nervous breakdown sometime during the early eighties but even this wouldn't stop the Prince of Darkness I see we did this very thing when it's quite stay at bed-and-breakfast live on the bus you know it gets you back down the mid-1980s was not only a pivotal point for Rock a metal music globally with the rise of bands such as Motley Crue Guns and Roses van Halen Judas Priest and even Metallica but it was also a turning point for Ozzy, Ozzy was already riding high on the success of his two first solo records and the 80s would see him release another three albums with even more success as his albums started to chart in countries all over the world although this was great for his career the lifestyle of a rock and roll madman saw him lose even more control in 1984 Ozzy was arrested in Memphis for being so intoxicated he could hardly walk luckily on this occasion he only spent five hours in jail and was released in the same decade Ozzy would be known worldwide for biting the head off of a live bat on stage although the bat was real as he thought it was a toy which is why he didn't think twice about doing it somebody threw a bat on stage and I thought it was under his toy back I picked it up pipe things and suddenly everyone is freaking out it's a real bad still in the same decade he actually did the same thing with a dove during a meeting with some record label executives this time he knew it was real cause he enjoyed the chaos after Ozzy had the infamous encounter with the but he had to be rushed to an emergency room and given shots to prevent him from contracting rabies I tell you what guys it ain't fun when you get them rabies shots then shuts hurt man at the time a doctor said to Sharon yes miss Arden the bat was alive it was probably stunned from being at a rock concert but it was definitely alive there's a good chance mr. Osbourne now has rabies whilst this kind of behavior would fuel Ozzy Osbourne's infamous image it would also come to haunt him during the eighties his fans would turn up to gigs with dead birds and lizards and start throwing them on stage as he was playing Ozzy had almost become sort of a cult leader at one show a fan even threw a live snake on stage which terrified most of the stage group although the 80s was arguably Ozzy's most relevant decade in terms of his initial success as well as securing his place in history as one of the craziest musicians on the planet the late 80s and early 90s welcomed in a new breed of bands and a shift in popular culture and genre whilst many bands and artists from this era slowly faded into the background Ozzy Osbourne managed to survive because he had something that other bands didn't he also had the characteristic personality that people remembered as opposed to just the music people didn't just love Ozzy's music they loved Ozzy crazy antics of heavy-metal were on their way out making way for grunge alternative rock and Britpop which would dominate most of the decade to come the 90s would also see a change in Ozzy himself the once wild man of rock and roll now had three teenage kids to look after with Sharon Jack Osbourne Kelly Osbourne and the lesser known Amy Osbourne all born in the 80s another defining moment of Ozzy's life took place in the 1990s he would finally find himself on the path to sobriety a path that most likely saved his life I would shine before I've been imprisoned before I've been older the thing comes when you make that decision you go I need help I'm gonna get help over the next two decades Ozzy would start to manage his addictions as he focused more on his family life he would go through several periods of sobriety and relapse but this time he had more control over his addictions he began to deeply regret how his behavior in the past had affected his family his wife Sharon and his children he knew he had to start making some changes if he wanted to see his kids graduate college and one day get married aussies new image and attitude towards life would also be reflected in his music for Ozzy the 90s were an opportunity for him to become a real father to his kids which he saw as the right time to finally admit that he had a serious problem with addiction he had spent over 20 years being the mad man of rock and roll and pushing his body to the limit and he knew it was time to change whilst this new direction in life wouldn't stop Ozzy from touring and releasing records this new path was a lifeline for Artie it was a second chance for him to finally find some balance and peace within himself many statements about being sober why I can really says sobriety sucks no it wasn't funny where it was just like a drag you know and it's like why do I want to do it but I had to make a few changes not only would Aussies new family man attitude help him to overcome addictions but the new millennium would also see the Prince of Darkness and his family launched into an entirely new era of celebrity stardom on March the 5th 2002 the first episode that the Osborne's aired on MTV an all-out exclusive look behind the scenes of the private life of Ozzy Osbourne and his family the show ran for four seasons between 2002 and 2005 and would paint Ozzy and a light like no other only his family and close friends had ever seen this side to Ozzy although this was a brand new chapter in Ozzy's life it was also a chapter that would bring with it several long-term health issues the first of which involved in near fatal quad biking accident causing a broken collarbone eight fractured ribs which were pressing against a vital blood vessels and damaged vertebra in his neck as a result of the accident Ozzy had several metal rods placed in his back which have caused no end of pain and discomfort since more recently Ozzy was rushed to an intensive care unit after contracting pneumonia and many people feared the worst even this however would not stop Ozzy Osbourne the Prince of Darkness the incredible age of 71 and over 50 years of being a heavy metal icon 2020 cz releases twelfth studio album as a solo artist although the album is entitled ordinary man Ozzy Osbourne is by no means ordinary Ozzy Osbourne is an inspiration to millions and a true rock and roll legend
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Rating: 4.878736 out of 5
Keywords: rock, metal, rawmusictv, Ozzy Osbourne, Documentary, Ordinary Man, ozzy osbourne, ozzy osbourne (musical artist), ozzy osbourne health, ozzy osbourne illness, jack osbourne, ozzy osbourne tour 2020, kelly osbourne, the osbournes, sharon osbourne, ozzy osbourne health 2020, ozzy osbourne no more tours, ozzy osbourne interview gma, ozzy osbourne under the graveyard, sharon osbourne the talk, ozzy, ozzy songs, ozzy official, ozz, blizzard, new album, ozzmosis, crazy train
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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