OpenAI's DALL-E 3 Just Got Outmatched By This AI!

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Surprising news appeared - an artist spent a 100  hours creating something truly incredible for a   book cover image…unfortunately, only to be accused  having used an AI. However, when I looked at this,   my first thought was that this looks way too  good for an AI image in 2023. Why is that? Well,   look. There is so much detail in this image,  no state of the art text to image AI system   can match it. The resolution of this image, the  number of pixels are just too high. Until now. Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Now, previous techniques already exist to  increase the resolution of input images,   or even videos. This is what we  call upscaling or super resolution,   and it is starting to appear in video games, and  in some cases, it already runs in real time. So,   why not apply it to these AI-made photos,  that should be easier than video, right? Well, not quite. You see, super resolution means  that we introduce new information into an image.   And this new information is unfortunately, not  always what should be there. For instance, text   can easily get mangled in video games. If we have  a stationary photo that we would like to frame,   it better not have artifacts like this, right?  So, is all hope lost for high-resolution images? That was what I thought, until  I saw the news from Midjourney,   a popular text to image AI system, which can  now create incredibly detailed, high-resolution   images with a recent update. And the results  are truly insane. How does it work? Well,   you first generate a lower resolution image,  these are pretty good, however, when we start   zooming in, we start to see the limits of this  resolution. But then, hold on to your papers,   because we can ask it to perform 4x super  resolution, and then, this happens. There is   just so much more detail in these images, I am  completely stunned. Wow. This seems like years   and years of progress, and it just dropped a few  days ago in an update like nothing had happened. Now, other super resolution or image  upscaling systems also exist. In fact,   they are in abundance today. We have  so many options. However, this kind of   quality is beyond what I have seen from other  solutions out there. According to other users,   it is perhaps matched only by the Gigapixel  AI system, I gave it a brief try and did not   have too much luck with it so far. It is also a  standalone application, which is not necessary   when it is built right into the text to image AI.  For me, so far, this workflow has been unmatched. And it just delivers over and over again. My opinion is that these techniques  are deceivingly useful. You see,   you may often have an image that is a  regular photograph or an AI-generated work,   where you love the image, but the framing is not  quite perfect, and you would only like to use   one small part of it. However, when you do that,  you take the parts that you like, and suddenly,   there are just not enough details for this  image to stand on its own. And in these cases,   these super resolution techniques can  make or break that image. Loving it. Now, not even this new technique is perfect, not  even close. In some cases, excessive smoothing   happens, which is quite curious. Look. You would  think that this is the low resolution image,   and this is the upscaled, but that is  not the case. Due to this smoothing,   details are not only not added to the image,  but some can even disappear in the process! But,   in return, the overall image and the  edges of the objects are way sharper,   so there are cases where this is a  trade off that we have to consider. And, my goodness, through the  power of AI research, today,   everyone can experience the amazing feeling of  their artistic ideas coming to life. There are   already systems that even work on the phone  in your pocket. Wow. And to think that text   to video also exists, just imagine that soon,  this is what will happen to videos too. Soon,   everyone will be able to become a movie  director, first, for at a small cost,   and then, over time, all this will be free  for all of us. What a time to be alive!
Channel: Two Minute Papers
Views: 68,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai
Id: LfjwO5RKkZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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