OpenStack : Bringing up DevStack on Ubuntu 20.04

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this is joel and in this video we'll try to build a simple playground right like a sandbox environment for openstack okay since this is probably the first video i'm ever touching on openstack on the channel probably let me spend couple of minutes explaining what it is right it's a very simple topic actually or the concept okay so in the previous or probably on the channel you would have already encountered uh me playing around with the some public clouds like aws right what did aws bring to the table they they have huge amount of resources right they have what uh cpus they've got memory right and uh you know uh all the other kinds of resources i'm just gonna take a couple of them here for example right but what they actually bring to the table is they have human among a lot of amount of resources what they are doing is they are providing you a way or basically an operating system right to access this right so as a result you can jump onto the aws console right and you can you know create what you can create instances right you can create storage buckets right you can create vpc you can you can play around with the network and so on right so aws provides you that uh you know let's call it operating system to basically you know manage the huge amount of resources which they have you can you can kind of like pay them and they will in turn give you this instances like like leasing out the resources right so they have huge amount of resources and they are providing you this cool manageability operating system using which you can provision those resources right what openstack is is basically that right so whatever this blue color what i've mentioned here that's openstack right but it is free for you to use it's openly available out there to use right so if you want to kind of as you see this diagram here right and like they mentioned here openstack is nothing but a cloud operating system right so if you yourself have a lot of say bare metal servers right or you have a bunch of vms containers you want to provision containers you have you know networking resources you have storage resources right you can spin up your own cloud using openstack right either it could be for private use maybe you want to you have a data center inside your enterprise and you have a bunch of these things and you want to probably deploy some applications and you're looking for a uh you know nice uh you know cloud way of deploying your application right because cloud brings a lot of cool things to the table right like you know the flexibility the scalability and so on so if you want all of that and rather than a traditional data center you want to move to a sdn kind of an approach then you know and and if you want in that case it basically the very important requirement to have something like an open stack which will do the orchestration which will do the management which will do uh which will take care of all the resources right in a single gui right so that's that's where we are headed with with openstack right and if you probably scroll down the other important thing is you can let me just get rid of that yeah so i think i've already got a another screen open here basically nothing but this one right openstack components so just like in aws you have all this different services providing you different uh kind of resources right you have the s3 you have the vpc you have ec2 and so on right so different components which make up your aws very similarly in openstack you have different services and some of the notable ones are these right you have a very very cool names they have i think it's probably come up because i mean these names i think they're called this way because openstack as a project i think it debuted around 2010 right and it was something which came out of nasa i believe it was a combination of i think uh nasa and rackspace right it's um it's like a marriage between these two projects and uh that's how it came to the um you know development community right and since then every year you know people really i mean openstack has been releasing uh new versions of it um i think the latest one is called wallaby if i'm not wrong right um so yeah that's that's about how openstack came into uh existence but uh coming back to the services just like in aws you have different services doing different things for you like storage the cpu and so on very similarly in openstack as well you've got uh very similar services so here you can see we've got a compute service and that's called as noaa something which we'll use the regularly right container service called german so there are different cool names like you can see there's cyborg and uh from the storage side we probably use a lot of swift and cinder uh with the networking right we are i mean i'm a fundamental network engineer so neutron is basically the service you know where we'll be playing around with the ip pools creating all of that you know so that's the networking part right and then you have the shared services you have the orchestration the heat is another service so very fun names you can see here and it's very nicely documented as well you can get to each of this service and see what it's doing the identity service right like you have identity management in aws similar you have something called as keystone here right but you need no you need not know everything you know you not know all the services to start with you you just need to know that something like this exists right now this video like i said it's not mainly targeted on openstack uh to you know go through like every single thing in openstack rather it's about how to get a small you know uh setup up and running right so that you can play around with it because i think openstack there's so much documentation so much cool things tutorials all of that out there right you just need to you just need to figure out a way to bring up a small workstations or a small open stack you know development platform right so that you can play around with it right so that being said let me go down to my third link which is nothing but dev style right you can again go down to this particular link here and probably paste it in the description as well so or you can just google for dev stack right very very common right so we are we are basically gonna try to install dev stack right um basically this one um and i mean the steps all of that is pretty much given here but still you know sometimes you know there are a few things here and there which we might do you know different from here to get a more better experience so that we can you know build our uh i mean build a lab or a sandbox in a more efficient way okay that being said what do we do next step number one right we need a linux so what i'm doing here is i mean if you have a uh virtual box or vmware uh fusion uh probably you can do it on your mac itself uh i do have it but then you know i i like to keep my macbook little light uh without running a lot of resources on it so i do have a windows machine right in my lab so what i'm gonna do is let me quickly bring that up give me one second all right so let me jump on to my windows machine here right uh it's it's in the same network as my uh mac so i'm just doing rdp right remote desktop and this is my windows workstation right so on this i have your vmware workstation player right uh you can probably get the latest one whichever is running i think i have like a workstation 16 and what i'm gonna do first is let's go and install ubuntu on this so which ubuntu i'm gonna be using so um they recommend that uh you know dev stack has been recently tested in ubuntu 20.04 so i went down to the ubuntu 004 uh focal fossa and i downloaded the server install image right so this one so when you download that you basically get a iso so we are gonna install that right so let's say file new virtual machine and in the browse right i'm basically going to browse my 204 right you can also i think try 1804 if you want but i'm gonna go with the latest one because it's probably gonna have all the fixes and all of that right uh select that go next and let's give some name so i'm going to say openstack here so that's going to be my name username let's also go with the password which is going to be something which i can remember all right so there you go i'm going to go with next again i'm going to give the name as well as my the name as openstack right you can give whatever name you want let's uh probably you know we could change that let's call it uh uh oh it's fine openstack is fine right let's go with next uh there's already something which exists so let me just change that to just the stack right it should be fine you can give any name you want right it doesn't matter so we'll go with next um i think you want a minimum space of 50 gb right for the hard drive and we'll say that you know store virtual disk as a single file uh let's not do the whole lvm and stuff right let's keep everything in single file go next you can customize it so i'm gonna probably give him um 12 gb so that i mean i have a system with i think close to 16 gb so i have close to 16 gb ram so i can go with like 12 gb but i think it should work even with like 8 gb right so let's go to the processors probably i'm going to increase it to four processors and also remember to probably um enable the virtualization right because it will come handy uh because what you're trying to do actually is spin up open stack inside of vm which is nothing but nested virtualization all right sorry about that doc has been bugging me apart uh okay so uh enable virtualization and what i'm going to do is for the network adapter i'm going to go with bridged so that it will get an ip in my existing network right i'm connected to a wireless network so i'll basically get a ip in that space so uh that being then i'm gonna close this and i'm gonna say finish so now it will actually start the installation of our ubuntu right so within few seconds it should actually give us some prompts uh to do some settings basically uh let's see that should come down any minute now all right so it's going to ask you for your language i'm going to pick english keyboard is fine and uh it's basically gonna ask you uh for the ethernet interface right so what do we have so it's remember this uh interface name it is ens33 because we'll use this later and the ip address which i'm gonna get is 19168 uh dot uh 0.135 okay so i'm going to say okay and proxy i don't have a proxy so i'm going to go with ok click on ok again and for the um do i want to use the entire disk right so that's a question uh yes uh i i set up a discuss lvm group i don't want that so i'll uncheck it and let's come down and we'll say done right so that's good done and continue right and it's gonna ask for the usernames against i'm gonna say openstack you know i'm gonna go with openstack again the server name is also openstack the username is also going to be open stack password i'm going to pick something which is something which i can remember right and let's go okay that's done that's come let's say done and let's enable ssh because we need it okay and the last is done okay okay this is gonna give you that so that's fine let's go and let's not select anything up there i'm gonna say done all right so that will take a few minutes so let me pause the video and come back once the ubuntu installation is completed so actually once it is completed it will ask me do i want to reboot so i'll probably reboot it and then come back with the recording so i'll pause it till then all right so we've got our ubuntu machine up and running right so what we'll try to do is uh let me go down to my terminal let's try to ssh right so i'm gonna say ssh and the username is openstack right and uh the ip address was 135. so there we go uh let's put in the password and there we go we are inside okay what do we do now so a bunch of steps first things first right we need to create a user called as stack right so let's do that so let's probably get into the root okay so once we're in the root let's actually create a user so the user is basically called as stack so i'm going to say add user and i'm going to say stack okay so when you do that it's basically going to give you uh you'll have to put in a password so i'm going to put the password okay uh all of this can be uh you can ignore all of that and we're gonna put yes okay so there you go the user got created the next is basically we need to create we need to make this user as a no password basically it should be passwordless privileges right so for that we have a quick command to do that so i'm going to just paste the command here it's pretty simple right so we're going to say echo the username is stack i'm gonna give it all privileges and i'm gonna say no password right i'm gonna add that to the pseudoers file sweet that's it so those are the two important things you need to do right before you do anything okay next let's look at the uh networking side of things so we'll go to ipconfig okay we don't have ipconfig so let's actually um install that so let's install net tools okay uh yeah there we go so let's clear the screen a bit let's say ah sorry mistake ip config okay there we go so ens 33 is our interface correct so what we need to do is we need to um i mean we currently it is getting it via dhcp but i i would like to use this as a static ip right because this is my home lab and i want my openstack to be running on the same ip always right so i'll use net plan for doing this there are different ways to do this but i'm going to use netplan because it's a very uh simple way of doing stuff right so what you do is let's get into the folder for i think it's an etc and net plan right so let's get that uh let's see there'll be a file called okay there'll always be a file or default file installer file so let's do a nano on that okay so let's get into the file and what we'll do is we'll basically uh uh add and add the ip address here so i'm gonna paste it directly from my nodes here but uh let me actually paste it into a text file first okay so there you go the indentation is super important here so you can see the network the ethernet it's uh basically under that you have the interface which is ens33 right and the ip address is gonna be i'm gonna change this to uh one three five because that's the ip the gateway for my network is uh 0.1 sorry and my name servers the dns servers is going to be which is my gateway as also i'm gonna put one more fallback which is the google right so i can grab this now and we will have to replace it here right so let's do that a good practice would be to kind of duplicate this file save it and then probably uh do anything but since it's just a vm i'm just i'm not scared even if it breaks something okay so there you go ctrl x on it the other thing is let's also put the um dns information in the result.conf right so let's do that so for that where will that file be that will be inside etc and i think inside uh system in system defined right so here you have some thing called resolve.conf right so here let's go and quickly put in the dns right so the dns is going to be what uh so it's gonna be 192.168 and the other one is 8.8.8 okay just put a space and separate the two dns servers name servers with the space okay awesome control x okay so we have done that uh now to apply this things which you just now did right you need to do something called as net plan apply right uh net plan apply because we just changed the uh net plan configuration right so let's do that okay there you go the net plan configuration went in uh if you if if something was wrong if the indentation was wrong then when you do network apply you get an error right so it's a very good tool that way let's also uh kind of restart this whole dns service right so let's say systemctl uh restart the system resolved right so that way whatever we did with the dns configuration is also going to take into effect the next is i also probably uh change the time tackle uh time date ctl uh basically i want to set the right time zone right uh because that's very important when if you are doing something with certificates and so on so i'll go with asia and i'm from india so i'm gonna say i think it's kolkata right kolkata correct okay so uh i think you have a similar command to check uh let me just see if i remember that i think it's time uh date ctl if you do list time zone and then you can probably grab it with whichever continent you are from right i am from asia so there you go uh okay list time zone probably doesn't work is it uh yeah i think probably not very sure i think it's just list maybe okay not sure okay so you can just google that up uh there should be one command to actually list all the time zones maybe it is time zones let me check that no i'm not sure probably probably a different command right but anyway if you are from india then you are good right you can use asia kolkata or just figure out what time zone you would need to use and you will have to just plug them so once that is done probably let's do a quick upgrade right we'll do a update and upgrade of the whole ubuntu before we get to the openstack installation so let's do that that will take couple of minutes i'm going to come back all right so that is done so now we are good what we need to do next is let's switch to the user which we just now created what is the user we created we created something called stack right uh yeah so let's switch to that let me clear the screen right so i am right now using the user called stack uh let's get into the home directory of stack okay there we are so what do we do next the next is uh let's download uh the dev stack now let me show you that where is that okay there you go so that's the dev stack page and if you go to this one over here this link it will redirect to uh github yeah there we go so i think the latest one if you pull right from the get from github over here you would probably get the latest openstack version but if i want an older version you can just put that corresponding branch now i am looking for something like victoria right the previous one the latest one i think is wallaby so i want victorious i'm gonna go with that so i'm gonna pull the branch instead of putting the uh latest master wrapper okay so how do you put the branch you're gonna say git clone uh give me one second all right so let's do the git clone right so there we go i'm gonna do a git clone um basically the link which i showed you but i'm gonna pull the branch which is um victoria right so that gets cloned now okay it's coming in okay so once we have that the next is uh we need a very important file right it basically has a bit of configurations uh local configurations right which will have some passwords and so on uh which are very much needed for the um installed script to work right so if you go to the folder which got downloaded now which got cloned it's nothing but desktop right and inside this you will find basically the important script which is your stack dot sh right so this shell script when you run it will install openstack but before running this we need a file called as local.conf right and if you want to see the sample of that local.conf you can get into a folder called samples right so let's get into samples and you will find a file called local.conf right so this is just a sample which you can clone from so let me show you how it looks so this is how it looks right so this is the file how it looks right now i think the only requirement probably is providing the passwords uh which is probably i don't know maybe at the top i guess let me see yeah oh uh sorry i think i opened the wrong file my bad uh it's it has to be right you open the wrong one so it's local dot i open the shell script okay so that one right the the minimum requirement you would need to give the um you know passwords which is uh you know admin password uh and then you can just replicate that admin password for all the database password the rabbit and the service password so basically the same password will be used everywhere right if you want to do a little more like for example if you want uh to do a little bit of configuration with respect to logging right or if you want to provide the host ip address right like for example here you see the host ip i think that also is probably mandatory right so you need to process basically we you what you can do is you can grab this file right and you can add your inputs to it you can edit it and you will have to place it inside the uh which folder in the same folder where dev stack is basically the dev stack folder right pwd now let me clear the screen a bit yeah you'll have to place it here so what i'll do is let me pull down my file so that um you know i mean not everything which is mentioned here is very much needed uh i'm just i'm doing a little bit of extra stuff here because you know i can use the same uh stack later to do uh to play around with some other to kind of deploy some applications and so on but i would say the few things which are needed is for example this one the password section right i'm going with something very simple called as pass you can give any password you want uh so the password is important probably go and put your ipv4 headers as well right so um so you can see i'm using ipv4 and the host type in my case is right and the rest uh i'm just gonna quickly flash it through the screen like this but if you want like for example uh floating ip right you can give a range i'm basically using 245 to 254 that's the range and the gateway is also given here the public interface remember i told you to remember the interface name it is ns33 so i have to use that as well uh the um once once you install openstack right a new network adapter gets created on ubuntu and that's basically your brdx right uh and we'll probably i'll show you that as well it's basically the physical bridge and i'll show you that once it comes up a few simple settings like for example uh cirros is a image a very let's say lightweight image which you can then use to create instances inside your cloud right because what you're doing right now you're creating your own open stack which means you would need some images to spin up those instances right in your amazon aws you have those aws ami image right or ubuntu or linux similar to that a very simple small lightweight i think it's like probably less than 20 mb right it's a very small operating system which you can use to test your instances so i'm downloading that as well uh with the setup right so all of this gets done with the script when the script is basically run initially to install the openstack right so that's my configuration so what i'm going to do now is let me just grab all of that right and let's copy that make sure that it doesn't have any typos and stuff because if it is then it's gonna fail right so i'm gonna say local uh what local dot conf okay nano it and paste it um okay and exit it okay that's it so that's that's mainly what you want and only next step is to initiate the script so what i'm going to do is i don't want to start the script from a remote shell because you know if the remote shell closes then my script will basically stop working so i'm gonna go back to my workstation i'm going to go to my secure crt that way i can log everything happening so i'll you know connect to quick connect and i'm gonna do what correct username openstack okay and uh let's probably say connect accept and save uh the password is what i think i used that is correct yes that is correct and let's clear the screen remember always you need to go to the user called stack which you just now created because that is the password uh i less that's correct yeah so that's the password less sudo right it can do any pseudo activities without having to put in password so that's the cool thing about it okay so next let's get to the home directory let's clear the screen and once we're in the home directory let's get to the dev stack folder and if everything is good what should happen let's see if the interface is good yes interface is good so now let's start the script guys so i'm gonna say dot slash stack dot sh all right so there you go now this will do this will go on for a long time i think uh probably around maybe uh 40 50 minutes or so uh but that's mainly i think if you have done till here you have done with the major stuff right now let's keep this running as is let's not touch it and be back once this is completed uh once this is completed we can i'll quickly show you around probably the uh dev instance which we have set up maybe even if time permits we can even set up a small instance and i'll show you the how do you how you can create an instance in your own cloud right cool so i'll be back so we are back um looks like uh it's installed and you should see something like this right the the final screen should show something like this and it should also give you the ip address of where your open stack got installed and the services right horizon is also one more services the basically the gui which you see that is nothing but the horizon service basically ties back to what i was telling earlier right all these services in openstack they are named in a unique way keystone is the other service so it's basically telling us that look this has been installed and it is giving us that there are two users one is admin and demo and both of them have the password called pass which i set with the local.conf okay and we have installed the version called victoria so all of that information will be available for you over here okay now before we get into the gui part let me do just couple of small things um let's actually uh let's actually get into the open stack by first let's do one thing so let's actually source the username and the project which is going to be admin because we need to clean up the images which are there so that it becomes easier for us in future right so let me see if i can do that let me just clear the screen a little bit so that you guys can see okay so uh let's source so inside the dev stack um inside the dev stack folder there'll be a file called open rc so we are sourcing that and we are providing the username and the project name as the uh parameters right and you'll understand what is this admin and stuff once i show you the gui but bear with me for a minute right now i can just run open stack um image list right so this is basically how you can access openstack using the cli right so there you go so it's listing the images remember the zeros image which i mentioned it explicitly in the local.conf so that got installed and it looks like the fedora has also basically come in as part of the openstack image list now what i want to do is i don't want such huge names rather i just want to go ahead and rename them so what i'll do is i'll say right okay open stack open stack and i'm going to say image set uh what is the name of this image this is that fedora image so let me grab that right and i'm going to rename it to something like simple which is my fedora right instead of having such a huge name okay so that should have changed now we can just if you want you can double check let's run the previous command there you go right see we have to rename that huge image to something like parallel so let's do the same thing uh with the other image as well right so let's do that image set let's give the name of this huge image over here right and let's uh name this to what i'm going to say is okay so because i had to do changes to the openstacks stacks image list that's why i had to log in using the admin project and the admin username right now that that is completed you guys can quickly see the openstack image list looks good right so that's all probably from the cli part now i think we are in a good place to go and quickly uh look at the gui right so once we look at the gui we'll just tinker with it a bit and we'll call it a day with this video okay so how do you get in 192 168 0.135 right that's the ip address of the uh open stack there you go that's what you get uh let's login by what uh let's actually first log in with maybe um actually let's do uh let's log in with the demo user so openstack uh like i said identity uh is a very important part of openstack right so you can have different groups of users basically very similar to your regular cloud deployment right you can have users every user will have a role like particular user can be a member of a particular project whereas it can he can be probably admin of another project right so you can you can have one user working across multiple projects and so on right but let me just uh log in with the username called demo for now right which we saw uh was already installed and the username is pass sorry password is pass so let's get in there this is how the default home page looks like right and you can see here i've logged in with demo and on the top you can see the projects right we are in the demo project right now the first thing you would probably do is you would go down to this thing called network right because i think this would again become very clear when you look at this there you go right so what do you see you see something called as a public network there is something called as heat net right this is mainly for the orchestration part and then we have something called private and then you have the shade okay i really don't want this heat network so i'll basically do some changes here and i'll show you how to do that right so this is the this is literally the network topology so all the vms which you create in your again try to always think in terms of your public cloud right you always create your vms in a private vpc over there right so this green bar is where you would basically go and connect your vms generally right and then if that vm wants a public uh internet access uh it would basically get it using a router so what you see here in the center is a router right but let's not jump to ahead let me do this step by step first let's get rid of this heat network so it comes by default mainly for some orchestration services to run what we'll do is we'll probably go to this router let's go to probably router details there we go it has all the interfaces right and the one which i don't want is this one because this one if you click on here you'll see that it is connected to heat network right so i'm gonna delete this one to delete okay so probably uh let's try that again okay let's go back if we are not able to do that we'll probably have to log in with the admin credits to do that okay let's try that again so let's go to view uh this thing and this is the one the first one so let's go and uh it's the first one yes so let's delete that let's see if that works okay there we go it got deleted so now we should be back here and we should be able to see look at this router it just has now connectivity between the public and the private so we should be able to delete this heat network now let's see if we can do that i'm going to say delete here and there you go there we go that works right so now i can come back to the network topology and we can see that we have cleaned up we just have the public network and we have the private space and you can see the ip address subnet also over here right it is 0 0 0 26 looks like this is another network which has been created by default we don't want that so we'll sign out quickly out of demo and we'll login using admin because it's a shared network right only the admin user can fix that or remove that edit it right like i said i mean openstack um has different kinds of users right you know this admin user has literally all the privileges so with this admin user i can go to network topology and probably i can click on this guy here okay and let's say delete hope that works and that did all right so that's good so what i'm going to quickly do is we are done i mean i don't want to use admin so much right this is what you see with admin right so you have the admin project and admin is the guy who probably manages the whole openstack right um i mean if you let's say you are creating you are setting up openstack because you are a cloud vendor right you wanna you you you have a bunch of resources and you don't want them to be idle so you're spinning up a open stack uh you know you're basically spinning up your stack and then you're let's say leasing out um your cloud resources for other customers right so in that case this admin is the is is basically the role which you should assume because you are the owner of this whole openstack environment so you you would need all the privileges so admin will be you right but at the same time uh if you are leasing out your environment to say multiple customers right so you have customer a b c so in each of that um customer uh you can again have different kinds of roles that you can you can have something called domains and you can have a domain admin and so on so uh again i'm not gonna get into too much of openstack because that's not the goal of this so let me sign off of that let's get into demo i'm gonna say pass sign in don't save now it should all look good so let's get into networking network topology and yeah there you go right you have the public and you have the private and you have the uh you have the router in the center and it is telling that there is one interface which is connected right so if you now have you start spinning up your vms over here it will have connectivity of the outside world via this router okay uh that being said let's play around a bit here what do we have apart from that okay so let's so this is a very nice way there's also a graphical way of showing what we are doing right so if this is basically you know you can say toggle labels and it's going to show that this is your public this is your private and you can see a router is connecting your private network to public network okay anyway let's come back here so what we'll do first is let's probably try to um create a new network right let's create a new network uh so we're gonna say create network right and uh what do you want to call this this is say something like a it could be anything let's call it as a database network right so uh generally what you have i mean uh imagine imagine you're deploying a normal application right you would probably deploy your application on the i mean you would deploy your instance on the private network and you would probably want to keep your database separate in a different network right so i'm going to call that network as a db network can be anything any name right should be fine so i'm gonna say db dash network and i'm gonna say next subnet so for the this one is when i'm gonna say db supplement right think of think of a typical three-tier you know application right you have a front end you have a you know you have a front-end you have a logic player and then you have the back-end right so very similar to that um what we are trying to do here is uh we are first creating a separate network where our database is going to reside okay so we have the db subnet here you can you will have to give some kind of a subnet so i'm going to say 10 dot say 100 dot 100 maybe dot 0 slash 24 right random ip address should be fine gateway not needed let's say next and that should do it i'm going to say create okay in few seconds that should show up there we go so we've got uh i don't know if you can drag this probably or not okay but anyway so i mean i was hoping this guy to probably show up let's see normal okay so i can't drag it that's where anyway so uh basically this orange network is the one which just showed up i was expecting it to come to the right hand side but it's just uh how it showed up that should be fine uh but anyway so that's what or you can probably have a look from here as well right so this is what you had i just created a new network called the db network okay cool so but what's the point of just having this right uh the next is we need a router we need a router which will connect this db network to your private network correct so that right now it's completely isolated even if i put my database on this network it will not have connectivity to whatever is else is happening right so let's do that so we'll need a router so i'm gonna go here and say click create a router and let's call this as the db router technically it is connecting uh db and the private subnet but let's call it as db router it's fine just for example right cool so we've got that and what else so i'm gonna say create router there we go right so db router got created again you can go to this nice view see these both are isolated now right so what you've got to do next is let's come back to this one and here you can go to the view router details and here you have a tab for adding interfaces okay so we'll say add interface and let's add an interface for what uh we will first select probably the tv network right and we'll say submit so one interface got uh created let's wait it's getting created there we go got created we can actually go to the topology and see that interface right there we go right so db router the one interface has already been connected the other interface we want is we want it to be connected to the green network which is the private network right so again let's come back here also also observe that the green network is already connected to the other router at the interface 1001 right so that ip address is already used so let's see what happens now let's come to viewer after i'm going to say add another interface and this time i'm going to select the private right the one which is remaining so when i add this there we go we get an error it's telling that i'm not able to add because the ipaddress is already being used 1001 right so we will have to explicitly provide an ip address so i'll say private and this time you know to get around that error what i'm going to do is i'm going to say let's use a different address 100 maybe 3 right let's do that let's say submit so that should work let's wait okay there we go right so that came out very well give me a second so we've got all the interfaces up let's go back to our network topology and uh technically everything should be good right the diagram looks a little weird because you know technically if this bar comes to the right it would be easier to view but i think it's understood right you have the public network here the router you're connecting it up to your the private network and then you have the database network which is also connected to uh via a router to it right so that's how it is or if if this makes more sense i think this is also good right you've got the public uh then you have the private then we created a new network and we connected it to the private network using the database router okay now what what do you do normally in a cloud right this is basically the vpc part we just set up a virtual private network right we set up a new network and we basically went and put our database and we have not put database yet in it we have just created a network for our database what we'll do next is we'll launch an insta will basically launch a instance because that's the whole point right we would want to create an instance that's what we do like a ec2 instance let's call this as my instance maybe right could be anything so i'm going to go with that name the availability zone very much to what we have in your normal cloud right uh you can see here right now we just have one uh az um again all of that can be customized changed we're just keeping it to default source uh i don't want a separate new volume to be created first of all i'm running low because it's just a vm so i'm going to say no it let's not create a new volume in itself uh rather it's gonna use existing volumes uh we'll actually create a separate volume later if needed just to play around but for now that's what we are going to do uh and we want the image to run on this instance right do you want to ubuntu do you want red hat whatever in our case we are going to run something very small which is that's why we had you know downloaded this as along with the you see it's as small as 12 12 mb which is pretty small okay what else now let's go to the flavor part isn't this very much um you know like this is pretty straight forward right when you look at the flavor you get you get the feel of it this is very similar to how you select in your normal public cloud as well so in my case i'm basically going to select uh something very small which is m1 my timing which is just 512 ram and 1gb disk that should be fine next let's go to the networks sorry networks right so in the network what do i want i want this instance to be hanging off what private right network because this is the instance this is like the front end i think of it as a front end uh or maybe uh yeah think of it yeah i think uh friendly problem friendly instance right which is basically running um some code on it right so yeah that should be fine one second yeah so that's basically selected um so i mean again there's a three pair architecture right so it's a typical web application what you're gonna have you're gonna have a front end a backend and a database right in a typical application so you can think of this as anything i mean in the database network we haven't yet put a database but what we are doing is right now we are creating an instance and we are putting it in the private network so maybe you can think of what we are doing right now as the uh back end maybe right we are just creating an instance for the where the back end code is going to run all right so we have selected that what else ah once that is done i think we are done with all the mandatory selections we can say launch instance so we are running we are going to launch that small linux which is there uh the zeros right we are basically gonna run that right now so there you go you can see it's all coming up maybe you can click here and you can see the instances attached to the private network it's right now in the build stage so it's not still up we have to wait for few seconds for there you go now it is active right which means it is up cycle very similar to how you have in aws you can click on open console and a new window will pop up and there you go this is your typical your typical machine right so let me just login to this the user is zeros and the password is go cups go okay so there you go that's your linux shell i can run some very simple commands right i can do something like ls or what else you want to do we can probably do ip addresses right this is the ip addresses which it has obtained you can see 10 0 0 29 is what it has obtained we can see the blocks right ls bl k right so you see the disks which are attached is also shown so right now you see there is just what vda right but next what we'll do is we'll actually just come out of that what we'll do is right now you just saw that that is just vda let's actually attach the new volume to this okay uh so let's do that before that let's also go and see the view instance details let's see what we can get from that you can see all the instance information is here you can see the specs it was launched on m1 dot tiny you have one cpu one gb and so on okay all right so what else so now let's go and create a we'll create what we'll create a volume for this guy okay so maybe from here [Music] can we do that attach attach a volume or maybe do we want to do it from the left side maybe we can do it from here okay so let's go to the volumes here and there you go you get the option called create a volume right now that is there are no volumes so i'm gonna create one right we could give any name we can use something called my volume here right and keep everything default we're gonna use as small as 1gb as the volume and let's say create so once the volume gets created right right now it's all showing no what you need to do is you need to attach that you know so you go to manage attachments and you take that volume uh and it's yeah so you need to go and attach it to the instance which you created so this one i'm gonna say attach and in few seconds you should see that particular volume should complete you know attaching to the instance and in the status it should show up as in use there we go perfect looks good uh we can also click on the instance here and we can go back to the console right this one right that's the console and the same command which i ran earlier if i run it this time you can see there's a difference right you can see this vdb has come which is the new volume which we basically attached just now correct and a final look at what we did probably let's come back to where is that network topology right this is what we have so this is what we did right i mean i just wanted to quickly show you in this video how what openstack is just give you a quick understanding basically it's the clouds operating system right you want to build your own cloud that's like your first way go and deploy you know openstack because it's free it's out there there are so many networks running here there's so many uh projects worldwide which are using it right and very good support community and so on right and once we talked a little bit about the introduction we moved ahead to install dev stack which is a very simple very small very uh you know portable way of you know deploying it as a vm for you to play around to understand how openstack works and so on right and then finally once it all came up we just played around with the gui a bit right we talked a little bit about the roles you can see right now in the demo role uh but you also have something called the admin and the admin basically has access to the whole infra basically like a super user and everything inside openstack is a project right right now you can see we are inside the project called demo the user is also demo on the right hand side project is also demo right and you want to create more projects you can do that as well right but that being said everything inside openstack is bound to you know a project all these resources are right now bound to the project uh if i go to a different if i had two projects and if i go to the new project this would not show up right think of one project as a customer right uh like aws customer right or if you go to google cloud that literally everything is again called as a project right so you can kind of relate to that so we did that and then what we did was we uh kind of played around with the gui where we kind of initially deleted some extra junk networks which were there then we created um our db network right we attached our uh we because we wanted this given let's look at this one we created our what did we do we created our db network and we did not want it to be isolated so we created a db router attached to the private network and then we went and created an instance as well right and we created the instance we saw that it came up we attached a volume and so on so we basically did everything we would normally do in a typical aws public cloud or any other like gcp or azure and stuff okay hope that's useful and thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: BitsPlease
Views: 1,634
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: openstack, sdn, cloud, devstack
Id: 1uyQUU3gXZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 36sec (3156 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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