Oracle 21c installation on windows | How to import HR schema in oracle 21c |Oracle 21c installation

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hi everyone welcome to nikeit academy in our today's session we are going to learn about how to install oracle 21c with hr schema import so this is a single video to have all the setup so kindly follow and you can able to install it these are all the steps we have to follow for the complete installation first step download the software which i have given in the description link extract the software by using winrar urban zip third step install oracle 21c database once installed we can configure the sql developer and import hr schema i have given all the queries and commands in the description so just copy it and follow it so watch the session till the end you can able to install completely oracle 21c without any issues if you haven't subscribed our channel please subscribe the channel and click on bell icon so that you'll be getting all the notifications so without wasting your time let us begin our installation thank you welcome to the session oracle has different editions we have enterprise additions which is a commercial use and we are the standard edition this is also we will use in commercial environment and this express edition we will use it for academic version it's a lightweight version so all the features are available here also we can go ahead with this express edition so 21c is the latest version c is nothing but it's a cloud based computing and cloud-based database so first we will download the software in the description go to description i have given the link download this 21c express edition and if after downloading you will be seeing these folders so first the oracle express edition 64-bit version is available it's 1.83 gb so you can right click and you can if you have wind rare in your mission so just unzip it so extract to the last option you can give it will get extracted okay so just we will extract the oracle software double click on this so if you see here inside you'll be seeing the setup file so you can double click on the setup file this is an application file you'll be getting yes or no click yes here and then it will start installing the software okay it will prepare to install so you'll be getting this particular wizard so oracle database 21c express edition so click on next here you have to accept the policy so click on i accept go to next click on next year it will get installed here no need to change anything here just click on next so it will ask user name and password so if you look at here this password will be used for sys system and pdb admin okay these accounts so we have to enter the password i'm just entering the password as admin admin all in lowercase and confirm password also you can enter the same and click on next it will get installed so it will start installing it it will take several minutes okay if you look at here this may take several minutes maybe 15 to 20 minutes or even half an hour it will take so we will wait for that to complete then we'll continue so it will take some time it's based on your system speed and your system configuration it may take 20 to 30 minutes also okay after installation you will be seeing this particular page you can take the screenshot of this particular installation so if you check here it is a pluggable database you have the localhost the host name is localhost port number will be 1521 and the connection string is xep db1 so this is the one we have to make sure that connection string okay after giving here just click on finish it will get finished so we have completed one step here we have just completed installation of the oracle express edition so once we have installed we can go to this sql developer so i have given link for the sql developer also you can you can download this sql developer you can right click so you can extract the sql developer so make sure that you have winrar in your system if it is windows it will extract very correctly so if you do not have indra you can download and install winrar so it has been unzipped now so you can see here so this is what the unzipped file double click go to sql developer so you can see this application file so sql developer is an application okay so what is this so i will tell you the setup so that you will get clear idea so if you ask oracle 21c this is the database okay this is the database you can see here so this is oracle 21c so we have oracle 21c here and express edition the edition is express edition so the database we can have multiple schemas in the database okay we can have the multiple schemas in the database for an example i am going to split up this into multiple schemas so already system schema we have okay the admin schema system admin and then we we can import any other schema so if you want to create the user schema you can create it so logical division of our database so it's a logical division only so this is our system schema so system admin you can say it's a system underscore admin the user name will be system okay the password is nothing but which we are given admin which we have given while installing the software the username will be sys our system the password will be the admin okay so this is what the username and password we can import any other schema so what we are going to do after configuring this system we for the practicing for in order to practice our sql we are going to import the sketchup schema so in our previous versions we will have by default we will have the hr schema but in our 21c we do not have hr schema by default we have to import it i will tell you how to import it so that you can follow the same steps you can import it it just schema tables and you can create any other schema the right hand side so you can create a test schema development schema or any schema okay our core schema so whatever you want to create you can create it okay this is our own schema so this also we will import it so this is the database right then what is sql developer so sql developer is an application it's a gui graphical user interface by using this sql developer it's a front-end tool if i want to query this database then i have to use the tool called sql developer okay so this is the tool the front end we have the tool called sql developer you heard about this stored for oracle right so anything you can use it so we have the tool for oracle we have the sql developer for oracle so here we are the tool for oracle so whatever the front-end tool you are using the back end we have the database okay we can use any front-end tool not an issue but the underlying database only one database okay we have the system admin the user and we can connect to hr schema we can connect to div schema any schema if you want to connect it you can connect and then you can query what data is available in the database okay so oracle is a database to store the data and sql developer is an application it's an application to see what data is available in the database and sql is nothing but is a language to query this database okay so let us open this sql developer and then from sql developer we will connect this underlying database and then we will import the hr schema okay very first time it may ask yes or no you know here and then this is what you can see here okay so oracle database express edition so this is the database connection so click on this plus symbol so what is this plus symbol right we are creating the connection from sql developer to underlying database which we have already installed so this is what so what is the name name you can give any name so i'm just giving system okay system or system admin anything you can give the username will be system okay the username will be system the password which we have given while installing we have given us admin you can give admin host name will be localhost port number will be five two one and service name you can choose what is the service name we have chosen right so here you could see the service name is x e p d b one so x e p d b one so th this you have to give if you are giving only xc you will get error so just click on test so from this sql developer the underlying database it will ping okay from sql developer it will start bringing this underlying database it will establish the connection okay this connection will be established and you can see here this has been success okay this has been success now then click on connect so if you want to save the password you can click the save password and you can save it so click on connect it will be connected so here in the right hand side it will open workspace so this is what the workspace okay this is what the workspace you can see so what are the different so you can query here select start from all underscore tables you can query so what different tables are available what different users are available you may not have any users like hr users okay lot of tables should be available this is admin schema you are we are calling it this is admin schema we are carrying it so you can see all underscore table all underscore users so that you can check it here just ctrl enter it will be executed you can see so we do not have any hr schema here so we can make ascending order so you can see there is no it just schema right so there is no hs schema so for what we have to do we have installed oracle 21c this is what we have to install it so here itself we can create a tables but it is not advisable to create the tables here in the admin schema okay we will import the hr schema tables what is the hr schema tables we do have seven tables predefined tables we are going to import it for an example we have the tables called we are the tables called employees so we have the departments table we have the locations table like this we have seven tables so how to import it so we have the dump here i have given the hr schematic so you can extract okay you can extract it so it'll be get extracted so this is what you will be having the human resource schema so copy this particular folder so copy this particular folder go to c drive so you'll be seeing the folder called app so go to this app so you will be seeing some different name here so based on your computer name you will be seeing this folder so go to this folder product 21c okay so here you can find db home xe okay db home xe then you can find the demo folder so you'll be seeing the schema so here you have to place here you have to place this hr schema okay so whatever the different schema we have so that we have so this instead of lenovo so you might be having different path in your system so that path you have to make sure that okay what is the path we are giving place the unzip hr dump the below path so we have placed the file right so the same path okay the same path i have placed then execute the below steps in admin schema okay we have to execute the pillow steps in admin schema in sql developer okay so in sql developer i will give the steps you can just follow the steps so you'll be seeing this this particular path okay so in your system this path might be different okay this path might be different so go to this one so you can see so you have to make sure that you are in system underscore admin schema you have to use this art symbol one space we have to give so give one space at symbol and then where is this hr dot main dot sql is present so that particular path we have to give if you go to this particular folder human resources inside you are saying hr main dot sql hr underscore main.sql it is nothing but it will have some sql statements okay sql statements it will be there if you look at here so whenever we are going to execute this one rem is nothing but it will not execute it's like a commented one okay so this is what it will clear it will create all the permissions all the users and everything it will call this particular code so what we are going to do now we are going to execute this particular line in sql developer itself in admin schema make sure that this particular path you have to mention your system path okay just i'm going to execute this particular line we'll see now it will ask enter value for one so i have given so what is the value we have to give here so if you look at here enter the parameter one is hr so hr we have to give and we enter the value for two this is nothing but specify password for hr that's a parameter we have given specify default table space for hr so deep default table space we can give users so that's what users we can give so just you can give users at the space the third one temporary table space okay temporary table space you can give temp temp temp then fourth one specify password for system okay system what is the password we have given we are given the password assortment so just to give the password admin admin admin then it will ask for the log path so what is the log path we have to give so you can give this path oracle home it will automatically take that particular home path it's a parameterized one you can give the same path then connection string okay connection string as parameter six so what is the connection string here i have given so this is the one right localhost you remember we have copied from here localhost colon1521 slash xcp db1 so this is what we have given so just we will take this ctrl c ctrl v make sure that we are giving correctly click on ok it will alter the session and it will do all the things okay you can see this one so you might be seeing something like error but not an issue it's showing like hr user does not exist after that it has created okay user has been created user has been altered so you can see all the permission has been given and this is what you can see this execution so we have done with main hr main we will connect it so we will see whether this particular user is available go to new connection new connection you can give the connection name is hr username we have given hr and password is hr okay so localhost what is the service name xepdb1 so this is what we have to give click test you can see the success so now we have the hr schema so we it will connect it see here two schemas we have one is system admin another one is hr schema okay in hr schema if you see left hand side so you you might be seeing all the different objects right different objects you will be seeing the tables is one of the object views and indexes packages procedures functions triggers all this you are seeing it so if you click on the tables you are not seeing any tables as of now so we do not have just we have created a hr user that's all what we have to do now we are to follow the remaining steps execute the below steps in hr schema make sure that you are running this particular schema and also this particular path you have to make sure so which path you are giving okay so this is very important if you change this path if you are just giving this lenovo then you may get error in your system check what is the path so replace that particular path and then you can execute one by one so if you run this particular hr schema so we are not able to see the tables as of now just we have created the schema then we have to execute the blue steps we have to execute these statements in hr schema so you have to give correctly in order one by one we out execute so go here and so just simply you can make use of this particular line so you'll be seeing this table has been created and views has been created populate the table with records so record is inserted in the table and create the indexes so different codes will be there just execute one by one so execute all these particular steps so you're seeing this commit complete then you are saying finally you can execute this one okay after that you can you can clear this one so after that if you execute this select start from employees you can see the tables so you can see the sample tables the left hand side you can right click on the table you can refresh it so you can see the seven tables right so you can see the seven tables so by using this you can practice so whatever we want you can create a table you can do even if you want to create any other schema you can create it in this admin schema so i have given all the steps and notes on the dump everything in the descriptions downloaded all the softwares i have given as a winrar file so download it and install in your extract it and install your mission and then start practicing it so if you find any difficulties in the installation please post your queries in the comments i will respond to it thank you [Music]
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Keywords: how to install oracle xe 21c on windows 10, how to install oracle database 21c on windows 10, install oracle database 21c on windows 10, install oracle database 21c on windows, install oracle database 21c windows, how to install oracle database 21c, oracle database installation on windows 10, oracle database 21 installation on windows 10, oracle installation on windows, oracle 21c installation on windows 11, oracle database 21c installation windows
Id: xPSbxrMe7VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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