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Let's drink, drink from the joyful chalices since the beauty is blossoming. And might the fleeting hour get inebriated at will. Let's drink among those sweet quivers that Love makes arise, since that eye goes to his almighty heart. Let's drink, my love, so that love among the chalices will get hotter kisses! Ah! Let's drink, so that love, among the chalices, will get hotter kisses! With you, with you, I'll be able to share my cheerful time; Everything in the world that is not pleasure is crazy! Let's enjoy the pleasures for fleeting and fast is the joy in love! It's a flower that blossoms and dies, neither it can be enjoyed longer. Let's enjoy! It's calling us, it's calling us an ardent flattering accent. Let's enjoy the cup and the canticle, the lovely night and the smiles; Might the new day find them still in this paradise! Life is in its jubilation! When people aren't in love yet... Don't say it to those who don't know it, So it's my destiny! Let's enjoy, the cup and the canticle, the lovely night and the smiles; might the new day find them in this paradise.
Channel: Jonathan Estabrooks
Views: 1,676,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opera flashmob, flashmob opera, flash mob opera verdi, opera flash mob stuns an entire crowd, flash mob opera, opera flash mob, opera flash mob la traviata, flash mob opera italy, oprah chicago flashmob, spontaneous, no pants subway ride, opera company of philidelphia, flashmob, Flashmob Valencia, flash mob, Performance, jonathan estabrooks, baritone, soprano, Vital Voices (Organization), verdi, libiamo, Traviata, fun, opera flash mob 2015
Id: suT_bn-RWFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2013
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