Oral Minoxidil

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Welcome to The Hair Loss Show where two of Australia's leading Hair Restoration surgeons Dr. Russell Knudsen and Dr. Vikram Jayaprakash discuss issues relating to hair loss and the medical and surgical treatment of hair loss in both men and women. Hi everyone and welcome to The Hair Loss Show: Episode number 38. Today's episode is, we're going back to some medical therapy again and we're going to cover Minoxidil but this time we're going to cover the oral form of Minoxidil, it's a question that we've been asked quite a bit on the channel. Topical Minoxidil, Rogaine, Regaine freely available over-the-counter and a lot of people use it, wildly advocated, it's 5% topical minoxidil exists as a solution or you can get the foam version of it as well. But some people don't like using it, they don't like actually having to apply something physically to their scalp and leaving it in. So people have asked well, can you use the oral form of Minoxidil and the answer is absolutely yes. So Minoxidil and we've covered this in a in a previous episode, Dr Knudsen was talking about how Minoxidil was initially used to treat blood pressure and they found in studies that a large proportion of the people that were treated with blood pressure also had increased hair growth and so that's where the role of a topical version of Minoxidil came to play. So but you can still use an oral version of Minoxidil, it works in exactly the same way but this time it's got a systemic effect so you just want a small dose of the Minoxidil and how does it work? Well it works through Potassium channels but in essence what it's doing is it acts as a hair stimulator. It doesn't address the underlying cause of why people, why men, certainly with Androgenetic Alopecia are losing hair in the first place, it doesn't address why the hair is miniaturizing but what it does is effectively stimulating that hair to grow, increasing the growth cycle of that hair. So you can take it in a topical version or you can take it in an oral version and what it will do is it will stimulate hair, but the thing with the oral version is that it will stimulate hair everywhere, all right, so body hair, beard hair and also scalp hair, you might find will increase in length and thickness. It's tolerated extremely well, you don't need a large dose, Minoxidil, certainly here in Australia, comes in 10mg tablets, you don't need that sort of dose at all, you really only need like a one or two, two-and-a-half milligram dose. What we do sometimes with our patients over here is we prescribe the 10 milligram tablets and we get them to cut them into quarters, that's two and a half milligrams. So two and a half milligrams a day is usually sufficient to give you that stimulation. You're still going to get the same sort of effect that you have with the topical therapy. So there is a shedding phase in that initial three to four weeks and after that the stimulation will kick in. But unlike the topical version which is well localised to an area where you apply it, the oral version will stimulate hair everywhere. The thing that you have to be careful about and we wouldn't necessarily recommend it to say, the elderly, it can cause variations in blood pressure so you have to be a little bit careful with it but in most people who are young, fit and healthy, you have no cardiovascular history then I'm quite comfortable in prescribing it to that population. So it can be very useful again, you can use it in combination with blocker therapy, so Finasteride, you can combine, you can either take them as two separate tablets or some people get it compounded into one capsule so Finasteride and Minoxidil and that can be done. So oral Finasteride is a good alternative to the topical if you don't like applying something directly into the scalp, some people don't like the greasy effect that the topical Minoxidil will give but it can be used on a regular basis with good effect and so I hope you find that information on oral Minoxidil useful. Thanks again for watching, I hope you're enjoying the content. Please remember to subscribe to the channel and give us a like and we'll see you on the next episode, thanks very much.
Channel: The Hair Loss Show
Views: 48,140
Rating: 4.9283156 out of 5
Keywords: hair loss treatment for men, hair loss treatment for women, hair loss cure, hair loss, hair loss show, hair loss show minoxidil, minoxidil beard, minoxidil hair regrowth results, minoxidil
Id: noY6KJG6df0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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