Oracle 12c Install on Oracle Linux 7 5 on VirtualBox

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good morning everybody this is Shane Shula a KD ba Shane coming at you with a video in this particular video I'm going to show how to install Oracle 12c database software onto Oracle Linux 5 on Oracle VirtualBox so let me cut the small talk let's just jump right into it first thing I need to do is download the Oracle software so I'm gonna just Oracle VirtualBox download and downloads Oracle VM VirtualBox the latest version is 5.2.1 8 I have a Windows laptop so I'm gonna download the Windows software they also have it for Mac and for MINIX and for Solaris here this will take a few seconds I'm gonna just pause the video until it finishes downloading ok the software's finished downloading so let me just start it up here welcome to Oracle Virtual Machine VirtualBox 5 2 1 8 setup hit next hit next hit next yes proceed with the installation ok the VirtualBox software has finished installing this is what it looks like upon initial startup let's just click the blue gear here and we'll make a new VirtualBox so I'm gonna keep it simple I'm just gonna name it o our CL you can name it whatever you want I'm just keeping it simple type is gonna be Linux the version is Oracle 64-bit hit next memory size since I have 8 gigs of ram I'm gonna allocate half of that 4 gigs of RAM to this VirtualBox create a virtual disk now virtual disk image dynamically allocated I'm not gonna make it too big I'll make it fifty gigabytes you can make whatever size you want to make it anywhere from 4 min to 2 terabytes 50 gigs that should suffice all right so that's the initial setup now I'm gonna click this orange your settings a gear here make a couple of changes here general I believe that system I'm a click off not because nobody uses a floppy disk anymore display I won't make any changes under storage is where I need to have the ISO for the software so I want the Oracle Linux 5 let me just open up a new ok or a cool Linux 7.5 download alright now I've heard some people say they've had difficulty directly downloading it from the Oracle site directly I don't know why but anyway what I usually do I go to this fourth location distribution release Oracle Linux 75 under distrowatch here at DistroWatch here's the Oracle Linux 7 5 DVD ISO that's where I usually get it from you will click on this and download it now I'm gonna save time because I've already downloaded it let me show you go back here under storage controller IDE here under the isolator + I click this it says choose disk my fast here Oracle Linux 7 5c I've already downloaded it so I have it open here audio I'm not gonna make any changes network I'm gonna change the adapter one to the bridged adapter so that it will use the wireless adapter connected to my laptop that's all the changes I'll make here now I'll hit the green start arrow to start up my VirtualBox session all righty you just click off these messages at the top here and Oracle Linux 75 is what I want something up hit I enter because I want to install Oracle and accept and five is currently the latest version of the Oracle Linux software depending on when you watch this video you may have a later version and actually this is gonna take a while so let me pause the video until the VirtualBox comes up okay so this is the Oracle Linux 75 welcome screen here where you choose your language English United States is what I want so I'm gonna click continue all right so this next screen installation summary alright so date and time America's New York time zone that's where I'm located so I'm not going to change that language support English United States that's what I want I'm not gonna change that the network and hostname I'm going to change this so let me click here and hostname I'm gonna change this for localhost local domain to something simple I'm just gonna make it o RCL now you can name this whatever you want for it to be a fully qualified domain name you should have something dot something and then I'm gonna hit apply and you see the current host name change to ORCL dotnet under Ethernet I'm gonna turn the ethernet on and this is gonna give me an IP address and the IP address should pop up here ok there's my IP address then I'm gonna go here and hit configure under general tab I'm gonna check automatically connect to this network when it's available what this does whenever I start up this VirtualBox that will automatically connect to the internet for me without issue now I'm gonna hit done here security policy I'm gonna turn it off because sometimes the security features can interfere with the installation process so I'm just gonna turn that off now installation dissonant automatic partitioning selected nine times out of ten you can probably just leave it at automatic but I like to partition my drive myself so I will configure partitioning I'll hit done here then you haven't created any mount points click here to create them automatically so I'm gonna make some changes here with the my route point it has forty five gigs dedicated to it I'm gonna bring that down I make that 18 Giga bytes then I'm gonna save room for some other partitions that I am going to make okay and yeah new mount point I'm gonna make a slash home my point and capacity I'm gonna make it 25 gigs so I'll be sure I have plenty of room to add whatever I need to add and there won't be any issue then with my last two gigs here I'm gonna increase my swap size here so I should not have any issues running into swap size so there I'm gonna hit done then a pop-up will appear do I want to accept the changes and I will go ahead and accept those changes now under software selection I'm gonna select server with GUI scroll down I'm going to select development tools and compatibility libraries it done okay so everything is back to black here and just installation source here in local media there's no changes I need to make here that done now I click here begin installation root password let me select a root password here okay user creation this is optional I really don't need another user but I'm just gonna go ahead and create one temporarily that I'll use and since I don't need up yeah I'll just call the user Apple doesn't matter cuz I really don't need this user right now and I'm gonna set a password now depending on your shop you may use this additional user you know but for the demonstration purposes here for this video I temporarily need that user and you'll see all right now this installation process takes a little while so I'm gonna pause the video and then I'll come back while when it's ready to go okay so the software has installed let me hit reboot here okay so now we're back let me just click here and accept the license agreement finish configuration today so let me sign into this Apple user here okay so now we're back up here so here's the welcome screen I'm just going to click Next next next skip start using Oracle Linux server there's one more splash screen that's going to come here it is getting started let me click off here okay now we're ready to begin so let's right click open up a terminal alright so first thing I need I need the IP address and I need the hostname so let me get the IP address here by typing I have config oops I F config okay and the IP address for this machine is one ninety two dot one ninety that one sixty eight dot one dot 17 okay I need that I also need to host me let me type hostname or Co net okay so now I'm gonna switch over to the root user put it in the root user's password I'm gonna edit my hosts file the are such ET c / hosts hit i for insert I'm gonna come down and I'm gonna place in the IP address for the machine skip a few spaces Oh RCL net safe a few spaces Oh RCL so the IP address and the hostname are in my host file let me save okay so once I have that saved why is it so slow Jesus okay so now let me change the directory over to the selinux hmm and the config file I'm going to change here so I'm going to VI config insert the selinux you can change it to either permissive or disabled I'm gonna change it to disabled I don't want anything to interfere with my install here all right so now next I'm gonna type service firewall D stop then I'm gonna type system CTL disable firewall D and those two commands they bring down the firewall again so that nothing prohibits me with my install next let me change over to the yum dot repos dot d folder and the public yum file in there is dated April 10th I know that there's one later than that so I'm gonna delete this one in download of the new one here so let me mmm then it's asking me are you sure you want to remove this file then I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah remove this file now let me download the new file by typing w get or HTTP young dot / public YUM well seven dot r AP o and K and then you see the new father died download it says it's dated September 7th ok so that's a little so let me go ahead and edit this V I hit insert since I'm using Oracle Linux 7 5 let me go down to 7 5 and I want to change the enabled from 0 to 1 I'm also going to scroll down to my add-ons oh I must have passed it add-ons add-ons changes from 0 to 1 this is if you enable guest additions on your VirtualBox later you need the add-ons ok so I have that done now let me download the pre-install young libraries for Oracle 12c yum install Oracle - our DBMS dot server - pre in stall oops server - 12c are - pre-installed - why let me just double-check here yum install Oracle - RG BMS - server - 12c release one - pre-installed - why the - why basically means any time it comes up do you want to install this instead of me having to type Y for yes it'll automatically type Y for yes and now okay occasionally this happens sometimes for whatever reason the internet is blocked what usually fixes this is just a restart so I'm just gonna restart right here I'll come back once is restarted okay we're back up so now let's try this again yum install Oracle - our DBMS - server - 12c r1 - pre-install - why and here we go now it's going to install the young libraries which we need this is gonna take a little while I'm gonna pause the video here until it's complete okay so the young libraries have finished downloading now I'm going to update them just to make sure I have the latest ones I do up yum update - why it's gonna download updates to all of those young libraries again this is gonna take a while I'm gonna pause the video until this finishes okay so the updates have completed so let me go ahead and restart here and I will pause the video until we return okay so we have restarted let me open up terminal here now what I need to do here is I'll make a few directories so let me start here make directory - P slash home slash app slash slash product / 12-point 2.0.1 / DB 1 okay now some people will put slash u01 app it just depends on your shop whether they use you 0 1 u 0 2 or home Oh stupid me I have to change you to root user to do it let me do that all right big directory - P slash home slash AB / or a col slash products / twelve-point 2.0.1 / DB 1 and oracle 12.2 is what we're going to be putting on our VirtualBox here now let me change the owner to the Oracle user and the old installed group for my own app here because the Oracle user has now been created after I downloaded all the pre-installed tax and change Mon - now that the Oracle user has been created let me change the password for the Oracle user there so that is done now what I'm gonna do is restart and you're gonna see both the Apple user and the Oracle user I'm gonna sign in as the Oracle user to finish everything and I will pause the video and restart okay we're back so here you see both the Apple user and the Oracle user which was just created I'm gonna sign in as the Oracle user I will delete that Apple user cuz I no longer need him and our okay so we are restarted let me get just down here all right open up terminal here see with the Oracle user now that I'm the Oracle user I don't need that Apple user so what I'm going to do I'm gonna sign in as the root user now I'm the root user and then I'm gonna [Music] so I've deleted him I will no longer see that Apple user let me switch back to the Oracle user and now continue the install now the next thing I need to do is I need to update the bash profile the bash profile basically tells Oracle where to look for certain files and directories so VI dot dash underscore profile now I'm gonna delete everything that I have here because I have a script which I use to install and edit my bash profile so I'm going to get rid of all of this and right over here is where I have my script from bash and I'm gonna copy all of this I'm gonna copy it advice come on minimize then I'm gonna paste it right here okay now depending on your shop they may already have a script you know for your batch profile but this is mine so I have it in here then I'm gonna save then I'm gonna source the bash profile by typing dot space dot Vash profile when you do dot dot dot space dot bash profile that's called sourcing your bash profile and it saves the changes which you've made now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to restart again and once I restart then I'm going to download the Oracle 12c software restart and then I'll come back after we're back up running okay so we're back up and running here so now to continue with the install there's a couple of things that need to download first for our remote login here I'm gonna minimize they minimize this here minimize the virtual box let me open up a new browser two pieces of software I need to obtain okay I need to obtain the ex Ming software and the putty software so if I do download ex me know what in the world come on okay download XP X means X server for Windows download I'm gonna click this first tab here and I'm going to download now XP X server from Windows what this software allows you to do when you are remotely logged into a database it allows you to use a GUI interface so you can point and click and this should not take too long to download it says the download will start shortly yeah and it should begin in the corner any time here well while I'm waiting on that I'm gonna open up another browser download the putty software buddy ok so the X mean is download putty now download putty a free secure shell inside you can download putty here click here now because I have a 64-bit Windows laptop here I'm gonna download the 64 bit putty and that doesn't take too long to download so now I have my X main software and my putty software ok so first let me open up my ex Ming software welcome to the next one setup window hit next hit next next next I'm going to create a desktop for the X launch hit next and install and finish I'm not gonna launch the X mean at the moment I'm gonna hit finish here let me minimize my browser here there is my icon now I'm gonna double click the X launch icon here and here multiple windows I'm gonna hit next next no access control here next finish and in my bottom right corner here you should notice the X DX mean here I'm gonna allow access for this so I should not experience any issues yeah my says that's what I want now let me go back into my browser putty run the putty software and what let me get rid of these previous things here get rid of all of this here oh I need the IP address I don't remember it offhand so let me go back here first and let me get the IP address i F config and the IP address was 192 168 1.17 okay I'll minimize this go back to my I can minimize this go back to my putty so and I'm gonna name this ORCL dot save but there's a couple of other changes I'm going to make on the left side of the screen here under connection ssh x11 you want to check enable x11 forwarding what this does is allows the putty software to interact with the X main here so that you can have the GUI and face under connection sessions between keeping Ives I'm gonna change this to three seconds and what this does every three seconds it'll send a little ping request to my connection to keep the connection open so if I have to step away from my connection forever a reason it'll keep it open it won't disconnect me because I haven't typed anything under window appearance I like my fonts bigger this is font courier TenPoint I'm going to change this and this is all optional you don't have to do this part this is just what I like and I'm gonna go with Lucinda console sixteen font that's just me then I come up to this session and I'm gonna save those now that ORCL meant I'm gonna load it I'm gonna check open and this is what happens the first time that you run the putty so I'm gonna login as the Oracle user okay then it says file home Oracle exit story doesn't that exist you don't have to worry about that because upon running the putty for the first time it creates that particular X Authority here let me show you see X Authority has been created so you don't have to worry about that next thing we need to do we need to download the Oracle software so if I come back here and open up Firefox I want to download the Oracle 12c software that's the last bit of software that we need to download right T just open up a browser here download Oracle 12c was a little slow here all right Oracle database software downloads directly from Oracle then you accept the license agreement here they have Oracle database 18c which is out now we'll do that down we'll do that install in another video scroll down 12c release two is what we're going to install and then we'll click this and we'll download it's just one file in the download now I've saved the time I've already downloaded it but this is what you'll do so I'm just gonna minimize this and let me show you I've already downloaded it I'm gonna minimize this now here it's in my downloads folder if I switch to my downloads folder and let me pull this up here ok right here in the red there is the Oracle 12c software let me unzip it unzip go ahead and unzip that baby that might take a minute or two so I'm gonna pause the video until it finishes ok so the software has finished downloading and now you notice this new database directory has been created let's go into that database director right here open it up we see the run Installer that's what we'll use to install the software so let me just start that run installer here and because I have the X Ming installed here I will get a GUI interface to point and click and this should pop up any moment now and I should say Oracle 12c database here we go alrighty so Oracle database installer I'm gonna uncheck I wish to receive security updates from Oracle support because I do not wish to receive them at this time are you sure you want to remain informed yes I am sure now most times you'll probably click create and configure a database all at one time me personally I like to install the database software only because if there's a problem with the install it'll show in this database software install and then I can always just create the database later so I'm gonna choose database software only but most times you'll probably choose create and configure a database at the same time I'm gonna do a single instance database installation I'm gonna do the Enterprise Edition and see the whole map Oracle and the Homa it's taking these locations from my bash profile 1 and updated earlier these are the locations where I want the Oracle software to be installed on my inventory I'm gonna leave that there I'm gonna change all of these to the ole install group I'm doing the install that's when I change the modifications earlier to the o install group now it's gonna do a preliminary check hopefully everything goes through without issue here okay seems like there was no problems this is why I like to do install database software only first because if there was a problem then I've had the database try to create two so if there was a problem I could take care of it now it doesn't seem like there's any problem so let me go ahead and hit install okay now this is gonna take a little while I'm gonna go ahead and pause the video and when we're ready to proceed I will return okay now we're at the part with the software installation there's a couple of scripts we need to run as the root user so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to open up a new session and I'm going to log in as the root user okay now let me just copy copy paste it right here into run okay the first grip is ran here copy here right click paste enter enter enter it's done so hit okay here and here the installation of the Oracle database was successful so I can close the dbca here and I don't need the root user right now so I'm just going to click this off all right so we've got that out of the way and what I'm going to do is I'm going to restart before I install the DBC to create the database so what I'm gonna do here I'm just gonna exit out here and just gonna do restore power off the Machine and restart it and then I'm gonna pause the video and I'll come back when we're ready okay so I've restarted the VirtualBox ivory logged in using the putty so last thing to do is basically use the database creation assistant or dbca to create our database first let me start my listener type MLS in our CTL start Michener's should start up with no issues started successfully now I'm going to type dbca for a database creation assistant and then because I have my X being running the GUI should pop up without a problem and database okay so we want to create a database so we'll click Next we're going to do advanced configuration because we want total control over our installation so make the type of database yeah general purpose is fine we'll hit next yep SID I'll just yeah o our CL is fine pluggable database is orcl pdb i'm just gonna make it small or see a matter of fact i'm gonna to make it pluggable database orcl that's just the way I like it so we'll hit next use the template we'll just hit next here here we'll hit next I'm not gonna create a new listener I'm gonna hit next I'm not gonna configure anything here I'm gonna hit next and here sample schemas if you wish to include sample schemas here you can go ahead and do it but I believe with 12 - the only one that they install is the HR schema so yeah I'll go ahead and do it because I guess I can use something with the HR schema here and let's go back over to memory I'll just use automatic memory magic here I'll hit next then configure Enterprise Manager there I'll hit next listener configurations not so like to do you want to continue I'm gonna use the same administrator password for all my accounts and let me just make the password here alrighty yes I want to continue with the password that I selected now I want you to create the database so it looks like there were no issues here so it's telling me it's going to create the database let me hit finish and it will go through and create the database here I'm gonna pause the video because this is gonna take a while and then I'll return when we're ready to proceed ok so the database has complete this password management here this is if you wish to install additional sample schemas here and they have a bunch of sample schemas here I'm not going to install any of these I'll just gonna hit cancel I'm gonna hit close okay so I'm basically done there now let's see if we can start up the database and see if anything is up here so sequel plus s this DBA and so far it looks like it's starting to connected to an idle instance let's start up could not open parameter file ok huh no problem let's just exit the database here this is a relatively simple procedure to fix ah actually if I go CD Oracle home home DB s LS here SP v dot Ora so alright let me go back in sequel place as this DBA now what I'm gonna do is create house the thing you can't read the P file so I'm going to create the P file equals in it Oh Accio is what they're looking for it in it Oh our CL dot o ra from the SP file which equals SP file o arcielo are a that should do it all right let's try start up now and it should start up without any problem since I just created the P file that the software is looking for can that mountain database an exclusive mode usually a restart fixes this let me exit this is good you seen because occasionally you'll run into issues and you need to know how to fix them let me do shut down - are now gonna shut down yeah we're gonna restart - database no problem when I restart the database let me exit out of here go back over to the virtual box here yeah this is restarting when it restarts everything should start up fine I'm gonna pause the video here okay we've restarted now let's see if everything goes off without a hitch sequel + space slash sis DBA we shouldn't experience any issues now so the 12 - oh one is started let's hit startup here okay yep so far so good okay yep opening and mounting so far so good just waiting for my simple prompt here cool alright let's check the status here select name open mode from V base so our CL is the name of my database and it's in read and write mode so it is open let's check the opposable database here select name mode from V dollar pluggable database okay so the pdb seed is read only that the pdborcl which i created it's mounted but it's not open let's open that bad boy alright so alter session set equals pdborcl the session is altered alright let's look at that container name so show baby beat or RCL now let's select open mode again select name face okay so let's open that bad boy alter pluggable database open okay and now some Lex name open mode from V dollar pluggable database now you see it went from mounted to read and write it's now open to be written to alright now let's look at the HR user from the sample schema let's see alter user HR identified by HR account alright and then let's just take a look at one of the schemas describe HR dot employees okay it's open so the database is open D o r CL database is complete the pluggable database orcl is open and the sample schemas there so that is the install of Oracle 12c on Oracle Linux 7.5 on VirtualBox we went into a couple of hiccups with it but they were simple to take care of you may run into a couple of hit hiccups I'm just use Google to see how to solve it and get on ok so that's the end of this video have a good day leave comments below and have a great day
Channel: DBA Shane
Views: 28,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle, linux, virtual, virtualbox, 12c, putty, xming, installation
Id: zjdI_DQU8mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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