I remixed Open Your Heart into a titan theme for Sonic Frontiers

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Video not made for kids intense screaming music up ahead open your [Music] heart ther baby lightning danger Water Rising  clam s swelling it's such a bad time Shadow   to dark creatures still clouds floting in  the air people R the shelter what's going   to happen to us all the we take all the moves  we make all the great mistake I see the chaos   for everyone who are we what can we do you  and I are the same in the way that we have a   and we won't change just build the table and Ms  there is no way I can live can't hold on much more   but I will never let it go I know it's a one way  tell me now how long this will last I got the this   way no I close my eyes and feel it now I S one I  got to tell i b your heart it's going to be all right let's go ancient SE blazing Shadows keep  attacking up children crying finger I don't know   what it can be but you drive me crazy all your  cunning tricks make me sick you won't have it your way hold but I will never let it go I know it's  a one way tell me now how long this will last   I'm got to think this way I my eyes feel now I  say what I got to tell I'll biger and you will yeah yeah open your eyes open your ey open your  ey open your ey open your ey oh yeah here aome there will be no  future for us here oh the ha got free hold much but I will never let it go I know   it's a one way something now  how this last bring a heart time but I will never let it go I know it's  a one way me now how I last got no I another   my eyes feel now I say what I got to tell  open your heart it's going to feel all right [Music] you're oh yeah you're where's that damn fourth Chaos Emerald  yeah I'm going to destroy this damn planet
Channel: Thai McGrath Anime Music
Views: 64,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic frontiers, sonic frontiers titan, sonic frontiers anime, sonic anime opening, sonic the hedgehog, sonic frontiers opening, sonic frontiers anime op, titan theme, sonic titan, open your heart metal cover, open your heart titan version
Id: v1ubCJ7ZrRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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