OPPENHEIMER Interview | Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt On Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece

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what is something you were able to do with this role with this performance in this film that you wouldn't have been able to do if it had been your first time working with Christopher Nolan well I I I I think that it's a very good question is this almond milk really it's just a chunk it across the room I don't drink almond milk about uh [Music] we're going we don't need robes Mr Murphy in honor sir thank you for your time oh pleasure I'm going to start out with with what is a big question but I was wondering if for a moment you could imagine sitting in a movie theater with Robert Oppenheimer and watching this film and when it's over you lean over and ask him what did you think about how I did this what is the aspect of your performance you'd love to get his thoughts on oh man that would be an absolute nightmare to sit beside the mind you're supposed to be portraying I I don't know I mean I think we investigated uh an interrogated the man uh and I think it's up to the audience to kind of decide and to judge or not what they what they think of of him you know the film asks a lot of big questions I think and that's what's that's what good films should do I think but they don't give too many answers so thankfully I will never have to ask Robert half an hour yeah fair enough I was wondering if you could flash back to the very first time you were ever directed by Christopher Nolan which I believe was the screen test for Batman yeah I'm sort of curious what you remember most about that day a young Christopher Nolan auditioning for that part just all the details of that day what still stands out to you all the years later oh that's a good question I remember it was for a screen test there was very high production values like we had a full set and we shot on film and you know it was the the crew um and I was in the Val Kilmer suit I remember every one of us that auditioned was in the bathroom um but I just remember he was brilliant with with actors and that's one of his you know key talents is he's amazing with actors he gives the most succinct precise notes that can kind of change your performance and um and I remember we got on I remember we got on um and we've you know we connected in some way and it's it's kept going for 20 years I love that yeah uh I want to talk about uh Robert oppenheimer's famous interview when he quoted Hindu scripture I am become death yeah I've seen that clip a million times and it was always powerful whenever I watched it yeah but I feel like it's changed forever for me having now seen this film I'm curious as to what you pulled most from that clip and how that line his delivery of that line has since changed for you since playing this part it's very interesting yeah it's kind of an iconic clip isn't it um the thing that struck me a lot watching a lot of those videos because there's there's an awful lot of footage of him giving lectures and that's one of the rare kind of candid interviews but I found throughout a lot of it he's quite performative in a lot of those interviews and particularly in the lectures and while that was very useful for one aspect of his character it wasn't entirely useful for me uh in terms of the sort of day-to-day uh man in his day-to-day life um I don't think I think you can feel the history and the kind of the weight uh when he says that you could see it in his face and in his eyes something about him looking down yeah I feel like says a lot yeah yeah it's an incredible clip uh I want to cut you loose on this um goes without saying your sixth time working with Mr Nolan and I'd imagine at a certain point it goes without saying there's a trust there that you can't replicate so I am curious what is something you were able to do with this role with this performance in this film that you wouldn't have been able to do if it had been your first time working with Christopher Nolan well I I I I think that it's a very good question I think you know you you move beyond the fact that he is Christopher Nolan one of the greatest directors in the world and you know you've become friends so you you feel very safe in The Working environment to try stuff and to make a fool yourself and to to go deep and uh to have a laugh and and we worked really really closely on it um and I suppose those 20 years of experience of have led to that level of trust then to that level of shorthand um and also I'm kind of older and I've had a lot of experience I remember being on those Batman sets and just being overwhelmed it was I was like a kid in a candy store it was It was kind of Staggering whereas now I suppose I'm uh I've had the experience I'm a lot more focused I hope oh we are the beneficiary of that experience I always like to thank the good doctor still out there somewhere in Gotham having a good time but we probably is yeah uh Mr Murphy sometimes you do junkets for a movie and you just feel like it's important to to do that and it's important to be a part of this film in some small fashion sitting in this chair and this feels like one of those movies so from the bottom of my heart I know you have a Pack schedule man thank you for your time thank you sir appreciate you good to chat your hair is the best I've ever seen oh keep going yeah my first question is do you think of my hair scratch that one off the list guys good to see you both again uh Mr Damon you have a great line of the movie where uh you say this is one of the most important moments in the history of the world right and in that moment they knew they didn't have to ask I did it oh he drops the F-bomb it's great I wish I wasn't expecting because in the trailer they don't have the F1 right but uh in that moment they knew this was important I want to talk about that idea on a much smaller scale at what point do you guys know that a movie that you're in is important is going to be talk about after you're gone if you want to meet Chris Noli like I am in a very important movie is it a time and space like does it take 10 years to look back and for you know perspective or do you know sometimes instantly exactly I feel I knew instantly I feel I knew when I read this script and then when you're on the set it's just Monumental you just feel this film will have a Monumental presence not only now but in your life ahead you just know it and it's an ethereal thing that you can't place exactly what it's about of course the subject matter is incredibly impactful and will haunt people and I think it's the subject matter subject matter when you see a director that's that locked in kind of at the height of their powers the only thing in my career this movie felt the most to me like when I made Saving Private Ryan early on and Michael I was stuck on you it just had that feeling or The Adjustment Bureau hey I like The Adjustment Bureau come on uh but no the the when you match somebody of that kind of virtuosic skill level with a story that that phrase wow but yeah I think like you know Spielberg or Noah Jim Cameron or one of those one of those characters with a story that is worthy of their considerable gifts um well I'm glad you brought up Satan forever Ryan because I did want to talk about getting two different perspectives of the same moment in history obviously two completely different parts of the war two completely different roles and two completely different moments in your career but I'm sort of curious if you feel any sort of spiritual connection between the two films and I guess just how the two different movies give you different perspectives on the same moment in time I mean I didn't I didn't draw this uh connection between them necessarily um I think what what what Groves and and what they were doing with the Manhattan Project was you know as to to your point about the most important thing in the history of the world I think they knew that um you know they knew that it had the potential to end the war they thought the scientists thought perhaps in retrospect naively and Oppenheimer was maybe naive thinking that it had the the potential to end all war right well if we invent this well obviously nobody would ever be stupid enough to to uh you know to stockpile them and you know um so there would never be a war again um but but yeah I I it's just kind of I I always think about trying to put myself in the in the in in the headspace of the people who were living at that time and I'm always kind of Blown Away with what people were grappling with whether it's you know you know a guy in the 101st Airborne or whether it's somebody trying to trying to coordinate the construction of an of an atomic bomb um what was at stake for those guys and how what was that world for them and how silly our lives in comparison some of these movies like you think man I thought I had a bad day totally and I didn't totally that's okay I got four minutes to set a five at a junket I can't believe it is this almond milk really it's just a chunk it across the room I don't drink almond milk that was Matt right before you came right before you came in the morning walked out drenched yeah he had it coming uh Miss blonde it is fascinating to watch how kitty is along the ride with with Oppenheimer not just during their personal life by his side but also doing some of the most important moments of his professional career I'm sort of curious what is the best professional advice you've ever received from your significant other oh wow well John is like the ultimate pragmatist in my life which I adore like I feel like John is like the call in the night for a lot of people yeah yeah you know what I mean it just kind of fixes stuff and he'll just say it he's so great like I'll I'll Express I don't know something I'm worried about and he'll listen to the whole thing and he'll go okay you ready for some thoughts and I'm like yeah and then he'll just lay it out now he will admittedly say he's not good at dealing with his own concerns but he's the best therapist he's the best therapist for everyone else um so I can't think of anything specifically but we have been laughing recently about some advice that this amazing photographer I just worked with we were talking about what advice would you want to give people nowadays and I said I don't really know and he goes do you know what I want to say to people sometimes because I just want to say just get it fast because you could apply it to so many things guys just get it okay it's time for you to get life it's going just get it just get it so I think that's my advice Mr Dave uh um no I think uh I without naming any particular movies that sometimes you find yourself in a movie that you know perhaps might not be what you would hoped it would be and you're still making it and I remember halfway through production production and you've still got months to go and you've taken your family somewhere you know and they're you've inconvenienced them and I remember my wife uh pulling me up because I was I I fell into a depression about like what have I done and she just said we're here now you know and it was like it's really I do think and I and I do pride myself in a large part because of her at being a professional actor and what being a professional actor means is you go and you do the 15-hour day and give it absolutely everything even in what you know is going to be uh you know a losing effort and yeah and and and and if you can do that with with a with the best possible attitude then you're then you're a pro and and she really helped me with that I love that let's see I write it down live lessons I I cut short my vacation with my girlfriend by a day yeah do this junket oh boy and I love you very much uh guys seriously and you're a pro see I appreciate you okay I just want to say you guys have been putting me on your schedules since I was we love you I love you you're still a kid look at that hair I know look at that guys I don't care it's fantastic but so is Matt do you think this is real this hasn't been real since 1996. Good Will Hunting the last time the last time for me so kind I appreciate it thank you appreciate it thank you you're the best I'm sorry about your vacation I appreciate remember we're going we don't need Rose
Channel: Jake's Takes
Views: 318,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Oppenheimer, interview, Christopher Nolan, clip, scene, trailer, ending, bomb, explosion, Robert Downey Jr, Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett, Gary Oldman, reviews, spoilers, real story, true story, footage, atomic bomb, Jake Hamilton, Jake's Takes
Id: jNuwC5Grsb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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