Opinel nr. 8 - Manico in Corno di Cervo / Antler Handle
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Channel: UncleBob
Views: 192,739
Rating: 4.6033859 out of 5
Keywords: opinel, opinel8, opinel 8, opinel n8, opinel n.8, opinel n. 8, opinel nr8, opinel nr.8, opinel nr. 8, coltello, knife, manico coltello, knife handle, manico, handle, sostituzione manico, handle replacement, cervo, deer, corno, horn, corno di cervo, corno cervo, deer horn, bushcraft, antler, antler handle
Id: ua6N_F--dBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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