Opera Singer Reacts to Cynthia Erivo I'm Here | The Color Purple Broadway | Performance Analysis |

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what's up youtube it's me justin i'm an opera singer today's video has been picked by the winner of my performance analysis giveaway congratulations to shantae who has chosen cynthia erivo singing i'm here from the color purple let's go don't need you to love me don't need [Music] she still loves me [Music] okay okay let's get into some analytics there are so many things to talk about and we're only a minute in so the first thing i want to talk about are her movements and the way that she is using the stage i really like the subtle movements of let's say her palms and her chest so the very first thing i noticed when she got on stage was her very heavy chest breathing you saw that in the very dramatic movements of her shoulder as well as the caving in of her stomach but interestingly enough you didn't hear any heavy breathing going right into her mic you just saw it i also really liked the um consistent nervous palm rubbing and she did something where she was tapping her um hip with the palm of her hand all of these subtle things really right off the bat let you know what is going through her mind before she has said anything that is so powerful but my favorite thing was her eye focus so right when she was on stage and the camera panned in on her she had uh several eye focuses right she was looking kind of all around and she wasn't really honing in in one area [Music] what i loved about this was the moment where she found one center of focus and you just saw her eyes shift and go to that one point of focus and her eyes locked in on that point and then for a millisecond you saw her eye movement ship shift up and down and that let me know that she is now focused on an individual there is someone that she is specifically looking at and her focus is there that let me also know that maybe these first couple of words that she is going to say or whatever she's feeling in that moment she's giving that energy to that one person oh my god it was such a nice touch the voice yes the voice uh needs to be on point of course but when you have acting like this from the get-go you can almost feel that this is just going to be a fantastic performance now about the voice what i like about the melody and the way she is delivering the melodic line is the differentiation between uh two different parts so when she first started singing the line was very broken up she didn't sing a through legato line it wasn't connected it was very detached [Music] and that's very fitting because it's going along with this idea of nervousness of even maybe hesitation or even a lack of confidence right however you saw a very big shift within the melodic line um when she went to talk about her sister so you saw that she turned around and oh my god the way that she left the focus of front of the stage and looked back to say her her sister was so heartbreaking but then when she went to go and sing about her sister you heard that the melodic line was so much more legato it was so much more connected and through [Music] she may not be here [Music] but she's still my [Music] that opposition the detached and brokenness of the beginning of the line in comparison to this beautiful stretched out connected leg out the line lets me know that she is not hesitant about what she has to say about her sister that love that she has for her sister is very grounded and um is very matter of fact and a great way to showcase that is to sing that with confidence through a nice and beautiful negative line i cannot wait for the rest of this [Music] performance i can't hold them now they may not be here but they still [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is no crying ah this is um one of those performances where where i wish i was there i have to give a huge huge huge shout out to the composers this song the music is so incredibly beautiful the clarity the precision the vibrato the addiction it's it is literally pristine she has a beautiful beautiful clear resonant voice i love how she is sitting on some of the consonances that are that are shared between two words for instance the way that she sang still love so still ends with an l and then love starts with an l and i love how she just wrote on that l and didn't separate the two words but just drove it home and went right next to the next word i love the passion in her voice okay this might be one of those videos where i'm just gonna cry the whole video [Music] don't [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh my god okay okay i've gotta let go of the fact that i look like a hot mess my god her phrasing is ridiculous and the reason why her phrasing is so ridiculously good is because you can clearly see the progressive train of thought it's so crystal clear it's phenomenal and a great example of this progressive train of thought was in this um new section right here when she was saying i'm gonna take a deep breath you notice how she said that with some separation there was some slight detachment from one word to the next in a very similar fashion as at the beginning of the [Music] [Music] and song that let me know is um that is very actually let's say normal in what would happen in regular conversation when you know you're about to say something very explosive or say something very big right before you go and say that one thing you might have a little bit of hesitation right beforehand you might be a little bit nervous you might not even be super confident in that one moment before you just blab out and say this big thing and i like that one state of mind in that one phrase and then the very next phrase right after is gonna hold my head up oh did you notice the difference the way that she sang this phrase versus the phrase right before it gonna hold my head she just kept that line going beautiful legato connected line and this let me know all right she knows what she wants to say and what she says from here on out she means business what better way to do that than to show a differentiation from what you were thinking in the line right before to where you are now the progressive train of thought is crystal clear not only in her voice and the melodic line but also just in her overall bodily movements such a cool moment that super ridiculously high note on the word to sing [Music] what was crazy about the way she executed this note was how crystal clear that closed e vowel is on the word sing no singer likes to sing a super high note on an evil it is a literal nightmare but she did it literally perfectly it was pristine the cool thing about this moment too was she sang on that high note on a closed eval and you saw her tongue position bright as day because her mouth was nice and open because it's such a high note but you saw her tongue position was really high as is necessary to say an e vowel your tongue is raised the back of your tongue is raised and then the very next word i believe is the word out and you saw her tongue go from this to literally like this it went down to seeing that beautiful open vowel out right and to see that tongue um that tongue transition was for me as a as a singer was just so cool gonna hold my head up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] i'm thankful for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i i gotta close this video i'm gonna end it here pristine perfect congratulations um miss cynthia that is um that's one of a kind if you liked all that you saw make sure you hit that subscribe button down below please comment down below what other performances in the musical theater repertoire should be featured on my channel also make sure that you check out my description box below for ways that you can keep in touch with me get access to exclusive perks and even take a private voice lesson with me i hope you have a great day and i'll see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: Soprano Notes
Views: 17,526
Rating: 4.9889297 out of 5
Id: rSyf_K9XRv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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