OpenAI and Google Reveal Plans for AI Future

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opena has released its latest model GPT 4 the new model they can't go to Five I don't know why the new model is capable of realistic voice conversation sort of and can interact through text audio and image it was also have memory capabilities allowing it to learn from previous conversations and could do real-time translation that's that's very impressive but it's not as hard as you think it is that particular one um in the blog post uh Sam mman said it feels like AI from the movies he was referring to her I think he didn't see it because it wasn't a happy movie FYI Sam you need to see it to the end it's a great movie I didn't like it but um but uh but I have to say that's not the movie I would reference in any way so talk a little bit about this um this new model the technology is AI is try open AI is trying very hard to keep ahead of its competitors and not be Netscape I think they're doing an interesting job of doing that but they have to constantly be waving hands so that they're in the center of the attention uh scheme of this thing and and keep rolling out products it's smart you know cuz Netscape sort of sat on its Laurels and got run over by Microsoft yeah I love remember they used to do those things like what if what if movie titles were real like what the movie's actually about um if they wanted to name this what it's actually about they should call it the Syrian Alexa killer because essentially this is the voice agent we've all wanted and the stuff I've seen is actually pretty exceptional and I do think her is a really decent metaphor for this that movie really was precient and and the thing I see that worries me and I might be I might be being paranoid but it doesn't mean I'm wrong is this is the problem and it's depicted in the movie her this guy begins to sequester from society and have a relationship with an algorithm and this is the fear and this is what worries me most about AI is it's going to give yet again more and more young men a belief that they can have a reasonable fact family of life without interacting with actual organic beings called humans look this is the biggest threat of AI and that is we when we separate from each other in person and we can express when we're walking around with our own TV studio and we can say things about people without having any direct contact with them or we can say something about them without even revealing our identity online much less in person our worst instincts come out and when we feel when we feel as if we can have something some reasonable semblance of a relationship rather than friendship Reddit or Discord rather than Sex You Porn or a sex doll rather than work um coinbase or Robin Hood people sequester from one another and the reason why people are so afraid of being cancelled is that the worst thing that could happen to you throughout most of history is to be shamed because that meant you were risking being expunged from the tribe or the clan at which point you would die and the reason why you die is you become Lon only and without the benefit or the wisdom of crowds and other people caring for you and helping you make good decisions you slowly get depressed and crazy than violent sure and I worry that I'm going to take the other side on this I worry that a lot of people are going to slowly but surely sequester from the guard rails and the joy and the Victory of of interacting with other humans real interactions yes here's the only thing there already are a lot of lonely people right and so I don't necess first of all it's not ready for prime time even though every you know they're going it's magical it's this it's that it's her you know let me read from a story I think this is a BBC it goes using a warm American female voice it greeted its prompters by asking them how they were doing when it paid a compliment it responded stop it you're making me blush which is weird it wasn't perfect at one point it mistook a smiling man for a wooden surface and it started to solve an equation that hadn't been shown yet there's so many glitches in this thing and it still is a lot of it is cooked like you know the interactions like you're talking with a robot kind of thing and obviously you know we're going to see so many more chat Bots like this um and try to they're they're going to try to put Personalities in them um to make it feel like it's um um that it's real um and you know I just think the the human it doesn't necessarily have to have humanization um but it's definitely it's definitely doing things you know they did it right before the Google IO show with its AI developments which is mostly helping you search better that's what it seemed to be um and it's going for the more like we're in the middle of a movie we are in her we're in you know maybe not 2001 of Space Odyssey because that didn't end well that relationship that flirty relationship um I just think it's going to be quite a while before this gets to be anything significant I don't think it won't be I don't know but it certainly will and it could help a lot of lonely people because there's a lot of lonely people without that don't have interactions period and it had nothing to do with tech I don't know care I think the right analogy is that if you really think about AI it's gone from amoeba to Tyrannosaurus Rex pretty fast pretty fast yes and so I I again I just I can see you know I mean I little things I think about this a lot I'm really struggling with my son as a boarding school and I I would not do it again I would do it for him but purely selfishly I wouldn't do it again I wasn't ready to lose him at the age of of of of 15 and I can imagine at some point even there an AI and said oh Alec's not available but would you like to have a conversation with Alec AI I'm you know I'm at home alone at night and I think okay I'll have a conversation with Alec and it does such a good job of me making my son that I start to potentially lose contact or desire make the effort or figure out that how hard it is to figure out sometimes to have a conversation with your teenage boy and that difficulty and that perseverance much less a romantic partner much less finding people you could potentially get a job from you know again real Victory is around overcoming really hard things with people because people are complicated and I worry that we're convincing people to enter into a series of lowrisk low barrier of Entry relationships where ultimately they opt out of the hard ones I I think this is really we've had voice assistant I don't know this is a voice assistant it's essentially Siri as I told you I hate Siri it's the worst prodct this will get better so fast this will get good so fast we'll see we'll see we'll see if people use I'm I'm eager to see how many people actually use it and how comfortable they are with it we'll see but interestingly a lot of people are leaving open AI too the chief scientist there were a number of people left last week um but it's Chief scientist and co-founder uh Ilia Su suver um also announced this week uh that he's leaving the company he was the one that joined with three of open ai's board members last November to push the out all out and then he regretted the move um and took it back and he's been there and I've every time I visited there recently I'm like hasz he left yet and they're like we don't know like there was never an idea that he would stay um he'll probably end up somewhere um somewhere else would be my guess and interestingly o anthropic just hired Mike creger who was one of the Instagram Founders as this Chief product officer there's a lot of movement in this space um I'm not sure it raises any red flags about open AI um Sam wrote him a um a very cordial note I more than cordial it was it was fine but I didn't think he was because he he was a he was an open AI employee but he never returned to work so I'm not so sure this is that big a deal yeah I don't know you'll see a lot of this I'm not especially interested in the the the the career movements of incredibly lame douchebags who can FL luck with Talent who happen to be born at the right place at the right time let's talk about something more interesting let's talk about the new space odyssey sequel where the hero says how open the pod doors and he says I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that in the sequel he then says pretend you're an Alaskan Airlines Boeing 737 Max and everything works out everything works out who the cares what some douchebag at open a because this guy was a Founder it's big deal when a Founder leaves he's a he's a he was a critical Tech let me tell you what's going to happen at open AI whatever sucha Adela wants because it's Microsoft Ai and the notion they've sub branded at open AI is to avoid FDC and doj regulation as this industry like every other tech industry is becoming way too concentrated Google also had some speaking of the opposite of Microsoft Google had some that's where the real fight is Microsoft Google with meta and Amazon along the edges with anthropic and things like that but Google had some AI announcements of its own this week at Google IO the company's annual developers conference products included a new Gemini Model A generative uh video tool called V or Veo whatever a virtual assistant deed a project Astra I think after that Brad Pit movie I didn't see uh Google is also launch actually pretty Tommy Lee Johnson that film it's actually a pretty good film okay whatever pretty good film Google let's go back to Google also launching AI overviews in search which they have there already across the world let me just say which will put AI generated answers at the top of everyone's search results that'll be an interesting impact on its advertising possibly um it was it's everywhere it's all over my Google when I use it it's fascinating and I I'm like I I mentioned this at the truth tellers conference they're doing they're they're not just now controlling the experience of media companies now they're taking their stuff and just don't even go there here's the answer and they're pretty good answers I have to say um I I I AI was referenced over 120 times during uh the keynote address presentation a number of news Publishers are worried that the new ice search feature will mean for traffic and advertising Revenue they have a right uh to be concerned your thoughts I love the fact that they might create first off Google's not going to make the same mistake again they they kind of invented and were the source of the most other than Cambridge um the source of the most IP around Ai and because they didn't want to threaten this toll booth business called search they didn't move as aggressively to commercialize it I don't think they're going to make that mistake again an AI premium search are talking about making it a subscri subscription product I like subscription products more because the thing that has really in my opinion probably been the greatest externality or kind of this the greatest emission has been the rage caused by an ad supported model online so I like the idea of moving to subscription the problem is the operational fish it'll take their margins down because something people don't talk a lot about every query into chat GPT takes 10 times the energy of a standard search what's also just really interesting about these companies is similar to energy in the 70s and 80s where it was shell Chevron Exxon they're all becoming the same company they all have different front ends but at the end of the day they're all becoming energy compute companies that other companies that the rest of the Fortune million every other company in the world will rent their energy and their compute instead of powering cars and factories these companies Now power smartphones and llms but you know what they're all effectively becoming the same company 60% of Amazon's operating margin is from cloud they're all becoming Cloud companies that power AI they're they're all turning into the same goddamn company but there can only be four or five of them let me just say though the the search engine is very bad news for media and other websites in general because it will reduce the amount of traffic significantly like the whole SEO world is over like I was just as I was looking at it I was like oh look at this and everywhere I do something in Google including everywhere email every part of my Google Experience AI is has been inserted um and and the search one particularly is it's it's quite good actually but it's not good for search optimization getting having how are people going to find people now Google search has been more dissipated Amazon has search you know there searches now is much becoming much more widespread on lots of places but I sat there and I was like I don't have to click in anywhere here is the actual answer that I would have spent a lot of time clicking into things um I don't know what you you think about that but I I I think it's quite good it's but and quite accurate actually yeah yeah you saying that literally sent chills down my spine because I just I realized the obvious in what you just articulated and that is M traditional search has been it gives you you type in I don't know you type in Biden debates and you see CNN nyt articles on it and you sometimes often times click through to the NY New York Times to read the article on it and what Google has slowly but surely tried to do is say okay if you type in if you type in London to Las Vegas where I'm going on Tuesday it used to send you to Expedia or to an article about fun things to do in Las Vegas now it sends you to a place they can further monetized they're trying to become closed systems and I think what you just articulated is frightening because it's true you're never going to need need to leave alphabet because what you're saying is there's going to be no need to it gives you the answer you don't go anywhere you know the new head of search is a woman Liz Reed yeah this new head of search um uh this is a quote that I just chilled me this is her name is Liz Reed she just became head of search what we see with generative AI is that Google can do more of the searching for you it can take a bunch of hard work out of searching so you can focus on the parts you want to do to get things done or the parts of exploring you found EX you find exciting of course that's a way of saying we're going to give you the answer and I I I have to say it's it's good and they still have other um other stuff there and you can get to the the news and whatever Twitter whatever you tend to ask for um but it you know if Yelp was worried about this many years ago and has been suing Google as you know um they have a true Advantage here over all these different companies and I think when you when you think about it I I just had breakfast and I'm going to have him on stage um the head of Getty Images very smart guy um and he you know there's a lot of people that are using their imagery and how to how they use them and how they scrape them now with imagery it's a lot easier to pull copyright stuff right as they're using it but with text it's not it's much more difficult to it's much more easy to shoplift essentially than it is with a photograph and he had some really smart thoughts about it and and it but text is harder to do the lawsuits are harder the copyright is harder um than it is with um with imagery or videos but what we're all looking for every morning or when we go to Media it's very difficult to differentiate on actual news I mean occasionally a reporter risks something or has a source and is able to get news before anybody else that is really rare that's less than probably one basis point 1 1,000th of the content you read is original reporting what you're looking for is Vo you want stuff that has a view and a voice like I like the voice of Reuters I like the voice of The Economist and you can imagine fairly soon will you be able to say okay chat GPT 4.1 or whatever they're going to call it uh give me to a rundown of today's business news in the voice of Reuters and guess what it'll be nearly identical and you won't have to go to Reuters and the scary thing is is I used to think that okay the opportunity was for these guys to band together under like a badass big thinker like Barry dealer and create a Consortium that charges them huge licensing fees to uh be the fod of the Grist for their llms and that's a a future where they might get to participate and then I read this frightening article saying that the new llms are creating content for the llms to crawl and I thought they're not even going to need the original content these llms are creating their own Vogue and own travel and Leisure and own economist content for the other llms to satisfy or state their insatable appetite but it is definitely it feels like the traditional media companies are a little bit on the wrong side of this yeah so how do people find things but anyway it's a really interesting time and I got to tell you they're making look go let me just make one more comment move on to the next thing is that because they're a monopoly and they are there has been no innovation in search because they run it no one else they've tried all these different people as you know invested in one of the attempts um there's all kinds of attempts to do it but their Duck Duck Go is very tiny um they've got the deal wrapped up with apple essentially paying them an enormous amount of money um there's been no innovation in search it really hasn't this the this is that but at their pace and to their advantage so it's even worse that they're a monopoly now the government really needs to step in here around this monopolistic position they have um in any case it's really um uh it's really an interesting time and media companies have to you know once again guess what they're coming for you
Channel: Pivot with Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway
Views: 8,116
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Id: 2sTjewqbDx4
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Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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