Optimal Tire Ballast?? How To Add Rim Guard to Compact Tractors

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[Music] we've got jason here from the local tire shop today we're gonna be getting rim guard in all of our tires well all the rear tires johnny five johnny two and two sets for johnny let's get started i'm on rimguardsolution.com and they've got this tire fill chart jason says he doesn't have a gauge to show how much fluid he's putting each tire but he's going to be putting the valve stem right at the top and then filling right to the point where it comes out of that valve stem i mean these are 16 928 tires and it says it takes 69 gallons that'll be 738 pounds per tire let's go see what jason's doing so you guys get this stuff in the tote from rim guard yeah they come in with a big tanker and they felt this big huge tank we've got out back and then we transfer from that into the totes okay do you do a lot of this yeah we do quite a bit i think there's either four or eight different positions for these tires being in or out and depending on which position we've got the tire in the valve stems will be on the inside that's what we've got here i moved these tires outward one setting after we got a couple of other attachments just to try to it was kind of tipsy so we tried to move them out a little bit i still wanted to keep them in far enough to remain uh so i could go down 30 inch rows in case i went down to the family farm and needed to do something in the row crop but i've got them out a little bit further i think it'll be less tipsy once we get this rim guard in jason said that he could mount his pump on there mount his hose on there and then rotate the tire up to the top to fill it jason do you use much calcium anymore at all we take a lot of it out it's been a couple years since we had to put any calcium back in a tire or a customer get a new tire and want calcium in it we normally don't do that we get them to convert over to rim guard because you know a lot of times that we go to change the tire it turns out the wheel's been rusted out and have to get it replaced so the how much money they just put into a new tire their new wheel last thing they want to do is put calcium back in it so let's just like put rim guard the guys in big ag with the bigger tractors do they use fluid anymore or they they still do um they end up putting rim guard instead of calcium back in their tires just because over the years they'll just be driving through bush hogging or running into a field and they'll just tap the valve and the valve will bust out and it'll because the hole is walled out from the rust i'm just in the way on this project i'm not doing anything except for asking silly questions i'm going to replace the valve stem caps that run it with these ones just because the ones that are on it don't have any rubber grommets and it's going to rubber grommet in it so it'll better seal them alright maybe here makes sense so you can tell how full it is you can hear the difference yeah my hearing's so bad i can't hear it so what just happened there i saw it swell out against the rim i'm sucking out the air and replacing it with rim guard okay so you sucked out too much air for a moment there well i got this enough to where it's not gonna be too much pressure on the pump oh okay when the lever is that way you're sucking air when the lever is this way you're not sucking it yeah you put your hand on so you can feel the rim guard going into it yeah you got an air water valve it's actually a faster process because you're not going through a small hole you're going through a larger hole okay we'll try to show you this air water valve i've never even heard of this when we're working on johnny 2 i think the stems are on the outside so we'll show that air water valve and talk about that a little bit on that well i get done with this one we gotta i got some air water bottles i can show you it's not even hooked up okay do you do a lot of compact tractors we do every kind of tire forklift tires all the way up to the great big mining equipment we got guys that bring their you know riding lawn mowers in even uh the small bald tires that go on the mower decks yeah a lot of them are getting them foam-filled because of commercial use they run into thorns or get flats all the time and they're trying to go through flats so do they ride rougher when they're home filled oh they can but those ones are so small it's not really running so they don't feel it now watch this sucker how many gallons are in a towed uh 250 gallons well that one is over 300 gallons i reverse it for a couple seconds so when i'm pulling the hose off it don't splatter back in my face from the pressure that was pumping into the tire do that a couple times you'll never forget again for the rest of the day too i bet the way that stuff smells yeah makes you not want to eat soy sauce again it's interesting you have the pros do this they don't spill very much you guys might be wondering why we use rim guard or why we use any fluid in the tires at all well it's very effective rear ballast it's not very costly it's out of the way you know any other ballast we we hang on the outside anywhere is well it's hanging on the outside once we put this in you don't even know it right except that we see the behavior of the the tractor work better this ballast will help a lot for the side to side tippiness because it's going to be a low center of gravity it'll help to some degree with the loader because it is on the rear of the tractor it'll help to some degree it doesn't really help with relieving front axle stress on the loader because of where it's located three-point hitch ballast is much better for that right because the the pivot point becomes the rear axle and that that begins to take some weight off of the loader but what we find is that you need all kinds of ballast and this type of ballast being always on there and out of the way is really works well for us what you doing now jason filling the air back up into it yeah but these are air water valves right here okay and this part right here unscrews that's the air water valve insert so basically what happens is you got your rim guard gun that screws into this that's actually what holds it because this part's anchored to the wheel and this plunger goes down and that's what actually unscrews the air water valve insert once you have the cap removed okay so you push the plunger down and then you unscrew the the right it's like you have the air water valve insert so it'll be sitting on the wheel just like this you'll essentially screw your gun onto the air water valve so at this point the tire still hasn't released not until you press that right that's how you press this on there and you unscrew the air water valve insert a lot of times you want to pull it back because there's enough air pressure in there oh okay so the air water valve is held in here yeah out of the way in the chamber so that way you can pump in fluid and release the air without any obstruction and then when you're done so you don't lose any fluid or lose any air make a bigger mess than what's already gonna happen screw it back on and it'll stop release it and you can unscrew the gun from the air water valve now what you're saying is is that the rim requires a little bit bigger hole for this air water valve because yes it's a it's a bigger hole in here to insert now most of the wheels that will take an air water valve already have a hole that big already anyway yeah like some of the smaller tires like that one over there has a small one for just a low pressure river pull through you won't have a larger hole but you can still put like a steel high pressure valve onto it if you want to if you want to do away with rubber filter if you want okay what we found is the johnny 2 and johnny 5 both have the air water valves already on them the 1025r the 26 12 12 rims have too small of a hole so they do not have the air water valve that stinks the thing is about rim guard too is unlike calcium it'll kill your grass kill your crops because we've had one farmer before he ran over a deer shed and it was a hollowed out deer shed and he didn't know it and he went like a couple rows down the field before his tires started going low and enough to where he noticed it and by that time it already killed everything that he was spraying and with rim guard you're gonna be putting investing money into weed killer because it'll make weeds grow for sure [Music] almost all applications that a tractor is used for values weight a heavier tractor is better there's only one exception that i know of really and that's mowing your lawn in that case weight can hinder but most the time doesn't hurt only hurts maybe in the springtime if you tend to rut it up a little bit my dad's used a heavy 3r series tractor for years and years and years mowing his yard and it really doesn't hinder the grass you might think that extra compression of extra weight would hurt it but it it really doesn't at least from my experience are we done i think you've done this a time or two a little bit normally i only do one machine at a time not a whole bunch so you think i'll notice the difference in uh moving five feet forward now without the air water valve you have to do something different yeah use this adapters for the smaller valves this plunger piece here that would normally pull the air water valve out i put an insert in there it's like a valve core tool removal so it'll pull the core out allow me to pump the fluid in back in and screw the core back in without ever taking the gun off okay so you still get some of the advantage just not as fast to fill overall right you can hear the difference it still won't take long with such a tiny tire now according to their tire fill chart here the 26 12 12 takes 8 gallons at the 75 percent mark a lot of folks do fill them past the 75 mark and they just don't worry about it running back out the valve stem when they check even at eight gallons that's 89 pounds it's certainly enough to be worthwhile on these little guys 180 pounds on two tires do you put fluid in the subcompact tractors very often do you see that some places that we do they use their subcompact tractors for like forklifts they'll have a forklift adapter on the front bucket so they want that extra weight on the rear end and they'll go ahead and put counterweights on the rear end too some of them fabricate a box that can go onto the hangers right there that got blocks of concrete or steel in it if you want something like that go to heavyhitch.com use code tcwt for five percent discount if you don't keep up with every single episode you might wonder why we're adding rim guard when we always talk about having rim guarding our tires anyway well this is a new johnny we just got johnny uh this one maybe a couple of months ago and so it came without fluid in the tires so that's why we're adding it again i don't know if jason's going to do it if we're going to do it ourselves but we're going to be taking off these industrial tires and we're going to be putting the versaturfs on that we had on the prayer johnny we're also going to put fluid in them one thing i'm noticing is the precision with which jason is working when you have this done at the implement dealer sometimes they might not be quite as experienced as what jason is he just has a better feel i think in some fights for for how much to put in and just you know he's just more familiar with the tools one of the bigger challenges folks run into when they're looking for rim guard is finding a dealer there are a lot of rim guard dealers and you can find it at rimguardsolution.com ttwt there's a dealer locator there you do have to input some information i think but i'm not positive about that it would just be contact information so that they can contact you with the nearest dealer if it doesn't show up properly in the list they're not using it so that they can you know call you every day or something i don't think i've ever been called based on a contact like that but overall i do like the idea of having a commercial ag tire service or a commercial tire service come out to do the rim guard if your dealer doesn't install it before you get it i think this is probably a good way to handle it i just don't want to fool with it myself and he's got all the tools so it's not that expensive you can see the tires shrink when it starts sucking the air out of it we get questions sometimes about should you put fluid in the front tires would that help even more with stability i know of one person who has fluid in his front tires and that's my friend levi in tennessee we've done some videos from his property showing the hills and he's got a serious challenge trying to to mow the hills and just maintain his property so he runs rim guard in the front tires it really only holds about 30 pounds per tire i'm not really sure that's worth it the other thing is these front tires don't seem to be real strong a lot of folks including myself have had trouble with thorns and briars and other sticks being stuck through the front tires i've found that i can put some tire jacked or other slime in the front tires and it stops that so i would just assume maintain that option and not worry about the 30 pounds on each tire there but you know if you do have a serious slope issue that that might be an option for you now these are the new versa turf tires they're an option on the 2020 model 1025r at least they're supposed to be they keep being delayed and delayed and delayed i believe they're an option now available as of the 2020 model i hope i ran these for probably 25 30 hours on my prior 1025 r liked them really well they get a little less grip than the r4s but they're a lot easier on your yard i think for most users that use this as a lawnmower they'd probably be the best option if you're using their tractor exclusively as a loader tractor or pulling implements not mowing your yard you're not worried about your grass i'd go ahead and get the r4s i think they are going to get a little more traction for you we decided to get fluid in both the versaturf and the r4s maybe we might do some comparisons between them later on we'll see how that goes but i thought it would be best to have fluid in both of those we have a set of the turf tires as well we could also try those we're not going to put fluid in those because that would be the one scenario where you definitely wouldn't want fluid right is is if you're 100 using your tractor for turf applications you know in this era where we talk about things being made in the usa that's an interesting part of this product the beets are grown in the usa the product is then made in the usa it's this is you're helping america's farmers you're helping america industry that does the processing nothing more us-based than this does it seem like that tire compressed easier than than those are those that's more of a commercial grade tire and this is it's got it's thicker ply this is a thicker block because the inner carcass of it seems smaller because it's thicker to press on i had to really thump on it work myself around before i can even hear anything on this one right here it's a fender ply tire it's only a four ply rating i think this one right here it's a four ply rating too but this is right here he's also got the rim guard on the built into the sidewall so it's got a thicker thicker and stiffer sidewall you see how the tire actually protrudes out past the lip of the wheel on the rim yeah so it protects it like the rim guard of the tire keeps them gouged in the wheel and on this tire right here it's more clear the rim sticks out yeah so they're both the four ply rated tire but that one looks like it has a thicker sidewall for the rim guard protect the wheel and also protect the tire a little bit better good information these are a radial tire and those are bias fly tires the other one oh bias looks different that's the biggest difference right there is the bias is a little bit more stiff radial's got more gives like a car and pick up tire those sag yeah you've got some customers like on tractors and even uh mining equipment that will go from bias to radial tires no calls say hey i think my my tire's going low because it's a sagging so i know they're meant to flex and give a little bit you know the radials aren't so it may not be an overall strength different here it may just be because it's a radial instead of a bias they're designed to give a little bit more make more of a comfortable ride well it is a big deal these little tractors don't ride very good they bounce a lot because the tires are so small so any benefit we could get from a radial should help us it's a 370 r20 it's probably a unique size because it's a relatively new tire well it's a 370 r20 that's a metric tire size i wonder what the standard tire size is in comparison to it too much he sucked a little bit too much air out of it and it popped off the bead another reason why we like air water valves i didn't have to pack it full of tire mounting compound or soap or whatever stuck that straight through on there and it swells right up had some farmers before that they'll come in like you got to replace the right rear tire or something they're like hey you got to work on your left rear too it's flat he goes no it's not i drove it in here there's so much rim guard in it it forces the beads out he didn't realize there was no air in the tire he had a couple thorns in it i can't hear any difference it's got to be experiencing pounds on that tire and it all looks the same to me from here if you've got just like a loose toad on the bed of your truck without any way of measuring how many gallons you're putting in yeah you just stump on the side of the tire you hear how solid it sounds then when you get your way up towards the top it sounds hollow yeah and you want it to be just below where the valve's at so that way when you go to check where your air pressure and stuff is you're not getting any of that fluid inside your gauge or inside your air chuck and spraying it back on yourself or anything like that yeah i could hear it there i i couldn't hear it before yeah that's why i was thumping on this one this one was a little bit more difficult to try to yeah it sounds like it's about right right in here on this one it's like right in here just below where the valve's at slightly got plenty of room to check for it i think like an engineer and it just makes sense to me to have a a meter on your pump and just know how many gallons you put in as well that has loose parts and valves and stuff like that and you get rim guard calcium all the other stuff that flows through it and every now and then you'll get someone that's got like birds and tires no tube in it they got calcium in it and then you know you're pumping all that stuff out and you got pieces of loose rust and gunk and everything so it's just yet another piece to repair yeah something like that just get sucked into that and just gunk it up and everything else well you got to make one good mess all over yourself today oh i know it right the first thing that's going to come out of there is going to be rim guard until the water gets through the pump he's going to squirt it out here in the yard somewhere so on these uh smaller tires we have rubber valve stems when i've done this before i've got a bunch of comments saying that that this rim guard will eventually tear up those valve stems have you seen that only on tires that had calcium stuff put in it okay because the calcium will actually have a reaction with the grass fitting in there and will cause it to separate so it won't be nothing just to simply touch the valve and then the brass insert inside the rubber pull through will come out but i've never seen that problem with uh rim guard before and as long as you have a tire that's rated at like say 45 psi and a low pressure rubber pull through valve that's not rated any more than what you're putting into it you shouldn't have any problems with it okay so the only time you want to stir away from a rubber pull through to a high pressure valve as if you have a tire that recommends like 65 psi or more because most rubber pull throughs will only go to like 45 55 at the very most okay so that's when you want to go to a high pressure steel valve or air water valve if you can but like on these steer tires right here the holes are too small so you can go to a high pressure steel valve this should be just fine okay well there you have it experience says the rubber valve stem is going to be fine done with this guy yeah that one's good we chose not to put fluid in vinny because he's mainly for turf applications there are times that i could probably use it but i don't really want it in the outside duals because i take them on and off and they would be awfully heavy to wrestle around if i had fluid in them i i don't think i really want that so we're going to leave him with no fluid jason i really appreciate you coming today i'd shake your hand but there you go it's just wet now [Laughter] i hope you guys enjoyed this and i learned a lot about tires and rim guard and everything you need to come by every day for our videos i've talked to my boss about that one hey i hope you enjoyed it too thanks for watching everybody we'll see you next time on tractor time with tim [Music] what do you think mary johnny five is alive you
Channel: Tractor Time with Tim
Views: 190,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tractor Time with Tim, tire ballast, rim guard, rimguard, compact tractor, John Deere, subcompact tractor, sub compact tractor, Kioti, Yanmar, optimum, deere 1025r, jd 1025r, ballast, beet juice, calcium chloride, Kubota, utility tractor, deere 2038r, jd 2038r, john deere 5075e, Mahindra, DIY, Gardening
Id: MwB7z5bm6uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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