OPPENHEIMER (NEW) Film Cast INTERVIEWS: Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon & Christopher Nolan!

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how much of what you wrote on the chalkboard do you actually understand [Laughter] you know I was talking to Matt Damon about this because he had to do very similar um equations in them Goodwill Hunting [Music] for somebody who does not like to see themselves on camera how are you going to watch this movie I don't know if there's many actors who like looking at themselves on camera Maybe I'm Wrong um I've seen it yeah I've seen I've seen it I was kind of I was completely knocked out I was completely kind of emotionally winded by the whole experience it does leave you kind of in tatters you know yep it sure does yeah how much of what you wrote on the chalkboard do you actually understand [Laughter] you know I was talking to Matt Damon about this because he had to do very similar equations in them Goodwill Hunting and it becomes kind of like uh hieroglyphics you know it was very satisfying to do it and very satisfying to learn if I wrote um I had a vague conceptual kind of understanding of what uh for everything but I remember the first time I got to write the equation I've been practicing for months and months and months and then Chris just turned the camera on me and out of the board so you know oh all that work exactly um you're a big music guy and there's a line in here that I love about reading music versus hearing the music when you've got those Quiet Moments and there's so many scenes where you're just looking off and we're watching you and trying to read what he must be thinking Yeah by watching you what music did you hear while making this film oh that's yeah that's interesting because normally I do have a playlist and for for every uh film but for this one I I didn't yeah I didn't I think because it was so um intellectual and there was so much weight I mean he was he was very into the Arts up and I mean like he really appreciated music he wrote poetry you know uh he was he was a big readers book so many languages um but no I actually for this one I didn't I don't think I had enough room in my brain well that leads me to a few other questions you know no matter what he did whether it's right poetry learn Dutch in six weeks whatever he will always be remembered for this yeah you've done a ton in your lifetime what do you hope you're remembered for oh there's one thing gosh that's a very difficult question oh I don't know I I you always hope that there's one film you make that touches someone and kind of speaks to them directly and that that can be held up as a work of art if you can do one of those I'd be very proud of you all right I won't make you pick them because you've done several that uh will stay with me for sure um but again going back to everything that was in his head he clearly did not sleep well I mean that's addressed in the film what keeps you up at night and how good are you at sleeping because I would imagine making this film causes you to have some sleepless nights yeah I actually sleep pretty well the we worked at such a furious Pace on this film like we shot it in 57 days or something like we were flying all over America um and I I so I slept I slept I slept pretty well when I when I could there's a beautiful scene actually a few um where you're watching Oppenheimer and Einstein and you're just think what must that have been like to be a fly on the wall if you could have a nice conversation with Oppenheimer buy a nice lake or near Princeton or wherever what would that conversation have been like I don't know you see like I you know many of his contemporaries said he was the most brilliant of them all of the the men of that that time in physics that he was the most brilliant um I don't know you you apparently had a very very dry sense of humor he made a great Martini I'd probably keep it on that level yeah just keep it social yeah yeah you know question they just wrapped me you see all the behind the scene footage of these IMAX cameras and there's so much that's so close to you yeah how do you filter out an IMAX camera when how do you see through it basically you get used to it I mean I'm lucky that I've kind of I'm I'm a Nolan veteran so I'm used to the the cameras and we have an amazing DP so you you get used to it you know you get very very used to it they do make an incredible racket when they're rolling but again you just get used to that great name you know what sadly no relationship but Josh Brolin says I should start lying about that he thinks it might get me more than four minutes with Christopher there you go yeah congratulations thank you um is it true that this whole thing started when Robert Pattinson gave you a book of speeches and if so you couldn't find a role for him and this he was busy okay he's very much into all these days but uh yeah Rob uh off the back of Turner where we refer to Oppenheimer and I and I wrote thing about this incredible moment that Oppenheimer and the scientist of the Manhattan Project had where they could not completely eliminate the possibility that when they triggered that first Gadget that first atomic device they might start the chain reaction that would destroy the world and that we use that as metaphor for tenor which which we're always there as a rap gift he gave me a book of Alzheimer's speeches uh from the 1950s where you're reading these great intellects trying to deal with the massive consequences of the way in which they've changed life forever for all of us and I really got got hooked and got hooked on the story in light of the pressure and what they were doing it builds up to the scene where you're pushing a button and you don't know how it's going to go in all of the films that you've done and some of these massive stunts I know you've had moments where you're like this is either going to work or it's not is there one that stands out that was the most stressful to finally push that button so to speak and go it's going to go one of two A's you know I think I mean all of these big gags from you know stuff we did The Dark Knight tenant and obviously Oppenheimer with a trinity test you're always focused in on that moment where your massive team of talented people have brought it together for some giant event that there is the limitations of theory you've theorized about it you've planned it but you never quite know how it's going to go off and so you have to build in massive safety margins and and all of that but there is incredible tension leading up to that and uh for example in the Dark Knight where we destroyed the hospital and Heath's as the Jokers walk out of that hospital um that was a one-time thing that building was collapsed at the end of it and and we were done uh and so there's incredible focus and tension from everybody and doing the Trinity test in Oppenheimer in camera doing real world effects and having us out in the desert with the actors waiting for this incredible moment it gave us you know some small feeling of of what it must have been like to be there for the uh the original detonation and it was it was thrilling and terrifying and beautiful and dangerous all in equal measure I wish we had more time to talk about that because with Dunkirk we talked about being actually there same with this um obviously I don't know if anyone can like Killian's blue eyes even nicer than their lit in this film he does such a great job and so do you portraying the turmoil and clearly he couldn't sleep I mean how how do you with everything that's going on how do you sleep are you a good sleeper or are you also up at night with just things consuming your brain I you know I have a pretty good sleeper these days uh but no sometimes you get a lot of thoughts going on you you're trying to wrestle with all those things and uh yeah you'll you'll process them and that'll keep you awake sometimes but I trust that process that you need to be working things out in advance and then you get to set or you hit the typewriter whichever bit of the process you're engaged with uh refreshed and having thought a lot ahead of time about what you need because my job on set is to provide answers you know I have to be there to answer everybody's questions and Wrangle things and everything so preparation is everything and yeah some of that preparation that does happen in the middle of the night rather be sleeping yes as I say just use a weight blanket maybe similar like what does he do um as they're wrapping me obviously he did a lot of things I mean he was so skilled in several things learning picking up Dutch in six weeks just being one of them but he's remembered obviously for this you've done a lot of great work and you can't answer this film but what is the one that you hope if there is only one you're remembered for what is that one I couldn't possibly answer that other by saying probably the latest one whatever I've just done but you can't answer this one yeah I mean that's the thing you don't know I mean the thing with every film is uh for me the film's not finished until the audience finishes it you know you put it out to the audience and you're in a dialogue with them and they're telling you what it is you've done and that's when you feel what the movie is and how it might resonate in the future and you know my hope for every film is that it sticks with people in some way how's everything everything is good good just celebrated my birthday happy birthday you look great um guys is that recorded you look amazing looks you really do beautiful skin you guys you can stay with us even though I did leave with my birthday seeing this on an IMAX I know you guys are pros at what you do but how do you get to a point where you've literally looked through an IMAX camera and don't see it right there in your face oh no I don't I don't really notice it that much anymore I can't I think maybe it's just like you become a creature of habit of trying to block that out and maybe I was just sucked into the Vortex of Killian's eyes too much yeah [Laughter] also hoyta are our DP and he operates he's very he's very unassuming he's very yeah he sort of disappears and Chris also is not someone who hides behind the monitors he doesn't even have monitors no he's right there he'll stand by the camera and Chris is like a tall guy but you somehow don't see him either I don't know there's so much focus on set that's what I think is really it there's no chaos there's so much Focus that even as you're doing the scene whether there's a massive IMAX camera or Chris Nolan right there it's focused on you so you just are concentrating well there's also an intimacy like you know you're kind of in a little group in a huddle that it's like you're there with hoita and Chris and talking and then suddenly hoytus got the camera on his shoulder I don't even know how he puts it on his shoulder I know that camera's got to be 100 it's 85 percent like is he just permanently in back pain he must be he won't no nobody's you don't complain on a Christmas is it possible you didn't notice the IMAX camera because you were drinking yeah I mean I was sort of just I was practicing offset yeah but I wouldn't do it on that well if you're true I tried it once I've tried it once you did yeah not on this one years ago and it was a disaster there was a famous story about Brando doing that and about Robert Shaw on Jaws oh really yeah Brandon went down to a beach and said come and get me when you're ready to shoot and he was just was he wasted passed out the story I don't know but if it's the amazing speech endures that Robert Shaw does they they tried it one night and he'd been drinking and they went and re-shot the whole thing the next day because Robert Shaw woke up the next day and he said to Spielberg how badly did I embarrass myself and Spielberg said not monumentally would you like to do it again yes he did it again of course his best monologue yeah history I know that he did a lot of things I mean he really was truly a genius but he's obviously remembered for this one thing you guys have done a lot of great work what's the one film you hope you're remembered for this one yeah this one would be right up there I mean there's not a bigger story to happen to humanity in the last you know in the history of humanity so I don't know I don't know what bigger story there would be to tell I'm so proud of this one yeah yeah maybe this one what keeps you up at night I mean one of the amazing things that Killian portrayed was just the torment and the wrestling in his head I feel like my problems significant compared to I know you know um but what up what what his problems wrought on and you know his beautiful brain kind of wrought on the rest of us yeah that keeps me up at night that's certainly one of the things I think about and I think about it a lot more now having done the film um and having kind of re-engaged with this because it's that kind of thing when you start to think about it you go I don't want to think about that it's it's too much um but it's there and it's been there kind of looming over us for for 80 years now well and also being parents like I always find myself and I know that they don't really delve into what happened um later on to his daughter and just the the relationship that your character has I'm always fascinated just being a parent what this feels like to make a film like this well I think I mean to play a character like her was it's interesting because she's I mean I love being a mother I think Kitty was not a natural nurturer I don't think she should have been a mother I think she had great ambition for intellectual Pursuits that she had to contort and limit to make sure his was his were fastered and she did it happily that was sort of what was expected of her at the time but clearly you see a deterioration in the character of that brilliant brain sort of going to waste at the ironing board in that isolation of Los Alamos and so I think as a parent playing her and how crap of a mother she was was tough you know I always feel bad like not being sweet with kids on screen it was just well you were very sweet with them after I mean yeah I'd be singing like Peppa Pig and stuff and you know and they were so cute those kids they were so lovely so I just have to be so sweet with them when the cameras weren't rolling and then when the cameras were rolling I was sort of in eye roll mode and these poor babies I know he wrapped me quickly Killian said I asked him how much of what you wrote on the board did you actually understand and he said he had a little conversation about you or with you about that about you know yes we we get any of that oh God no no no I never did then we were laughing about it it's like it's a different language and you just look at it and memorize it like it's hieroglyphics and you and you try to get it right in the and the technical advisor looks it was like you nailed it and you're like good never make me do that
Channel: Tara Hitchcock
Views: 148,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cillian Murphy interview, Cillian Murphy Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer cast interview, Christopher Nolan interview, Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer interview, Matt Damon interview, Emily Blunt interview, Emily Blunt Oppenheimer interview, Matt Damon Oppenheimer Interview, Cillan Murphy, Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer Movie clip
Id: iN-uVd3Q-ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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